Discuss Luke 14

  • Bennymkje - 8 months ago
    Ez.37:10 "A Great Army"

    "So I prophesied as he commanded me, and the breath came into them, and they lived, and stood up upon their feet, an exceeding great army."

    We see them again in the vision of St John. God fashioned "their hearts alike; He considereth all their works."(Ps.33:15) They follow a dress code and they follow their leader representing each heart that makes up the company. Their formation has single measurement, that of angel, man and the Word of God on the lead. "And I saw heaven opened, and behold a white horse; and he that sat upon him was called Faithful and True, and in righteousness he doth judge and make war."(Re.19:11;21:17)

    Coming back to the vision of Ezekiel, bone to bones and flesh to flesh the army is close-knit across as well as up and down. This is the army according to the will of God. This also explains why David went wrong while he took census of the people. "And again the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and he moved David against them to say, Go, number Israel and Judah."(2 Sa.24:1). In fact it was Satan who tempted David. "And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel."(1 Chr.21:1). A rational man determines the number so in the matter of numbers he holds advantage. Jesus referred to it. ( Luke 14:28). The battle is of God. "Thus saith the Lord unto you, Be not afraid nor dismayed by reason of this great multitude; for the battle is not yours, but God's."(2 Chr.20:15)

    King David is a man after my heart so God willed to which we have this verse, ""After removing Saul, he made David their king. He testified concerning him: 'I have found David son of Jesse a man after my own heart; he will do everything I want him to do. "(Ac.13:22). But when David took pride in his glory forgetting the manifold benefits from God where it connected. The same pride that Satan showed off.
  • Richard H Priday - 11 months ago
    Satan and God's master plan

    Much can be said about today's music and entertainment industry as to how they mock God. In all of this we can tend to ignore the passage in Jude 1:9 where slander against Satan himself by Michael the Archangel was not proclaimed; there was an appeal to the Lord to rebuke him. If that is the case for an Archangel surely it should be the case for us. Yet many wish to mock Satan as well to their own detriment.

    This statement is by no means; of course to suggest that we should worship the Devil. We simply cannot fight against an enemy who is vastly superior to us any other way; and the verse Luke 14:31 demonstrates this principle fighting against an army of superior manpower. This is why deliverance ministers that implore a demon to "go to hell" are clearly unscriptural (or else if true by now there wouldn't be any left to possess and oppress men). Satan is not ruling in hell; or in hell currently as that is the place where he will suffer eternally himself. God has; however given him a sort of usurper role at present where he is given an army of principalities and powers to rule over regions of the earth as many verses in Daniel indicate. Demons are also under his rule; likely disembodied spirits from the offspring of Nephilim it would seem. Jesus and the prophets never went after these principalities ruling over nations; but cast out devils living inside individuals. Again Daniel shows how in Daniel 10:13 Micheal fought against a principality for 21 days before his prayers could be answered. We don't often think of that being an issue with prayers being answered but should consider such things.

    From the outset let me say that no amount of dissertation can help answer all of the questions we as mere mortals can ask regarding the state of suffering we must endure in a fallen world or fully comprehend the reasons God allowed it in His sovereignty and Master plan. The sufferings of Christ are the prime example.
  • Momsage - 1 year ago

    1 Corinthians 16:2 "Upon the first day of the week let every one of you lay by him in store, as God hath prospered him, t

    Romans 14:5 "And upon the first day of the week, when the disciples came together to break bread, Paul preached unto them, ready to depart on the morrow; and continued his speech until midnight."(Question? Does your church only meet on Sunday to fellowship and hear preaching and teaching? Is Sunday the only day of the week you might hear preaching from the minister? This verse just tells of believers gathering on Sunday to fellowship and listen to Paul preach because he had to leave the next day. It doesn't interpret as abolishing their regular worshiping on the Sabbath.)

    Collisians 2:14 & 16 "Blotting out the handwriting of ORDINANCES (my caps) that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to His cross; Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or the new moon or of the sabbath days." (This judgment is speaking of situations on the sabbath as when David fed his men shewbread that was only to be eaten by the Jewish Priests on the Sabbath. 1 Samuel 21:1-6, Christ feeding His disciples from the cornfield on a Sabbath. Matthew 1:21 and pulling an ox out of a ditch on the Sabbath. Luke 14:5; if there are things that needed to be done out of necessity on the Sabbath, you should not let men judge you for doing that.)

    I don't know how any of the verses I noted can be interpreted as showing that the early church willingly changed it's weekly worship and fellowship from the sabbath to the first day of the week. As I presented, there is historical proof that they didn't. As the "ravening wolves in sheep clothing" ( Matthew 7:15) began to creep into the church, a change was eventually made to abolish the sabbath and worship and refrain form labor on Sunday. Constantine and the Catholic Church mainly changed it and the world followed.

