Discuss Luke 17 Page 13

  • Anonymous on Luke 17:5 - 10 years ago
    Luke 17 7 9 is a metaphor,teaching us that in doing the works of God,will not only Increase our faith,but will perfect Our faith, that is why Jesus gave,the Gospel,to teach us to obey it, to make our faith perfect.in Christ Henry McNally
  • Dwight on Luke 17:15 - 10 years ago
    it seems this man returned to thank a great man for his healing and instead found complete healing through the Son of God. what a witness he had become following a thankful heart. His testimony would be the greatest of all.
  • Adams on Luke 17:19 - 10 years ago
    Its takes faith to overcome
  • Stephen on Luke 17 - 10 years ago
    The kingdom of heaven is within you...the most precious thing in this universe is mind ,and that is the only place that the kingdom of God resides. We are renewed by the transforming of our minds by the presence within us of the mind of Christ and asking him to dwell in us is the beginning of the kingdom of God in each person, preparing us for the participation in the new immortal "super organism " Of the bride of Christ the. Only eternal part of the failing old universe.
  • Brian on Luke 17:34 - 10 years ago
    God created mankind as He saw fit. It is not our place to second guess what He created and called it "good "
  • Fear not! on Luke 17:34 - 10 years ago
    We are sons! consecreted made holy For how long? Evermore. THE OATH!
  • Fear not! on Luke 17:34 - 10 years ago
    Kevin you need to learn the truth. 1 John 5 20 And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given us an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even in his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.21 Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen. Eternal life is the true God! Jesus saves, we failed. Salvation 101.
  • Fear not on Luke 17:34 - 10 years ago
    Walking in darkness! Do not forget to make your eye single. Jesus is the LIGHT of LIFE. Life? Did you miss that? He saves all who reach out immediately and to the UTTERMOST. This is on Gods scale. No human can comprehend how "saved " that is. Only that it cannot be more sure. Hebrews 7 25 28. Fear the end? Read, it is no joke Romans 6 22 But now being made free from sin, and become servants to God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end everlasting life.
  • Chaplain Bob Walker on Luke 17 - 10 years ago
    The old testament was written in Hebrew and the new testament was in Greek. It was transliterated into English from these languages. Noah and Noe are just spelling variations for the same man. When it writes of the flood of Noe, you know what it means.
  • Jamie on Luke 17:26 - 10 years ago
    Why does it spell Noah 's name "Noe " in Matthew and Luke, but it is spelled "Noah " in Genesis, Numbers, Joshua, 1 Chronicles, Isaiah, Ezekiel, Hebrews, 1 Peter and 2 Peter??
  • Susan simmons on Luke 17 - 10 years ago
    there was 10 lepers not 11
  • Abey on Luke 17:32 - 11 years ago
    Remember Lot s wife Is the Complacency to the Sodomic Activities unto its agendas through the time Much relevant today
  • Jerry Murray on Luke 17:2 - 11 years ago
    If we all would send a letter as I am doing now to the IRS and our reps regarding our 500 000 000 that is one half billion in taxes supporting the slaughter of 4000 babies each day in America by Planned Parenthood and others we will see Almighty God work in ways that move Him to action
  • Tamika on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    I like reading the bible
  • Robert on Luke 17:21 - 11 years ago
    Apparently there is more than one interpretation of the Greek translation of the original word for within or in your our midst And of course we have no guarantee that the Greek version precisely represents the intention of the author which would have been Jesus speaking in his native language not Greek and recorded by another person perhaps many years afterwards So I have to look within myself to my spiritual self to provide a sense of what Jesus actually meant And my spiritual self says that the statement means that the kingdom of God is not a physical place but instead a spiritual place that lies within each of us Therefore The Kingdom of God is within you But it is also in your midst when you are gathered together to help each other know the truth Your spiritual self is present within the group
  • Welly Zulu on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    Jesus was showing the apostle that it is not for playing. Who is at thee top of the house should not clim down, mean's: when the Grace of God finds you in whatever situation you in don't think twice acept Jesus as your personal saviour. For the matterial things will pass on and turn to waste, salvation is now while you still alive.
  • Robert on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    The forgotten and the saved.
  • Ar on Revelation 1 - 11 years ago
    And to Jobe's remark on 1/11/2014 yes , He will come on the clouds, His second coming,but before that He will come quietly ,to take His Church ,that is the reborn Christians . This is the Rapure, and Jesus refers to this in Luke 17:34-37 very clearly.please read , and thank you.
  • Kip on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    The ten leppers were cast away but they recognised the power of Christ.When people are faced with problems they are cast out and rejected with family members even,but what you need to do when cast out,is to shout unto Jesus for there is victory in shouting
  • Jacob on Luke 17:20 - 11 years ago
    I know that the key part of the Eternal Coming of Christ Our Great God and Saviour & The Eternal Kingdom, is that He must make All of Us, His People, As He is ( I John 3:2). That is, He must remove the sinful flesh, He put upon all Living Beings, and once again, Make Us Exactly as He is, Spirit-Only, Amen!!!

    "For the sinful flesh warreth against Us Spirits."

