"And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Luke 23:42 KJV
Remember me, remember me, O' Lord, please remember member us. We need thee O' we need thee, every hour, we need thee, O' bless us now our Saviour, we come to thee...In Jesus Christ Name, we pray. Amen.
In John 12:1-16 this is 6 days before Passover and Jesus rides into Jerusalem the next day which would be the 10th, the day the lambs are taken up five days before Passover day which is called today Palm Sunday.
Each day is recorded in Matthew 21 through Matthew 27:56Mark 11:1 through Mark 15:41Luke 19:28 through Luke 23:49John 12:1 through John 19:37.
On the 1st day of the week, we call Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem and returned to Bethany in the evening to lodge.
The second day shows Jesus going to Jerusalem and returning to Bethany.
The third day is two days before Passover Matthew 26:2Mark 14:1.
On the fourth day, Judas makes the deal to betray Jesus and toward the end of the day, the disciples ask him where he wants them to prepare to eat the Passover. God commanded it to be eaten inside the city walls but they did not eat the Passover, Luke 22:15-16.
When the sun went down the fourth day what we call Wednesday is the beginning of Passover day the 14th of Nisan the day the Passover lambs are killed, Mark 14:12Luke 22:7. What confuses things is then and now Passover day and the Feast of Unleavened Bread is referred to as an eight-day feast. Passover day is a preparation day for the seven-day feast of Unleavened Bread not part of the seven-day feast.
The lambs were killed on the 14th in the evening, the time when the sun starts to go down, any time after noon and before the sun sets. The Passover is eaten the night of the 15th the first day of the seven-day feast which is a holy convocation/Sabbath Exodus 12:8 the same night they went out of Egypt not on Passover day.
The Lord's Supper and the crucifixion were on Passover day the fifth day from when Jesus rode into Jerusalem which would make that the 5th day of the week we call Thursday.
"Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;/And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me."(vv.9-10)
Here St Matthew refers to a quote from the book of Zechariah. In order to give them its proper context we shall consider the v.10. "And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people.' This covenant with Israel refers to the Law of Moses. Beauty symbolic sign for Jesus ("For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?"- Luke 23:31) In cutting off the Son they were repudiating the covenant and God. Jeremiah then smashing the potter's vessel at the east gate in Je.19 was a public event. Now the crucifixion was going to be a public event.
The inspired writing of the Evangelist did not err, an example of which we have seen in the preceding chapter. The verse"that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled" referred both Isaiah and Zechariah.(26:56) The Spirit presented the potter's vessel as a sign for the Son and where Prophet Jeremiah had begun we have Prophet Zechariah leading to the field, which in general sense signifies the whole land. "The land is mine" and the divine potter "O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel."(Je.18:6)
As a teacher of the Word the Spirit exhorts anyone who does interpreting the word to keep note of the thrust of his argument. "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell." Comparing apples with pears are for the glory of man and not for God."Instruction in righteousness" is fighting according to the rules. 2 Ti.3:16
"All things were created by him, and for him:/And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." (Col.1:16-19)
Here is another example. Jesus Christ warns the Laodicean church,"And anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see".(Re.3:18) Ministry reconciliation of Jesus we have in this healing at Bethsaida, of a blind man,"And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking./After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly." ( Mark 8:24-25). If foolish shepherds use the word of God to bilk their congregation we can appreciate this comparison spiritual with spiritual. Christ's warning to the church holds true even now.
Coming back to Jesus as the Good shepherd we have "Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones."(Ze.13:7). What reconciles it to Jesus is the preceding verse. "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends." These wounds did not make him retaliate but he cried at the cross. "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."( Luke 23:34). The word of reconciliation does its perfect work with word of his grace which as St Paul says, "And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."(Ac.20:32)
Hello D.E.S. I agree that there isn't much given to us in the Bible to give clear teaching - it comes down to how one understands what is given. BTW, the John 3:13 reference you gave, is actually Jesus' response to Nicodemus, when he queried Jesus' Knowledge of these strange things he was hearing. Jesus told him that He was telling him things that only one from God's Presence could do; and that was of this new birth/new heart to be born again, that God required. No man has ever entered Heaven to learn such things & bring this news down to Earth, only Jesus could, He Who came down from Heaven.
