Discuss Luke 12 Page 18

  • Thomas on Luke 12 - 11 years ago
    Yeah! It's The Way an The Truth!
  • Matthew on Luke 12 - 11 years ago
    Please remember that the first generation has been punished by the water, but those who don't believe in Jesus and don’t do his will will be punish by fire. Please if the lord warns you, come back to him and ask forgiveness and do his will ( Luke 12:49).
  • DonToth on Ecclesiastes 9:11 - 11 years ago
    To some, God made a puzzling statement when He wrote that "time and chance happen to them all" ( Ecclesiastes 9:11). We recently encountered some who believe this means that, sometimes, bad things happen for no real reason. This seems to be a position of too much convenience. This position also avoids the diligent study that could reveal what God wants us to know. It bothers us that this position provides an advantage, without realizing it, to those who believe contradictions exist in the Bible. Bad things certainly happen. But it would be completely out of character for the same God who does not forget not even a sparrow, and who assures us that we are so much more valuable to Him. “Are not five sparrows sold for two pennies? And not one of them is forgotten before God. Why, even the hairs of your head are all numbered. Fear not; you are of more value than many sparrows” ( Luke 12:6-7 ESV). Either we are valuable to God, and all that it entails, or we are not. Yet we are to believe God allows anything to happen without a reason. Think about the implications of something happening without any reason. It means one of two things: either God wasn't paying attention or didn't care. That's like calling the Almighty either incompetent or apathetic. We know that neither is true. Consider the following. God is all-seeing, “The Lord looks down from heaven; He sees all the children of man from where He sits enthroned, He looks out on all the inhabitants of the earth, He who fashions the hearts of them all and observes all their deeds” ( Psalm 33:13-15 ESV) Either God is all seeing or He is not and we must deal with the implications that that brings. God is never-sleeping. He will not let your foot be moved He who keeps you will not slumber. Behold He who keeps Israel will neither slumber nor sleep ( Psalm 121:3-4 ESV). Either God is not awake or He is awake and we must deal with all that that means. God cares deeply about His people. “For I am sure that neither death nor life, nor angels nor rulers, nor things present nor things to come, nor powers, nor height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord” ( Romans 8:38-39 ESV). Either we accept what God’s deep caring for us means or we do not. This potentially harmful position must be examined. So we must examine the alternative—that, while God does not directly cause evil, He knowingly allows it to happen. Because humanity has elected to follow its own way instead of God's, "And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them over to a debased mind, to do those things which ought not be done. They were filled with all unrighteousness, evil, covetousness, malice. They are filled with envy, murder, strife, deceit, maliciousness, They are gossips, slanders, haters of God, insolent, haughty, boasters, inventors of evil, disobedient to parents foolish, faithless, heartless, ruthless ( Romans 1:28-31 ESV). God has, in essence, taken a step back from the world when it says it doesn't want Him around. He is allowing its inhabitants to see the result of a life without Him. That result is, from a human perspective, time and chance. Let us repeat, for emphasis: It is from a human perspective that God is not in control, not in His sound reality. From our earthly, secular and imperfect way of seeing things, random chance has its way, against the plan of God. It is not holy, spiritual or perfect to hold the position that things happen without reason. Perhaps you know someone battling a life threatening medical problem. First it is not necessary or essential for us to know the mind of God in this unfortunate situation. Second, it remains true that God can and does provide the avenue of prayer for him/her and all of us around him/her to seek the strength this person and those around them need to continue in grace and righteousness without doubting God. Third, we must not attribute to God what we have no evidence He did. When the elderly die not of disease, but simply the body God meant to be temporary finishes it use, according to the time and will of God. Many people say, hopefully in ignorance, “God took Grandmother”. God in reality simply allowed her soul to rest in Abraham’s bosom after the body served its purpose. This assumes that she was faithful – regardless of how loved she was. Being loved by others is no replacement for obeying God’s plan for our salvation. Though God has not lost the ability to restrain Satan and his demons at will, humanity has forfeited God's protection by turning its collective back on Him. As a result, "Again I saw that under the sun the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, nor bread to the wise, nor riches to the intelligent, nor favor to those with knowledge; but time and chance happen to them all" ( Ecclesiastes 9:11). Another reason, that bad things happen, is the result of humanity's choices; as a result of sin and forsaking God. But none of them happen accidentally or apart from God's will. As it is written in the Psalms, "Behold the eye of the Lord is on those who fear Him, on those who hope in His steadfast love" ( Psalm 33:18 ESV). That is a promise that those who hold that things happen without reason should consider. Everything in life, no matter how minute, occurs for a reason. Nothing, however bad it may seem can justify randomness outside of the will of God. "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with the temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may be able to endure it" ( 1 Corinthians 10:13b ESV). "Behold the Lord's hand is not shortened, that it can not save, or His ear dull that it cannot hear. But your iniquities have made a separation between you and your God; and your sins have hidden His face from you so that he does not hear" ( Isaiah 59:1-2 ESV)."And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose" ( Romans 8:28 ESV).
