Discuss Luke 16 Page 13

  • Wanda on Luke 16:18 - 10 years ago
    So i am to believe that if both husband and wife cheated on one another through out the marriage and the wife left and the husband divorced her on grounds of abandonment she can never marry again? The wife has become a christian shortly after she left the husband. Or does the man or the wife have to be passed away?
  • Sharon on Luke 16 - 10 years ago
    amen i agree if u learned pray and ask for forgive ness and repent of your sins each day keep a relationship with him amen.
  • George on Luke 16:9 - 10 years ago
    what is the meaning of luke 16 9
  • Elect on Luke 16 - 10 years ago
    The rich man being in hell does not mean that all rich people will go to hell Remember the rich man in acts chapter 10 whose generosity brought salvation to his house by means of peter if I may ask what would have happened to the rich man if he was generous while on earth
  • Ntandokazi on Luke 16 - 10 years ago
    I thnk u ppl of God 4caring us nd loving us even on social ntwks Am happy tht we can get th bible while we are online on facebook May God bless u all
  • Laptoper on Luke 16:13 - 11 years ago
    Money is neutral it s only a medium of exchange Mammon is a spirit of greed It s the word term used in the original writings Love of Mammon is the root of all evil
  • Pat B. on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    I ve heard people say this is a parable I personally do not believe it is I believe God is giving us a stern warning that hell is real and this is just a small preview of the hell to come in the lake of fire and brimstone The bible says as I live saith the Lord God every knee shall bend and every head shall bow and confess that I am Lord and no man comes unto the Father but by Me Every person controls their own destination you can go up or down It s your choice
  • Cindy on Luke 16:12 - 11 years ago
    Your advancement in God and life greatly depends on your commitment and faithfulness to HIS assignment in your hands.It is require of us to be faithful to our fellow men also,for God use men to test our hearts.
  • Edna Daniels on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    I beleive that we all fall short as to the way we live, so who are we to judge, yet we do! I am a strong beliver that if you have not learned to repent of your sins then you are destinty to live enternal in hell. Learn to Forgive, Learn to Love, Learn to support your Fellowman, and always trust and beleive in God.
  • Jennifer Perrin on Luke 16:31 - 11 years ago
    I have found myself to be guilty of such a crime towards my sister-in-law and heer husband. They tend to do eveerything the biblle says not to' and I get so mad at them as tho I've not sin before. It would be the same if that woould have happen to me instead of the rich man. We must treat oone another as God treats all of us. I'm no better than them when I pass judgement. May God forgive me.
  • Betty C. Evans on Luke 16:9 - 11 years ago
    I believe this scripture has a twofold meaning as to who will receive you into their eternal habitation. First of all in every day life calamity times will come, disasters of all kind, fires, floods earth quakes ect. and you don't know who God will send to your aide, and it plainly infers to storing up good works or your treasures in heaven that (GOD/JERSUS will receive you into their everlasting tabernacles.
  • Yatty on Luke 16:18 - 11 years ago
    God is sure not an author of confusion. Whosoever shall divorce his wife for anyother reason other than fornication causes her to commit adultery and if he takes or marries another woman he commits adultery. Thus divorce is absolutely wrong where it is not as a result of one spouse cheating on the other. See mat 5:32. Marriage is a serious business and should not be delved into blindly. May God give us the grace to strive on Amen
  • Anonymous on Luke 16:18 - 11 years ago
    Brother God do not make mistakes you say both want things to get better goods that is the will of GOD whatever made you fall in love with her from the beginning think on these things and talk to each other and I mean talk GOD IS LOVE
  • Niyi Amuda on Hebrews 9:27 - 11 years ago
    "And as it is appointed unto man once to die and after this the judgment". First point to make here is that YOU WILL DIE ONCE DAY! Everybody is going to die, some sooner than others. When a man dies he doesn't go into extinct as some believe, or purgatory, such occultic believe isn't Biblical.