That aside, I would ask you to give thought to these Scriptures: Luke 16:19-31 and Luke 23:39-43. In the Luke 16 account, Jesus gave us a glimpse of life after death (the locations of those were prior to Jesus' Own Resurrection). Here, we read that there was consciousness beyond the grave; their bodies were buried, but they were aware of their situation, of joy or pain, even of concerns.
Then the Luke 23 reference. Jesus gave the repentant thief (hanging on the Cross beside Him), the assurance that at his death, he would join Jesus in Paradise - the place of no pain & real comfort. If people today die & just remain in the grave awaiting the resurrection, then most certainly, those of Jesus' day knew that their spirits would live on in the place of God's appointment for them, while their earthly remains awaited resurrection & final judgement. Sending this for your reading & consideration & for God's Comfort & Assurance to be your daily experience.
In the previous post "Single Measurement" the quote "Saints redeemed from the earth are interchangeable because new earth knows no John or Andrew but is under the generic name an angel." explains this phenomenon. God has decreed the day for his Son and it pleased him that all his fulness should in him dwell. Who was Elijah but a double for the Son? As a Tishbite he shall show certain characteristics before his death. Elijah the Tishbite came from Gilead. Before giving charge to Elisha he goes through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and Jordan, signifying from his cradle to 'crossing the Jordan' euphemism for death. Elisha sticks close to him all the while. As his associate he was his double through the word of God and ministry for the other. By principle of Association all are co-heirs with Christ the firstborn of all creation." But Jesus is associated with Nazareth but as the Son he reveals his own signature to the body of evidence as the Word become flesh. On the cross, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."( Luke 23:46)
This every one who is called has his own characteristics, of his place and time but in terms of the will of the Father he had adopted them all without exception on the basis each one has become part of the single measure which is his Son, the Man component.
I have been wiped out on my computer TWICE trying to get this posting out. Seems the enemy doesn't want me to do this.
Or I had too many windows up at the same time. UGH.
Whenever I go to get scripture references I take a chance on wiping out the page; although my computer for some reason stalled out last run..
I will post this as an argument and rebuttal format just to do something different....
First assumption (as best I understand it). Christ didn't appear any other time in a bodily form except while here on earth.
It should be clear that Christ rose with scars remaining from His body which He had on earth that was resurrected. This is clear from "doubting Thomas" in John 20:28. There are numerous instances when Christ was indeed in a preincarnate form; such as with the incident with Abraham in Genesis 18:18 (where it also appears the discussion in the previous verses is between the Godhead as to whether these things should remain hidden). There is also the incident with the angel of the Lord in Hosea 11:4 cross referencing Jacob wrestling with God in the account of Genesis 32:22-32. For worship to occur these saints of God were indeed only to worship God. Since 1 John states that no one can see God and live; and Genesis 32:30 says that no one has seen God at any time; it seems clear that Christ was appearing in these cases. Numerous other verses could be cited.
The "us" verses.
We see in the original creation story in Genesis 1; as well as the narrative of the Tower of Babel ( Genesis 11:7) where "our image" and "us" is referred to in the creation of man; and the determination to confuse the language of men.
Argument Two: Main premise that God is one appearing in different "modes" or forms. To ignore that God is in distinct persons seems absurd in light of verses such as Luke 23:46 (where Jesus commended His spirit to God at death); and all other verses which showed Christ praying to the Father.
True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."
Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ is the Creator of all things and He created the Commandments - there would be no reason for Him to change or rescind any of them.
Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the literal keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.
Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.
We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.
"IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."
I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.
Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."
Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the physical keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.
Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.
We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.
"IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."
I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.
Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
The followers of Christ who obeyed the 10 Commandments immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56 were True Christians even if the term wasn't recorded yet. Those who walked along side Christ were Christians while Christ was still alive physically upon the earth.
Yes, many profess to be, and call themselves, Christians today.
Yet True Christians obey the 10 Commandments as Christ obeyed and taught them. ( Jn. 15:10)( Matt. 23:1-3)
"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so;And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good."