    Thus, For The Eternal Age of Righteousness, Peace and Joy to come, the sinful part of this evil flesh age must be done away with by Our Creator, Amen!!!
  • Don Gauthreaux on Luke 17:10 - 11 years ago
    We are servants of the Lord, God. We should not look for any profit when doing and obeying His will. We should only serve, at our best, only to glorify Him and to further His Kingdom. We are unprofitable so that He profits.
  • Kevin Boyce on Luke 17:34 - 11 years ago
    Two men "sleeping" means they are dead. One will be resurrected to eternal life, the other will be resurrected a thousand years later to everlasting punishment (destruction). Pre-trib rapture is FALSE! Two women (churches) grinding at the mill means two types of churches, both doing God's work, but the true church follow the 10 commandments and ALL false ones do not. Two men working in a field means the same thing, out in the world (field) working, doing God's work, one a true follower who obey the commandments and the other who do not... Jesus said that many will come to Him in that day saying Lord, Lord..... Only believers will call Jesus Lord. Being sincere is not enough, we can be sincerely wrong and not even know it! Faith is also believing the 10 commandments were written by God for our own good..... "If you love me, follow my commandments" said Jesus....
  • Susan Mackey on Luke 17:16 - 11 years ago
    All ten were lepers, all were cleansed, only one returned to say Thank you and this one leper
  • Donald on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    I disagree with Sigmund on two counts. First, sin is a choice, and whether we agree with it or not, like it or dislike it, or are confused by it, the Bible says homosexuality is a sin, period. The Bible also says that the Lord will always provide us a way of escaping sin, see 1 Corinthians chapter 10, and verse 13. If homosexuality is inborn, unavoidable and inescapable condition in those individuals who practice it, then saying so makes the truth of the Bible a lie. In other words, something can’t be both sinful and inescapable because the Lord will always provide a means of escape. Simply put, the sin of homosexuality is not inescapable medical condition. Secondly, I believe there is a real hell. I believe these verses are more than just figurative. See Matthew Chapter 5, verse 22, 29-30; chapter 10, verse 28; chapter 11, verse 23; chapter 16, verse 18; chapter 18, verse 9; chapter 23, verse 15 and 33; Mark chapter 9, verse 43, 45, and 47; Luke chapter 10, verse 15, chapter 12, verse 5, chapter 16, verse 23; Acts chapter 2, verse 27 and 31; James chapter 3, verse 6; 2nd Peter chapter 2, verse 4; Revelation chapter 1, verse 18; chapter 6, verse 8, chapter 20, verse 13 and 14. These references are only ones from the New Testament.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    A comment was made about homosexuality and that avoiding sin could save you. All men are sinners and all men should repent. But to say that homosexuals cannot be saved is a lie from the pit of hell which is of course a figure of speech since there is no hell other than the one we exist in now. Homosexuals comprise ten percent of human beings. It is a biological accident that happens to the 13 week embryo. Just as the sex has already been determined the mind has not quite yet developed fully. It is the testosterone level in the mother that determines the mind that the fetus will have. A fetus is innocent. It just so happens that the fingers are not quite developed yet. So you can tell by the fingers what kind of mind the innocent baby is born with. I can look at a person's and see what kind of mind they have. The index finger should be longer than the ring finger in females and in males the ring finger should be longer than the index finger. For a male having a female mind means that they are interested in the same things that females like. Men, fashion, status etc.. Sin is sin but some sin is not propitious to your health. For example sodomy is a dangerous practice but then so is oral sex. All men have been saved by Jesus and what you think does not matter.
  • OBENG FORDJOUR ISAAC on Luke 17:21 - 11 years ago
    LUKE 17 : 21 means the expression does not make the pharisees members of the kingdom of God , but only sets before them the possibility of them being received into it. The kingdom of God is present in the heart and soul of every believer. "The kingdom is within you" is therefore a kingdom that has its throne in the heart, on which Christ , the king sits. It has to be formed by yielding our hearts to Christ
  • Tiffany on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    Luke 17:11-16 is a wonderful example of how we need to remember to Thank God. It is very symbolic to many things we do on a daily basis. Often we forget to speak to God just to say thank you. This scripture is just one more way we are reminded that God has, is and will always do so much for us that we are not even aware of, so why not say THANK YOU now! The leper had to run back because his heart would not let him leave without saying Thank You! So right now Let's all say THANK YOU LORD!!!
  • Ikeatu Edmund on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    We believers in Jesus Christ ought to keep our spiritual tentacles well projected through the word of God and continue in service irrespective of what we might be passing through in this life. No amount of material possessions will equate our soul because the only part of us God will require that day is our soul and nothing more.So make yourself ready for this great day by saying no to sin!
  • Dawny on Luke 17:37 - 11 years ago
    As in Noah's day, the wicked were living as usual until the flood came and TOOK THEM ALL AWAY. So shall it be when the Lord comes. To those who are not watching, living obediently, he will come as a thief. Matt.24:43 If the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and not have suffered his house to be broken up. If we are found faithful at his coming, we will not be cut asunder and appointed a portion with the hypocrites: THERE shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth. THAT is "where" one shall be taken-to be destroyed (the tares to be burned). The other left-to be preserved (the wheat gathered into the Lord's barn).
  • Joe on Luke 17 - 11 years ago
    Actually, the verse does not imply homosexuality. The original text refers to "two persons" in one bed and emphasizes the point that the rapture could occur at any moment, whether we're awake or sleeping, some taken and some not. While I believe a homosexual could become a Christian, I certainly do not believe that this is a justification of that life style. Why would Jesus mention the destruction of Sodom only a few passages before and then justify homosexuality; Luke 17:29 " But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all." There is simply no reference to sexuality in the verse. But don't take my word for it, take the verse in the context of the entire bible and Be like the Christians from Berea in Acts 17:11. "These were more noble than those in Thessalonica, in that they received the word with all readiness of mind, and searched the scriptures daily, whether those things were so."

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