  • Bryant Fry on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 12 years ago
    Moses here is speaking of the identity of the two genders, and it is a comparison to nature. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 is reiterating the same principle in the church age that we read here in this passage. Just as we are not to change the identity of the genders for any reason, so Paul is saying the same thing in the New Testament. Consider this: God made the gender differences a very important part of our lives. He made the distinctions, not man. He designed the distinctions in hair lengths, and the distinctions in clothing, not man. This nature was established in Genesis and carries through to the book of Revelation and beyond. 1 Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." God still expects us to follow His standards. Here are examples of how God's standards haven't changed: “I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering ( Isaiah 50:3).”
    “ Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? ( Matthew 6:30)”
    “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith ( Luke 12:28)?”
    Isaiah tells us how God clothed the heavens, and continues to do so. In the Matthew and Luke passages, we see that God still has the same nature for grasses that existed thousands of years ago.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 12:20 - 12 years ago
    Jesus has just told a parable about a certain rich man. The rich man had more goods than he could store up, so he thought to himself, without being mindful of God, I shall build larger barns to bestow my goods. Then I will say to my soul, take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. Instead God said thou fool, this night, thy soul is required of thee, and to whom shall these goods be given? We have to remember God owns it all, and we are only stewards. We will have to give an account of our stewardship when we die. To whom much is given, much is required. It is wise to give those goods away while you are living, to the glory of God, and for the furtherance of His Kingdom. Beware of covetousness, for the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of the things that he has. Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.
  • Kenneth on Luke 12:20 - 12 years ago
    I feel it is telling us that all the riches you acquired during this life on earth will be completely worthless when you die. It also speaks to the fact that we know not the hour we are going to leave this life. Knowing this, I think we should put our focus on being ready for heaven at this time. Note that the passage said nothing about heaven or hell, but know you are going to one or the other for eternity. Believe me whatever you leave behind someone is going to enjoy it whether you like it or not.
  • Judy Hall on Luke 12:24 - 12 years ago
    I love the Lord and Luke 12:24 assures me of his Love care for his people.
  • Jim Beatty on Luke 12:27 - 12 years ago
    I've just started reading your post and other people’s testimonies. I enjoy it very much. Would you consider putting the quotes from the "Complete Jewish Bible" by Dr. David H. Sterns on your post also. He is a Messianic Jew and brings a lot of light to the Word of God. Thank you J.A. Beatty aka THE-JAB
  • Jay on Luke 12 - 12 years ago
    Verses 51-53
    1. Simply stated Doctor Luke, through the leadership of the holy spirit, is verifying the fact of being a born again believer who has made a commitment to follow and obey the holy scriptures;
    2. This commitment will cause (cost) division not only among strangers, friends, distant relatives, but also those family members of your own immediate family that do not or have not made the same commitment that we true believers have made;
    3. This is one of several draw backs of being saved later in life rather than being raised in a bible believing, separated family;
    4. In the book of Matthew, Jesus likens the division to a sword ( Matthew 10:34-39);
    5. This is usually a difficult path to trek, but trek we must if we are going to please our heavenly father.
  • Jm on Luke 12:51 - 12 years ago
    The question is what does division mean in its general context? What I have just finished doing is researching the Hebrew versus Greek definitions of division! Through studying I will conclude in saying that we are not getting it because we are interpreting the Greek content when I believe we use the Hebrew definition it means distribution. Deliverance redeems after reviewing these meaning. One would say Deliverer and redeemer of the masses? To separate the few believers from those who are unbelievers.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 12 - 12 years ago
    Luke 12:32 Fear not little flock, for it is the Father's good pleasure to give us the Kingdom. We must seek first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things will be added unto us.
    When we remember the poor, and take up our cross daily we are laying up treasures in heaven that will not pass away. The only inheritance that we should be concerned about, is what is being stored up in heaven. Jesus is the judge, and He will have us to give an account of how we used the treasures that He gave us, for the glory of God. So be like the ravens, who neither sow or reap, and yet our heavenly Father provides for them. So how much greater are we than they?
  • Dan on Revelation 3 - 12 years ago
    0n Rev3:5 ....1John4:5 They are of the World...1John4:3 people ..every spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ... THE SON OF GOD...is come in the flesh is not of God 1John5:5 Who is he that overcometh the World but he that beleveth that JESUS IS THE SON OF GOD Mathew 10:9-10 Whosoever shall confess me before men him will I also confess before my father in heaven....But whosoever shall deny me before men him will I also deny before my father which is in heaven Luke 12:8-9 whosoever shall confess me before men him shall I the son of man also shall confess before the Angels of God...But whosoever shall deny me before men him shall I also deny before the angels of God Rev 20:15 And whosoever name was not found Written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire
  • Carolyn on Luke 12:20 - 12 years ago
    I feel the Lord is teaching to store up your riches in Heaven, for on this earth your inheiritance is worthless unless you have inheirted the Kingdom of God through Jesus. That is the only true thing that matters for everything else will pass away.