    God Bless :)
  • Momsage - 1 year ago
    PART 5

    This situation and others like it are not disobeying the Sabbath. But if you get a part time job helping your fiend with his moving business on The Sabbath, this is disobeying the Sabbath. If you need the extra money, pray and God will provide it to you without you having to break the Sabbath. Remember David and his feeding his men the shewbread. ( 1 Sam. 21: 1-6). It wasn't something he did all the time, it was something of need at the time. The same with Christ feeding his disciples from the cornfield on the sabbath ( Matt. 12:21) or someone pulling their ox out of a ditch on the sabbath ( Luke 14:5). So the Holy Spirit is telling us to not let others "judge" you for this kind of behavior on the Sabbath. It does not say to no longer keep this day Holy.

    Corinthians 16:2, "On the first day of every week, each one of you should set aside a sum of money in keeping with his income, saving it up, so that when I come no collections will have to be made.

    Excuse me but how-in-the-world does this scripture indicate that the church met on Sunday? Paul is asking them at the beginning of each week to set aside an amount of money for whatever so this won't have to be bothered with when he visits them again. This is not work and he certainly doesn't say for them to switch to Sundays to have church until he comes. Please use some discernment.

    Colossians 2:14 & 16 "Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross." Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days." God did give Moses statues and ordinances for instructions on His 10 commandments to give to the Jews but they eventually added foolish ones of their own. Verses 14 explains this by calling these ordinances that were "against" them and which caused the Jews much confusion in following the real laws of God and Moses.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Jesus says to honor your father and your mother. He is quoting Exodus 20:12 and is speaking of honoring our biological father and mother.

    And then we look over at Luke 14:26 which reads, "If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple."

    So it seems that we have a dilemma. We're told to honor our father and mother, but then we're told that we can't be His disciple if we come to Him and we don't hate our father and mother.

    In the English language, we see the word hate and we know what it means to hate someone or hate something. Hate is such a very strong word.

    But here's the beauty of the Greek language. In Luke 14:26, the word hate in the Greek text is the word MISEO. It does not mean to hate someone according to our definition of the word hate in our English language.

    This word is MISEO. It is not the word for hostile. It is a word of comparison. When MISEO is used with any of the words that have to do with love, it is showing comparison.

    In other words, Jesus is saying you must love me so much that the comparison between me and anybody else, or anything else, it makes it look like you hate them. You really don't, but that's what it looks like to them.

    Jesus is saying that our love for Him can't even be close in comparison to how we love others.

    Hope this makes things a little clearer on these sections of scripture.

  • DeonFourie - 1 year ago
    I have been presented with a question which gave rise to another question:

    In Matthew 12:49 Jesus refers to His brothers and sisters and even His mother as His followers whom He is surrounded by. This He replies when asked by His biological family. Should it then be considered possible that the commandment of "Honor you father and your mother" refers to your elderly persons within the Body of Christ as your "mothers and fathers", and not your biological parents?

    If we are to be willing to hate our father and mother and ... ( Luke 14:26) to be a disciple, does these again refer to our biological parents?

    Could someone with Hebrew understandings assist me by explaining if there is differences in the term mother and father in the different verses, and what is actual intended?

    Thank you
  • VALMAR - 1 year ago
    Ah! The perpetual discussion on eternal security. Almost as exciting as discussing who the Sons of God were in Gen. 6:2, but I'll save that one for another time. Unfortunately, we live in a time when 'rightly' dividing the Word has become somehow more complicated. I believe the Bible has every answer to all the questions we need to have answered in order to walk circumspectly with the Lord. I'll make it brief, then, that the ability to lose one's salvation rests completely with that individual. God made the way, Christ made the sacrifice and the Holy Spirit provides the ability or power for us to follow Christ daily, unless we choose otherwise. Salvation from God does not negate one's ability to choose between God or something less. The Bible contains those who started well and finished poorly. So poorly they ended up in Hades. Saul, Israel's first king, was one whom God withdrew His spirit from ( 1 Sam. 16:14), Judas Iscariot whom Christ called to follow Him, willingly rejected and betrayed Christ after he witnessed and performed miracles/wonders in His name when sent out by Jesus in pairs ( Mark 6:7-13) and then, Demas, who forsook Paul for the love of the world ( 2 Tim. 4:10). But, finally, God has a word that many overlook in the Bible. It's a short 4-letter word called "blot". It's used in Exodus 32:32-33 where God tells Moses He will blot out the names of those who reject Him from His book and then in Revelation 3:5, Jesus himself declares that He will not blot out the names of those who overcome the trials and sufferings that believers face, but warns those who are not watching and keeping His commands. I know that my flesh nature would love the idea that once I get saved, I have no more worries about anything. Lack of rewards in Heaven will be no big deal because we won't feel shame or regret. You better read Luke 14:27 and Matt. 10:38, no one will wear Heaven's crown until they carry their earthly cross in His service. Thanks for your time.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Ju.6:25-35 (1 of 2)

    "At the ordered place"

    Theophany of God was in the glory of the word, which is encapsulated by the name Jehovahshalom, God our peace. At a time of great depredations from the Midianites and of strife in the land what prompted Gideon to think of peace unless it was from God? The angel of the Lord had greeted him by 'TheLordis with thee, thou mighty man of valour.' In short God's word brought it in so many words that he found peace, unlike anything he had known before and it was a covenant as it were when the angel accepted his offering. 'Can two walk together unless agreed upon?' The angel of the Lord visited him as a mighty man of valor and now he had to grow into the stature God desired of him. This is what we find in vv.25-35.

