Discuss Luke 17 Page 11

  • A disciple on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    "Doth he thank that servant because he did the things that were commanded him? I expect not. So likewise ye, when ye shall have done all those things which are commanded you, say, We are unprofitable servants: we have done that which was our duty to do." When we have been explicitly told what we are to believe and do, and how to think of ourselves, how then is obedience something special or extra?
  • A disciple on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    "Then said he unto the disciples, It is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!" Keeping with the context and continuance of the previous chapters, it was the covetous and hostile disobedient rich who derided the Lord and let Lazarus perish with poverty and hunger right at their own front gate. This kind treat Christians the same way, without any concern.
  • Eutychus on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    "And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith." A thing for which we all seek. Unfortunately, the people we ask to help the Lord increase our faith, are usually folks who are PAID to teach us how to have faith...they themselves not having faith enough to live as the Bible says, "Take no thought for the morrow, what ye shall eat, or what ye shall drink, or wherewith shall ye be clothed."
  • Htrixmon on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    If you look at the word men it is in italics. This means the word men was supplied by the translator or added. Read the verse without the word men because that is how it is in the original text. I tell you, in that night there will be two in one bed the one will be taken and the other left.
  • Brianna vs. 1-4 on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    These scriptures reminds us that problems with our fellow man are sure to come. However, it all reminds us of how to deal with "stumbling". It's not wrong to rebuke our brother for the wrong they made have made against us, but if they ask for forgiveness, then we are to sincerely forgive them from the heart. A hard but valuable lesson.
  • Spirit Child of God on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    The Bible is a three-fold message, within the message. The material for the body, the psychological for righteous thinking of the mind, and the spiritual for our spirit salvation in God, which is of supreme importance! If our bodies are the temple of God and his kingdom is within us it doesn t take rocket science to figure out that our spirit is God and his kingdom in us! For God is the kingdom
  • Servant of God on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    Who among you is sharp enough to discern what this doctrine is about. It surely is not about political power, abortion reversal, 2nd amendment, presumption of salvation, self-righteousness, ad nauseum. It is about work! And not for personal gain, but secretly, to warrant grace from the Father. He alone can reward or punish, bless or correct. That is what this chapter is about. Give glory!
  • A disciple on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    (continued) This is not to further argue with those who want to believe fantasies rather than receive instruction from the Spirit of Truth; but that everyone knows, it was APOSTASY OF BELIEVERS that caused the destruction of all piety and fear of God in the world, by their casting off the bonds of the Spirit and moral restraint. The flood of Noah however did not wash this evil out of men's hearts.
  • A disciple on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    "But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation: and as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man." In Genesis 6 is first shown the root cause of the complete and utter ruin of the world, and of its being filled with violence and every thought of men's hearts every day only evil continually: REJECTION OF GOD'S SPIRIT BY THOSE WHO KNEW!
  • Times and laws on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    two men in the bed, those who sleep in their dusty beds, there are those who are resurrected and those who are not at the days of the son of man, two women : two churches Yahs true church and the Babylon church, two in field: laborers for Yah, laborers for satan, Taken in Everlasting death. As in Noahs day
  • William Iannucci on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    Why has our country by the known Churches turned away ,is there not any to make a difference? I am unknown but am well known by my Master for he is in me though I be not Christ and shall continue to do exploits in honor of the Lord God Almighty who rules and reigns forever. SELAH AMEN PS Even thoughs who call on his name shall be delivered from darkness unto light through Christ who alone is JESUS
  • A disciple - 7 years ago
    Lu2677 (cont.); It is our duty for love's sake, to have mercy on one another when addressing faults and sins. Addressing of the fault and sin IS AS IMPORTANT and is part of being brothers! Luke 17:3 Take heed to yourselves: If thy brother trespass against thee, rebuke him; and if he repent, forgive him...go and tell him his fault..if he shall hear thee, thou hast gained thy brother. We want PEACE!
  • Jo Ann Wulf on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    And then shall that Wicked be revealed, whom the Lord shall consume with the spirit of his mouth, and shall destroy with the brightness of his coming: 2 Thess 2:8 KJB
  • Bruce on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    disciple: You have that backwards. Noah and his Family were taken away from the destruction coming. The same with Lots Family. The same is going to happen in the end. He will take The Ones Washed in His Blood away from The Wrath coming on The Whole World and so shall We ever be with The Lord. Has He Tugged on Your Heart? Ask Forgiveness. You will be Washed,Baptized,Changed. Salvation is WOW!!!