On second day he defined the light in terms of 'works wrought in God." It has a quality that darkness cannot comprehend. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."( John 1:5) The similar separation was introduced by a firmament between waters above and waters below. This serves as a face so whosoever on the darkness may seek and find light. "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."(Matt.4:16;Is.9:2).
This explains the quality of mercy.
The Spirit moving upon the face of the waters did it so for a purpose. There is a certain knowledge in the face. Even adulterous and wicked generation looks for signs therein. This knowledge is different than what is in the face,"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."(2 Co.4:6). This face serves as a looking glass for man individually as well as whole mankind. On the cross the malefactor saw this knowledge,"And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." ( Luke 23:41-43). What work did he do to ask a favor? He got it without trying, is it not? Here we see grace. By Jesus Christ came grace and truth. In short the separation of waters above from below is to give a body to holiness of God. This is the mercy of God embodied in the Son.(Ec.1:4)
This clarifies still further: as gathering of seas and the dry land. Holiness of God through his Son sets this seal on a firm basis."God knows who are his." (2 Ti.2:19). Where does it lead to? "And there was no more sea."
Psalm 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
The "Holy One" is Christ Himself, not David the man.
So Christ, Eternal God Himself, took upon Himself the sins of those whom He "saves", He Died in His entire being and experienced the Wrath of God as Full Payment for their sins, and DID go into the grave (or hades). But His Soul was not left there. Because He Rose from Death since that the full payment for the sins of His Elect had been COMPLETED.
So when Christ applies Salvation to someone whom He "saves"; i.e. they become Born Again, He gives them a New Resurrected Soul (or Spirit) which in itself, "cannot sin" 1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
So when the True Believer dies physically, their "unsaved Body" goes into the Grave and corrupts to await the Resurrection of the Last Day when their Salvation will be COMPLETED and they will receive their Resurrected Spiritual Body ( 1 Cor 15). But their Soul, i.e. their Spirit Essence, goes immediately to be with Christ in Heaven.
I understand you want to distinguish between the Soul and the Spirit of Mankind. But despite the two verses in Hebrews and 1 Thessalonians, I see the words Soul and Spirit as being synonymous when speaking of the Spirit Essence of Man.
Regarding the Luke 23:46 passage, that is absolutely true. Christ's Spirit went to be with the Father in Heaven, and not into the Grave with His Body which DID NOT corrupt. Why?
And now I'm going to shock you by suggesting that Christ actually made full payment for the sins of HIS Elect even before the Foundation of the World ( Rev 13:8 & Heb 4:3). And the Cross was a actually a DEMONSTRATION of that payment that had already been made. This is why Christ was able to say "IT IS FNISHED", even before He died physically on the Cross and rose again from the grave three days later.
( Ps 16:10) For thou wilt not leave my soul in (hell); neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
The word (hell) is #7585; it means hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat) including its accessories and inmates, ((grave)), hell, pit.
( Luke 23:46) "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost".
The word (commend) is #3908; it means to place alongside, i.e. present, to deposit (as a trust or for protection) set before.
Father was in heaven when Jesus spoke these Words so the spirit goes to heaven at death.
Jesus' soul was not left in hell so it went to hell. The soul goes to the ((grave)).
Jesus' commended His spirit into the hands of God. The Spirit goes to God.
Luke 23:39-43 And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us. But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation? And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss. And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom. And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, TODAY SHALT THOUGH BE WITH ME IN PARADISE.
The passage above is Christ applying Salvation to one of His Elect before our very eyes. Causing that thief on the cross. to become Born Again, to receive his RESURRECTED SOUL.
And no, Christ was not lying to him.
So that thief died and was buried and his body has returned to the dust. But that thief was indeed with Christ in Heaven, in Paradise at the moment of his physical death. And will be returning with Christ in his Soul Existence to receive his glorified Spiritual Body at the Resurrection of the Last Day.
What you are suggesting is a complete denial of what it means to become "saved", to become Born Again.