    Gideon was a new creation and where he was nervous of the Midianites coming down to rob him of his crop he had 'threshed wheat by the winepress, to hide it from the Midianites'. Now he was demanded of God to cut down the grove 'and throw down the altar of Baal that thy father hath', God was now leading him to a point of no return. No more he could continue his former life going against his grain, while putting up with the practice of Baal-worship of his father's household he was cultivating a defeatist attitude of taking the line of least resistance. No more of that. The word of God had planted the light of the knowledge of the word, and he had to be heroic for God. This reminds the words of Jesus," If any man come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple.( Luke 14:26)".

    He had to choose bullock one for himself as a peace offering and the second bullock of seven years old as a token of cutting himself loose from vain traditions of his father. The bullock of seven years holds another significance and it signaled that the threat of Midian was coming to an end and unknown to him he was spearheading the revolt.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jesse,

    It costs something to be a disciple of Christ. To live for Christ is to let go of all our possessions, pick up our cross, and follow Him. We no longer live for ourselves, we live for the King. If Jesus can die on the cross for our sins, the least we can do if give him our life and proclaim the gospel to the whole world. "If you have not chosen the Kingdom of God first, it will in the end make no difference what you have chosen instead. By: William Law

    "If anyone comes to Me, and does not hate his own father and mother and wife and children and brothers and sisters, yes, and even his own life, he cannot be My disciple." Luke 14:26

    Then Jesus said to His disciples, "If anyone wishes to come after Me, he must deny himself, and take up his cross and follow Me. "For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it; but whoever loses his life for My sake will find it." Matthew 16:24-25

    "We have suffered from the preaching of cheap grace. Grace is free, but it is not cheap. People will take anything that is free, but they are not interested in discipleship. They will take Christ as Savior but not as Lord." By: Vance Havne

    Jesse, Jesus tells us that its impossible to live a worldly life, and still follow him!

  • Frankie J - 1 year ago
    No Cross No Crown William Penn

    Though the knowledge and obedience of the doctrine of the cross of Christ be of infinite moment to the souls of men, for that is the only door to true Christianity, and that path the ancients ever trod to blessedness; yet, with extreme affliction let me say, it is so little understood, so much neglected, and what is worse, so bitterly contradicted by the vanity, superstition, and intemperance of professed Christians, that we must either renounce to believe what the Lord Jesus hath told us, that whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after him, cannot be his disciple; Luke 14:27 or, admitting that for truth, conclude, that the generality of Christendom do miserably deceive and disappoint themselves in the great business of Christianity, and their own salvation.

    II. For, let us be never so tender and charitable in the survey of those nations that entitle themselves to any interest in the holy name of Christ, if we will but be just too, we must needs acknowledge, that after all the gracious advantages of light, and obligations to fidelity, which these latter ages of the world have received by the coming, life, doctrine, miracles, death, resurrection, and ascension of Christ, with the gifts of his Holy Spirit; to which add the writings, labours, and martyrdom of his dear followers in all times, there seems very little left of Christianity but the name; which being now usurped by the old heathen nature and life, makes the professors of it but true heathens in disguise. For though they worship not the same idols, they worship Christ with the same heart: and they can never do otherwise, whilst they live in the same lusts. So that the unmortified Christian and the heathen are of the same religion. For though they have different objects to which they do direct their prayers, that adoration in both is but forced and ceremonious, and the deity they truly worship is the god of the world, the great lord of lusts: to him they bow
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Psalm 2:1 (2 of 2)

    As with man we have seen birth of nations where the founding fathers swore their solemn oath,'In God we Trust'. What we see the nation put under the greatest constitutional crisis the citizens who love law and order ought to remember what Jesus had said,"Lest haply, after he hath laid the foundation, and is not able to finish it, all that behold it begin to mock him,/Saying, This man began to build, and was not able to finish."( Luke 14:29-30) This objective lesson brings us to consider the rage of the heathens.

    "Bloodthirsty men hate one who is blameless and seek the life of the upright./A fool gives full vent to his spirit, but a wise man quietly holds it back./If a ruler hearken to lies, all his servantsarewicked."(Pr.29:10-12) Who created cultural wars based on color? A ruler who hearkens to lies surely would have learned from the father of lies. All his servants as the word of God speaks of them, are wicked.

    "The tongue of the righteous is choice silver, but the heart of the wicked is of little value. The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of sense."(Pr.10:20-21-NIV)

    The Golden Three in a nutshell

    In purpose is it the glory of God that I seek? God blesses us in his Son.

    2. Do we accept our sufferings identifying with what the Son underwent for our sakes? Do we learn from it to help others in their distress?

    3. Our faith in his providence is our reward, view it as more as 'the love of Christ' constraining me so faith learns from experience and it serves as the second wind to glorify his Name without tiring our physical reserves.
  • Bennymkje - 1 year ago
    Meditations from Psalms

    Why do the heathen rage, and the people imagine a vain thing?

