This chapter concerns the initial stage of God wrath which is about to be poured out on the unbelieving world( Rev 6:15-17) many of which are responsible for the persecution and mistreatment of his people;whos souls cry out for vindication and justice,in the same chapter. Since the church is not appointed to wrath,as mentioned by Paul twice in his first letter to the Thessalonians ( 1Thess 1:10,5:9),God is now about to make an exchange of witnesses as he first seals 144,000 of his original witness(The Israelites see Isa 43:10-12)to finish out the final week(7 years)of Daniels 70th week( Dan 9:24-27). And then in an instant he snatches away his saints from all over the world,into his immediate presence to their Heavenly abode(The New Exodus)where they ascribe their deliverance Spiritual and Physical,to God and to the Lamb as their long journey comes to an end.Where the sun and the hot air will not effect them anymore. And where they will neither hunger nor thirst nor suffering anymore. As God and the lamb will meet all their needs. Just as it happened for the nation of Israel through their roughly 400 years of 'Great Tribulation' in Egyptian bondage,and their 40 years of wandering through the hot and humid wilderness where they were in need of food and water. In verses 11 and 12 of this vision,there is joy and rejoicing among the Angles over all the sinners who are saved(see Luke 15:7-10) This is in answer to a question that was asked about these verses. thanks
This is no doubt an ausome portion of scripture concerning frogivness when we are willing to acknowledge our sin, turn from it and return home to our heavenly father....however the story is oftentimes misinterpreted that the Lord is mercifull to us when we continue in sin and turn his grace into disgrace. Titus ch 2 tells us that grace teaches us to deny ungodliness and worldly lust and to live soberly and RICHEOUSLY in this present world.....not to continue in ungodlieness and use this portion of scripture as an escape goat & that our father is always there for us when we decide to return! 2 Thessalonions ch 2 tells us that GOD HIMSELF will send us a strong delution and we will believe a lie and be dammed...all because we loved not the truth....part of truth is.....real, true, sincere repentence of your sins and turning away from your old lifestyle being babtised in Jesus name & recieving the babtism of the holy ghost as thy did in the book of acts! Never should we take advantage of Gods grace and mercy and treat it as a light thing!
Luke 15 is such a wonderful and an amazing passage that sums up the mission of our Saviour Jesus Christ. It further a rebuke to those who think that the Lord Jesus came for the righteous. No matter to which degree, we are yoked and burdened with shortcomings and sins. He is yet Gracious and Merciful. The challenge is; Are we unto the task and humble enough to accept His offer and seek his forgiveness?!
The father in this verse was so forgiving annd he never gave up hope on his son. He requested the best for his son even though he had squandered away all that his father worked hard for. The father could have taken a harsh attitude and said: "Well son, that's what you get!" and left it at that. Instead the father ran to his son and welcomed him with open arms. This is just an illustration showing our heaveny Father's love he has for us. We are sinners and Jehovah God freely provided the means to forgive our sins. If God could forgive us such a great amount freely, we should be willling to forgive others freely in imitation of God.
Everybody needs to repent because we are all siners the more santified you are the more you realize our condition. However God sees only his son if you are a son of God by election. He chose us not the other way around but if you have not increased your faith you will be embarassed by it.If only one of the children pf God goes astray he will find him and bring him back to the fold. If necessary he will even brake your leg to bring you back on his own shoulders until your leg heals.
We have been forgiven before repentance. You as modern day Pharisees have not repented yet you shall be forgiven. The sprit of a Pharisee is that of one who trusts in the law to save them. This is the spirit that is in enmity with Christ who is the spirit of prophecy. The spirit of prophecy is the spirit of God. God knew that no man could obey the law yet you try. No matter how much I try to make you repent you shall not so I have to forgive you anyway lest I become an accuser which is the job of the prosecutor. The devil accuses and God forgives. This is the ultimate defeat of Satan.
