Discuss Luke 12 Page 17

  • Paul ndwigah on Luke 12:48 - 10 years ago
    It is upon man to find and know the will of God. No man will escape judgment through ignorance STUDY to know God.
  • Eppy on Luke 12:31 - 10 years ago
    This is how I define A BALANCE LIFE STYLE.
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Luke 12:36 - 10 years ago
    We ought to live in such manner resembling a burning light, knowing that we block any whiff that may turn it off.In our spiritual lives we must never relax even to give in to the sinful pleasures of the flesh, for in that moment 's separation , disaster may strike when the Lord returns only to find us embracing and fondling the whore of darkness.
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Luke 12:20 - 10 years ago
    All life is given of God, if you try to save it for your own selfish gain you will lose it
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Luke 12:18 - 10 years ago
    Surplus comes from God.The purpose of His abundant supply however, is NOT for me BUT for us.When it is for me, problems arise in the form of greed, wanton desire, selfishness, self righteousness etc.
  • Tonbra on Luke 12:31 - 10 years ago
    The kingdom of God should be our ought most desire in all the days of our life.
  • MockingBird on Luke 12:24 - 10 years ago
    Ravins are a nasty bird God feeds them and He looks at us as much better than the fowls.. That is quite a Blessing there. Then God goes on to say oh ye of little faith V.28 inLuke12.God has set us in heavenly places with Him . Quite an adjustment I would say. We I have no reason to lack faith other than I am not in the Word of God as I should be. My mind is renewed daily be reading the Word of God.
  • Toni on Luke 12:24 - 10 years ago
    God will provide for those who trust and call on Him. He is rich in His mercy toward those who love and serve Him. God knows what we need, and in His time, will provide according to His riches in glory. We must be patient, have faith and never doubt God 's care for those who are serving His Son Jesus.
  • D YahlilT on Luke 12:5 - 10 years ago
    Yea this verse I think Jesus meant coinciding with many of these pastors in the world raising their lineups of Dark Angels. I think Jesus maybe means show respect BUT also get them out of your way because they will triple stack God if be and cast them all the same direction just for control purposes.
  • Deborah on Luke 12 - 10 years ago
    I really liked how Donny Explained scripture Luke12 49.God Bless you!
  • MockingBird on Luke 12:27 - 10 years ago
    I work at times so hard to attain and all I have to do is Trust God His Word and Rest in Confidence that he is doing what He said He would do and already has done. Much of the time all I have to do is look into His word and find out what God has already done Take it at face value and believe it and stand on it and receive it. God has already done what He said !!!!
  • Kim Mc Donald on Luke 12:31 - 10 years ago
    God is my Life with out him I would be a mess in all of the things going on in my life. So yes i will seek the kingdom of god first before I look for any thing else in my life God is the love of my world.
  • Sharon on Luke 12 - 10 years ago
    truly he is god of all things and is worthy of all praise amen
  • Donny on Luke 12:49 - 10 years ago
    years i prayed for understanding first thing i read after beong granted undestandind was you cannot share it not to say you cant try but it is something that cannot he learned atudied shared or exchanged and it is futile to try to interpert because thats it you cannot doesnt need interperting also understanding cant be learned talked shared exchsnged simply becsuse it must be sought by each indiviual with dillegeance of heart really it is that simple
  • Oliver on Luke 12:31 - 10 years ago
    I think this page is enough for us to to know how valuable the kingdom is and it has to be our priority
  • Dorothy on Luke 12:15 - 11 years ago
    I like it because it helps me. I read every day some
  • Robert on Luke 12 - 11 years ago
    He is talking about believers and non believers in this verse. You probaly will never hear a preacher quote:
    51Suppose ye that I am come to give peace on earth? I tell you, Nay; but rather division:

    52For from henceforth there shall be five in one house divided, three against two, and two against three.