    Rage is a characteristic of man who is void of understanding. In the lexicon of the Spirit he is morally deficient. In the Bible there are several instances of enterprises undertaken by them. The Tower of Babel was one such. Their prime concern was to defeat the holiness of God. Lest God should judge them again as he did with the old world they had the means. So it was but it would not go further. They had the muscle-power and the brains; nor was there any dearth for materials but their speech betrayed them just as the Galilean accent of Peter led him to deny his master thrice in a single night. When morally devoid what does a fool speak? In our times it would be conspiracy theories. It is thus the tower of Babel stand as a monument to folly of ungodly men. Their rage is expressed and amplified in so many sound bytes. Does it mean any thing? Nothing. What Internet Age does is what morally deficient man has set up and is of no consequence.

    Jesus speaks of a builder who set about building a tower with similar results as we have seen in the tower of Babel. ( Luke 14:28-30) He did not build with God who is the maker and builder, and not according to his purpose. In the many trials of Job we came across what St James speaks of his patience. "You have heard of the steadfastness of Job, and you have seen the purpose of the Lord, how the Lord is compassionate and merciful." Here we have the Golden Three that makes any enterprise of man succeed. In purpose both God and man are as one. Secondly his steadfastness to endure even as Job suffered. Thirdly the grace of God that passes all understanding so man has to take him on trust."Unless theLordbuilds the house,/those who build it labor in vain. Unless theLordwatches over the city,

    the watchman stays awake in vain."(Ps.127:1-3) (1 of 2)
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Feasting and culture

    Today; as stated in my earlier post we don't have meals in church specifically commemorating Communion. In our country

    not only do we not have many opportunities for feasting in special occasions (as marriages seem to be on the decline); but regular meals often are frenzied with cell phone interruptions or people glued to the TV set.

    There are still some cultures where there is significance to taking an extended time and an elaborate meal. Such is the case in the Mediterranean and Middle East; and this can be a way missionaries can have an opportunity to witness the Gospel to Muslims in particular. It is fine under certain circumstances and at times necessary to do a quick Gospel presentation; but willingness to accept an invitation for a family meal can allow for more in depth conversation and interactions which also help to facilitate long term relationships that in time can bear fruit. Understanding how to initiate conversation in such environments often starts with the male head of the household. It takes wisdom and discernment when to fully engage in sharing the Gospel and when to offer evidence of error in other faiths (as it could cost us our lives). Nonetheless; we need to allow the Spirit to guide us in these situations.

    Inviting the "poor; maimed; blind etc" ( Luke 14:13) is helpful as well at least in principal. Today our Pastor shared about someone in Cleveland who started giving basketballs to kids in a neighborhood that had a housing project in Ohio that shot up the business and set a car on fire. Eventually; in 10 years the man was feeding over 100 kids when he left that position. He had started just giving a few kids a free drink. It does take discernement admittedly these days with so many who expect handouts to help support drug or alcohol addiction. Perhaps more directly the mission field gives more opportunities; but there are places helping men to be productive; and at times we should help strangers
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    More on the roots of society's ills

    The leading Republican candidate for the 2024 election has announced his plan for the prosecution of drug cartel and child trafficking groups. The cost for such efforts will be extreme as was brought up in a recent message. Countless thousands in Mexico have been beheaded and butchered; including police who have dared to stand up against such things; and they have been outgunned in the last attempt to take out a major drug dealer.

    The love of money is the root of all evil ( 1 Timothy 6:10) and as a pampered society we have reaped what we've sown in many ways. There are many issues such as international military affairs that are tied into business dealings with contractors; and as is pretty clear there is enough corruption to go around. We have record numbers of people expecting a handout and not contributing to society with productive work; while the rest of us are out working 2 or even 3 jobs to make ends meet; and partially to support these unproductive individuals. The image of life as being a continuous party ensnares some to get rich by any means necessary as to get the newest car; nicest home; or trade in their wife for a newer model. While everyone seems to accumulate more things there is less quality time; less value to human life and of course this results from turning away from the God of the Bible. 1 Timothy 1:9 shows how the law is supposed to keep the unrighteous in line; but of course not enforced we see the chaos and decay of any structure that was holding us together in the past.

    Judgment is inevitable; but on this side of the Rapture how much resistance can hold back the overwhelming flood of sin is unknown. Certainly God's people can be used for a time to accomplish this; but they THEMSELVES need to turn from evil ( 2 Chron. 7:14). It is GOD'S people who must once again in significant numbers become DISTINCT from the world and be willing to count the cost. ( Luke 14:28). We'll see.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago
    2 of 2

    No, my friend, I have the Witness within me bearing witness to the Truth of what I here write & have written, back up with the Scriptures & sound reasoning, sealed with the experiential personal knowledge of them that God has given me in bringing me out of the darkness into His glorious Light Act 26:18 Wherein I stand in my present measure, abiding in the Vine & being further purged that I may bring forth more fruit. John 15:2,3

    This has not happen instantaneously, but a 13yr on going journey, Matt 7:14 God has been very gracious & good in His longsuffering love towards me, I was so mule headed, thinking I could have God's salvation my way. In His tender mercies to me He broke me & in this brokenness I yielded up myself & committed to wait upon Him Psalm 123:2 & have His salvation on His terms, John 14:6 Luke 14:27 1Cor 1:18

    Present day Christianity has not these gifts & fruits & why? In the Reformation, which small beginning began around 1400's, in slowly breaking away from the darkness of popery, did not cut all the cord asunder, but keep some of the their teaching. Like the Catholic's took over the Head of the Ministry from Christ, alone with His gifts unto men. Read the whole church history here, its freely on the web, don't rely on any man word for it, but turn to the Witness within your own heart, the Scriptures & sound reasoning, with a whole hearted love for the Truth, one cannot remain deceived for long or be deceived from what God in truth will discover to one who is searching for Him. Psalms 145:18
  • Alan Manson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello One eighty - thanks for your response as it helps me understand more about you and where you are spiritually.