  • Takirid on Revelation 7:4 - 12 years ago
    How Many Are Sealed?
    10 Jesus said to those in line for this sealing: “Have no fear, little flock, because your Father has approved of giving you the kingdom.” ( Luke 12:32) Other scriptures, such as Revelation 6:11 and Romans 11:25, indicate that the number of this little flock is indeed limited and, in fact, predetermined. John’s next words confirm this: “And I heard the number of those who were sealed, a hundred and forty-four thousand, sealed out of every tribe of the sons of Israel: Out of the tribe of Judah twelve thousand sealed; out of the tribe of Reuben twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Gad twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Asher twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Naphtali twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Manasseh twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Simeon twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Levi twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Issachar twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Zebulun twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Joseph twelve thousand; out of the tribe of Benjamin twelve thousand sealed.”— Revelation 7:4-8.
    11 Could this not be a reference to literal, fleshly Israel? No, for Revelation 7:4-8 diverges from the usual tribal listing. ( Numbers 1:17, 47) Obviously, the listing here is not for the purpose of identifying fleshly Jews by their tribes but to show a similar organizational structure for spiritual Israel. This is balanced. There are to be exactly 144,000 members of this new nation—12,000 from each of 12 tribes. No tribe in this Israel of God is exclusively royal or priestly. The whole nation is to rule as kings, and the whole nation is to serve as priests.— Galatians 6:16; Revelation 20:4, 6.
    12 Although the natural Jews and Jewish proselytes were given the first opportunity to be chosen for spiritual Israel, only a minority of that nation responded. Jehovah therefore extended the invitation to the Gentiles. ( John 1:10-13; Acts 2:4, 7-11; Romans 11:7) As in the case of the Ephesians, who previously had been “alienated from the state of Israel,” now non-Jews could be sealed with God’s spirit and become part of the congregation of anointed Christians. ( Ephesians 2:11-13; 3:5, 6; Acts 15:14) It is appropriate, then, for the 24 elders to sing before the Lamb: “With your blood you bought persons for God out of every tribe and tongue and people and nation, and you made them to be a kingdom and priests to our God, and they are to rule as kings over the earth.”— Revelation 5:9, 10.
    13 The Christian congregation is “a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation.” (1 Peter 2:9) Replacing natural Israel as God’s nation, it becomes a new Israel that is “really ‘Israel.’” ( Romans 9:6-8; Matthew 21:43) For this reason, it was quite proper for Jesus’ half brother James to address his pastoral letter “to the twelve tribes that are scattered about,” that is, to the worldwide congregation of anointed Christians that in time would number 144,000.— James 1:1.
  • Nana Ama on Luke 12 - 12 years ago
    Wow the words of Jesus is so inspiring. He revealed to us the kind of God we serve. He revealed God as a loving Father who know everything we need and provides them.He urges us not to worry about a thing and that we should just have faith and believe that our Father God is Good.
  • Sherylynn Taylor on Luke 12 - 12 years ago
    this is a great chapter this is the way Jesus walked to always be watching and praying and have your lamp filled with oil like the five wise virgins to keep focused on his coming allways looking. in Jesus Name i pray
  • Big John on Hebrews 6 - 13 years ago
    There are 2 books in the bible that most church leaders, preachers, and teachers had just as soon not 'go there'.. Genesis chapters 1-6; Hebrews... both can be too controversial for many.
    Once one is 'born again', they are a babe in Christ.. but God does not want one to stay a babe: ( Heb 5:13For every one that useth milk is unskilful in the word of righteousness: for he is a babe. 14But strong meat belongeth to them that are of full age,..) God wants does not want us to forget the principles of the doctrine of Christ, but He wants us to grow to maturity and perfection by studying to be doers of His Word and not hearers only.
    Many do not understand ( Heb 5:4-6= 4For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost, 5And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come, 6If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.) Only those that come to maturity and come to know The Holy Ghost personally are in danger of blaspheming against Him. [I am speaking of those that are baptized in the Holy Ghost].
    ( Luke 12:10= And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.) A babe in Christ is not going to know enough about the Holy Ghost [the third person of the Trinity] to speak evil against Him...
    The more mature we are in Christ, the more Christ can use us. At the same time, the more mature we are in Christ, the more liable we are for our actions..
    Anyone that 'feels' the convicting power of God dealing with them when they sin or get out of God's will, is a child of God..
