Discuss Luke 17 Page 15

  • JEMIMAH MWENDWA on Luke 17 - 13 years ago
    Luke 17:4 Teaches us that a Christians we should have the heart of despite of the times of which were are offended. That is we should forgive all the time.
  • Lou Williams on Luke 17 - 13 years ago
    Jesus wants his childrens to always give thanks to him in all that he does for us. God is kind to the unthankful and to the evil. Its heartbreaking to God for us to get our request answered and then go about our business as usual without saying thank you. God have mercy on us for we have sinned days without numbers in that we have forgotten you the living God.
  • William Chabot on Luke 17:26 - 14 years ago
    The day of the Son of Man is upon us. It is May 21, 2011. I pray that God will help me with mine unbelief. I pray that God will help others in their unbelief... PLEASE... GOD LIFT THIS VEIL FROM MINE EYES.. I am nothing Lord...without You.
  • Joe on Mark 11 - 14 years ago
    Mark 11:20-26 And Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God. Surely Jesus will not answer your prayer if you have doubt in your heart, and when you read the whole passage, Jesus pointing out only one sin in man's life that impossible him to do without faith. That is why He ended up His message, but if ye do not forgive, neither will your heavenly Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Removing the mountain, unrooted the mustard tree, casting out possessed by demons really impossible to do it, without a prayer, remember God will not answer your prayer if you can't forgive your brother's sin. See also Luke 17: 1-6Matthew 17:20-21. God bless you...
  • Hippie on Luke 17 - 14 years ago
    to Isaias: right on brother/sister. I'm guessing that the red ink means the words are important. He clearly says " within YOU ". cant argue w/ J.C. ...
  • Martin on Matthew 24:28 - 14 years ago
    I started to research this verse today and was suprised at how many different answers there were.
    The conclusion that I have arrived at is not any of those that I have seen so far.
    The one common element in Matthew 24:28 and Luke 17:37 is mentioned just previously to the verses in both books. It is he second coming of Christ.
    The only other mention that I can find about "fowl of the earth" that is tied into Christs second coming is in Revelation 19:17-18.
    The word "carcase" means "to fall". The carcase are fallen ones, physically and spiritually. Those who are not children of God and are destroyed at the brightness of His coming. The eagles that gather are the fowls metioned in Revelation to feast on the wicked, the supper of the great God. I try to let scripture interpet its self and with prayer this is the conclusion that I have arrive at.
  • Bless Grace on Matthew 24 - 14 years ago
    Jesus were given his disciples and followers specific commands, a kind of worldwide works that individually should follow,if truly they are an obedient followers. This is about the preaching work about the Kingdom of God and discipleship making. Please read Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:18,20

    But most people around the world still do not know what is the Kingdom of God? And which among many religions are truly followers of Jesus, since Jesus himself warned that "many" will confess him as Lord but "will deceived many"- Matthew 24:4,5

    The safest things to do is to stay at home and wait someone to knock on our door. Why? Because Jesus had specific command to his true followers, at Matthew 10:5-11 Jesus commanded his follower to " Preach the good news of the kingdom of God through house to house method, village to village and city to city." Also read Acts 20:20

    Yes, if we are truly determined to obey Jesus command, We should stick to his "specific" teachings and wait until we meet this kind of people, right on our doorway. Ask them like, " Do you know what is the Kingdom of God?"

    Here are some truth about the Kingdom of God:

    When Will
    God’s Kingdom Come?

    “LORD, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” ( Acts 1:6) The apostles were eager to know when Jesus would establish his Kingdom. Today, some 2,000 years later, people are still eager to know: When will God’s Kingdom come?

    Since Jesus made the Kingdom the theme of his preaching, you might expect that he discussed this question. And indeed he did! He spoke extensively about a marked period of time that he called his “presence.” ( Matthew 24:37) That presence is closely tied to the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom. What is this presence? Let us consider four truths the Bible reveals about the presence of Christ.

    1. Christ’s presence would begin a long time after his death. Jesus gave an illustration in which he likened himself to a man who “traveled to a distant land to secure kingly power,” or to “secure a kingdom.” ( Luke 19:12; footnote) How was that prophetic illustration fulfilled? Well, Jesus died and was resurrected; then he traveled to the “distant land,” that is, heaven. As Jesus foretold in a similar illustration, his return in kingly power would come only “after a long time.”— Matthew 25:19.

    Some years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostle Paul wrote: “This man [Jesus] offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually and sat down at the right hand of God, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet.” ( Hebrews 10:12, 13) So a lengthy period of waiting followed Jesus’ arrival in heaven. The wait finally ended when Jehovah God made his Son the King of the long-promised Messianic Kingdom. That was when Christ’s presence began. Would humans on earth see this momentous event?

    2. The presence is invisible to human eyes. Remember, Jesus discussed the sign of his presence. ( Matthew 24:3) If his presence were visible to human eyes, would a sign be needed? To illustrate: Imagine that you are traveling to see the ocean. You may see road signs directing you along the way, but once you are at the shore, standing at the water’s edge with the vast expanse of water stretching out to the horizon, would you expect to see a sign with a big arrow pointing ahead, emblazoned with the word “Ocean”? Of course not! Why have a sign to point out what you can easily identify with your eyes?