Yes! "the SOUL that sineth it shall die". And apart from God's mercy in Salvation (in Christ having endured the Wrath of God, eternal death, the full penalty for the sins of those whom He saves) that is indeed the fate of all Mankind, Eternal Death.
Thanks Gasman for your reply; I'm glad that my answer to you might have been a little helpful. However, your question as to when does a human (whether still in embryonic form or after release from the womb) is equipped with a soul & spirit, can't really be answered irrefutably, simply because the Word is silent on it & very likely the medical profession will never admit it. Though some Scriptures might help us, such as Ecclesiastes 3:19-21; Ecclesiastes 12:7; Luke 23:46; Acts 7:59; James 2:26; and maybe others which seem to show both the importance & destination of the human spirit when the body dies. Then again, the word 'soul' is also used similarly: Matthew 10:28; Matthew 16:26; Revelation 6:9, which seems to further confuse this matter of distinction between soul & spirit. However, as man is made in his Creator's Image, I believe that he needs to be fully equipped with & reflect this fully formed creative work; hence the need for this three-fold aspect of his humanness.
Yet, as you wrote, "Our core values we know for sure but secondary issues we don't", which is what we need to emphasize & build up one another on, rather than on matters we know little or nothing about. Yet, it's always an interesting exercise to ponder even over such things. Blessings.
Hello Moha4med. The Bible doesn't teach us that there is an appointed angel for killing people. The closest Scripture I could find is in 2 Kings 19:35, where the angel of the LORD went into the camp of the Assyrians and killed 185K people. This was God's action in response to the prayer of King Hezekiah of Judah asking God to save them from the hand of the Assyrians. And God sent His angel to carry out this destruction.
So neither Jesus Christ nor any other person before or after Him (except the above reference), who faced death had any angel involvement in their deaths. For Christ, it is recorded in Luke 23:46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Jesus released His spirit back to the Father & in so doing He died on the Cross. And in Ecclesiastes 12:7 we read, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." The spirit of man cannot perish, for it is spirit, as God is Spirit. Man's spirit at death returns to God, for God to direct it to its abode awaiting acceptance or final judgement. So, your other questions are not applicable because there is no angel of death that Jews or Christians are told about. I know that in Islam, Azrail is believed to be the angel of death (Surah 32:11), but none recorded in the Bible nor in the Jewish Tanakh. There maybe mention of this in other Jewish literature or the Apocryphal writings, I can't be sure.
I now understand Adam as to what you're seeking. I equated Biblical statements about one's salvation the same as if one stated specifically that salvation was their present possession. But if you require other Scriptures, including the Luke 19:9 you gave, as well as Luke 23:42,43, we could include Acts 16:30-34 (they rejoiced, not because that salvation would be in the future, but by believing they would be saved now). Also, Acts 10:44-48 (the Holy Spirit was poured out on the Gentiles, not just for the Jews; & they spoke in other tongues & were water baptized). Though we don't hear these people (the jailer & Cornelius) saying the words that you require, yet Luke records what he observed, that a transformation had taken place.
As to the "dozens of verses supporting a future salvation", one could examine those verses you gave & find that there is a differing understanding whether those verses speak of a future salvation or of victoriously living out one's present salvation & of eternal rewards.
So, we come back to the whole understanding of salvation by faith, the Work of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life, & living a life presently but not knowing whether God will or will not bring about a salvation at Judgement time. These points would certainly take us away from the point you're raising, but I believe they are necessary so as to understand what takes place when a person repents, believes, & gets baptized by the Spirit. Does the Spirit really even baptise him? Does the Spirit leave & enter him at will? What place does Holy Spirit Power hold in a believer's life? Can we even call him a believer - maybe just a follower of Christ awaiting/hoping for approval on that future day of salvation? These are some of the questions that disturb me if I'm not an assured believer & accepted by God on the merits of His Son's Sacrifice - an adopted child of God now. The question then is: am I saved right now or not till later - maybe?
- So here Satan Knew very well what He was doing and one fact that you Mention in your post is that peter was a friend of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and Satan attempted to use this friendship and this moment to tempt The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Also Satan knew very well what is written in Matthew 6:54 ,54But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?.