    A lost person can not commit the unpardonable sin; they are already lost.. only a saved person can commit this sin against the Holy Ghost...
  • Danny on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    I'm sure that God loves me and you,it's just amazing how few people know that! because the love of God will keep you, how he said in Psalms 91 how he set his angels in charge of they!! this is divine protection, what more can you ask for, now tell somebody
  • Cyrusthegreat on 1 Peter 3 - 13 years ago
    1 Peter Chapter 3, verse 19 (prison)

    Verse 19 speaks plainly of a third condition, where the just who had died before the redemption were waiting for heaven to be opened to them. After his death and before his resurrection, Christ visited those experiencing this third condition and preached to them the good news that his victory over sin was complete, and heaven would now be opened to them. These people thus were not yet in heaven, their final destination, but neither were they experiencing the torments of hell, from which there is no escape.

    Luke 12:59
    I tell thee, thou shalt not depart thence, till thou hast paid the very last mite.
  • Craig on Luke 12:38 - 13 years ago
    In studying Scripture, it is essential, I think, to know of the background by which characters wpeak and act. I am very interested in learning more about such a background. The religious empirical thinking machine commonly called THE CHURCH is an empty, vain, blinding system of damnation concealing the truth and reinforcing error. If it takes the balance of the rest of my life, I should wish to unlearn what these false teachers imparted to me. In that sense I can only say, that Yahuweh (The original Character removed by such a wicked and erroneous system as I have described) is able to give me and others like me shomar the Hebrew word corresponding to our English WATCH and chachamah another Hebrew word corresponding to wisdom and tahor another Hebrew word meaning cleansing from such an erroneous and wicked church teaching as I have sat under, Craig
  • Gil thomas jr. on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    Who measures how we;ve done in life And judges our success ? Our God, who gives rewards 2 those Who live n righteousness. God wants u 2 spend your time n treasure building His kingdom,not your own.
  • Andria on Luke 12:28 - 13 years ago
    When things are tough in our lives we should remember this verse to keep us strong and know he cares. In these times and the way things are in life- tough. They were bad years ago too, in the years Jes
  • Royal on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    My understanding is that we are living in the latter days and as Christians we need to be vigilant, holy and vocal on things pertaining to the Kingdom or the world will eat us alive
  • Aby on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    i like Mom's comment here GOd Bless you maam for the thoughts you expressed are the same i have. Lord make me humble make me doer and not just a listener may all those who come in contact with me be able to see your love through my actions i just wish and hope Holy Spirit rains down on each of us believers who then can go ahead and tell the good news
  • JEMIMAH MWENDWA on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    should be prepared because Christ will come like a thief no one the hour or time except God himself so we should keep on watching.
  • Mom on Luke 12 - 13 years ago
    We become so focused on the things we have; even some church people get really materialistic about clothing, cars, other marks of prestige and prosperity. It's great to try to look your best, but doesn't all that showiness intimidate and discourage other people from wanting to be a part of the body of Christ? And, like in the parable, you and the things you have acquired can come to a swift parting of the ways. We need to get our focus off the material and onto the spiritual. We need to be reaching out with the gospel to those who haven't heard it, or those who have but haven't taken a step of faith and taken Christ as their Savior. "Only one life, 'twill soon be past; only what's done for Christ will last."
  • Pat on Luke 12:10 - 14 years ago
    I was shocked that alot of people didn't know there was an unforgivable sin in my church. this should be used more in sermons.
  • Mark on 2 Peter 2 - 14 years ago
    I teach a Bible study at a Baptist church and am somewhat concerned over the lack of study concerning the unforgivable sin of which Peter alludes to here. Jesus himself even stated there was a sin for which his blood would not atone...the sin of apostasy. Since only believers can commit it, it falls upon us to sound the alarm that ones faith must be lived actively each and every day. Works alone are not enough, but must be accompanied by a holy attitude and motivations, righteous in nature. This by no means should be understood to say that we are constantly in danger of being an apostate, but on the other hand, we had better be aware of the duty and responsibility of serving our Lord and Savior on a consistent basis with the constant assistance of the Holy Spirit. The price paid for your and my salvation was great and as the Word declares, "For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required;" Luke 12:48.
  • J.O. Smith on Luke 12:5 - 14 years ago
    Interesting that only Young's Literal Bible has capitilized Him. The person to be feared is OBVIOUSLY GOD. I think I had either spent my preaching years overlooking this verse or understanding the "him" as being the devil, who,of course, does not have any power to cast offenders and breakers of God's Law into Hell. It is a Judgement reserved for the ONE that has been offended,namely THE LORD JESUS CHRIST.
  • Les Noll on Luke 12 - 15 years ago
    the government shall be upon his shoulders tells me should be into politics we are his body so we better get into gov. or else lose our voice

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