Discuss Luke 1 Page 21

  • [email protected] on Luke 1 - 11 years ago
    I want king james bible .speaking and reading.
  • A child of God on Luke 1 - 11 years ago
    I believe that Luke 1:64 is a lesson that the word of God is supposed to be believed and not doubted. But if you repent after you doubt all of your sins of doubting The Lord is forgiven for God is a merciful Father... That is if you doubted The Lord. Nobody's perfect except for God an Jesus but if you believe then we will all reach salvation!
  • Monique on Luke 1:45 - 11 years ago
    I am a true believer and I can do all things through Christ Jesus who strengthens me. My hands are blessed, my family is blessed and His favour is upon me in Jesus name! Being blessed is being empowered to conquer, to have dominion and to be fruitful. I am happy that I believe!
  • Pastor Emmanue on Luke 1:64 - 11 years ago
  • DayDreamer on Luke 1 - 11 years ago
    Very Powerful Blessings!
  • Dianne on Matthew 8 - 11 years ago
    Are you stating that the son of God mean evil? "That is what is meant when “the son of man (the opposite of the son of God = the evil one) has no place to lay his head." Are your parenthesis in the wrong spot? Matthew 25 Christ is called the son of man. Luke 1:35 refers to Mary being visited by the spirit and her son being the Son of God.
  • Mary on Luke 1:68 - 12 years ago
    Very powerful. A blessing to the soul.
  • Reny Oommen on Luke 1:63 - 12 years ago
    Why were the people marveled at Zacharia's answer?
  • Cathy Curtis on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    How do the writers of St. Luke and St. John explain their purpose in writing their accounts of Jesus' life?
  • Jay on Luke 3 - 12 years ago
    On the lineage of Jesus:
    1. Mathew writes of Jesus as king of the Jews ( Matthew 2:20);
    2. So the lineage here in Mathew is from Joseph (step father of Jesus) back to Abraham (the father of the Jewish people) is to validate Joseph being chosen to be the step father of Jesus;
    3. Luke writes of Jesus as a man and being the only human part of Jesus (who was conceived by the holy ghost in a virgin ( Luke 1:22-35). God gives the lineage of Mary (through Mary's father Heli ( Luke 3:23). Heli is Joseph's father in law;
    4. Because in the Jewish customs set up by God from the beginning the lineage is always through the man;
    5. This is to validate Mary as being chosen to be the mother of the son of God;
    6. Note: Mark writes of Jesus as a servant and servants do not have a lineage, so no lineage is given in Mark. John writes of Jesus as God and God does not have a lineage, so no lineage is given in John;
    7. Both lineages are given to validate Jesus to the Jews that he is the Messiah as foretold in the scriptures that the Jews have been waiting for;
    8. These lineages are called the messianic line of Christ (anointed one chosen by God to be the son of God and to be the saviour of his people). Do not be confused on the term (son of) this term used by the Jews and God can be used in a blood related lineage or marriage related lineage. Also used in this age as a spiritual son as in the case of Paul's relation to Timothy ( 1 Timothy 1:2).
  • Jay on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    We should always examine ourselves ( 2 Corinthians 13:5; 1 Corinthians 11:31, 32), according to the scriptures, in order to find out how we measure up in God’s eyes. To be careful about making blanket statements about what we think on how God views us. It is a known fact that most humans see themselves as better than they really are. The measuring standard is Jesus Christ ( Ephesians 4:13). This is why we must be born again in Christ Jesus and grow in the grace and knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ ( 2 Peter 3:18).
  • Jay on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Luke is a medical doctor and writes about Jesus (with leadership of holy spirit) as a man. Luke also spends most of his time with the apostle Paul on all his journeys. Mary, the mother of Jesus was highly regarded by God, yet she needed a saviour just like the rest of us ( Luke 1:47).
  • Bruce hENION on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Inspiring. I learned Mary spoke of having a soul and spirit while Jesus said I commend my spirit to You (Father), on the cross. Hollywood version says soul.
  • Tonya thompson on Luke 1:45 - 12 years ago
    I know that I am blessed and highly favored.
  • Gamada Abara on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Luke 1 is the best important bible section and gives inference how our savior, Jesus Christ was born.
  • Sharon mott on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Luke is a great chapter about obedience, faith, and believing in Jesus.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Why did Zacharias doubt when Gabriel told him he would have a son? Just as Gabriel told Mary nothing is impossible with God. Mary is highly rewarded for her faith, for she proclaimed behold the handmaiden of the Lord, be it unto to me according to thy word. Faith is what moves the hand of God, and not doubt. So Zacharias repented after the angel told him he would be dumb, and speechless, until God brought to pass these things in his season. So have faith in God, and He will move any mountain that you may be facing in your life at this time.