- And to get a clear understanding of how Satan took over peter, remember the events of Judah when Satan entered him resulting to the betrayal of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. it's written in Luke 23:3-4 , Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him unto them.
hence you see here Satan was responsible for enticing both Judas and peter, Therefore Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Rebuked peter by saying get behind me Satan. Jesus The Living God never said this word because he was in a cranky mood, but he rebuked Satan who was enticing peter to speak those words which he spoke to Jesus.
So, what lessons do we learn from this Events?
1. Always be on your Gurd as a Christian who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, for our weapons is not carnal but might through God and we do not wrestle Flesh and blood but persons without bodies who are always looking for opportunity to entice us to Sin. so Put on the whole armor of God. its written in 2 Corinthians 10:3 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2. Satan will even attack someone close to you Just to get through to you and this is an example of his Attacks and it's important for every believer who believes the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God to Read your Bible To be given in Prayers and to fast before God and if anyone Lucks wisdom let him pray and ask the
John 10:18 shows us that Christ had the power to give up and take life back again. Starting at the statement at His death "it is finished" ( John 19:30) the atonement was complete at the same moment. The comment from the fellow prisoner (the one who repented) at the cross recieved a response just prior to that event where Christ assured him "today you shall be with me in paradise" ( Luke 23:43). This shows that sheol which at the time was the abode of all the dead (see state of Lazarus vs the rich man in the parable of Luke 16:19-31). Jesus came to set the captives free ( Ephesians 4:7-10) also alluded to in several other passages that could also refer to those captive in sin still on earth. He preached to the spirits in prison ( 1 Peter 3:19) which were either the demons or Nephilim and their offspring which were in the abyss before their time; or all the lost. Those who were His own were set free; their souls went to heaven and many appeared after His Resurrection ( Matt. 27:52-53). Thus; after this time only wicked in the torment part of hell still exist down there.
Christ; of course was the "first of the firstfruits" ( 1 Cor. 15:20). There will be the following afterwards; those who came out of their graves at that time as I stated above; then those at His appearing (i.e. Rapture); then those at His coming (2nd Coming). The firstfruits continue until the 144,000 which is a sort of gleaning of Israel ahead of the main harvest the countless multitude coming out of the Great Tribulation. ( Rev. 7:9).
What is most sobering is that Christ still bears marks on His body ( Luke 24:39); apparently the only one who is resurrected with such scars reminding us of his earthly suffering and existance. Hence; God did not allow His holy one to remain in sheol or see decay ( Psalm 16:10). He was the perfect; unblemished Lamb of God who we shall forever worship and adore.
Did Jesus eat the Passover? Tradition or scripture? Does it matter? For study not to offend.
Passover Day when the lambs were killed is the 14th of Abib/Nisan. Exodus 12:3-33Leviticus 23:5Numbers 33:1-3Mark 14:12Luke 22:7
The 15th of Abib/Nisan is the first day of the 7-day Unleavened Bread Feast, first day and the last day are Sabbath days, it starts at sundown and is when they ate the Passover and after midnight they left Egypt. Numbers 33:1-3Deuteronomy 16:1-8
From the Last Supper to the burial, Matt. 26:17-75Matt. 27:1-61Mark 14:12-72Mark 15:1-47Luke 22:1-71Luke 23:1-56 John 13:1-38 through John 19:1-42.
This day started at sunset. On this day we have Jesus and his disciples going into the guest chamber, they ate a meal, Jesus initiated the New Covenant, they sang songs, Jesus washed their feet, and they were there for hours. They went to Gethsemane where Jesus prayed, Judas came with the priests and a band of men and officers,
They took Jesus to Annias and Caiaphas and was judged. Then early that morning they took Him to Pilate and Herod and back and they said crucify Him. They nailed Jesus to the cross the 3rd hour, 9 AM, Jesus died at the 9th hour, 3 PM, and was put in the tomb, all this in one day, before the sunset, the 14th of Abib/Nisan Passover day.
In Luke 22:14-16 Jesus told them He was not going to eat this Passover with them. In John 18:28 they would not go in the hall, they would be defiled because they have not eaten the Passover, and later that day they had to catch the blood and put it on the altar.
