Discuss Luke 21 Page 2

  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Nations vs One World Government (continued)

    One world government needs to be discussed at present. There are alliances as I said before that could be considered part of the divided Roman empire of the last days such as expressed in Daniel 2:40-41. This kingdom will have the strength of iron but be divided and not cling as clay and historically; of course we see Rome as being the western capital; and Constantinople being the eastern capital. Part of this involves the Papal authority and Eastern; Greek and or Russian Orthodox church in charge of the other "leg" so to speak if that is interpreted correctly. This final beast is going to take over the whole world; that is pretty clear from verses in Daniel and Revelation 13. It would seem pitting nations against one another would allow the final 10 nations to rule one hour with Antichrist (see the 3 subdued in Daniel 7:24). This is the final religious; and economic world government under the "Mystery Babylon" rule when the woman rides the Beast ( Rev. 17:13); then later in the second half of the Tribulation ANtichrist destroys the system and its ruling city with fire ( Rev. 17:16). The religious center starting this year in Abu Dhabi and other such concepts has allowed all monotheistic faiths to be at one facility. It seems clear through cooperative efforts today with the Saudi's and even some effort by Turkey in the background that the Temple will be rebuilt with some international agreement on control of the Temple Mount.

    For now; we must be aware what is going on but continue to be the salt and light of the world; warning about the conflagration to come. The net that all nations will be led into the seive of destruction is coming. ( Isaiah 30:28). It is a trap coming for the whole world ( Luke 21:24) and we need to remain focused and not be taken aback at His sudden return to take His church home; praying always to be worthy to escape all the things to come and stand before the Son of Man ( Luke 21:36).
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Not a big deal; I thought mentioning the Second Coming I was referring to the Rapture which in reality is the beginning of the Second Coming. When the sign of the Son of Man appears may be around the sixth seal when Jesus is recognized as beginning judgments on earth (which again bolsters my theory). There are verses talking about Christ's victory before the bowl judgments as that basically is when there is no more holding back and the incense of the prayers of the saints take no effect and thus we (I assume it is the resurrected saints) can't get in there to pray anymore and of course no one on earth can pray for more delay as well.

    The comments remind me of Matthew 24:49 as to fellowservants that are trying to get the message across about the King coming soon; and the bride being snatched. Zephaniah 2:3 is one of those O.T. nuggets about being delivered before wrath begins. I don't argue about whether it is man's wrath; Satan's or Gods anyway since it is all under God's judgment. What is different is that once the Trib. starts things are all going to happen in sequence all 21 judgments PLUS what the 2 Prophets decide to dish out. Another argument is that Pretribbers left behind will fall for Antichrist; and I may agree partially that those who are NOT praying to escape ALL things to come to pass ( Luke 21:36; see also Rev. 3:10) may either not be real believers or the rapture is a reward issue; all of God's children are saved but some need their garments washed through martyrdom (that is my contention if they have garments in the first place they must be saved; whether or not they are new Trib saints or ones stained that are left behind such as with Zechariah 8:3. However we are to buy oil or be tried as gold in the fire may mean refinement in the Tribulation; but since that is unpopular I won't force the issue and be open to all believers being raptured.

    Post Tribbers can be fooled if they think the Beast is making the world ready for Christ also.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Your thinking is from a human perspective,not from GOD's perspective. JESUS said: Luke 21:24-And they(the Jews-Israel)shall fall by the edge of the sword,and shall be led away captive into all nations(this part of the verse literally fulfilled against Israel, from 70 to 1948, 1878 years of severe curses and punishments,and plagues- Deuteronomy 28:15-63):and Jerusalem shall be trodden down of the Gentiles(this part of prophecy will literally fulfill in days to come,also according to the Revelation 11:2)until the times of the Gentiles be fulfilled.

    Matthew 24:15 -When ye therefore shall see the abomination of desolation,spoken of by Daniel the prophet( Daniel 12:6-12),stand in the holy place,(whoso readeth,let him understand)

    Daniel 12:6-12

    6And one said to the man clothed in linen,which was upon the waters of the river,How long shall it be to the end of these wonders?

    7And I heard the man clothed in linen,which was upon the waters of the river,when he held up his right hand and his left hand unto heaven,and sware by him that liveth for ever that it shall be for a time,times,and an half;and when he shall have accomplished to scatter the power of the holy people,all these things shall be finished.

    8And I heard,but I understood not:then said I,O my Lord,what shall be the end of these things?

    9And he said,Go thy way,Daniel:for the words are closed up and sealed till the time of the END.

    10Many shall be PURIFIED,and made WHITE,and TRIED;but the wicked shall do wickedly:and none of the wicked shall understand; but the wise shall understand.