    It is clearly stated that you would die one day. Your death is not going to be like one of those animals, because you have the breath of God ( Gen. 2:7) in you and because Jesus shed His precious blood to wash away your sins ( Rev. 1:5), you will have give to account of every moment of your life to God ( 2 Cor. 5:10). Heaven awaits those who live a holy and spotless Christian life, on the contrary, hell fire awaits sinners, those who refuse to accept Jesus Christ ( Luke 16:19-23). Let's grow to become like Jesus, His coming is eminent!
  • Ar on Revelation 9 - 11 years ago
    To Johnny Jones's question on 11/07/2013 if there is a verse in the bible which answes his qustion, I had the same query and eventually I found one answer to it, which is in 1st Corinthians CH.13:12 where Paul says ''now we see but a poor reflection ,then we shall see face to face.now I know in part,then I shall know fully even as I am fully known''
    Also,Jesus said in Luke 16:23, about the rich guy who died and went to hell, but he saw Lazarus sitting in the arms of father Abraham and recognized him. So, I came to the conclusion that we will recognize our relatives. I hope this will help you to come to a conclusion. God Bless You
  • Mzee Jay. on Luke 16:8 - 11 years ago
    There is hidden wisdom in God that can be of great help to the saints, and the entire universe.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    As we think about the reason why Lazarus was carried into Abraham's bosom, and the rich man died, then opened his eyes in hell, being in torment. Lazarus lived by faith, and not by sight. We are justified by our faith in the Lord Jesus Christ, and even though Lazarus lived dependent on the crumbs from the rich man's gate, God sent the dogs to lick his sores. The rich man live in purple, and fine linen, dependent on his riches everyday. Jesus had already said man cannot serve God, and mammon. What is highly esteemed among men, is an abomination in the sight of God. Only by faith in the shed blood of Jesus Christ can we be justified from our sins, and thus Lazarus was justified, therefore the angels carried him into Abraham's bosom. The rich man trusted in his riches, and was not justified. Not by works of righteousness which we have done that God has saved us, but because of His mercy that He has extended to us at the cross of the Lord Jesus Christ. When we place our faith in Him we too will be justified in His presence. Have faith in God, and do not trust in your riches to get to heaven.
  • David Noseh shamaki on Luke 16:8 - 11 years ago
    I think they are wisers than us, that is why we need to be sober and be vigilant.
    The Lord has tell us, so that we will not be ignorant of devise.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    The rich young man asked Jesus what shall I do to enter the kingdom? He answered sell everything and follow me. It was the day he was going to Jerusalem. Of course any man would have to be totally crazy to give up everything to follow a beggar to persecution. Today that would be considered immoral and insane. I have done these things and now have become a beggar. I sold my Ferrari to pay for the debt I incurred going to Jerusalem. I sold my forty thousand dollar watch and everything that could make me appear rich. I now ride a bicycle and have to beg for a living. I can say that in my living envelope I have seen it all. I have now reached the kingdom. From here I can lift all of humanity to a better place, the kingdom of God.
  • Emmanuel Gankyoe on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    This means we have to share the little we have with others so that we can have the chance to live in Abraham's bossom
  • Ben on Luke 16:18 - 11 years ago
    My brother,GOD is not an author of confusion.YOU have been join,no one put asunder. pls pray to GOD,He will amend your marriage. thanks.
  • Keyna Welenc on Isaiah 5:14 - 11 years ago
    I believe hell is located "under the earth" according to Philippians 2:10 "in heaven and on earth and 'under the earth' "
    Hell enlarged herself after Jesus preached to the Old Testament saints ( 1Peter 3:18-20) in Abraham's bosom and released them from prison. Before this, a great chasm ( Luke 16:19-31) separated Hell (those in torment) from Abraham's bosom. The rich man (in hell) asked that Lazarus (in Abraham's bosom) be sent to dip the end of his finger in water and cool his tongue. Verse 26- the great chasm was fixed... no one could cross/pass over. Jesus released those in prison and Abraham's bosom was emptied, then hell enlarged herself (was expanded).
    I believe this is where Catholics get the idea of purgatory (even though this place is not mentioned in the bible). Purgatory was emptied after Jesus descended into hell and released the prisoners from Abraham's bosom.
    Is the idea of hell enlarging itself (and being enlarged ever since) the cause of so-called global warming???