    53The father shall be divided against the son, and the son against the father; the mother against the daughter, and the daughter against the mother; the mother in law against her daughter in law, and the daughter in law against her mother in law.
  • Jimmy Ray Seiber on Luke 12:51 - 11 years ago
    very good scripture gods word convicts the heart the believer has forgiveness and loves god the word was and is god the holy spirit is our comforter as children of god we want to please god that is what seperates believers from unbelievers farther,son,holyspirit is all one
  • Nomsa on Luke 12:5 - 11 years ago
    My understanding of this word is to always remember who God is in our lives.The Creatorof Heaven and Earth,the Alpha and Omega,the I am that I am,our Healer,Deliverer and His name is above all names the wise fear Him only fools doesn.t
  • Erickaimenyi on Luke 12:24 - 11 years ago
    Truely, He provides for all who call HIM FATHER
  • Oladeji Benjamin Olalekan on Luke 12:15 - 11 years ago
    What appears to me that the Author of Life stands to address is to explain what life is.I think no one knows it better than Him for scripture refers to Him as Author of Life.Sometimes definition of a thing is difficult and option in the face of such dilemma is to describe the concept or a thing itself and this is done by elimination and substitution methods.The method used by Author of Life in that weighty expression is elimination method.He is saying that 'when defining what life means,start with this radical approach:remove from your thoughts and calculation POSSESSIONS'!In the world and its system,they have their measuring indexes of different things including LIFE.But as far as the Author of life is concerned,where the world ends its calculation(that is POSSESSIONS) of what life should mean should be our initial point of separation and departure.We use things in the Kingdom not vice versa.Jesus leaves us to look for meaning of life outside property possession whether in tangible or intangible because they are not part of 'universal set' of what life is.So wealth is a misguided index of what life is.God bless you.see Matt.6:25-34, Jn 10:10.
  • Sunder N. Daniel on Luke 12:32 - 11 years ago
    Lord has declared us to be his children. Therefore he wish to give us good things which we must accept with thankful heart S.
  • Harry grubham on Luke 12 - 11 years ago
    The verses that I believe to be very important are when the Lord tells us not to worry. what good does it do? Trust in the Lord and all will be well with our SOUL! Our body is just on earth a short while.
  • Farzana on Luke 12:7 - 11 years ago
    he is very humble n peaceful.
    he always shows the love n care of jesus
    i like to read it
  • Dixie on Luke 12:6 - 11 years ago
    God cares for all of his creation.
  • John G on Luke 12 - 11 years ago
    Just reading Luke while listening to David Jeremiah. What a blessing
  • Vuyisile on Luke 12:53 - 11 years ago
    Jesus' name will separate families because they will have different faiths and religions.
  • Susanne Rivera on Luke 12:46 - 11 years ago
    The lord of that servant will come at a time when he is not looking for him, and at an hour when he is not ready for him, and he will have him cut in two and will give him his part in the fate of those who have no faith;
    - Basic English Bible

    I believe that the Christian who know God's word but are not prepared to do for His kingdom, play foolishly, waste their time to enjoy worldly and or busy for Him, and act like unbelievers, even though they know His word. They have a responsible but ignore His command, Word. They don't look up forward to Him. Then Jesus will cut them off to put with the unbelivers, hypocrites, and unfaithful. They will receive some stripes to beat in Hell. A verse said that without work faith is dead. Do you agree? Thanks, Susanne
  • Donnycom on Luke 12:33 - 11 years ago
    i think,after reading a lot of commentary on this and other various scriptures regarding actual HARD SACRIFICE to be a christian,that i never knew people could be so clever when attempting to change what jesus said into something more convienant.it is almost laughable how christians want to fool themselves into thinking that they can get fat and comfy and sail on into heaven in an easy chair.jesus was a very UNambigous speaker.talk about when he gets to separating the sheep from the goats...!there is gonna be some surprised people who have been fooling themselves to a very unpleasant end.
  • CV KUMAR on Luke 12:10 - 11 years ago

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