    11And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away (Jesus' sacrifice has already lasted 738,300 days,and now will be taken away),and the abomination that maketh desolate set up(in the midst of the last week of years),there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days.(END of this current world of Devil)

    12Blessed is he that waiteth,and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The Rapture: Imminency and the Feast of Trumpets

    Many are aware Rosh Hashanah is coming between tomorrow and September 17 officially; which is known as the time in Jewish tradition where "no man knows the day and hour". ( Matt. 24:36). Of course even Jesus was said not to know the hour; only the Father so that it could be at any time; but perhaps on some specific feast of Trumpets based on the "last trump" ( 1 Cor. 15:52). Some have argued this means the last trumpet judgment in Revelation 11:15. The argument against that is that things appear to be going on as usual such as in the time of Noah (as we see in Matthew 24:37-39 immediately following the earlier reference). Surely that WON'T be the case after 14 judgments come to the earth.

    As to this year; of xourse we have another interesting development with world leaders preparing to meet and apparently now floating through Saudi Arabia a peace deal for the Palestinians and Jews which they are only observing that; of course will divide Jerusalem. ( Dan. 11:39); and that will be part of the Daniel 9:27 prophecy as well; or the covenant with death and hell ( Isaiah 28:18). This will result eventually in half of the city taken ( Zech. 14:1-2). It is interesting this meeting is timed for Sept 19-20 and they will celebrate world peace early (normally it is Sept. 21 apparently for the World day of peace).

    Let's step back a bit. I remember 40 reasons the Lord must come by 1988 (not sure the author). THAT didn't happen so the last genreation if it began in 1948 for the Lord to return based on Matthew 24:34 was wrong. Fast forward to 2018 and again SEVENTY years later which is as long as a generation can be and still no rapture. For Psalm 90:10 to be right the rapture would have had to happen by 2021 for the Second coming 2028 and STILL no rapture. My thesis is the beginning date is wrong; bassed on several things such as Luke 21:29-31 discussing ALL the trees (perhaps the whole area prospering economically)
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Bennymkje. greettings in Christ JESUS

    Revelation 11 is wonderful and very deeply really. The content of verse 2 was preached two times by JESUS. First in Luke 21:24, 2nd after His ascension-Rev.11:2-and JESUS reveals that the COURT is given unto the Gentiles and(in the FIRST half of the last week, week 70th) the holy city shall they tread under foot 42 months. But I ask, how? Well, the Dragon will give(to the Beast of sea)his Power, and his Seat(in Jerusalem spiritually called Sodom and Egypt), and great Authority.

    Simultaneously,in the other hand,JESUS will give POWER unto His two witnesses,these are the two olive trees,and the two candlesticks standing before the God of the earth(before the Holy Spirit,Paraclete,Comfort- Jn 16:12-15).wo candlesticks are two Churches-Gentile Church and Jewish Church- Hebrews 12:23.The two olive trees are the two sources of OIL of the two Churches-the OT and NT.JESUS revealed that the two Churches receive Power(verse 6)to shut heaven,that it rain not in the days of their prophecy:and have POWER over waters(over peoples,and nations,and multitudes of all tongues-verse15-18)to turn them to blood,and to smite the earth with all plagues,as often as they will-(The righteous Judgment of GOD-1Cor.6:2-3)-and they shall prophesy ALSO 42 months,equal period the holy city being trodden by the Gentiles.

    The worst will be in the 2nd half of the last week.The Beast that ascendeth out of the bottomless pit -Rev.13:11-18&Ez.21:25- Matthew 24:15-25- shall make WAR against them(against the two Churches-two candlesticks),and shall overcome them,and kill them-Rev.11:7->END of the OT and NT arrived).They that dwell upon the earth shall rejoice over them, and make merry, and shall send gifts one to another;because these two witness/prophets tormented them that dwelt on the earth.

    But after three days and an half the spirit of life from GOD entered into them,and they stood upon their feet;and great fear fell upon them which saw them.

    continues below
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    "Ronald Whittemore"

    Speaking in finish line, what does the Word of GOD say prophetically? Daniel 12:12 - Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty days. (that is 45 DAYS after the period of the 2nd half of the last week be finished-1260 days-plus a gap of 30 days, according to the calendar). Get ready, "For we are saved by hope- Romans 8:24- but hope that is seen is not hope: for what a man seeth, why doth he yet hope for? But if we hope for that we see not- Romans 8:25-, then do we with patience wait for it. By the way, "hope maketh not ashamed (hope does not bring confusion); because the love of GOD is shed abroad in our hearts by the Holy Spirit which is given unto us.