The Prodigal Son parable is Lord Jesus' response to the Pharisees and scribes hypocrisy ( Lk 15:1,2). They should have had worked harder at converting sinners and society's outcast instead of overlooking them. Pharisees, unlike our Lord Jesus, were not the good shepherds because instead of loving and serving people they burdened them with load which themselves would never dare carry ( Lk 15:5). Also, though the Pharisees acted as if they were godly people, actually they were worse sinners than the one they shun in public because while other sinners repented the Pharisees didn't ( LK 15:21).
@ Barry Pierce Luke chapter 15 doesn't tells us for certain that "in the presence of angels" refers to God Himself Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.
1. This is a beautiful parable of forgiveness after repentance ( Romans 10:13), for a person needing salvation and ( 1 John 1:9) for a person who is already saved.;
2. This parable also gives Christian parents that have witness our children being saved at a young age and bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord ( Ephesians 6:4) and have to try to create a godly environment in the home a much needed inspiration;
3. Enrolling our children in a good Christian school and being active in a good bible believing church enhances this godly environment;
4. This is important because we as parents need to recognize our children as an investment not only for our good, but for their good future here on earth and for all eternity;
5. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to bring up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart far from it;
6. This is the advantage that believers who have created an environment as I have described above have over believers and non-believers that have not or do not participate in bringing up a child the way they should go according to God's holy word;
7. This father most obviously did bring up both boys in the nurture and admonition of the lord to get results like this;
8. A life time of being faithful to God's truth came home to roost;
9. God always honors faithfulness in being obedient to his holy scriptures, commandments, precepts, principals, and statutes;
10. It is never too late to get started, but the longer we wait the more difficult it can be;
11. Earlier is better than later, but later is better than never.
This passage has encouraged me that wayward children do return. My eyes are to not be set on the loss or going away of my child but on the feast preparation. I want to be like God the father and rejoice in the fact that my once dead child is alive and no longer lost but found.
I really can relate to both brothers, so many times when I have done my own thing and found myself in desperation, my father welcomes me back with open arms! I have also been jealous, when someone (man) that I thought was unrighteous, being blessed! Thank God for repentance and showing me his will!
Rev. Lawrence Williams on Luke 15:13 - 12 years ago
Luke 15:13 This young man went far from the will of God to do his own thing, far from righteousness, and when that happends, we often fine ourselves in a terrible place.
THis chapter is so rich in the lesson of forgiveness and shows how damaging anger is to us, how it can blind us to the truth. The brother was so blinded by his anger toward his brother that he didn't see the good in the situation and God's love for him. God had returned a lost brother to the family. Oh to have that closure so often in life we are hurt and there is no closure from the ones who hurt this is such a picture of hope for the family for the hurting father and it shows God hurts when we are hurting and He rejoices when we are repentent for our sins as Christians as well as the lost. Amen that I have a loving Father in heaven who wanted to adopt me AMEN
This is one of the most beautiful stories in the bible of forgiveness and also how we as humans often first see only what we want to see ie, the envy of the elder brother blinded him. He didn't see God's hand upon the situation he could only see he was missing out. oh it touches me so deeply this story as I struggle with being different from alot of people I know. I struggle with loneliness I know I am not alone praise to you Oh LORD but my reality when I compare myself to others is lonely. I have suffered alot of rejection in my life but this story shows me God is greater than my situation and He will show me the way if I keep looking through His eyes.
1. Verses 1 to 6 provide us with a testimony of how some people find themselves too comfortable and too wealthy and too busy that they do not see why they should worship God.
Although many opportunities present themselves to them to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they feel uncomfortable and embarassed in their social circles to accept Jesus Christ in their lives.
2. Later on in life when they find themselves in trouble or in a crisis they try to turn to Jesus Christ but they fail to connect to him because of their sinful and selfish intentions.No matter how hard they try the spirit of sin flowing in their blood blocks them from receiving Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
3.Verse 7 is quite interesting.Listen carefully.
The watchmen are people who saveguard the interests of earthly sinful beings.These are 'worldly people'.The self righteous.Those who are wise in their own eyes and are more concerned with worldly affairs than worshipping God and living in righteousness.