The Passover meal was eaten after sunset and before midnight, the 15th of Abib/Nisan, Jesus was in the tomb.
Jesus was the Passover Lamb and the First and the Last. He was nailed to the cross at the same time the first Tamid Lamb was sacrificed, all the sin sacrifices were put on top and He died at the same time the last Tamid Lamb was sacrificed and put on top.
I agree brother, wherever Jesus will be paradise. Good question, where is paradise? What do we see in Luke 23:39-43? Many see this as when we die, we go directly to paradise, can I say no you're wrong, No, it may give some comfort to someone to think their loved one is already there. Are there other understandings? yes.
In the original language, there was no punctuation and only upper-case letters so, the understanding may change by just a comma. "I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Or, I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise, or would it read differently without the capitalizing of the word today?
Does the context of what was being said bring more light to this verse regardless of the comma? Two thieves were hanging next to Jesus, one railed at Jesus and the other rebuked the other thief and asked him if he did not fear God saying, they deserve their punishment, but Jesus did not do anything to deserve this, he asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom.
Would Jesus come into his kingdom on earth that day? Not yet. Did Jesus go to paradise that day? Jesus said in Matt. 12:40 He will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And in John 20:17 this was after He resurrected, Jesus told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended unto His Father. Does this verse say we go to heaven when we die? No.
This is not to be dogmatic it is just another understanding of Luke 23:39-43. Where is Paradise I believe in the millennium the land of Israel will be almost like paradise, but I believe the New Earth will be where our paradise will be, and I do not think we can even imagine how beautiful it will be.
Verse 43: "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." There have been many discussions over the years as to where paradise is. First of all, it is a Persian word. That is where the word paradise came from. In the New Testament, not only is it here, but it's also found in 2 Corinthians 12:3 where Paul says that he was caught up in the third heaven into paradise.
And again, in Revelation 2:7, where it is the reward for those overcomers, those that overcome the evil. It is also used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament for the Garden of Eden. It is called PARADISO, paradise, same word! But that doesn't answer the question where is it? Well, right before the term "in paradise" we have the answer. Jesus says you will be with "me" in paradise.
Wherever Jesus is, it is paradise. Where was Jesus that day or that night or the next day? Wherever Jesus was, the thief on the cross was with Him, and that's paradise.
In Luke 23:39-43, we see the promise to the thief on the cross.
(Part 1 of 2):
Verse 39: "And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us." So, one of the malefactors which were hanged, (remember there is one on each side of Jesus), railed on him, blasphemed Him, saying, If you be Christ, save yourself and us.
Now look at the different approaches to Jesus:
If it's true who you say you are, and who some people think you are, then use your authority and power. Not only get yourself down off the cross, but get us down off the cross too. They wanted to save their own skin. We don't want to die for our crimes. Get us down. That's one approach to Jesus.
Verse 40: But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
Verse 41: "And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss."
The Greek word for "nothing amiss" means He's done nothing out of place. He has done everything perfectly! So, one thief says get us down, we want our freedom back, so we can go back and commit more crimes. The other thief says we are getting what we deserve. So why are you speaking that way against Him? Don't you fear God? You can see the difference between the two.
Verse 42: "And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Now that is all he said. There is no sinner's prayer. But what he is doing, he's doing just based on the Lord's mercy. You know, Lord, remember me, that is all I ask when you come into your Kingdom!
God's peace everyone, you are precious and the Lord Jesus loves you, for He sent us the Holy Spirit. This is how we can always be with the Lord and carry the kingdom of God in us. Remember what you who do not understand. We walk with the Lord every day, some get milk and some get solid food. One day we will understand because today we will get piecemeal and shared. Because if we were to get all the knowledge in an instant, it would be too much for us. And we would have gotten lost in God's Word that is. We know that we have a soul a spirit and a body. This is a teaching in itself. And there's already in here on the web. Distinguish this we cannot do.