    May our Lord GOD bless and keep us, and give us His protection



    Now, in the TURN of sixth GOD's Day to the seventh and last Day, or seventh and last millennium, we are living in the beginning of sorrows, so there will be only and only severe punishiments in the world of Devil as a whole (JESUS listed them- Matthew 24:3-8 and they fulfill LITERALLY), and the true believers will suffer a lot as JESUS warned us- Matthew 24:9-14. And the worst will happen successively in sequence- Matthew 24:15-25-.

    Let's remember: Our GOD CURSED the Devil, and JESUS has already CURSED BY WRITTEN the betrayers- Matthew 25:41&46-, but "

    upon the earth there be distress of nations, with perplexity; the sea (peoples, and nations, and multitudes of all tongues)and the waves(generations) roaring; Men's hearts failing them for fear, and for looking after those things which ARE COMING on the earth: for the powers of heaven shall be shaken- Luke 21:25-26 combined with Romans 2:9&11 -->9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile; 11 For there is no respect of persons with GOD.

    Who among us shall dwell with the devouring fire? who among us shall dwell with everlasting burnings? Isaiah 33:14
  • Oseas - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 5 - 1 year ago
    Hi Preacher of Truth

    You asked: How does Satan deceive this whole world? Rev.12:9

    Revelation was written in the first century of Christian Era, at that time the Devil had already deceived mankind for around 4000 years, even JESUS was tempted by the Devil I suppose in Neguev, but Satan still had not 7 heads; The 7 heads was still in the embryo.

    But now, in this current time of Apocalypse, around 2000 years AC, the body of the Devil will be completed with 7 heads, and 10 horns, and 7 crowns upon his 7 heads.His new name now is red Dragon-Rev.12:9-,and his TAIL drew (shall cast down)the third part of the STARS of heaven to the earth.(STARS? who are the STARS? Job 38:4&7 combined with Daniel 12:3).

    When the red Dragon-Rev.13:11-gives his POWER,and his Throne in Jerusalem,and great Authority to the Beast of sea, upon which rides de great whore-the Roman Catholic Church-then the holy city will be trodden by the Gentiles- Luke 21:24 combined with Rev.11:2, and he will join Catholicism and Judaism(iron and clay- Daniel 2), then the body of Satan/the Dragon will grow exceedingly, but it will grow even more with the adhesion of evangelical churches whose angels are fallen or spiritually dead, these will form or constitute the TAIL of the Dragon, these will believe in the false messiah, the Beast that will rise from the earth(Israel, the clay, the dry land), a false lamb, a false messiah- John 5:43-47 combined from Revelation 13:11, then the Red Dragon's body will be complete with his 7 heads, 10 horns and a TAIL. By the way, the origin of the false messiah is of the 10 tribs of Israel,especifically of the trib of Dan- Genesis 49:17.

    He will exercise all the power of the first Beast before him,will cause the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first Beast(of sea)whose deadly wound was healed.

    And he will do great wonders,so that will make fire come down from heaven on the earth in the sight of men,and will deceive them that dwell on the earth by the means of...
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi John ray

    Greetings in Christ JESUS

    In fact it is very sad, and it is happening in whole world, and the worst it to still come for all nations. Read what JESUS said and warning the whole world by His word: Luke 21:22-36. Take a look.

    By the way, there is no effect without cause. See this one example below, among many other since ancient time:

    2 Chronicles 36:14-16

    14 Moreover all the chief of the priests, and the people, transgressed very much after all the abominations of the heathen; and polluted the house of the Lord which he had hallowed in Jerusalem.

    15 And the Lord GOD of their fathers sent to them by His messengers, rising up betimes, and sending; because He had compassion on His people, and on his dwelling place:

    16 But they mocked the messengers of GOD, and despised His words, and misused His prophets, until the wrath of the Lord arose against His people,till THERE WAS NO REMEDY. (Now it is not and will not be different, THERE IS NO REMEDY, unfortunately.)

    Romans 2:5-11

    5 But after thy hardness and impenitent heart treasurest up unto thyself wrath against the day of wrath and revelation of the righteous Judgment of GOD;

    6 Who will render to every man according to his deeds:

    7 To them who by patient continuance in well doing seek for glory and honour and immortality, ETERNAL life:

    8 But unto them that are contentious, and do not obey the truth, but obey unrighteousness, INDIGNATION and wrath,

    9 Tribulation and anguish, upon every soul of man that doeth evil, of the Jew first, and also of the Gentile;

    10 But glory, honour, and peace, to every man that worketh good, to the Jew first, and also to the Gentile:

    11 For there is no respect of persons with GOD.

    2Peter 4:17-18

    17 The time is come that Judgment must begin at the house of GOD: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of GOD?

    18 And if the righteous scarcely be saved, where shall the ungodly and the sinner appear?
  • Giannis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Oseas and Jimbob

    Luke 21:34-36,

    "34And take heed to yourselves (believers), lest at any time your hearts be overcharged with surfeiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares.