  • Wes on Luke 1:47 - 12 years ago
    This verse could be indicating that Mary is actually referring to God the father as Her Savior. Jews, before Jesus, Had to believe that God was going to save them. This was through strict adherence to the Law and sacrificing for their sins not through faith in Jesus the Christ who had not yet died for their sins. So in effect, God the Father would have been known as their Savior.
  • Angelica on Luke 1:41 - 12 years ago
    It is an amazing scripture.
  • Andrew on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Our God does not tell lies, he always promises his children and also fulfill his promises, that's why we call him God the Almighty. The unchangeable.
  • Futiolo on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    alots of miracles
    thank Jesus!!!
  • Patrick on Luke 1:30 - 12 years ago
    mhhm.......? can God say that he has favored us
  • Boyet Christian on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Hello Gabriel, thanks for your reply. Mary is blessed above all people because she is KECHARITOMENE, literally it means "she who has been graced" in a COMPLETED sense. God saved Mary in a most sublime manner. She was given the grace to be saved completely from sin( Luke 1:28, Romans 6:14) so that she never committed even the slightest transgression ( Jude 24-25). Every Christian is NOT completed in grace and in a permanent sense ( Philippians 3:8-12). But according to the angel, Mary is ( Luke 1:28). You and I sin, not because of grace, but because of a lack of grace, or a lack of our cooperation with grace, in our lives. This greeting of the angel is one clue into the unique character and calling of Mary. Only Mary is given the name "full of grace" and in the perfect tense, indicating that this permanent state of Mary was completed.
  • Gabriel on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    dear Boyet Christian; mary was as blessed as any other person to be a conduit of divine Grace, to brand her as without sin would be to put her on a pedestal with Christ, that would be anathema - or is there another way of interpreting john 14:6?
  • Sara Addy Sara Addy on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Wow. What a chapter. Prophetic on salvation on Christs holy beginning on his name on the mother of Christ on John the baptist's beginning which should sort out the confusion that many have on who is who. In fact this chapter alone sorts out alot of myth revealing truth.
  • Ann johnson on Luke 1 - 12 years ago
    Oh, Praise God! How majestic to think that the God of Glory would come to earth in form of man. His own arm brought salvation according to Acts 2:37,38.
  • Joe on Luke 1 - 13 years ago
    People often dispute the accuracy of this book. Just knowning that a Doctor and one of the most learned men of his time would write so much about these events would be enough. Not only to convince anyone of the historical accuracy but to show that the miracles were real events by a real person called Jesus. All witnessed by thousands and recorded for all time by a Doctor. What more proof could you ask for from anyone of that era.
  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 9 - 13 years ago
    The fear of the Lord,that's where it should begin,then let the Lord lead you and your every step,down that narrow path.Separate yourself from this world,not wanting to be like or with the big crowd's,be yourself in Christ Jesus.Peter was giving the"KEY'S"to life and death,by Jesus,and it is in Acts 3:38&39,Repent, and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins and you shall receive the Holy GHost.For the promise is unto you and your family, as many as our Lord our God shall call.Forgive me if i missed anything in that,and shame on me for not knowing it word for word! John 3:5 state's that if you are not baptized in Water and the Spirit,you cannot enter in the Kingdom of God...everybody think's it's a big mistery,look at 1Timothy 3:16...praise Jesus!He is the only God that i know of that walk on this earth!!! John 1:1 and 1:14...2800 times the bible tell's of the oneness of God and that He is the only Spirit, Ephesians 4:4,5 and the saviour is only one, Isaiah 43:11 and Luke 1:47 and best of all, Isaiah 9:6...the Son is the Father,Prince of peace,GOD...thank-you Jesus that i hear your vioce and know the truth!!!My sheep hear My voice and they follow Me....Yes Lord!!!
