Discuss Luke 12 Page 10

  • Adam - In Reply on John 5:4 - 4 years ago
    Hi Jesse, is your position that Christians never commit blasphemy of the holy spirit? or that they are incapable to? or they don't have the freewill to?

    The Bible says even angels in heaven sinned, because they too have freewill in heaven. Humans have the same freewill, and Christians have the same freewill, do they not? Unfortunately some Christians have turned to evil and denounced faith in Jesus and committed blasphemy of the holy spirit, do you recognize this? Judas did that.

    What is your reason for living life as a Christian or trying to be obedient to Jesus, if it has nothing to do with going to heaven?

    Hebrews 10:26 You said doesn't refer to salvation, except it does. Have you read the whole chapter? How do you feel about James 2:17-26 or John 14:15, or Luke 12:9?

    Many verses say Christians are to be obedient, but are you saying obedience or transforming isn't needed to enter heaven? Do you think there's no downside to Christians following the world of sin? Romans 12:2
  • Bob Hilt - In Reply on John 18 - 4 years ago
    Peter you are right it was the Pharisees who had Jesus killed. Why you wonder

    Luke 12:1 In the mean time, when there were gathered together an innumerable multitude of people, insomuch that they trode one upon another, he (Jesus) began to say unto his disciples first of all, Beware ye of the leaven of the Pharisees, which is hypocrisy.

    Matthew 16:12 Then understood they how that he bade them not beware of the leaven of bread, but of the doctrine of the Pharisees and of the Sadducees.

    Read Matthew 23 sometime and see what Jesus had to say to their man made rules and practices.

    John 8 is another eye opener. Jesus hated hypocrisy and traditions that made the Laws of God void.
  • D W L on Luke 12 - 4 years ago
    Luke 12:10 And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven. --- You can be forgiven if you speak against the Son but if you blaspheme against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven. You may be able to deny or speak bad things against the Son but be careful how you treat the Spirit of God.
  • Mickey on Ezekiel 42 - 4 years ago
    It might be a good time to mention what is the UNFORGIVABLE sin?
    Scriptures>>Mark: 28-29, Luke 12:10 and Matthew 12:31-32

    How does this happen?
    Rejecting salvation repeatedly from Jesus. Your heart hardens like a rock.
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 4 years ago
    The Bible says blasphemy against the holy ghost is unforgivable. Matthew 12:31-32 and Luke 12:10. Presumably everything else can be forgivable, even killing, as that's that Paul did, for example.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello Adam,

    In Luke 12:10 those who were following Jesus did not have the Holy Spirit. He came after Christ's ascension. In John Chapter 7, Jesus said that when the Holy Spirit comes, He will convict the world of sin and of judgment and of righteousness.

    The Holy Spirit comes and convicts a person of their need of Christ. When a person, in their actions and in their attitudes, they speak against or react toward the Holy Spirit and reject Him, then their life is in a position where it cannot be forgiven, even with Jesus dying on the cross.