    35For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth.

    36Watch ye therefore, and pray always, that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man."

    A few points on the above.

    1. How is it possible that Jesus warns us not be in a state of pleasure and carings of this life when in the great tribulation christians will suffer, persecuted and get killed for their faith in God? How is it possible to be involved in matters of this life when christians will not accept the beast's mark and eventually won't be able even to survive in such conditions?

    2. Please pay attention to verse 36, "... that ye may be accounted worthy to escape all these things that shall come to pass..."

    3. I have read in older posts that God will preserve us like He did with Hebrews in Egypt. But at that time they were all concetrated at a place, the Land of Goshen. In the future we will be dispersed throughout the whole earth, it is a different thing altogether.

    To me it is clear that the time when Jesus comes to take His Bribe is at a different time from His 2nd coming on earth. The condition of the world in those two cases will be completely different.

    At the rapture the world is the ususal normal world. People will be involved with their everyday life, not fearing for what comes next, unprepared. Why? Because life will be as usual. Matthew 24:36-40.

    On the contrary at the 2nd coming huge catastrophies will be occuring on earth, millions will be killed by the antichrist, people will be scared to death for the things to come. The whole polital/economical system will collapse(the Babylon), Luke 21:25-26 and events on Revelation

    2 different conditions on earth, 2 diferent events.

  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Adam,

    It's very sad. It wont be long and this is truly coming Luke 21:12

    As a guy by the screen name of Cowboy always use to post here: "We need to stay prayed up!"

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    S Spencer on the last week.

    Part 4

    The service in the temple made by hands was over as Jesus told the woman at the well, John 4:21-24. Soon in that generation, it would be physically gone and never be again. The animal sacrifices that never covered sin ended on the cross, the whole Levitical priesthood and sacrificial shadow service, Hebrews 7:11-13. Only the Messiah Himself could legitimately abolish once and forever the system of symbols that pointed forward to the atoning self-sacrifice of the spotless Lamb of God.

    This was the cause of the sacrifices and oblations to cease in Dan 9:27. This unveils one of the most profound and decisive revelations of the Messiah's mission, the very goal, the things determined by the seventy-weeks prophecy, God's will, the work Jesus was sent to do John 5:36 John 17:54-6 the sixfold goal of Daniel 9:24.

    In vs. 26 after 69 weeks the Messiah is cut off, which after means it is in the 70th week. The people of the prince that shall come are the judgment of God not in these 70 weeks. This connection between the coming of the Messiah and the destruction of the city is the crucial message of Daniel 9:26, 27. They had 490 years to be ready and accept their Messiah and the people of the prince that shall come is the outcome of Jerusalem's rejection of her Messiah.

    Jesus related the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70 to Israel's final refusal to accept Him as her Messiah, Matt. 21:33-44 Matt. 23:37-38; Luke 19:41-44. The abomination Jesus was referring to in Matt. 24:15 and Mark 13:14 was not to the future but to their near future when the Roman army would destroy Jerusalem and the Temple in their generation Luke 21:20-24.

    See Part 5
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi S Spencer

    We are not in the millennium it is after His second coming. He defeats the ten kingdoms/countries the army of Satan, the beast, and the false prophet at Armageddon the great supper of God, Rev. 16:12-16 Rev,17:12-14 Rev. 19:11-2. Then Satan is put in the bottomless pit, Rev 20:1-3.

    Judgment of those in the first resurrection who will reign with Jesus Rev. 20:4-6, the kingdom is set up and will last for 1000 years, then Satan is released and deceives the world and gathers them, the number as the sands of the sea around the camp of the saints at Jerusalem to the last battle. Fire comes down from heaven and devoured them and Satan is cast into the lake of fire,

    Then the white throne judgment of all who were not in the first judgment will be judged and all whosoever was not found in the Book of Life were cast into the lake of fire. Dan. 12:1-3 Matt. 12:36 John 5:28-29 Acts 17:31 Eccl. 12:14

    We cannot put the people in 70 AD and the prince in the future. The door of the ark, the men of the city, the lambs of the flock, these things cannot be separated. It is the people that shall come, who are of the prince and this prince is not some future being who had nothing to do with 70 AD.

    We know by scripture Jesus confirmed the covenant and we know by scripture He was cut off/crucified and we know by scripture by His death there is no more offering for sin, they ceased, Heb. 10:14-18

    Matt. 24:14-15 can also have been for those in 66-70AD history records the believers in Jesus got out and went to Pella, Luke 19:43-44 Luke 21:20-21. My other posts should show my understanding is Dan. 9 does not apply to the end times it was a prophecy of the Messiah, Jesus, and the amount of time given to Daniel's people, the city of Jerusalem, and the temple, and the judgment for their abominations.