Just the day when we're going to die, Jesus said Luke 23:43 Then we let go of our body, then the spirit has no obstacle anymore. This is where we detach ourselves from the body. So in Paradise there are no bodies. As we live and have the body, we are also bound with it in soul and spirit.
Hope this can help someone. Know that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with His consultation, have complete control over matters large and small. Pray for visdom and understanding.
Love u all in Christ. John 3 Chapter Stay strong in the word everyday.
Peter, you are so correct, Jesus was and is amazing. And He became man in order to step into our shoes and die for us in the only way that our sins can be forgiven for all eternity. Praise the Lord, He is good.
Jesus was amazing. He was willing to be crucified for our sins. How many of us would be willing to do such a thing. It scares me; I would not want to be in his shoes.
Remember me, remember me, O' Lord, please remember member us. We need thee O' we need thee, every hour, we need thee, O' bless us now our Saviour, we come to thee...In Jesus Christ Name, we pray. Amen.
"Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. And they parted his raiment, and cast lots." Luke 23:34 KJV
"He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me." Psalms 18:17 KJV
"In the fear of the LORD is strong confidence: and his children shall have a place of refuge." Proverbs 14:26 KJV
Standing in agreement with you for peace during this time. Amen.
In John 12:1-16 this is 6 days before Passover and Jesus rides into Jerusalem the next day which would be the 10th, the day the lambs are taken up five days before Passover day which is called today Palm Sunday.
Each day is recorded in Matthew 21 through Matthew 27:56 Mark 11:1 through Mark 15:41 Luke 19:28 through Luke 23:49 John 12:1 through John 19:37.
On the 1st day of the week, we call Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem and returned to Bethany in the evening to lodge.
The second day shows Jesus going to Jerusalem and returning to Bethany.
The third day is two days before Passover Matthew 26:2 Mark 14:1.
On the fourth day, Judas makes the deal to betray Jesus and toward the end of the day, the disciples ask him where he wants them to prepare to eat the Passover. God commanded it to be eaten inside the city walls but they did not eat the Passover, Luke 22:15-16.
When the sun went down the fourth day what we call Wednesday is the beginning of Passover day the 14th of Nisan the day the Passover lambs are killed, Mark 14:12 Luke 22:7. What confuses things is then and now Passover day and the Feast of Unleavened Bread is referred to as an eight-day feast. Passover day is a preparation day for the seven-day feast of Unleavened Bread not part of the seven-day feast.
The lambs were killed on the 14th in the evening, the time when the sun starts to go down, any time after noon and before the sun sets. The Passover is eaten the night of the 15th the first day of the seven-day feast which is a holy convocation/Sabbath Exodus 12:8 the same night they went out of Egypt not on Passover day.
The Lord's Supper and the crucifixion were on Passover day the fifth day from when Jesus rode into Jerusalem which would make that the 5th day of the week we call Thursday.
God bless,
"Then was fulfilled that which was spoken by Jeremy the prophet, saying, And they took the thirty pieces of silver, the price of him that was valued, whom they of the children of Israel did value;/And gave them for the potter's field, as the Lord appointed me."(vv.9-10)
Here St Matthew refers to a quote from the book of Zechariah. In order to give them its proper context we shall consider the v.10. "And I took my staff, even Beauty, and cut it asunder, that I might break my covenant which I had made with all the people.' This covenant with Israel refers to the Law of Moses. Beauty symbolic sign for Jesus ("For if they do these things in a green tree, what shall be done in the dry?"- Luke 23:31) In cutting off the Son they were repudiating the covenant and God. Jeremiah then smashing the potter's vessel at the east gate in Je.19 was a public event. Now the crucifixion was going to be a public event.