    I'll share some "meat" with you that you can respond by telling me whether you agree or not with what I am sharing with you below.

    In the following three verses, Jesus uses the term "...cannot be my disciple" implying that Discipleship is a mandatory requirement to becoming "saved':

    "If any man come to me, and hate not [meaning love less than Christ] his father, and mother, and wife, and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." ( Luke 14:26)

    "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." ( Luke 14:27)

    "So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all [of his worldly possessions] that he hath, HE CANNOT BE MY DISCIPLE." ( Luke 14:33)

    In this last verse, Jesus is again saying to every Christian - in much the same way as he said to the rich young ruler - "...sell all that thou hast, and distribute unto the poor, and thou shalt have treasure in heaven: and come, follow me." ( Luke 18:22-23)

    When I came to Jesus some 30+ years ago, I had the choice to abandon ALL that I had and take up my cross and follow Jesus or chase family members who had rejected me for no reason at all. I willingly chose to make that choice to follow Jesus, and have never regretted doing so.

    However, such choices also require God's people to bring forth "...PATIENCE and FAITH in all your PERSECUTIONS and TRIBULATIONS that ye endure" (2 Thes 1:4) together with "... INFIRMITIES, in REPROACHES, in NECESSITIES, in PERSECUTIONS, in DISTRESSES for Christ's sake" ( 2 Cor 12:10) while "...earnestly CONTENDING FOR THE FAITH" ( Jude 1:3) among those who "...corrupt the word of God ( 2 Cor. 2:17).

    Given that most Christians profess that they have ETERNAL SECURITY (which contradicts Phil 2:12 and 1 Peter 5:8-9), how do you relate to the scripture verses in Luke 14 above?

    Blessings, Alan
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Continuing the subject of Christ's daily life on earth as an example of multiple gifts and responsibilities

    I feel it is good once again before entering this subject in detail to stand back and examine Christ's sayings on counting the cost to be a Disciple ( Luke 14:28). Before that; I also thought that we should ponder our trust level with Christ; such as the example C.S. Lewis mentioned about Christ; "He is either a liar; lunatic or was who He said He was" (Mere Chrisitianity). This can be expanded as far as I can tell to what He said in regard to being a true Disciple. Again; with Paul's example we see a more extended campaign both in time and distance covered in his four major evangelical Mediterranean journeys. The assurance that the prize was reached wouldn't come until the end ( Philippians 3:12:14; compare with 2 Timothy 4:7-8 at the end of His life). We are also humbly reminded of how many fell away at the time when Paul needed them the most ( 2 Timothy 4:16) which is interestingly right after the aformentioned passage in Timothy.

    These things are necessary to discuss because we dare not look just with curiosity at all the things Christ did. It is clear that; for the most part we are not going to do miracles the Apostles did. Also; most of us are laypersons; and involved with marriages; or employment and our focus is meant to be in our local churches. This shouldn't limit us; especially with gifts and callings of full time evangelism or other mission field opportunities (including short term ventures). Today; more than ever EXAMPLES of individuals mature in the faith are rare; so we certainly need to be building church members up to maturity; for their own sakes and that of the next generation.

    Proverbs 16:9 shows how man plans His way; but God directs his steps. We can't do anything without the Spirit; and to multitask on the go as Christ did takes total trust to a new level in God's provision. It is also all out spiritual warfare.
  • Frankie J - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Christ has already come & that in Spirit, He told His disciples; Mark 9:1; Matt 16:28; over 2000 yrs ago, which came in full power at Pentecost.

    I will not leave you comfortless, but you will see me again, that your joy maybe full, & Christ doesn't come alone, He brings His Father within Him, They became Ephesians 2:22; John 17:21-23; & they Micah 4:3;

    Hebrews 9:28; is Titus 2:11; diffusing the fragrance of His knowledge in every heart. 2Cor 4:6 This is Titus 2:13; describing His 2nd appearance in Spirit. Who continually gives of Himself that Titus 2:14;

    As for this son of perdition; it's the old Adamic nature that is rule by Ephesians 6:12; who's coming 2Thessalonians 2:9; this spirit works even deceive the very elect, who, we all must engage with within 2 Cor 10:3-5; Jesus says; Matt 15:18,19; for out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks, so their within us. Think about this, we all have these thoughts spring up within us, 1 Pet 4:3; thus Jesus commands; Luke 14:27; The ones, Satan does deceive is explain, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12; they refuse to believe the Witness, whom God has place within conscience. John 16:8; John 12:47-50; Jesus says, 8:24; Therefore were He has gone one cannot go.

