God’s law of reward: There are 4 R’s which govern the laws of poverty and prosperity: Reward, release, receiving, and reaping. Reward: Luke 10:7 “The labourer is worth of his hire (reward).” Your employer is not doing you any special favour by writing you a pay check, you earn it. Proverbs 28:19 “He that tilleth (Works hands) his land shall have plenty of bread (No work, no reward). Release-sowing: Proverbs 11:24, 25 “There is he that scattered, and yet increaseth; and there is he that witholdeth more than is fitting, but it tendeth to poverty.” Scatter your money, it will increase, and you will be prosperous. Hoard to much of it, and you will be poor.” You mean I have to start giving my money to be prosperous? That doesn’t make sense. Luke 6:38 “Give and it shall be given unto you.”
Receiving Have you ever heard of a farmer who planted his seed and didn’t expect a return. It is godly to give expecting to receive. When God sent His Son, he expected to receive something in return: Sons and daughters. Jesus was a receiver, we see him, receive food, lodging, gifts, and even a donkey.
Reaping Galatians 6:6-9 “Be Not Deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” When will we reap? In due season.
Jesus declared that Mary chose what was better. I claim the guidance and teachings of Jesus Christ. To know that you know that it is the Holy Spirit when it speaks to you. When it shows you visions and speak in tongues. The relationship between you and God is an adventure. He is the aurthor and the finisher of my life. I'm diving deeper into his word in the name of Jesus to edify my spirit man as his words feed my soul and fill my vessel. Lord, hide me behind your cross and shield under your wings. I love you, Jesus.
Oh yeah this frustrates how we as human beings go on our own understandings and we fail to do the best of the many obstacles that we meet on the way, the people that beat up the man are the devil's many traps that hinder us from going on. But thanks to God he sends us help and pays all of our debts leaving us in good hands of His Holy spirit who takes care of us and nurses our wounds to quick recovery.
Prophet Isaac Babatunde Oke on Luke 10:30 - 12 years ago
This is a picture of a Christian that lives the presence of God and defends himself from sin. Wounded devil John 10:10. Need someone to help him out. The only one that can help out of sin is JESUS CHRIST.
If we all live by what Luke is all about, this world would be a better place to live. Love thy neighbor as if you lived next to the Lord almighty himself.
@ fiona's comment on luke 10- WOW! i do not know where to begin with you. i surely do not know what bible you are reading. i am guessing from your statement that you are involved with a charismatic women liberation movement that does not teach and preach the bible. you have missed the character of jesus, paul, and john the baptist to begin with, and i do not believe that you allow the holy spirit to guide you to any truth. if you believe that paul and john the baptist are women haters (misogynist) than you have completely misunderstood the pauline epistles written by the holy spirit. jehovah god does not believe in women liberation and if you do not understand and agree with that, then you are not going to have much success in comprehending gods holy word and becoming in a close relationship with him. paul and john the baptist were both hand picked by god to represent his son jesus christ. i believe you need to humble yourself( james 4:6) and get on your knees and ask for forgiveness. you do not represent the spirit of jesus ( revelation 19:10).
Luke 10:18 When Satan fell as lightning from heaven, he knew that his time on Earth would be short. We must be wise as serpents, and harmless as doves as we witness for the Lord Jesus Christ. Satan has a short lease on this world, and soon the Lord Jesus is going to return to rule as King of Kings, Lord of Lords. The harvest is ripe, the workers are few. Pray that the Lord of harvest will send more workers into the vineyard. Truly we are at the eleventh hour, and what is right our Lord will pay.
It’s quite easy to search the Hebrew and Greek origins of the word ‘’Satan’’ with Google.
Like I found a good article of Wikipedia about that.
I hope it answers your question.
God bless you.
I would like to know how the Hebrew in Isaiah 14:12 translates "Satan" and how the Greek in the New Testament translates "Satan" in Luke 10:18 and Jude 1:6. Can you do this for me? Gee
This verse is actually referring to the house as is the next verse where it says your peace shall rest on it. I wonder about the son of peace being there. Seems like a divine entity. Spirit? Angel? when referring to sons of God, It is angels we talk about, what then the son of peace. A spirit of peace perhaps....more study necessary.