    After the 70 weeks, the mystery of the Gospel that was hidden was revealed to the Gentiles, Acts 8:54-57 Acts 9:3-15 Acts 10:9-16 Rom. 11:25

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago

    There seems to be a different fate; for instance for the wicked servant in Luke 19:22 as compared with Matthew 18:32. The allegory in Matthew in particular seems to indicate someone who is lost; the parable in Luke separates the fate of losing the talent buried in the ground from the fate of those who would not have Him "rule over them." in verse 27. That would seem to indicate someone perhaps a Jew who physically makes it into the Millennium as a sheep and those destroyed the goats at the judgment immediately after the Tribulation.

    To differentiate parables into one category or situation is tempting to due to fit a particular doctrinal viewpoint; but clearly there are applications for all wicked and righteous; as well as various rewards or lack thereof for His saints. There are applications for Israel as a nation; as well as the church. The focus certainly is on Israel as to where the events of the end times will occur; and the affects of what goes on in the end times will be felt throughout the earth.

    The original question brought up the idea of how God would judge eternally with stripes as it were which could be metaphorical for punishments in hell; but again chastisement as a concept is opposed to wrath. Since He only chastises His own others are left to reap the reward of their doings. There will be varying degrees of punishment in hell; and no doubt those who are reprobate knowing something about God will have harsher sentences.

    In summary; it is better to be disciplined now than suffer in hell; but it for His people there can be suffering inflicted by Satan if we persist in rebellion. ( 1 Cor. 5:5). We can be as the person in Proverbs 5:14 almost ruined in the assembly; or approaching death as in Psalm 88. Therefore we should be as David and quickly repent rather than others who stubbornly refuse correction and reap accordingly (such as Solomon). We all should have the mindset of Luke 21:36 but most believers don't.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Fearful signs and great sights ( Luke 21:11).

    Today; a brother from my church discussed what He said was a time the Lord told him not to fear; and today it seems like confirmation as I was admonishing him in much the same way. Specifically; it was related to the nearness of His coming as well as several things related to what appears to be the imminent demise of our country as judgment draws nigh.

    The Lord has held back the day of the Lord with His great patience to this point but it will come suddenly ( Habakkuk 2:3 and many other N.T. verses). Jesus also states that people will be buying; selling; giving in marriage etc. much like the time of Noah when He returns ( Luke 17:27 also referring to the days of Lot.)

    I remembered how 40 years ago many were talking about giving up everything and standing on a mountain as they were convinced Christ would arrive by 1988. Clearly that didn't happen. We also discussed the timing of when the last generation actually begins; the Antichrist and other issues. What I would say characterizes both of us is a hunger and thirst to preach on the end times which for me is something I feel I have put on a shelf for most of my adulthood since the early 80's.

    These days spiritual warfare is harder than ever; again something which we seemed to have gone through. We cannot afford to leave any sin unforgiven; as the enemy is ready to pounce on us with any weak links in the chain; and also the fear of death needs to be overcome through trusting Christ. That can't; of course be done without total surrender to Christ and having good fellowship is a key especially as we see the Day of the Lord coming ( Heb. 10:25).

    I would venture to say that there are very few left who are living out a totally surrendured life to Christ as charactarized by the Laodicean church. We should test ourselves to see if we are in the faith now ( 2 Cor. 13:5); if anything to flee the Tribulation as well as assure that we are saved from hell.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Seal judgments and trumpet judgments continued

    I feel like a broken record here--or I could say CD but even that is retro nowadays. Anyway the sixth seal shows that everyone is aware of judgments being bought against the world by God and Christ ( Rev. 6:15-17). That hasn't happened yet clearly; and that is a result of course of the martyrs of the 5th Seal and reaping what they sowed in that regard. All the seals are personally opened by Christ and are therefore preceding the book itself being opened. The first seal in fact is judgment read these verses

    2 Thessalonians 2:11

    Daniel 8:23

    Psalm 55:21

    Daniel 8:25

    Luke 21:35

    2 Thessalonians 2:3

    Daniel 9:27

    So there will then be a time unlike today when there are no atheists; there will be only God and Satan worshippers; although men will worship demons through the trumpet judgments despite knowing the obvious that they are choosing that over the true God and what are increasing intensities of judgments.

    More to come.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The Rapture

    According to 1 Corinthians 15:22 at the last trump the Lord comes for His church. Some say that Matthew 24:36 is referring to that day that no man knows the day and hour as being the Jewish feast of Trumpets. There could be something to that; with Christ fulfilling the Spring feasts already; namely the Passover lamb sacrificed for us; and the Pentecost ascension which; by the way was always celebrated on the "8th day" of the week.