  • Jeff davis on Psalms 8 - 13 years ago
    This is for Jerome Rivera's question,"what is God's name",well if you read Isaiah 9:6, Luke 1:31,&1:35, 1Timothy 3:16:God was manfest in the flesh,sound's like Jesus to me!I know of only one God that walk on this earth,Jesus!He is the first and the last,welspring of living water,bread of life...Jesus is God!Anyone who would believe this and be baptized in his name,NOT name's(Acts3:38&39),shall reciece the gift of the Holy Ghost and speak in tounges as the Spirit give's them the utterance...as God's word say's.Don't try to understand it all, just believe and do what God command's of us.He never said,"Understand and you'll be saved",just believe on his word's and in Him,and do what Acts 3:38,9 tell's you to do.All the healing's in the Bible were followed by,by your faith you are healed,go and tell no one.But now that He is risen,go and tell the world about it!!!Jesus lives and is the ONLY GOD that died and is ALIVE,He has the power to take His own life and give it back!He doesn't need us, we need Him,in everything we do,do in His name and you'll never go wrong!Love Him with ALL your heart and body and soul and straingh,and trust in Him,He will lead you, but you have to believe in something that you cannot see or touch,that's called HOPE.I never knew God till about 4&1/2 year's ago and now my whole life has changed,I was baptized in the name of Jesus Christ and I recieved the Holy Ghost soon after-ward's and speak in tounges as proof that God is in me!!!My daughter had skull surgy aweek or so afterward's and she was not expected to make-it.We prayed by lying hand's on her like it say's in the wrod of God, to do, and in His name,Jesus! In amatter of minuets i heard the machine beep and i looked over at it,and began praying again asking Jesus to save our 9 month old from dieing because it wouldn't be fair to her to miss out on our love in this life, and the machine beeped a couple more time's, and everytime it beeped, the tempature came down more,(it started at 107)pretty soon the nurse walked out back-ward's and when he returned, he started taking the wire's off of her that was hooked to that machine.I asked what he was doing,don't you need those to monitor her stats, and he told me, that from what he'd just seen,she was in"GOOD HAND'S and the machine had nothing on it(meaning the power of GOD!)He'd just went and made arrangement's for her to be moved to a semi-private recovery room,she's out of danger!Wow,i was floating around like you wouldn't believe,drunk in the Spirit as they say.It was awsome, the way God healed her and it was because we prayed in the name of Jesus,not some title's!!! God still is very much in our lives and Leah is doing great!She is now five and in kindergarden,ahe does have alittle bit of a speach inpeddement,but she take's a speech thrapy class and is doing very good,Thank-You Jesus!!!My Lord and my God,Here Ol'Israel,our Lord is One God!And there is no mystery here,if you believe He is God,all the knowledge of God will be poured out to you,wisdom and discernment will be your's also, God bless all who follow Him!There is ONE who sits on the thrown,Jesus Christ is Lord of Lords!!!
  • Jeff davis on Proverbs 8 - 13 years ago
    What i get out of it is the more you seek the wisdom of God, the more knowledge he allow's you to recieve.And this fact is for anyone who think's that the world is billion's of year's old,it's not!If you read the word of God(Bible)He (GOD) say's that the world is about six thousand year's old.Were coming upon the seventh,according to the word of God.Another thing is,Jesus is God( Isaiah 9:6), Deuteronomy 6:4, John 10:30, 1 Timothy 3:16, Ephesians 4:4-6,ect. it states in the Bible about 2,800 times that there is only ONE God!Jesus is the saviour and there is only one( Isaiah 43:11),and again in Luke 1:47...God my saviour..It seem's pretty straight forward to me,"My sheep hear my voice",are you hearing the word of God? Don't let man's interpetation miss lead you"sheep in wolves clothing",this once saved, alway's saved stuff.Even Paul said"I die daily",so what do you think he's talking about?Do youself a favor,and repent,be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of your sin's( Acts 2:38,39)that's the"KEYS" to heaven,Jesus gave them to Peter and taght him how to start the"church".Any other way is a thief and a robber,only the straight and the narrow way lead's to salvation.All the baptizum's in the Bible( Acts 8,10,12,18,22...)are in the NAME of The Lord Jesus Christ,not in the title's father,son,and the Holy Ghost.Stop and pray...in the name of Jesus to lead you down the right path!Has anyone ever prayed father,son,and Holy Spirit for a healing and recieved one?There is NO power in the title's!All you do,in word and or deed, do in the NAME of Jesus Christ,that's what God's word instruct's us to do!Do you speak in toung's?Jesus' mother did,and so did the first 120 that gladly recieved the Holy Spirit,in the upper room where Jesus told them to wait for the promise of the Father,Who showed up?Jesus did!!!Not the first part of a three-som,or the second,or the third,it was ALL JESUS and even Thomas said after he doughted,"My Lord and My God!There wasn't 2 Spirit's standing there!Just Jesus,and if you don't believe this salvation message, then you will die in your sin's,according to the "WORD of GOD",you have 2 ear's to hear with,listen...God is calling you.............................

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