"But one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her." ( Luke 10:42)
There are many things one can have, and also lose.
You can have health, wealth, admiration, family, and friends.
You can have service and works and occupation.
I have been reading "The Three Musketeers," and I saw the sequels, "Ten Years Later," and, "Twenty Years After." I thought, "Wait To You Come To Thirty Years," should be a title of a book.
Within twenty years, there are many pivotal decisions. Did you choose God's way over the world's way? Did you keep the faith, even if it meant not being accepted, or even if it meant being rejected?
Did you keep the faith, when if you didn't, your choice would wound someone; but, if you kept the faith, it would mean your death?
Would you rather have blood on your hands, or your blood on the ground?
Would you rather "get ahead," or, honor your head?
I am curious to find out what happens in the books, "Ten Years Later," and, "Twenty Years After." I am only on chapter eight in the book "The Three Musketeers," but I can already see choices people are making, and, in such, the people they are.
When all is said and done, one thing cannot be taken away from those who choose "that good part."
Many things will pass away - in ten years, in twenty years - in a lifetime; but "that good part" will not be taken away.
Abide in Jesus, and "that good part" cannot be taken away.
This is the one story that should have stopped misogynist Christians like that brute St Paul in their tracks. The one good thing we can say about Jesus is his attitude to women was brilliant. "Don't waste your lives in housework, you have a mind" that's this message. If a woman chooses to study and be scholarly, that's "the good part", wonderful! No wonder women were drawn in droves to early Christianilty. But then, Paul took over, and laid his heavy hand on what had been beautiful, declaring sex to be dirty, virginity higher, and women only the reflection of men. You find me anywhere that Christ took this attitude. Jesus would have despised Paul. Jesus clearly enjoyed life, he enjoyed good food, wine, conversation, he hung out with ordinary people as well as the higher ranks and was obviously a very different type to the hell-fire John the Baptist, or the fanatical Paul. And Jesus loved and was loved by women: why not, when he took them to have equal minds?
God Bless you all and may we see through our spiritual eyes and look beyond prejudices and lame excuses to avoid helping other strangers.
true christianity is a relationship with God who desires that we show mercy respect and love towards fellow men and women and not only that that we forgive those who have hurt us, how can we expect forgiveness if we ourselves are hard hearted towards those who have wronged us dont you think in our sinful life how many times we have hurt God and we deserve his punishment yet we ask for his forgiveness and mercy but fail to forgive and help others in need.
Remember we can dont this on our own so we need to ask the Lord for his strength which will help us and defeat the satanic attempts to backslide
The story of the Good Samaritan is a parable told within a “three part” parable in the Gospel of Luke 10:30-35. The parable is also broken down into a “three part story” within the parable itself. Parables were designed to teach through a story but also had multiple meanings to each hearer with a deeper meaning only understood by the spirit. The same is true of this parable. 1) Part 1. This story discusses Christ’s critical view on the rigid religious class or caste system of the day with the Jewish rules using the Law of Moses for profit and claiming hereditary titles based on ancestors. 2) Part 2. We learn this “good Samaritan” story is the Christian story of how we are to treat our fellow men. We learn that no longer is “an eye for an eye” acceptable to God but that God is no respecter of persons or race and Christ has brought a new gospel with a new way to relate with our fellow human beings. 3) Part 3 is a similitude of Christ atonement for us. We learn that he binds our wounds, heals our suffering, that our fear of death is swallowed up in him and that his unconditional love is held outstretched towards us without compensation. In the same way, Christ, like the Good Samaritan, does for us what we can’t do for ourselves. He 1) provides salvation through his atonement and 2) draws us to him though his compassion and love towards us. We learn that we are not strangers but that we are cared for by Christ and become part of his family. Christ like the Good Samaritan stops to save our life, so that we are not left to die by the road side and thereafter, not just saving our life but Christ also shows compassion and mercy by ministering to us until we are healed and nursed back to health.