    As my last post indicates; there is little talk today among most professing believers of the Rapture. We see what could be an analogy of a separation or Rapture of some in Luke 12:45 where the watchmen is beaten by his fellow sorkers. There is even some say that same pattern in Song of Solomon 5:7.

    Luke 21:36 instructs us to pray that we are worthy to escape all these things and to stand before the Son of Man. The original language uses the word "agonia" or something to that affect. Clearly; not all believers are praying in such a manner which questions their walk with God as to either their salvation or their position of readiness. I have probably presented some ideas last year as to whether all Christians are raptured or if some have to go through some of the Tribulation. What is certain is that these warnings; along with Revelation 3:10 are for those who are awake and waiting which I contended in my last posting that Malachi 3:16 spoke of.

    Whatever our eschatology; fearing God and anticipating His arrival isn't restricted to those who hold a Pretribulational and Premillenial viewpoint. I have fellowshipped with Amillenials and Post Millenials who had more conviction about Christ coming as well as the terrible judgments on the earth than those who claim what I espouse; namely the Rapture followed by the 7 Year Tribulation and a Millennial rule of Christ before the eternal new earth. Even if I could press my viewpoint it isn't worth splitting hairs; we should all look to the scriptures daily.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jimbob,

    If I'm understanding your question correctly, you are asking me about where Jesus said "when they deliver you up," and when this takes place, if the "deliver you up" time period proves that Jesus was speaking of the end-time tribulation period?

    My answer is no, and here's why. In Matthew 10:16, Jesus says "Behold, I send you forth as sheep in the midst of wolves: be ye therefore wise as serpents, and harmless as doves." Jesus is sending them out as sheep amongst wolves. He knows what's going to happen to them once they start preaching the gospel, and He tells them what's going to happen in Matthew 10:17-18. They are going to be "delivered up."

    Jesus is not talking about the end-time tribulation period here. He is sending His disciples out and telling them that they will be delivered up to the councils (Jewish Councils). And then in Matthew 10:19, Jesus says "But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak. (This is not talking about the end-time).

    In Matthew 24:9, this is to the Jews, not the church.

    In Mark 13:9, Jesus says "But take heed to yourselves: for they shall deliver you up to councils; and in the synagogues ye shall be beaten: and ye shall be brought before rulers and kings for my sake, for a testimony against them."

    What I notice are the words council and synagogues. The word council is literally Sanhedrin, the chief Council of the Jews. Jesus is talking to Jewish people. He is talking directly to His disciples. He is talking directly to His believers, (Jewish believers). Mark 13:11 tells us that they are going to be captured. As for Luke 21:12, this is also to the Jews, not the church.

    When dealing with end-time prophecy I think the misunderstanding of the prophecies of the last days is based upon combining Luke's account with Matthew's and Mark's account as if they are the same message. They are not the same message.

    Blessings to you!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Part 2

    ...He will give the Kingdom up to the Father that God will be all in all (the only Sovereign of the Kingdom). 1Cor. 15:24

    Jesus will rule with His Father forever over the saints and it will be a kingdom of joy, peace, love, power, grace, and righteousness. (Rom.14:17)

    God will rule over the kingdom as the only Sovereign. He will rule over heaven and the lake of fire ensuring the blessedness of the saints and the eternal punishment of those under His wrath.

    Jesus told Pilate that His Kingdom was not of this world ( John 18:36) It is spiritual and heavenly and also within us.

    It is not a Jewish kingdom because Jesus said that the kingdom would be taken from them and given to another nation. ( Matthew 21:43) (This nation being the saints of God-both Jew and Gentile) Jesus' words were fulfilled in 70 A.D. on the generation that was then present. Matthew 22:7; 23:38; Luke 21:20,24) The Romans surrounded Jerusalem and lay siege to it. They burned the temple and the city to the point of desolation. 1.1 million Jews were killed in this siege. Thousands upon thousands were taken captive and enslaved.

    Even though there is a nation called Israel today does not mean that there will be an earthly kingdom with the Messiah. About 25% of the Jews worldwide emigrated to Israel since it was given nation status in 1948. The national archives of the Jews were destroyed in the 70A.D.. This means all of the records of peoples families and lineages. The other tribes of Israel have been scattered all over the world and intermixed with the Gentiles. There are a small percentage of these tribes in Israel now. So we cannot say that the whole nation ahs been regathered. But even if there comes a national regathering of ALL of Israel, this does not confirm that there will be an earthly kingdom with Jesus reigning. His kingdom is one of righteousness where sin does not enter it. This world is sinful and corrupt...

    This siege ended the time of the Jews and the OT Mosaic system.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Introduction to eschatology discussion regarding timing of events from Rapture to 2nd Coming (continued).