Note: Song of Solomon 3:3.
At first the watchmen see a sinner looking for Jesus Christ and they tell the sinner they have never seen him.
The sinner finds Jesus Christ just soon afterwards and they do not have the power to stop the sinner from accepting Jesus Christ.One thing to note here is that the 'watchmen will never and cannot lead you to Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Now, listen very carefully, when the saved person backslides then all hell breaks loose.
The 'watchmen' readily embrace the backslider and encourages him/her to sink deeper into sin than before.If you were into drugs before the 'watchmen' buy you more and more drugs and even introduce you to harder ones.If you were into fornication they encourage you even more.They encourage you to sleep around and to marry more wives for sexual pleasure.If you were into alcohol they invite you to more and more parties.This is how the 'watchmen' kill you both physically and spiritually.
This happens because you would have taken away God's protection.Just like if you throw away your umbrella in rain you surely get wet.So my dear ones, this verse is much more loaded than your precious time will allow me to elucidate.
Just imagine the progical son in Luke 15:11-32 deciding to leave his father for the second time.
4.Verses 8 and 9 talk of the daughters of Jerusalem.Who are the daughters of Jerusalem? These are people who persue and seek worldly power, wealth,influence, fame and personal pleaure.They are spiritually bankrupt and they lack righteousness.They detruct people from worshipping God.They detract people from following Jesus Christ, the Messiah.They enslave people through fornication,sex,alcohol,drugs,tobacco,gambling,entertainment,divination,witchcraft,fortunetelling, magic,false,religion,politics,cults,sorcery,astrology,observing times,formenting wars for business,spreading of deadly diseases for money, fake researches,misinformation, you name it.
In verse 9 these daughters of Jerusalem ask those who backslide what is so special about your Beloved, there are so many women out there.
This happens when someone tells you there is nothing special about Jesus Christ, the Messiah.Someone will tell you there are many prophets or many religions out there so why do you have to seek only Jesus Christ, the Messiah?
5.Verses 10 to 16 gives an explanation of why the Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah is far much superior than any other doctrine or prophet ever sent from God.These verses show us that there is none on earth like Jesus Christ, the Messiah and people can and will only get salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah and as their Saviour.
6. My humble question to my Moslem brothers and sisters all over the world.
If Song of Solomon 5:16 refers to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) do you then take the Holy Bible as the true word of God?
Do we cherry pick verses in the Bible for our convenience?
You have two choices.
1.Either you accept the Bible as the word of God and follow what it says.or
2.You disregard the Bible totally and do not quote any verse in the Bible to support your religion.Because in your eyes the Bible is not authentic.
Glory be to God All Mighty.The Creator of the heavens and earth.The God of Abraham.The God of Israel.The One and Only.The Alpha and the Omega.
The Creator of everything that was, that is, and that will ever be.
1. Verses 1 to 4 teach us that we need to leave the COMFORT ZONE if we are to bring Jesus Christ, the Messiah in our lives.We have to totally forgo the earthly pleasures and desires if we are to find favour in God's eyes. Once you receive Jesus Christ, the Messiah as your Saviour you should obey God's statutes and commands.You should hold the Word of God dear to your heart and treasure the teachings of Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
2. Verse 5 tells us to jealously guard ourselves from backsliding.We should find strength in God to resist all temptations to fall into sin.
3. Verses 6 to 11 tell us about the rewards which await those who abandon sinful lives and decide to follow Jesus Christ, the Messiah.You are taken out of the gloom and misery of a sinful life by the powerful hand of God and restored to your rightful place in the Kingdom of God with all the previleges of a faithful child of the Mighty God.
Refer to Luke 15:11-32 The story of the prodical son.This demonstrates how God picks us up from total darkness of sin and restores us with LOVE to our rightful places in HIS KINGDOM.
I like this chapter because it talks about a son that took all he had and wasted it. And when he came back to his father his father took him back with open arms. And that is how Jesus is when we do wrong and want to go off on are own and we know we done wrong and we come back to the father he will welcome us back with open arms.
