They were not to refuse forbidden foods according to the law of Moses or engage in any arguments about it lest their commission suffer hindrances.Whatever they ate was not important than what was at hand, to preach.
Sometimes we do things which we perceive to be what God wants, like Martha, whereas what we think to be none significant, listening to Him, is what He wants us to be.Man you position according to where God sits, stands and or moves.
Martha was to lay aside her chores and do as Mary did, for Jesus would not be with them in person always.She did not realise how much she had in the house.This goes on to show that it is ideal to be in spirit manner than carnal things when The Lord visits. "Chores " can wait!
It goes on to show that most heathens possessed more of virtue than the followers of law as they showed more of mercy and love than ignorant obedience to the law.The same is with christianity, a true Christian does as per what Christ teaches us to do to fellowman, just as the samaritan did.It is imperative that we apply these teachings to our everyday lives, especially in the small things... and this brings to my attention to those who have been harrassed by life to be poor.Nowadays you hardly find good people to stop their cars by harmless pedestrians to give them a lift, no, we are concerned about our "self ", our good.we abandon the weightier things just as the Levite and the Priest did.Surely, will Jesus recognise His people......TRAGEDY!!!!
My comments are on Luke Ch 10 V 38 42 those verses pointed out the need to stay focused on the word JESUS and not be distracted by worldly things. Jesus pointed that out in his anwser to martha when she asked Jesus to make Mary help her. JESUS said that Mary made a good choice to set and receive the word.
It is best we remind each other of the weapons in our disposal through Christ Jesus. We have tjr authority to destory the ammunition dump og Satan even before he will start his assaults. We have been empowered to be tough in spiritual warfare and be victorious. We have the authority yo cast demons out anf not to negotiate with them to come out. Iy should be a language of force being used to maximise obediance. If only we know our standing in tbe Lord then we will be confident in using that name to a greter effect.
I would like you to see how the Hebrew translate Luke 10 18 first there is no word to translate from the Greek to English meaning fall I beheld Satan as Barak from Heaven
Luke 10 19 is the ultimate wespon besides the blood of Jesus it is the sword of the spirit in action slicing and slaying the devil and his forces of darkness It s Gods reminder to us the authority and dominion we have over him as believers as the word says we are not ignorant of his devices Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever Greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world
Esther O. Azingbo Nigeria on Luke 10:19 - 10 years ago
If we walk in tone with God then the power and the promises of God will be our potion Also oue faith matters a lot The bible tell us that without faith it is impossible to please God So without faith we cannot tread upon serpent and scorpion The key point is that our Faith will determine whether we can tread upon serpent and scorpion or not
Glory after the disciples sucessful evangelism they were excited and told Jesus that even the devil was subject to them but Jesus replied them to be glad only because thier names have been written in heaven so i urged everyone doing the work of God to do it with all diligent so as to make it to heaven i e have thier names written in heaven and do away with canal gains and proud
The power that is talked about in Luke 10 19 only apples to those who take it through Christ Jesus We can over come by the blood of the Lamb also refer to rev 12 11 If the word of God can live in us and we exercise the authority that was given to us then victory is ours every single day
Lesson for the Evangelist; The Master said, the harvest is plenty.He took time to tell them of the consecration required, and probable constraints that are on the way to harvest.Despite the fact that He directed them, He still said, not all would welcome them.We should be conscious of this in our daily evangelistic outreaches.
this mean every when i see the the devil( sickness, death,poverty and demon i must not wait for tomorow i must stop it and destroy in the name of Jesus
Melchizedek gave the tithe to Abraham,in order to get the persons (souls) and seduce Abraham to do evil ie; choose El the Chief god of the cannanites of which Melchizedek was a high priest. v22 and Abraham said No, I lift my hands to The LORD the Real God, I wll not take even a thread or any thing etc, etc. Think about it, King of Sodom is known for what,evil amd worshiped Who, El, the chief god of the cannanites. the reason we do not hear any more about them; the king and melchizedek they were destroyed by God for their evil, etc.