    As stated previously; I wish to look to the Word to explain itself. I also wish to maintain the hope of 1 Thessalonians 5:11 in light of our appearing before the King of Kings. I take the minority opinion that perhaps not all will be Raptured who believe as it appears to be a reward issue and because of certain language related to those in white garments washed in the blood; which appears to indicate those who previously had spotted or wrinkled garments and were not part of those in Ephesians 1:4.

    I don't think it prudent to delve too deeply here into that concept; what I will say is that verses like Luke 21:36 and Revelation 3:10 at the very least should cause us to examine ourselves to see if we are saved and the Spirit is communing with us.

    We should understand that not all who call themselves Christians truly are saved; and that parables like that of the 10 virgins whether it is an analogy of the church or of unbelieving Israel; whether it speaks of readiness for the Rapture or the Second Coming it certainly is a warning for us all to be ready. We can look to Revelation the same way; it is certainly applicable to those already under persecution and distress even with some unique characteristics to Tribulation events in history.

    I am also as I probably made clear in earlier posts pretty dogmatic on taking a literal approach to scripture; and in Revelation taking things as indicated at least in chronological order or at least sequentially. I also emphasize the concept of Predestination in Revelation; as well as showing how great revival and restoration of the nation of Israel are some reasons for this final conflagration and time of terrible judgments. We should not be glib but sober minded when we consider the magnitude of these events. I contend that the church age is still in effect in it's final stages; the end of the age is near.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 1 year ago
    (Part 2):

    Jesus Himself teaches this in Matthew 24:13 when He says, "But the one who has endured unto the end, this one will be saved." Endurance is a major characteristic being developed in each believer through the maturation process. It is only through endurance that the gospel is preached, and it is only through the development of endurance that a believer is able to hold steady through the tribulations and hardships of life to reach the end when all believers will reign with Christ. Paul, in encouraging the Thessalonians concerning the patient waiting for the coming of Christ, writes in 2 Thessalonians 3:5, "Now may the Lord guide your hearts into the love of God, and into the endurance of Christ." Enduring circumstances is a fundamental characteristic of the person who is saved.

    Chapter 21 of Luke presents the hardships that will come upon those who belong to Christ in the last days. In our study text, Luke 21:19, Jesus commands His followers to gain their souls through the endurance of these hardships. This statement is parallel to one found in Matthew 24:13, "But the one having endured unto the end shall be saved." Both of these gospel writers present the teaching of Jesus as saying that the one who belongs to Christ will endure unto the end. Patient endurance, according to Jesus, is a characteristic of the one who is saved; it is not the work ethic of the believer.

    Blessings to you in Christ!
  • GiGi - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Jimbob, Thanks for sticking to the point and not wavering or being distracted away by over spiritualized responses. If anyone can show us in Scripture where it specifically states that Jesus said that He will rapture the church before the tribulation, they are welcome to cite these Scriptures. But you and I know that no such Scriptures exist and that the Scripture truly says that the saints will be gathered after the tribulation. 2Thess. 2:1-11, Matt. 24:29-31; Mark 13:24-27; Luke 21:24-27.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hey Serchet,

    A tithe is 10 percent, and Abraham was the first to give 10 percent to Melchizedek in Gen. 14:20. Next in Gen 28 God appears to Jacob at Bethel when Jacob dreamed of the angels going up and down on a ladder. God promised him covenant blessings, and Jacob promised God a tenth of everything granted him Gen. 28:22.

    After God brought Israel out of Egypt and divided the land the tribe of Levi did not have a portion of the land, their duty was to the LORD and a tenth/tithe from the other tribes was given to them for their portion and unto the LORD, Num. 18:21-24.

    As far as a tithe given to a church, some say it is required, and for others, it is not, tithing is not taught in the New Testament. Some abuse this to make budgets that is or is not being used for the work of the Lord. Some people today struggle to even have food. We see in the New Testament where people give, there is a good example Jesus made just before the Olivet discourse with the widow Luke 21:1-4.

    We see in Eph. 4:28 another reason to work that we look over, and we see the early Church selling all they had and giving it to those who had need, Acts 4:34-35 and in 1 Cor. 16:1-3 Paul ask for people to gather up what they could spare to carry to Jerusalem. We don't think about this very much, at that time there was a famine over the whole Mid-East many were starving as many countries are today.

    What we give is in our heart, 2 Cor. 9:7 if you see and feel the church you attend is doing good for the congregation helping those who are in need and the neighborhood it is in, pray and let the Holy Spirit in your heart guide you.

    This is my understanding may it help.

    God bless,

  • GIGI - In Reply on Luke 17 - 1 year ago
    Hello Adam.