"And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them." ( Luke 15:2)
There was a man who came to a virtuous woman and told her of a wounded man who lay dying. He needed her help, yet, this man was in a less than virtuous place. Acknowledging this to her, and as if the very asking was asking virtue to stoop to a lowly place to help a dying man, she went.
She bound up the wounds of the dying man. Her work saved the man.
Love does not always look right. Jesus received sinners, and ate with them. To the Pharisees and Scribes, this did not look right.
Jesus talked to the woman at the well, alone, and she was a Samaritan. To the disciples, this did not look right.
Love does not always look right.
Jesus healed people in the temple, in synagogues, along roadsides, in houses, and in mountains and graveyards. Jesus healed from the cross; to one beside him on the cross, to those standing beneath His cross.
Love does not always look right, but love is always right.
The prodigal son left the father's house, went out to the world himself, he pluck himself out of the father's hand. ( John 10:28) The far country turn out to be a place called "PIG PEN". When you hit rock bottom, there is 3 things that will happen to you if you let it - vs. 17, he came to himself, vs. 18, I will rise and go, vs. 20, he arose and came. The father was still watching the road to see if the son was coming home, the father run to meet him, that is just like Jesus, he running toward you with open arms to welcome home again.
"...And the Pharisees and scribes murmured, saying, This man receiveth sinners, and eateth with them..." ( Luke 15:1-10) All roads lead to houses and in houses are people.
Luke 15:32..32 But we had to celebrate and be glad, because this brother of yours was dead and is alive again; he was lost and is found.’”
"He was a brother, then died ( spitually )because of his sin, then came back, was restored and now is alive again...Here's the big ?, what if he had've died before he saw his error..Well now, to HELL he would go, because he was dead....
Of course YES, because Angels always gather in the presence of God ( Job 1:6).
2. This parable also gives Christian parents that have witness our children being saved at a young age and bringing them up in the nurture and admonition of the lord ( Ephesians 6:4) and have to try to create a godly environment in the home a much needed inspiration;
3. Enrolling our children in a good Christian school and being active in a good bible believing church enhances this godly environment;
4. This is important because we as parents need to recognize our children as an investment not only for our good, but for their good future here on earth and for all eternity;
5. Proverbs 22:6 tells us to bring up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart far from it;
6. This is the advantage that believers who have created an environment as I have described above have over believers and non-believers that have not or do not participate in bringing up a child the way they should go according to God's holy word;
7. This father most obviously did bring up both boys in the nurture and admonition of the lord to get results like this;
8. A life time of being faithful to God's truth came home to roost;
9. God always honors faithfulness in being obedient to his holy scriptures, commandments, precepts, principals, and statutes;
10. It is never too late to get started, but the longer we wait the more difficult it can be;
11. Earlier is better than later, but later is better than never.
Although many opportunities present themselves to them to accept Jesus Christ as their Saviour, they feel uncomfortable and embarassed in their social circles to accept Jesus Christ in their lives.
2. Later on in life when they find themselves in trouble or in a crisis they try to turn to Jesus Christ but they fail to connect to him because of their sinful and selfish intentions.No matter how hard they try the spirit of sin flowing in their blood blocks them from receiving Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
3.Verse 7 is quite interesting.Listen carefully.
The watchmen are people who saveguard the interests of earthly sinful beings.These are 'worldly people'.The self righteous.Those who are wise in their own eyes and are more concerned with worldly affairs than worshipping God and living in righteousness.
Note: Song of Solomon 3:3.
At first the watchmen see a sinner looking for Jesus Christ and they tell the sinner they have never seen him.
The sinner finds Jesus Christ just soon afterwards and they do not have the power to stop the sinner from accepting Jesus Christ.One thing to note here is that the 'watchmen will never and cannot lead you to Jesus Christ, the Messiah.
Now, listen very carefully, when the saved person backslides then all hell breaks loose.