    Both seeds are spiritual, both kingdoms are within mankind.

    This rapture theory John 17:11:15 "not to take them out of the world". But describes receiving 1Pet 1:5-9;The cumulation is the Baptism of the Holy Spirt, describing 2 Cor 10:6; resulting from Titus 3:5; by 1Pet 1:23; unto John 3:3; the chaff, ( old man sin nature is thoroughly purges out without a trace, Daniel 2:34,35; these earthen vessels, 1Cor 15:48,49; ) the wheat (new man created in the image of Him that created him) is gather unto the Gardener, we're His & He's ours, Acts 1:9-11; Daniel 7:13;

    It's a spiritual encounter & habitation with the One true God, John 17:24; here & now, Acts 4:32,33;

    Do you perceive the wonderous honor & glory of God's Great Salvation, on earth as it is in heaven.
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Back to the use of 'hyperbole' in the Bible, David 0921. Hyperbole, or 'an obvious & intentional exaggeration' (Dictionary), is found throughout the Bible. Here in Psalm 58:3 (a babe speaking lies at birth; the emphasis here is on the depth of wickedness found in some people). Is this God's Word? Yes it is. Can God use such language (through his servants) to communicate to us? Yes He can. Are we required then to believe that a new born child speaks lies, or should we learn from such hyperbolic language of the severity of wicked men?

    Lest we think that this is just a rare occasion of such language, we could consider other Scriptures: Deuteronomy 1:28 (cities walled up to the (skies)); Jesus' Own Words: Matthew 19:24 (a camel going through a needle's eye); Luke 14:26 (hating family & one's own life, though 'hate' used as the strongest term for 'total rejection'); Matthew 5:29 (gouging out the eye); John 4:39 (the woman's testimony that Jesus told her every account of her life); and many more.

    So all these are given as irrefutable words that God has allowed into it, including hyperbolic language, metaphors, similes. Yet, they are to be understood as such, or else our understanding would take a dangerous divergent turn that can only lead to error. Which hopefully leads us to the 'eternity' question: are the descriptions of hell or an eternal raging fire for all the unrepentant, factual or simply use of hyperbolic language? So here we have the problem: why would Jesus refer to that time using that type of language, as also the apostles did (or alluded to it), when only the grave is the final destiny of the unsaved? Understood, that heaven & an eternal life in all purity & happiness with our Great God & Savior should be the desire of all; but is this wonderful message alone, sufficient to cause sinners to truly repent & yearn for God's forgiveness, rather, as there is an eternity of bliss, so there is also an eternity of woe that Christ came, giving us an escape route?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Landry,

    I agree with you, this subject is rooted in the soul being immortal that came from the Greek philosophical influence. My understanding, there is no scripture to support the soul being immortal. If someone is comforted by thinking their loved one who has died is in heaven am I going to tell them their wrong, No. Is it biblical? No, it comes from the Greek definition of death as the separation of the soul from the body.

    The Hebrew word nephesh and the Greek word psuche, translated as the soul that is from Genesis 2:7 to Revelation 18:4. What is the soul? What is death if our soul which is the essence of who we are is immortal? If our soul that is who we are goes to heaven when this body dies why is there a resurrection of the dead?

    The just and the unjust will be resurrected, Matt. 22:31 Luke 14:14 Acts 17:32 Acts 23:6 Acts 24:15 Acts 24:21 1 Cor. 15:12,13,21,42 Phil. 3:11 Heb. 6:2. 1 Cor. 15:16 For if the dead rise not, then is not Christ raised: 1 Cor 15:42-44 So also is the resurrection of the dead. It is sown in corruption; it is raised in incorruption: 43 It is sown in dishonour; it is raised in glory: it is sown in weakness; it is raised in power: 44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.

    I will leave it there; I know discussions of this subject can get pretty dogmatic and I do not want to show any disrespect to those who hold that we go to heaven when we die there are many.

    God bless,

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Jackleviduran17,

    I agree with GiGi it does not mean Dispensationalism. This is my understanding and may others give theirs. Studying the Bible is not always easy, sometimes the meaning of a passage seems clear and others we can spend hours and it still is not clear. First, I will say pray that the Holy Spirit to lead and guide you and then clear your mind of all preconceived ideas you have.

    You may notice some parts of the New Testament are capital letters, these are quotes from the Old Testament. Go back and read those from the Old Testament and the whole chapter maybe the one before and the one after to get the full context. Like what Jesus said on the cross, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me", Matt. 27:46, this is a quote from Psalms 22:1.

    At first, it may seem Jesus doubts God feeling He has forsaken Him but if we go back and read this Psalm, we can get a better understanding of what Jesus was saying, we see the connection between His crucifixion and this Psalm that was written long before. Same with the other quotes from the OT we should go back and study those quotes they are there for a reason.

    In Luke 14:26, the word hate is the Greek word miseo it does not mean hate as we use it today as an emotional feeling it has a meaning of action, to do we love more we choose which centers on moral choice, elevating one over another.