Part 1. The Samaritans were outcasts and untouchables in the eyes of the Jews, since they were a mixed race of Jews and the idolatrous Phoenicians that bordered Israel. In the story, the “priest” is likely a Sadducee, a member of the nobility and priestly caste and keepers of the temple, passes a fellow traveler who has been badly beaten and left to die on the roadside, [we are not told but I assume this is most likely another Sadducee], without stopping. Perhaps he is afraid of the same fate, a busy appointment, worried about the cost, the liability of being accused of commitment a crime. No matter, he passes by quickly since there is no profit in stopping. A Levite, another Jewish priestly caste, who also is a fellow Hebrew, also passes the traveler, without stopping. Again, we are left to make the same assumptions. Perhaps he is afraid of the same fate, an appointment, worried about the cost and so forth. Certainly, there is no profit to help the man. We are not told why both men passes without stopping and we are left to determine this for ourselves. The last party is the untouchable caste, a Samaritan, who has compassion on the man left to die. Not just any man, but a Sadducee, a man who should have been helped by his brothers in faith and also Jews. The Samaritan stops and saves the life of the man who has no ability to save his own life, binds the wounds of the injured, takes him to an inn, takes care of the injured, pays for his keep and then returns to see that the man is ok. This man is not related to him by race or faith, speaks a different language, and may be his heredity enemy. It may be that he is not able to communicate with the injured man since they speak different languages and have different customs.
Part 2. This is the familiar Good Samaritan story so often told by Christians. We learn God is not only no respecter of persons or race but that this story is a slap in the face of the Jews in Jerusalem in several ways. Firstly, each person is responsible for their salvation and that God does not value hereditary claims to secure salvation. Secondly, we also learn how we are to treat our fellow man. That Christ’s plan of salvation replaces the Law of Moses with mercy and compassion. No longer is an eye for an eye the measure of how we are to work with our fellow men. In a world of diversity, this message resonates through the ages.
Part 3. This is the third layer of the same story and illustrates that all of Christ’s sermons and miracles were designed to draw people to Christ to partake of salvation and God’s mercy. Christ is the Samaritan, the man who is despised and rejected by the Jews, who brings salvation. He like the Good Samaritan because he binds our wounds, heals our thirst and suffering, and our fear of death is swallowed up in him. Just as the Good Samaritan continued to care of the man after he knew he would live, Christ’s unconditional love is held outstretched towards us without compensation. Christ, like the Good Samaritan, does for us what we can’t do for ourselves. He 1) provides salvation through his atonement and 2) draws us to him though his compassion and love. We also learn that we are not strangers, but that we become part of Christ’s family through his merits. Christ like the Good Samaritan, stops not only to save our life, so that we are not left to die by the road side and thereafter, not just saving our life, but also Christ also shows compassion and mercy by ministering to us until we are healed and nursed back to health.
Part 1 again. Part 1 also has a “three part story” inside the plot. The man who fell among thieves was a Sadducee, a member of the nobility and priestly caste and keepers of the temple. The story tells us that we are not just to show forth charity to just people we know or should know but that we should show charity towards people we don’t know and finally, towards people we don’t know and who may be out enemies. The Sadducee represents people we know, fellow church members and people who speak our language. The Levite represents people we don’t know but people that we share a common faith or citizenship. Finally, the Samaritan represents people we don’t know and may be our real or heredity enemies.