    A saved person has God's Spirit permanently dwelling in them. As long as we have His Spirit, we have Salvation, and He has promised to never leave
  • Adam - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Hello, what is your take on blasphemy of the holy spirit? Luke 12:10, 1 John 3:6. Since Jesus warned his followers (Christians) to not blasphemy, and since Jesus said it's unforgivable, how do you reconcile this with the belief that a Christian can't lose salvation?
  • T Levis - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Betty, this is a hot issue.
    Malachi 3:10-12
    Mathew 6:1-4
    Luke 11:41-42
    Luke 12:33-34
    Hopefully that helps
  • Barry - In Reply on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    Your words touched my heart and I feel I've been down the same road. God bless you for your words and heart .
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    All Love is given to those who Love others. Never take anyone personnel that does or talks against you. Always carry God's Love in your heart so you can show His Love in you to them. Always keep the Faith inside you that He will lead you to others in need of His Love you carry from Him. Never forsake Others- - for your Heavenly Father never forsakes you. Keep your Father close always! Much Love!!!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    God is with us! No matter how alone you feel- God is next to you listening and knowing what to do to better your life with His Light of Strength. His Love will show through others. For He will constantly be close with His Love by your Faith you show Him. Fight against the World's Ways. Turn a bad situation into a Godly situation. And show someone else needy His Love for them!! In return Praise!!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    Lord show me your strength- - your will-- change my Life for the better with your Love and Compassion you have always given me for helping others. For my final Destiny will be from you!!!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    God is good always. Alone l have stood. Strong in Him. Helping others throughout my life. He put me through most of my life in hardships and alone. So l learned myself to be led by Him in what to do in any given situation. Never in the worlds way- only God's way. Now through looking inside first l can help in about any situation with understanding. My writings show what l went through- 50 years! !
  • Lenora on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    Thank you Marilyn, for your words have encouraged me, and the Word of God in Chapter 12, really spoke directly yo my need. I thank God for restoring my soul as well as my physically healing. Please continue to pray for and with me, as I seek Him the more for me husband children family Body of Christ sinners black sliders. I long for his restoration since my illness. Thanks again for all comments.
  • Lenora - In Reply on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    This really Blessed me and spoke personally to me. I woke up at 3am and could not go back to sleep. As I do often I get up and read online scripture, as some of us are reading a chapter of Luke each day until the 24th of December. As I had Brain Surgery Aug. 5,6, 2015, it left be paralyzed from waist down. I had to learn to set up, walk all over again. My hair has not grown back and when that.....
  • Vanessa - In Reply on James 1 - 5 years ago
    there are many poor who labor hard with very little in return. But Jesus did speak quite a bit on this, Luke 6: 21-22 Luke 12: 32-34, Hebrews 1:3. There are many weak in spirit as well, that need to hear the truth of the Love of God and he sees them right where they are he is with them, and they are not forgotten in his eyes, we too should be more like God he teaches us to be humble, feed them
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    Truth is in his word. As long as there are those that believe his word is inspired, the inspiration of the holy ghost is the very soul of who our god is! For example, Be not deceived god is not mocked, or slack as some men count slackness. Christ wants your love . He is our "on time God". Ever present, omnipresent, omniscient,omnipotent. HOLY,HOLY,HOLY. Take his yoke upon you, let him lead you ...
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    People still have freewill to commit blasphemy and denounce Christ after becoming a Christian, which Luke 12:10 clearly says such a person will not be forgiven of their sins. Sadly some use verses to justify disobeying God's commands and living by the flesh, which is the opposite of what the Bible says. Luke 12:5
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    In your life there are always 2 voices you here. One voice of defeat and one of faith. You are the one who gets to choose which voice comes into your Life. The way-- You speak it out of your own mouth. When you speak Faith, you are in agreement with God.When you speak defeat, you are in agreement with the enemy. Don't listen to the Enemy- talk. You can stop it, by choosing the voice of Faith!!!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    My Father in Heaven-- Hollow be thy Name. That prayer will get you His attention,as would Psslm 23. It is the total respect of understanding who your Father really is to you. He always wants the best for you. The enemy the worse for you. So what are you waiting for? Get on your knees and show your Love for him as he Loves you. Read His Holy Book-- the Bible. Learn to Live by His standards. Always!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    To Live in God's World is what He always wanted us to do. But instead for many others-- they choose the evilness of this world. There is such a difference between the two. In God we put our trust in Him to lead us. In the world's way of Satan'- he is close by trying to destroy. Well, you become one of God's warrior's fighting for others rights too-- as you do for yourself. For God is the Glory!!!
  • Patty Tozi on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    So many hurting people around. Am worn sometimes by the hurting spirits they carry. I try to picture them younger--Carefree and happy. It makes me smile when l do. Then l open up my thoughts to reality, and see how they have become. In these days it seems everything is being exposed for what it is. God wants a decision on what side you will walk in the ending of your life. So- get on your knees!!!
  • Marilyn on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    What a wonderful blessed word . Jesus always tells us exactly how to get ready. I enjoy the Parables because those are life lessons. My Prayer is to be ready when God sends for me. I never go to bed or wake up in the morning ask for mercy, love , happiness each day. I pray about myself and everyone else. I have had so Many prayers answered. My have I had so many healings. I want to live.
  • Freedomborn in Truth... on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    True Glenn, my first Bibles did help me to understand some of God's Truth but after Asking for and Receiving His Wisdom He lead me to use the KJV and I have very much Appreciated that it doesen't compromise God's Truth by sharing Mankind's limited Understanding and their Wordly wisdom.Yes it's been a Needed and a Wonderful Blessing sharing with other Christians on this Website. Blessings-Anne.
  • Freedomborn in Truth... - In Reply on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    True Glen, my first Bibles did help me to understand some of God's Truth but after Asking for and Receiving His Wisdom He lead me to use the KJV and I have very much Appreciated that it doesen't compromise God's Truth by sharing Mankind's limited Understanding and their Wordly wisdom.Yes it's been a Needed and a Wonderful Blessing sharing with other Christians on this Website. Blessings-Anne,
  • Freedomborn - Our Uniqueness on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    We are Unique to God because He Created Us Unique and there is a Place in His Heart that Only We can fill but We All have a Part of Uniting in Him because We became One by The Gift of His Son. This Poem like my other ones was Anointed by God with a Sign and Wonder which I will share more about when I write my Testimonie. God is indeed a God of The Impossible and Oh How He Loves You and Me - Anne.
  • Geraldine Cole on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    Praise god father the son and the holyspirtt they 3 are one.god sent his son to die in our place.thank u god .the son came and he died in our place he had to go back to this father so he left the holyspirtt to leaded and guide us to the truth jesus the son he prayed for us before he left because he knew he was leaving us in a world that hated him so think not that the world love u amen
  • Glenn - In Reply on Luke 12 - 5 years ago
    The King James version is one of the best versions based upon the early text. There are other fair translation. I have found that versions that put a subscript behind Luke 4:4. but.by every word of God .I was once corrected by a pastor.where woman was saved by another version. We must also realizeRealize that pastors give weekly sermons based on their own version and experiences. .
  • Glenn on Luke 11 - 5 years ago
    Our church is having problems with a potential a nasty split. The passage in Luke 12:49:-53 feel happened, Unfortunately my pastor resigned to stop the infighting but there was a group that definitely did not want to see him as our Pastor. The otherYour other unfortunate problem. was they were using their contributes as a way to force a vote that would force the pastor to. resign. I also .
  • Vernon cartwright - In Reply - 5 years ago
    You are asking a great question. We are predestine to be saved. All prevision have been made for your salvation. We must confess our sins, 1 John 1:9. Mark 3: 28,29, all sins can be forgiven accept sin against the Holy Ghost. Luke 12:10, these texts make it clear about sinning against the Holy Ghost. Matt. 12:31,32, makes it clear. It is up to us to obey God's commandments or not. God bless you.

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