    Just a couple of examples of my understanding of the meaning of 2 Timothy 2:15 I hope this helps, If we do not clear our minds of all we hear and what we think we cannot hear the truth from the Spirit of truth.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Assurance of salvation: Evidences of life within

    Luke 14:31 gives us the hypothetical situation when we have 10000 men about to go to war with 20000. We have to decide whether to fight or seek a peace agreement. Given the very real odds against the armies of Israel; as well as God purposely reducing the size so that only His victory can be acknowledged (such as in Judges 7:2) we should carefully assess whether we are positioned to enter into spiritual warfare (such as Ephesians 6 describes).

    Few would argue the importance of love as a virtue of prime importance being that God IS love ( 1 John 4:8). It is to be sought as 1 Corinthians 13:1 demonstrate how other giftings are subordinate to love and of course John 15:13 shows there is no greater love than laying down our life for our friends as demonsrated by our Lord and Savior Himself. I have discussed repentance in earlier posts on this subject. I thought it prudent to point out that we need to go beyond just acknowledgement of what scripture states is sin to the point where there is a revulsion and hatred within. After all; His Spirit is said to testify with our spirit ( Romans 8:16) that we are indeed His children. This sort of balances things out; we are to have Agape love where we love our enemies; also we are to truly hate sin whether it is within us; others or the whole world system. This encompasses the world; the flesh and the Devil. There seems to be a rather laccadasical approach when it comes to the enemy of our souls. Christ makes it perfectly clear as to his character but sadly when the seriousness of the matter of his deadly destructive rampage comes up almost always I seem to get a response that it is really no big deal. That is something frankly I find hard to swallow; given that God Himself will allow Satan to have authority over the whole world so that everyone who isn't written in the Book of Life will worship Antichrist and Satan by default. ( Rev. 13:8). That is coming soon.
  • Jesse - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 1 - 1 year ago

    I'm sorry if my response did not answer your question. Please allow a second shot at it.

    You asked two questions. First question was if 1 Corinthians 1:18 means that we wear gold crosses around our necks?

    My answer to that would be no.

    Your second question: does 1 Corinthians 1:18 mean that we go to the tattoo parlor and ask for a cross to be etched/cut into our skin.

    My answer to that would also be no. I gave you my understanding of what that verse means.

    Again, your question is "Are we supposed to wear crosses on our necks?"

    I do not know of any scripture that forbids it. There is scripture that speaks against idols and worship of idols. I suppose if a person does not worship or idolize a piece of jewelry or any other material possessions, that person would be okay.

    Also, Luke 14:27 does not address your question. "Whosoever does not bear his cross" doesn't mean whosoever does not wear a cross around his neck.

    What does it mean to bear ones cross?

    Here in our culture, basically people understand it to mean whatever hardships I have to go through today, I'm just bearing my cross for Jesus. Except that whether you are a Christian or not, you are going to go through difficulties. It is not what it means.

    When Jesus died on the cross, He died my death.In reference, you can read Romans 6:1-14, and Galatians 2:20.

    What does it mean to take up your cross?

    You see, when I received the life of Jesus Christ, I also received His death. That's why Paul can say in Philippians, "Oh that I might know Him and the power of His resurrection and the fellowship of his sufferings."

    Power to live and power to suffer go hand in hand. But they are not my sufferings. They are the sufferings of Christ. But when He died on the cross, He died my death. He died in my place therefore I have died. But my biggest struggle in life is that every day, my flesh is trying to get down off that cross.
  • T Levis - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 1 - 1 year ago
    Hello Curious T.,

    No, I don't believe we're supposed to wear crosses. Leviticus 26:1, nowhere does it say wear a cross, as jewelry. However it does say not to make idols.

    Recently I thought, if a person had a friend that was killed by gunshot & had a miraculous recovery. How would he feel, if when he returned to his friends & family, they had an image of the gun or bullet around their neck, to honor him. I would think it would be upsetting to say the least. Wouldn't he say, "your missing the main point." isn't it the life lived?Jesus himself being the example of a loving life, helping others in need? & the hope & promise of resurrection. John 5:21-29, 1Corinthians 15:42-58, John 11:25, Ecclesiastes 5:15, 1Timothy 6:7,

    Bare your cross: Luke 14, looking at context, whole chapter Jesus in doing the better thing by healing, suffered rejection, hate, wrongful judgement.

    A cross is painful, it's obvious, on view for everyone to see, not something we can hide in our pocket. It causes ridicule & even division. Luke 14:11, Luke 14:12-14, Luke 14:17-20,24, Luke 14:26,27, also Matthew 10, note Matthew 10:36, Matthew 10:17,18, Matthew 10:21, Matthew 10:22, please read in context Matthew 10, Matthew 10:32-42, & Luke 9:22-26, also Matthew 16:21-28, Mark 8:29-38, Mark 10:14-52,

    Philippians 2:1-15, Colossians 1:10-29 ,

    Matthew 25:31-46, James 1:5,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Curious-T - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 1 - 1 year ago
    So my question to you is: Are we supposed to wear crosses on our necks? I don't think your explanation answered this question.