  • A disciple on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    Peter; from the examples used by the Lord here; who were the ones remaining? not the wicked, but the saved! Only Noah, and they that were with him in the ark were left after the cataclysm. Of all those who lived in the cities of the plain, on the south shore of what is now the Dead Sea; only Lot and his family escaped the overthrow of fire and burning sulfur. Read Matthew 13; the evil are removed.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    May we NOT be among those who will be left behind when the Lord shall come. To ensure that this happens, we must be ready for His Kingdom through our being washed in the Blood of the Lamb. This chapter also underscores the importance of appreciating God's goodness towards us. One out of the ten lepers returned to thank Jesus.
  • Michael on Luke 11 - 7 years ago
    When jesus says Woe unto you, lawyers! for ye have taken away the key of knowledge: ye entered not in yourselves, and them that were entering in ye hindered. He is talking about Meditation, that is how one enters in one self. as he says in Mat 6:33 "Seek first the kingdom of God", and repeats 5 times in this sequence, "Take No Thought". for where is the Kingdom of god? Luke 17:21. Within you.
  • Zeingoff on Luke 17 - 7 years ago
    Lk 20-21 the kingdom comes not with observation. No one will see for we are made in the image of God. That is our bodies within are spirit as the Father is spirit. These sayings of Jesus are always symbolic. Substitute mustard seed/faith for instance. He wants us to work at this and not be blind leading blind. You can't site verse to prove a point, especially from Paul, who taught different
  • Word on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    In vs 23 Christ tells us don't go! The one in the field and those that go are going the wrong way. They are taken because of their own ignorance. I think of it as when the false messiah gets here and he acts likes Jesus, looks like Jesus, performs miracles like nothing they have ever seen and he claims to be God return and every body in the world believe it God returned it just has to be. Don't go
  • Stephende on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    The Master wasn't speaking, I don't think about some Apocalypse at his returning. No one will witness Him floating down from heaven to beat up the bad guys. What's important to me is that the Kingdom is within, or impressive to the truly faithful, who has humbled himself completely as the parable states. It is one's duty to seek the Kingdom! Your reward is given in secret and no man will rob.
  • Bruce on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    Steph: how shall you escape if you neglect so great salvation? Hebrews 2:3/ And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire. Revelations 20:15 /--- hast redeemed us to God by thy blood--- Revelations 5:9 / Neither is their salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men,whereby we must be saved. Acts 4:12
  • Bruce on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    Two men,two women: men or women are not in the original they were added by King James. like Irene posted: two Shall be in one bed;-----. two Shall be grinding----. two Shall be in the field;
  • Irene123 on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    To N; on Lk.17:34 - Isa.1:18; "Come now, let us reason together ....."; " ..... two shall be in one bed ..... "; if Jesus were referring to this sin, neither one in the bed would have been taken. Don't be naïve; God gave s all common sense.
  • Mari on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    To N....back in their day, some people didn't have their own bed. It's not what you think.
  • Beau atchfel on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    17:34 The grand manipulation has begun! Stay awake.
  • Cheryl on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    the question for Luke chptr 17 spoke about the Lord healing 10 men but the question throw me because HOW MANY LEAPERS JESUS HEALED IN THE WHOLE BIBLE? An if you look at it this way the Lord had healed more than the questions was asking. I feel the question was out of order because of the statement that the Lord Luke 12 when the Lord entered into the village THERE WERE 10 LEPERS,
  • N.... on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    You need to check out Luke chp 17 v 34.... That is not right !!!!!
  • Joan Travick - 8 years ago
    Rev.18:3;20-24, especially vs. 21*: See Luke 17:2, Matt. 18:6, Mark 9:42 "It were better for him if a millstone were hung about his neck, and he were cast into the sea than that he cause one of these little ones to sin". I say again, GOD will not change or compromise HIS word. What society allows is not approval from GOD. GOD will never go against HIS word. HE'll bring to pass what HE's said.
  • Mr.Smith on Psalms 1 - 8 years ago
    Further revelation of truth. When we really understand the power of "Christ in us", we can live and operate in all the fullness of God. He created us in His image and likeness and has given us all His authority to rule and reign here on earth. Cassie, read Luke 17:20-21. The KOG is not somewhere you're "going to", it is already "inside" you if you have received Christ Jesus.
  • Bruce on Luke 17 - 8 years ago
    Mary N: Isaiah4:1 Women we're looking for a husband because a lot of men died in war. Many women are willing to marry one man to take away their reproach! They'll take care of their own needs,it won't cost him anything! Their a outcast! not married no garment,his name!
    Without a wedding garment we are an outcast! Matthew22:12-14, are you John6:44,1John1:9, Matthew 3:11
    Changed ll Corinthians5:17

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