well according to Revelation chapter 8 verse 1, it is speaking of that God Almighty himself is silence, he have shout down on many; especially to the grown folks who are over 35; up years of age. for he said that we the grown folk knows better; know right from wrong; when we do not listen to him;apply;comply to him; his needs that is exactly what we as people of his creation is going to faced up with, with plenty of destruction, bad conditions; plus situations. And so, if we as people, especially the older folks who knows better; have the knowledge that God is real; plus he talks and respect him for the person; the God that he is; do the right thing then none of this would or could have happen to us; in the world. But because of our hard head; defiant ways that is why things is going like this, but trust me there are more where this comes from.However, let me tell you something the LORD MEDAD YAHWEH do not abandon his people, his children unless his children; we abandon him first, for he is ah God of love; he doesn't want this for us; for we brought this crisis; dilemma on, why? Because we have sin; done wrong to him;plus towards him;so, what is for him to do? turn his back on us, yust like we did to him; trust me; when he, God Almighty does that, the means he is sick; plus tired of our foolishness; plus stupidity towards.So when he, God MEDAD YAHWEH turns his face; back the other way, that means he had enough; allows the enemy to have his; their way with us, you; the world for being so aunrey; unattentive to him; his needs. So for right now he,GOD ALMIGHTY is very silent, we especially us old folks are practically on our own. Now for the younger children; generation he is attending to their needs, for they don't know as much as us, older ones. For us older ones; generations was to be the ones putting the younger ones in check; plus in order. So you see why all of this craziness is going on, for the seal of protection of us; others is; have been broken, remember when the seal have been broken it means that we are no longer sealed or protected like we was before, now remember the seal have; has many sides to it, for I'm sure it is not only talking about one way. I know this because the holy spirit, MEDAD YAHWEH, GOD ALMIGHTY have told me this, for no one could have given to me this insight but only him, for after all he knows all; plus sees all. shalom for this have been pearl Abiygayil Yisrael B.K.A. disciple Mary for the holy spirit, my dad; God have told me of who I am this day; if it wasn't for Medad Yahweh I wouldn't have known this again. And based on the holy scriptures, the torah; tanakh it can be verified on John chapter 11:1-57, 19:25-27, Luke 10:38-42; plus, John 12:1-3.And so, there you have it.
I pray that you will learn much about the Bible. Pray that God will give you understanding. Read the Bible every day. If possible get involved in a Bible believing Church. You can learn much from small study groups (like Sunday School). Good luck and may God bless you
JESUS is GOD all thins were made by HIM that is cystal clear Luke 10:21 JESUS rejoiced in spirit, and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, that thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes: even so, Father MATTHEW 18:3 And said, Verily I say unto you, Except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.
Receiving Have you ever heard of a farmer who planted his seed and didn’t expect a return. It is godly to give expecting to receive. When God sent His Son, he expected to receive something in return: Sons and daughters. Jesus was a receiver, we see him, receive food, lodging, gifts, and even a donkey.
Reaping Galatians 6:6-9 “Be Not Deceived; God is not mocked. For whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. For in due season we shall reap if we faint not.” When will we reap? In due season.
It’s quite easy to search the Hebrew and Greek origins of the word ‘’Satan’’ with Google.
Like I found a good article of Wikipedia about that.
I hope it answers your question.
God bless you.
There are many things one can have, and also lose.
You can have health, wealth, admiration, family, and friends.
You can have service and works and occupation.
I have been reading "The Three Musketeers," and I saw the sequels, "Ten Years Later," and, "Twenty Years After." I thought, "Wait To You Come To Thirty Years," should be a title of a book.
Within twenty years, there are many pivotal decisions. Did you choose God's way over the world's way? Did you keep the faith, even if it meant not being accepted, or even if it meant being rejected?
Did you keep the faith, when if you didn't, your choice would wound someone; but, if you kept the faith, it would mean your death?
Would you rather have blood on your hands, or your blood on the ground?
Would you rather "get ahead," or, honor your head?
I am curious to find out what happens in the books, "Ten Years Later," and, "Twenty Years After." I am only on chapter eight in the book "The Three Musketeers," but I can already see choices people are making, and, in such, the people they are.
When all is said and done, one thing cannot be taken away from those who choose "that good part."
Many things will pass away - in ten years, in twenty years - in a lifetime; but "that good part" will not be taken away.