    "And whosoever doth not bear his cross, and come after me, cannot be my disciple." Luke 14:27 KJV

  • Alex1939 - In Reply on Luke 10 - 1 year ago
    Alex1939...Hiya Rose...He that will take away your goods is the H.G.. Luke 14:28...Remember Paul said i have suffered the loss of all things and count them but dung that i might win Christ and be found in him Phili 3:8...And Jesus said to count the cost its gonna cost ya everything...The early Church had to give everything away....Can you suffer the loss of all things ?...Count the cost, can you lose every thing in order to please him...If any man love wife or children more then me is not worthy of me...

    ......Peter asked what shall we there fore receive for we have left all to follow you...Jesus replied there is no man that has left all to follow me that shall not receive manifold more in this life and in the life to come ....Them that will follow me in the regeneration will sit on 12 thrones etc...Lemme go, too tired to continue...But Jesus did say to count the cost b/f you follow me.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Matthew 28 - 1 year ago

    Matthew 28:19, Mark 16:16, Acts 2:38, Acts 19:1-12, Ephesians 4:5,

    I think the main point is the outward living life, dead to the flesh ( selfishness, bad actions, etc. ) resurrection in the last days, is the goal. Mark 10:38, Luke 12:50, Colossians 2:12-14, 1Peter 3:18-22,

    * Romans 6:3,4, please read all of Romans 6, chapter, Colossians 3:1-17,

    John 12:23-36, Romans 8:13, Luke 14:27-33,

    Hopefully these are helpful

    If you have trouble understanding pray for wisdom: James 1:5
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 19:17 - 1 year ago
    Hi James. The command to give honor to our parents is to show the respect, love & readiness to be there for them when they find themselves in need. Yet, in some homes sadly, sexual abuse, drunkenness & disorderly behavior can make the child's desire to love or obey the commandment so much more difficult. Fortunately, there are laws for their protection & removal.

    Then, as you quoted Matthew 19:29, and I would also submit Luke 14:26, we read of what seems a departure from giving all due love & respect to parents. However, I don't believe Jesus wants those who wholeheartedly follow Him, in maybe some service that takes them far from home, to stop loving or respecting their parents. It's a matter of priority that the Lord gives: He must always be first in our lives - even before family & self. Those who have the call of the Lord upon their lives, can certainly trust Him to care & provide for his or her family; and the family (parents) should certainly understand the burden upon their 'child' to serve & that the Lord will see to all of their needs.
  • Richard H Priday - 2 years ago
    Relationships and the fullness of life.

    There are two different things that change in our lives when becoming Born again. There may be need; for the sake of the Kingdom of God to abandon friends and family. This takes into account our love being greater for God than anyone else i.e. those who don't "hate father and mother; etal ( Luke 14:26) cannot be my disciple". The normal explanation here is our relative love is greater for God than family. I would suggest a better explanation would be that the cultural norms; tradition; and expectations that are resistant to the Gospel must be when causing us to sin avoided; and the resulting shunning or persecution from that community is part of the necessary collateral damage.

    What this does NOT mean is that men decide to divorce their "pagan" wives for a different "Christian" women; who just coincidentally is younger and more attractive than their marriage partner more than statistical averages would suggest....

    It also doesn't mean we don't help widows in our family and those in need there lest we be considered "worse than a pagan" ( 1 Tim. 5:8). We can look at Jesus' example; He was the Son of God so His statement that those who were His mothers; brothers etc were those who did the will of God ( Mark 3:35) may be a bit harsh. Nonetheless; He knew at that point even some of his family didn't believe in Him. ( John 7:5). Ultimately; He said to John "behold your mother" during His greatest agony on the cross; thus exemplifying the love for Mary once Joseph clearly had passed. ( John 19:25-27). Now John would be as a son; also showing how we are put into God's adoptive family in John's case.

    Malachi 4:6 discusses restoring fathers hearts to children; and vice-versa. This could be prophetic for those looking ahead toward the Church Age. One believer CAN bring about further repentance and belief among family members; as happened with Paul and the jailor; for instance. ( Acts 16:29-34). John 10:10 therefore can happen
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm like you Gerald, I wouldn't know a Greek salad if I ate it, but I do study or verify Greek words with the Strongs concordance. It's been very profitable. I have gotten help from other brothers and it didn't often give new revelation but gave deeper and enhanced meaning. for example In Matthew 4:1-11 one word translated makes all the world the difference but it didn't give me new revelation because there is other scriptures that painted the same picture but the Greek or Hebrew gave more light.

    Here's is the verse;

    "And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread."

    In the Greek the verse reads "SINCE" thou be the Son of God. The devil knew exactly who Jesus was.

    In fact the demons knew who he was through out the Gospels.

    This cause us to look at the word tempted a little closer in the Greek.

    The Holyspirit is who drove Christ in the wilderness to be tempted/proven. "or to confirm Jesus is who the scriptures says he is".

    You see an example of this in Luke 14:19. And another said, I have bought five yoke of oxen, and I go to prove them: I pray thee have me excused.

    This test is not to see if he would fail or not it's to show that he won't.

    It's getting late, Perhaps others can elaborate more.

    God bless.

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