    Jesus described the sign of his presence, not to point out something that humans could see with their eyes, but to help them discern something that would occur in heaven. Thus, Jesus said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness.” ( Luke 17:20) How, then, would the sign show those on earth that Christ’s presence had begun?

    3. Jesus’ presence would be marked by a time of profound troubles here on earth. Jesus said that his presence as King in heaven would be marked on earth by wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, and lawlessness. ( Matthew 24:7-12; Luke 21:10, 11) What would cause all this misery? The Bible explains that Satan, “the ruler of this world,” is full of rage because he knows that his time is very short now that Christ’s presence as King has begun. ( John 12:31; Revelation 12:9, 12) Such visible evidence of Satan’s rage and of Christ’s presence has been abundant in our time. Especially since 1914, a year that historians acknowledge was a turning point, has this evidence appeared on an unprecedented and global scale.

    All of that may sound like bad news, but it is not. It means that the Messianic Kingdom is ruling now in heaven. Very soon, that government will exercise its rule right here over all the earth. How, though, would people know about that Kingdom in order to accept its rule and become its subjects?

    The bad news we hear every day proves that good things are coming soon
    Two women discussing Jesus' prophecy

    4. Jesus’ presence is marked by a global preaching work. Jesus said that his presence would be like “the days of Noah.”* ( Matthew 24:37-39) Noah was more than an ark builder; he was also “a preacher of righteousness.” ( 2 Peter 2:5) Noah warned people that a judgment from God was on its way. Jesus said that his followers on earth would be doing something similar during his presence. He prophesied: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”— Matthew 24:14.

    As we saw in the preceding article, God’s Kingdom will destroy all the governments of this world. The preaching work alerts people that this heavenly government is about to act, giving all an opportunity to escape the coming destruction and become subjects of that Kingdom. The key question, then, is, How will you respond?
    Will God’s Kingdom Mean Good News for You?

    The message that Jesus preached was one of incomparable hope. After the rebellion in Eden thousands of years ago, Jehovah God purposed to form a government that would set matters right, returning faithful humans to the condition that God had in mind for them from the start—life eternal in a paradise here on earth. What could be more thrilling than the knowledge that this long-promised government is ruling right now in heaven? It is not some remote, abstract concept but a living reality!

    Now, God’s appointed King is ruling in the midst of his enemies. ( Psalm 110:2) In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is fulfilling his Father’s desire to search out all who want to come to know God as he really is and to worship him “with spirit and truth.” ( John 4:24) The hope of living forever under the rule of God’s Kingdom is available to people of all races, ages, and social backgrounds. ( Acts 10:34, 35) We urge you to take hold of the marvelous opportunity before you. Learn about God’s Kingdom now, so that you can enjoy living under its righteous rule forever!— 1 John 2:17.
  • Jeff on Luke 17:34 - 14 years ago
    Can some1 here explaine this too me (T_T)
  • Ben Weaver on Luke 17:21 - 14 years ago
    Apparently, the Pharisees expected the kingdom of God to be obvious and have a definate starting time. Jesus responded by saying, not so, but the kingdom of God is within / in your midst. The word "Kingdom" indicates the realm in which God's government and purposes are functioning; wherever God's righteousness and peace and joy in the Holy Ghost prevail ( Rom. 14:17). According to Jesus' railing on the Pharisees' religion, He was most likely not saying they had God's kingdom in their hearts. I feel He meant the miracles of healing, deliverence from evil spirits, and good news that He taught was God's domain in their midst. Believers are now translated into the kingdom of the Son ( Col. 1:13), but the full function of God's kingdom will be awsome. Lets press into it.
  • Glenda on Matthew 24 - 14 years ago
    (nobodies comment) VERSES 36-37 in MATTHEW tells you the anwer to that question.36- But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my FATHER only. 35-But as the days of Noe (Noah) were so shall also the coming of the SON of man be.
    Stephen-Noah, his wife, shi sons and his son's family were brought to safty in the ark. When JESJS comes back to meet HIS children in the air, they ( HIS children) will be "caught up" reptured (brought to saftey) just like Noah was in the ark.A PLACE OF SAFTY during and after the flood and did not leave the ark until it was safe.HEBREW 11:7. Other verses on CHRIST'S coming ACTS 1;11 10-11, MATTHEW 23:39 24:30 25:31 /MARK: 14:62/ LUKE 17:24/ JOHN 14:13/PHILIPIANS 3:20-21/ 1 THESSALONIANS 4:17-18. READ TO SHOW YOURSELF APPROVED
  • Isaias on Luke 17 - 15 years ago
    trough a real faith in God Man need not have to go on places to worship God ,or worship what so ever that he see,or go to plenty of religion which is present this days.A real believer must just pray inside his room and his creator will answer him.He must not listen to a any one telling that God is here or there for God is our personal teacher and saviour deep witin us .He always tells us devine knowledge but we usually dont listen , instead we listen to lies and bad influences in this world.God is within us so we dont need to be frightened to any consiquences in this world.

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