Melchizedek has no geneology, 'cause he was lightening, from the east. see Luke 10:18
it means we have athoritiy through Jesus Christ to stop the enemy in our lives or in others through prayer and stoping satans plans we must fight back with the word of God. the word of God is power. its not us its God but we are using Gods words which is power.. the word of God is power like two egde sword and it stops the enemy in his tracks.. so you must fight back with the word of God. amen to that Jesus did that for us when He died on the cross and was resrected He defeated death satans power. so therefore we do have athoritiy over then enemy through Jesus Christ.. don't let anyone tell you that you don't you do when you use Jesus name and the power He has with the word of God amen to that
Throughout the bibical history we find that the hearts of men continue to be rebellious,so much in the time of Moses, that he was forced to strike the rock and uttered unkind words. This caused him to see the promised land,but could not put his feet on it. Exodus chap.28 also tells us that the rebllious people at the time caused Moses to ask God to send them another leader.The harts of men were hardened during the time of the Judges,the Kings,the Priests,the Prophets,the time of Jesus and the Apostles.It is not different today.With every dispensation the problem stems from the heart of man. Today the message is even much more needed as we can see that this dispensation is coming close to an end.The heart is not the literal (fleshy) heart,but it is the mind;the center of intellegence and reasoning.This is why the Apostle reminded us to have the mind of Christ.
The following Scripture texts will confirm my comments: Job 23;13,Isa.26:3, Luke 10:27, Roms,1:28,&8:7, 1st.Corh.2:16, 2nd Corth. 13:11,&2nd Tim.1:7.
Please study.
Hello Michael, (Rev.3:16) In response to your ? I have to ask....Have you a born again believer? If so According to ( Luke 10:19) You have the power of God that's been given to you to overcome the temptations of everyday life; not that you're perfect, but you now by the Holy Spirit you have access to dumas power of God working for you. I think a great help would be to also stay in the word of God for strength daily. Avoid anything that you know is not pleasing to God wherever you may be. You are never alone He is always with you. Check out this scripture ( I Corinthians 15:33-34) as a reminder of who you are in Christ and that you represent him. YOU are a light in the workplace of darkness, let others be drawn to your light, don't be vacuumed into the negative! AMEN?
The commentary on verses 38-24, above, follows the same bland rationale that I have been hearing for years: the "good part" that Mary chose was to "give herself up to the guidance of Christ". This disregards the radical social challenge that Mary was making in staying in the same room with the men and the "Rabbi". This was forbidden then, and the separation of the male and female congregation is still in place in orthodox Judaism today. Jesus clearly and unequivocally affirms Mary's entitlement to chose that which is "good" and to pursue it, despite cultural norms or religious law. This was revolutionary at that time and probably figured prominently in the opposition to his teaching raised by the Jewish ruling cl***. It threatened to upset a power structure that kept 50% of the Jewish population silent and submissive. Paul subsequently attempted to undo the impact of Jesus' response in this incident; and Paul's misinterpretation of the instruction of Christ has led the Roman Catholic Church into error on the ordination of women. If Christ is King, then any inconsistency between the plain meaning of His words in their context and those of any other disciple or saint, must be resolved in such a way as to affirm the words of Christ only, without ANY ambiguity. Certainly, it is disingenuous to regard this encounter between Jesus, Martha and Mary as a mere homily on submission to the "guidance" of Christ, rather than on doing dishes. Mary was sitting with the men as a student, receiving instruction from the Rabbi, and she was affirmed in this radical act in no uncertain terms by the Master. It is time that Christians "have ears to hear" and carry out the intention of Christ, that ALL of his people be blessed when they have a heart to do ANYTHING that will bring glory to God. It is not for us to tell Christ what limitations will be set on the FRAGRANT offering, "that good part" that may be placed before Him by any person--man or woman.
I love reading the word of God. It help to increase my faith in him and to know that that He truly is a healer. Luke 10:9 And heal the sick that are therein, and say unto them, The kingdom of God is come nigh unto you.
Wow this is just what we need being a leader you have to know you have the authority to tread upon serpents and scorpions, and on all the power of the enemy, and nothing by any means shall hurt you; so when you been hurt you have the
authority to make it go away FORGIVENESS is the Key it is clear nothing shall harm you or me .
I was taught that in order to get the whole roll you must read and understand the whole chapter not just the verse,here Jesus was replying to what the 70 came back to him and said about the devils are subject unto us through thy name,that it it the Lord that does it all since they are only babies it had to be given by the spirit to them to recieved the understanding to know it and for it to be reveal.
Melchizedek has no geneology, 'cause he was lightening, from the east. see Luke 10:18
The following Scripture texts will confirm my comments: Job 23;13,Isa.26:3, Luke 10:27, Roms,1:28,&8:7, 1st.Corh.2:16, 2nd Corth. 13:11,&2nd Tim.1:7.
Please study.
authority to make it go away FORGIVENESS is the Key it is clear nothing shall harm you or me .
Also its not good to keep on begging from one person to another. it creates a bad picture as it potrays one to be lazy