Abide in Jesus, and "that good part" cannot be taken away.
true christianity is a relationship with God who desires that we show mercy respect and love towards fellow men and women and not only that that we forgive those who have hurt us, how can we expect forgiveness if we ourselves are hard hearted towards those who have wronged us dont you think in our sinful life how many times we have hurt God and we deserve his punishment yet we ask for his forgiveness and mercy but fail to forgive and help others in need.
Remember we can dont this on our own so we need to ask the Lord for his strength which will help us and defeat the satanic attempts to backslide
Part 1. The Samaritans were outcasts and untouchables in the eyes of the Jews, since they were a mixed race of Jews and the idolatrous Phoenicians that bordered Israel. In the story, the “priest” is likely a Sadducee, a member of the nobility and priestly caste and keepers of the temple, passes a fellow traveler who has been badly beaten and left to die on the roadside, [we are not told but I assume this is most likely another Sadducee], without stopping. Perhaps he is afraid of the same fate, a busy appointment, worried about the cost, the liability of being accused of commitment a crime. No matter, he passes by quickly since there is no profit in stopping. A Levite, another Jewish priestly caste, who also is a fellow Hebrew, also passes the traveler, without stopping. Again, we are left to make the same assumptions. Perhaps he is afraid of the same fate, an appointment, worried about the cost and so forth. Certainly, there is no profit to help the man. We are not told why both men passes without stopping and we are left to determine this for ourselves. The last party is the untouchable caste, a Samaritan, who has compassion on the man left to die. Not just any man, but a Sadducee, a man who should have been helped by his brothers in faith and also Jews. The Samaritan stops and saves the life of the man who has no ability to save his own life, binds the wounds of the injured, takes him to an inn, takes care of the injured, pays for his keep and then returns to see that the man is ok. This man is not related to him by race or faith, speaks a different language, and may be his heredity enemy. It may be that he is not able to communicate with the injured man since they speak different languages and have different customs.
Part 2. This is the familiar Good Samaritan story so often told by Christians. We learn God is not only no respecter of persons or race but that this story is a slap in the face of the Jews in Jerusalem in several ways. Firstly, each person is responsible for their salvation and that God does not value hereditary claims to secure salvation. Secondly, we also learn how we are to treat our fellow man. That Christ’s plan of salvation replaces the Law of Moses with mercy and compassion. No longer is an eye for an eye the measure of how we are to work with our fellow men. In a world of diversity, this message resonates through the ages.
Part 3. This is the third layer of the same story and illustrates that all of Christ’s sermons and miracles were designed to draw people to Christ to partake of salvation and God’s mercy. Christ is the Samaritan, the man who is despised and rejected by the Jews, who brings salvation. He like the Good Samaritan because he binds our wounds, heals our thirst and suffering, and our fear of death is swallowed up in him. Just as the Good Samaritan continued to care of the man after he knew he would live, Christ’s unconditional love is held outstretched towards us without compensation. Christ, like the Good Samaritan, does for us what we can’t do for ourselves. He 1) provides salvation through his atonement and 2) draws us to him though his compassion and love. We also learn that we are not strangers, but that we become part of Christ’s family through his merits. Christ like the Good Samaritan, stops not only to save our life, so that we are not left to die by the road side and thereafter, not just saving our life, but also Christ also shows compassion and mercy by ministering to us until we are healed and nursed back to health.
Part 1 again. Part 1 also has a “three part story” inside the plot. The man who fell among thieves was a Sadducee, a member of the nobility and priestly caste and keepers of the temple. The story tells us that we are not just to show forth charity to just people we know or should know but that we should show charity towards people we don’t know and finally, towards people we don’t know and who may be out enemies. The Sadducee represents people we know, fellow church members and people who speak our language. The Levite represents people we don’t know but people that we share a common faith or citizenship. Finally, the Samaritan represents people we don’t know and may be our real or heredity enemies.
I pray that you will learn much about the Bible. Pray that God will give you understanding. Read the Bible every day. If possible get involved in a Bible believing Church. You can learn much from small study groups (like Sunday School). Good luck and may God bless you