    We can have assurance from the account of Noah and from the passing over of the Israelites so as they were not afflicted with the plagues of Egypt nor the death of the firstborn. We can rest in God knowing how He parted the Red Sea to have the Israelites pass through on dry land and how God delivered the enemies in Canaan into the hands of the Israelites when the nation entered the promised land to possess all it as God promised (see Joshua 21:43) God fulfilled all fo the promised He had made to the Israelites ( Joshua 23:15)

    God is faithful and able to preserve us or rescue us or make us stand in the day of trouble. But we also must remember that our Lord and Paul and Peter said that we will suffer also, be persecuted, arrested, tried legally, and martyred for His Name's sake. Jesus said we would be hated by men just as they hated himself. We should pray for God to prepare us for such hardships that He may allow us to experience. We certainly should pray that we will hold fast in the face of martyrdom.

    The fire that brings destruction spoken of in Peter's epistles is pretty disturbing to consider, but I think this firs is intended for the evil unbelievers, not for the believers. When Jesus returns once again with a shout, with the trumpet call, with the voice of an archangel, with a tempest like lightening, with exceeding brightness and manifest glory, we will look up, as He instructs us in Luke 21:28 for our redemption is come. we will be changed (if alive at this time) or resurrrected, if we have died. At that time, we will be glorified and can no longer be harmed by anything that comes upon the earth! Hallelujah!

    Adam, I will pray for you as you seek to find out the truth of Scriptures concerning the end times, as I pray that for myself, too.

    I plan to believe everything that is plainly and explicitly taught in Scripture concerning the return of Christ and what happens before that, and also not readily embrace ideas that are not.
  • GIGI - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Or maybe, S. Spencer, you, too, need to be open to seriously considering another's viewpoint by holding it up to what Scripture actually says. I am open to that.

    I have given concrete Scriptural citations that Jesus does not come before the Tribulation to rapture believers from 2 Thessalonians 2, Matt. 24 and elsewhere. I have given Scripture citations that warn against being deceived by anyone who says that his coming is at hand ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3, Luke 21:8. I gave Scripture citations concerning that Jesus coming will not be secret or invisible, but will be seen by everyone, with brightness, trumpet sounds, shout, etc. Can you believe these Scriptures? Or will you continue to hold onto your belief s in a secret, invisible, imminent pre-trib rapture?

    I am willing to change my beliefs when Scripture plainly teaches a correction to my view. Are you?

    I am not trying to be difficult here, but you seem to feel so free to discredit my views or approach, but I do not see a willingness on your part to truly consider what I have said and hold it up to Scripture.

    I pray that we both will remain open to learning from one another as the Spirit leads us. I pray that we will apply our minds to studying Scripture in the best way we are able and not accuse another of being ignorant in one's understanding, as you have to me. Let tje love of Christ guide us and the fellowship of the Spirit always be foremost between us.
  • Burney - In Reply on Luke 21 - 1 year ago
    Thanks, and God Bless!
  • Burney - In Reply on Luke 21 - 1 year ago
    Thanks and God bless.
  • BelieverinChristJesus - In Reply on Luke 21 - 1 year ago
    Different places
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 21 - 1 year ago
    Hi Burney. "Divers" is just an old spelling for 'diverse'. And as you know, 'diverse' means 'of different kinds or forms'. So in Luke 21:11, "And great earthquakes shall be in divers places, and famines, and pestilences...", would mean 'there would be high intensity earthquakes in many different locations throughout the World.'
  • Burney on Luke 21 - 1 year ago
    What is the meaning of divers places?
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jimbob,

    Thanks for your reply, here is a short version that may explain.

    I tried to keep it short, my understanding of scripture is there is not a pre-tribulation rapture, also if rapture means being taken to heaven pre, mid, or post-tribulation, scripture does not support that. Much of that is based on the 70th week in Daniel my understanding has been fulfilled.

    In scripture, the gathering of the saint's destination will be in Israel not heaven, when the times of the Gentiles are fulfilled, Luke 21:24, the same place the saints will be when Satan is released Rev. 20:7-10 when the armies of Satan will be devoured with fire. Then the final judgment.

    Jesus's second coming is to set up the kingdom and to reign on earth, Rev. 19:11-21. On that day His feet shall stand on the ground from where He left, Acts 1:9 Zech. 14:4.

    When Jesus returns, every eye shall see Matt. 24:27 Rev. 1:7 With a great sound of a trumpet, Matt. 24:30-31, At the last trump, 1 Cor. 15:52, With the trump of God, 1 Thes. 4:16, The seventh angel sounded the last trump Rev. 11:15-19.

    Then the wrath of God when Jesus returns, Rev. 6:15-17. And as we see in Revelation there are two resurrections, the first, all who are resurrected will reign with Jesus on earth, not heaven.

    Hope this makes sense, I understand there are different understandings, but it is good to have a loving and respectful discussion.

    God bless,


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