  • Carrie Livingston on Luke 16:9 - 11 years ago
    It makes sense that if we would treat our neighbor as ourselves. We would love them and help them in their time of need. We would use our money, our riches to benefit and do good to others, as we are stewards of the money and the gifts of God. Let us share all of God's righteousness.
  • Carrie Livingston on Luke 16:9 - 11 years ago
    It makes sense that if we would treat our neighbor as ourselves. We would love them and help them in their time of need. We would use our money, our riches to benefit and do good to others, as we are stewards of the money and the gifts of God. Let us share all of God's righteousness.
  • KOTIN AGOSU on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    And as it is appointed unto men once to die HEBREW 9:27. let us repent and be good to make the next world a rich one and peaceful which is going to eternal. when we die we can't come back for rectification. HEAVEN IS REAL AND HELL IS REAL.
  • Onwuzuruigbo, JOC on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    Verse 26: Heaven and Hell are complete end to all things - no change can take place in Heaven or Hell. As wickedness comes to and end, mercy also cannot be exercised across heaven and hell. The good in Heaven in there natural tendencies may have the will to help their loved ones that they may site in hell but the power to do so shall be denied of them. Those in Hell may wish to subtly or forcefully cross over to Heaven or have a relationship with the residents but they cannot. To get back to earth via any means, they also cannot. The engulfing gulf is too great that it traps all including mercy. Neither inflow nor outflow of any sort is possible. Hell is not only a dead end but a dead biginning. It is not a place for me or you. My prayer is that I work NOW and help all walk to getting carried into Heaven through Christ, my Lord and Saviour.
  • Dolapo on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    In verse 21,bible says Lazarus desireth to be fed with crumbs. The rich man ending in hell wasnot because of his wealth neither Lazarus didn't make heaven because he was poor. Simply put, Lazarus desired to be poor. We can be rich and still make heaven and some will be poor and yet miss heaven. God isn't against being rich. Remember He says 'Gold and Silver is mine'. Just don't let your wealth distract you from the right path. May God bless us and grant us heaven.
  • Elvis on Luke 16 - 11 years ago
    Even dead people talks.verse 19 to 31 u wil see that they talked when they are dead and its true. people must know and believe that they can talk
  • Jay on Luke 24 - 12 years ago
    1. The term holy ghost and holy spirit are interchangeable in the scriptures ( Luke 3:22; Luke 4:1);
    2. This is one reason why people who have had bodily limbs removed still feel as if their limbs are still with them after removal of a limb;
    3. The holy ghost goes to heaven after a person is deceased for a born again believer, and the unholy ghost for an unbeliever goes to hell ( Luke 16:22, 23).
  • Jay on Luke 16 - 12 years ago
    On verse 18,
    1. I agree with what Timothy had to say in response to Brother on his marriage situation, but there is more Timothy should be doing beside praying;
    2. It is difficult giving relationship advice without being able to sit down and talk with both parties involved;
    3. God always has solutions to every situation, but they are usually not so simple because of our sinful nature and after we have made decisions without proper biblical counseling with God and the man of God with the holy scriptures at the foundation of our decisions;
    4. Are you and your wife both saved?
    5. Do you both attend and participate in a good bible believing church?
    6. Are you doing those things that God commands us to do that put us in a right relationship and good standing with him?
    7. Although our mates have a large influence on our lives and how we are able to serve God, but our mates should not have that much influence on us that it holds us back from our spiritual growth and fellowship with God ( 1 Corinthians 7 and Ephesians 5:21-33);
    8. We as Christians should never allow anyone to have such a strong hold on us to keep us from doing right and being diligent in seeking him. ( 1 Corinthians 7:29 and Hebrews 11:6);
    9. The better our relationship, fellowship, and obedience to God's holy word the better position we place ourselves in having God answering our prayers and working in our favor;
    10. We have a much better opportunity in winning others to our side (God’s side) when we love God verbally, but also when we especially love God with our actions;
    11. People always tend to watch our actions over our speech ( James 1:22-25);
    12. I do not know what kind of a relationship Peter had with his wife, but it apparently did not stop him from doing what God wanted him to do!

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