The 'watchmen' readily embrace the backslider and encourages him/her to sink deeper into sin than before.If you were into drugs before the 'watchmen' buy you more and more drugs and even introduce you to harder ones.If you were into fornication they encourage you even more.They encourage you to sleep around and to marry more wives for sexual pleasure.If you were into alcohol they invite you to more and more parties.This is how the 'watchmen' kill you both physically and spiritually.
This happens because you would have taken away God's protection.Just like if you throw away your umbrella in rain you surely get wet.So my dear ones, this verse is much more loaded than your precious time will allow me to elucidate.
Just imagine the progical son in Luke 15:11-32 deciding to leave his father for the second time.
4.Verses 8 and 9 talk of the daughters of Jerusalem.Who are the daughters of Jerusalem? These are people who persue and seek worldly power, wealth,influence, fame and personal pleaure.They are spiritually bankrupt and they lack righteousness.They detruct people from worshipping God.They detract people from following Jesus Christ, the Messiah.They enslave people through fornication,sex,alcohol,drugs,tobacco,gambling,entertainment,divination,witchcraft,fortunetelling, magic,false,religion,politics,cults,sorcery,astrology,observing times,formenting wars for business,spreading of deadly diseases for money, fake researches,misinformation, you name it.
In verse 9 these daughters of Jerusalem ask those who backslide what is so special about your Beloved, there are so many women out there.
This happens when someone tells you there is nothing special about Jesus Christ, the Messiah.Someone will tell you there are many prophets or many religions out there so why do you have to seek only Jesus Christ, the Messiah?
5.Verses 10 to 16 gives an explanation of why the Word of God, Jesus Christ, the Messiah is far much superior than any other doctrine or prophet ever sent from God.These verses show us that there is none on earth like Jesus Christ, the Messiah and people can and will only get salvation through accepting Jesus Christ as the Messiah and as their Saviour.
6. My humble question to my Moslem brothers and sisters all over the world.
If Song of Solomon 5:16 refers to prophet Muhammad (pbuh) do you then take the Holy Bible as the true word of God?
Do we cherry pick verses in the Bible for our convenience?
You have two choices.
1.Either you accept the Bible as the word of God and follow what it says.or
2.You disregard the Bible totally and do not quote any verse in the Bible to support your religion.Because in your eyes the Bible is not authentic.
Glory be to God All Mighty.The Creator of the heavens and earth.The God of Abraham.The God of Israel.The One and Only.The Alpha and the Omega.
The Creator of everything that was, that is, and that will ever be.
Peace and Love and Mercy of God be upon us.
2. Verse 5 tells us to jealously guard ourselves from backsliding.We should find strength in God to resist all temptations to fall into sin.
3. Verses 6 to 11 tell us about the rewards which await those who abandon sinful lives and decide to follow Jesus Christ, the Messiah.You are taken out of the gloom and misery of a sinful life by the powerful hand of God and restored to your rightful place in the Kingdom of God with all the previleges of a faithful child of the Mighty God.
Refer to Luke 15:11-32 The story of the prodical son.This demonstrates how God picks us up from total darkness of sin and restores us with LOVE to our rightful places in HIS KINGDOM.
There was a man who came to a virtuous woman and told her of a wounded man who lay dying. He needed her help, yet, this man was in a less than virtuous place. Acknowledging this to her, and as if the very asking was asking virtue to stoop to a lowly place to help a dying man, she went.
She bound up the wounds of the dying man. Her work saved the man.
Love does not always look right. Jesus received sinners, and ate with them. To the Pharisees and Scribes, this did not look right.
Jesus talked to the woman at the well, alone, and she was a Samaritan. To the disciples, this did not look right.
Love does not always look right.
Jesus healed people in the temple, in synagogues, along roadsides, in houses, and in mountains and graveyards. Jesus healed from the cross; to one beside him on the cross, to those standing beneath His cross.
Love does not always look right, but love is always right.
"He was a brother, then died ( spitually )because of his sin, then came back, was restored and now is alive again...Here's the big ?, what if he had've died before he saw his error..Well now, to HELL he would go, because he was dead....