There is one thing certain. God, the Father to whom Jesus prayed, judges the high and mighty, the low and woebegon alike, and no one can enter paradise based on self proclaimation. God has given to all the way in the Bible. Ignorance is no excuse. Therefore read and reread your Bible until coming to an understanding. Don't settle for the easy, born again proclaimation of being saved. Watch
Felicia: Many believe they are saved! Help with activities at church,do good in the community, feeding the hungry,the list goes on. Lord,Lord---and in thy name done many wonderful works? depart from me, ye that work iniquity.Matthew7:22-23.
Have you felt the tug in your heart? John6:44-- 1John 1:9 they that are saved are changed within ,all things become New. ll Corinthians5:17. You will know!!!
verse 27
The thought of this verse alone is dreadful indeed. After spending your life time in the church, you get to the real presence of the Lord (if ever you get there at all) only to be rejected. How depressing! At any rate, one always knows whether they are accepted in the beloved or not. People of God, let us not play games with God for He is a just God.
Repentance is to wholeheartedly turn from our own sinful ways, the ways of the world, as the LORD brings our sin to light and we are no longer ignorant of our sin. The ways of the world are broadly sinful as the devil is the god of this world wide system, or web: JESUS commands obedience as God has stopped winking at our disobedience. One must repent to be in CHRIST JESUS and be saved from the wrath to come upon the whole world. Be blessed in Christ Jesus according to His will. Amen. Acts 17:30 And the times of this ignorance God winked at but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Hebrews 10:31 It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of the living God.
We have to make sure we are saved and is walking up right before God .living by every word that come out of the mouth of God . and remember there is nothing hidden from God .so we need to be honest with one another as well as God.
This is a walk that I must walk all day,Jesus has left a landmark for each of us to go by,an I will strive night and day to live, I thankvGod for choosing me to walk this journey with him,Thank you Jesus ,David said let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be acceptable in his sight ,oh Lord my strength and my Redeemer.When he paid for my life on the cross of Calvary because of Love,we should never feel along,he stood in my place,I'm not a shame ,he bare his nakedness for me,I'm healing,He took many lashes a by his strikes I'm healed mentally, physically, and Spritually,I have no reason to worry,His last words was It is Finished.
It makes me think a lot . What does it really take to be truly saved. I beleave it all about relationships with God , the bible states that we are to seek him first and we come up short on that. I do beleve that will be the down fall of many of us. Spend more time in the bible
Repent for the Kingdom of Heaven is at hand., Repentance is our way to let God works in our Lives, admit that we are sinners, admit that we take God for granted, and Ask Forgiveness and decide to do what God wants us to do.He is Faithful and Just to Forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all our unrighteousness....God Bless...
To Zenneah 's comment...Jesus IS still alive. He has always been and will always be. Perpetual beyond the corruptible bodies that we men and women occupy. Jesus suffered did die on the croos but he was made alive by our Heavenly Father for all time to come. Amen
God has already forgiven our sins and pardoned thru the precious blood of Jesus. We are already healed from his stripes. God wants us to believe on Jesus as the Son of the Living God who came to save us. We must be Born Again in Spirit, invite Jesus to our lives in order for us to be saved, John 3:5 Except a man who is not born again in spirit cannot enter into the kingdome of God. We must obey Jesus and trust him, he is faithful to his promises and always give us protection and divine peace which the world cannot give us peace. Jesus loves you and he always loves us, from his precious blood that shed for us are the symbol of his love and mercy to us. We must be still and fix our eyes to Jesus until rapture.
To me believing is not just enough to get you in, because the Demons also believe. Jesus said it himself you must strive. Salvation is a paradox, it is free and costly. Imagine where our Gospel would be today, if the Disciples were not striving. There is no partiality in God, we all must strive to enter in, only the violent will take it by force.
Jerry Leonard, This is how I see the parable in Luke Ch.13 v. 6. a certain man represents Christ, the fig tree represents the nation of Israel and the vineyards represents the people the Jews. Verse 7 the dresser represents the Holy Spirit, the three years represents Christ 's 3 year ministry, the fruit represents the believers that believe Christ was the Messiah the Son of the Living God. Verse 8 the HE represents the Holy Spirit saying to Christ let it alone this year till I dig about it and dung it. This represents the Holy Spirit filling and giving Peter and other Apostles the power of the Holy Spirit in the calling for the Kingdom of Christ in the first part of the book of Acts. Verse 9 if it bears fruit represents the nation of Israel becoming a believing nation in Christ and if it did it would have been and if not after that cut it down. Well we know the rest of the story The Lord cut the nation of Israel down. But if the nation would have accepted the call of the Holy Spirit Christ would have come back then. For proof read Acts Chapter 3 Verses 19 thru 21. It amazes me Luke wrote this parable in chapter 13 and also Luke wrote the book of Acts,
Verse 27 reminds us that if we are taking God 's work for granted seriously Jesus will deny us from the Father that HE knows us lets take the work of God serious
I love vse 13, because I know that each of us as humans have often felt bound over with burdens, and also at times, felt that perhaps we cannot straighten ourselves up. But faith in God and in His touch can syraighten us up real quick and remove the burdens from us even when we feel that it is virtually impossible to do so in our own humanity. God is soooo good!
Simply means, study, meditate and fill you storeroom with the word of God. When thou hast filled, there is no way that the anointing may stay encumbered on the inside.
It is a pity we 've come to regard demon possession as sicknesses that require physicians.Have we come far apart from the faith that turns impossibility to all possible manner?As much as sickness is bad, physicians are good to cure but only God heals.Let us therefore be completely loosened by our faith in His power.
verses 1 9 is talking about getting right with God being fruitful and staying right with God,because if we are not fruitful we will be cast into the fire with the ungodly and the sinners.
Comment about verse 25. This verse encourages us to be seriously with God. God has given us all the time to repent our sins because when the time comes, he will shut the door and will not let us in.
this is proof that god made god man lady for man & man for wife .Straight could mean her discipline but it's most likely meaning her being obedient under gods will /divine word.
Strive connotes 'struggle'. You must do all you can or struggle by God's grace to ensure that no form of sin remains with you. But those that take it for pleasure-serving God with sin and still have the mind of entering heaven at the end will be disappointed.
Have you felt the tug in your heart? John6:44-- 1John 1:9 they that are saved are changed within ,all things become New. ll Corinthians5:17. You will know!!!
The thought of this verse alone is dreadful indeed. After spending your life time in the church, you get to the real presence of the Lord (if ever you get there at all) only to be rejected. How depressing! At any rate, one always knows whether they are accepted in the beloved or not. People of God, let us not play games with God for He is a just God.