The inspired writing of the Evangelist did not err, an example of which we have seen in the preceding chapter. The verse"that the scriptures of the prophets might be fulfilled" referred both Isaiah and Zechariah.(26:56) The Spirit presented the potter's vessel as a sign for the Son and where Prophet Jeremiah had begun we have Prophet Zechariah leading to the field, which in general sense signifies the whole land. "The land is mine" and the divine potter "O house of Israel, cannot I do with you as this potter? saith the Lord. Behold, as the clay is in the potter's hand, so are ye in mine hand, O house of Israel."(Je.18:6)
As a teacher of the Word the Spirit exhorts anyone who does interpreting the word to keep note of the thrust of his argument. "For it pleased the Father that in him should all fulness dwell." Comparing apples with pears are for the glory of man and not for God."Instruction in righteousness" is fighting according to the rules. 2 Ti.3:16
"All things were created by him, and for him:/And he is before all things, and by him all things consist." (Col.1:16-19)
Here is another example. Jesus Christ warns the Laodicean church,"And anoint thine eyes with eyesalve, that thou mayest see".(Re.3:18) Ministry reconciliation of Jesus we have in this healing at Bethsaida, of a blind man,"And he looked up, and said, I see men as trees, walking./After that he put his hands again upon his eyes, and made him look up: and he was restored, and saw every man clearly." ( Mark 8:24-25). If foolish shepherds use the word of God to bilk their congregation we can appreciate this comparison spiritual with spiritual. Christ's warning to the church holds true even now.
Coming back to Jesus as the Good shepherd we have "Awake, O sword, against my shepherd, and against the man that is my fellow, saith the LORD of hosts: smite the shepherd, and the sheep shall be scattered: and I will turn mine hand upon the little ones."(Ze.13:7). What reconciles it to Jesus is the preceding verse. "And one shall say unto him, What are these wounds in thine hands? Then he shall answer, Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends." These wounds did not make him retaliate but he cried at the cross. "Then said Jesus, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do."( Luke 23:34). The word of reconciliation does its perfect work with word of his grace which as St Paul says, "And now, brethren, I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified."(Ac.20:32)
That aside, I would ask you to give thought to these Scriptures: Luke 16:19-31 and Luke 23:39-43. In the Luke 16 account, Jesus gave us a glimpse of life after death (the locations of those were prior to Jesus' Own Resurrection). Here, we read that there was consciousness beyond the grave; their bodies were buried, but they were aware of their situation, of joy or pain, even of concerns.
Then the Luke 23 reference. Jesus gave the repentant thief (hanging on the Cross beside Him), the assurance that at his death, he would join Jesus in Paradise - the place of no pain & real comfort. If people today die & just remain in the grave awaiting the resurrection, then most certainly, those of Jesus' day knew that their spirits would live on in the place of God's appointment for them, while their earthly remains awaited resurrection & final judgement. Sending this for your reading & consideration & for God's Comfort & Assurance to be your daily experience.
In the previous post "Single Measurement" the quote "Saints redeemed from the earth are interchangeable because new earth knows no John or Andrew but is under the generic name an angel." explains this phenomenon. God has decreed the day for his Son and it pleased him that all his fulness should in him dwell. Who was Elijah but a double for the Son? As a Tishbite he shall show certain characteristics before his death. Elijah the Tishbite came from Gilead. Before giving charge to Elisha he goes through Gilgal, Bethel, Jericho and Jordan, signifying from his cradle to 'crossing the Jordan' euphemism for death. Elisha sticks close to him all the while. As his associate he was his double through the word of God and ministry for the other. By principle of Association all are co-heirs with Christ the firstborn of all creation." But Jesus is associated with Nazareth but as the Son he reveals his own signature to the body of evidence as the Word become flesh. On the cross, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost."( Luke 23:46)
This every one who is called has his own characteristics, of his place and time but in terms of the will of the Father he had adopted them all without exception on the basis each one has become part of the single measure which is his Son, the Man component.
I have been wiped out on my computer TWICE trying to get this posting out. Seems the enemy doesn't want me to do this.
Or I had too many windows up at the same time. UGH.
Whenever I go to get scripture references I take a chance on wiping out the page; although my computer for some reason stalled out last run..
I will post this as an argument and rebuttal format just to do something different....
First assumption (as best I understand it). Christ didn't appear any other time in a bodily form except while here on earth.
It should be clear that Christ rose with scars remaining from His body which He had on earth that was resurrected. This is clear from "doubting Thomas" in John 20:28. There are numerous instances when Christ was indeed in a preincarnate form; such as with the incident with Abraham in Genesis 18:18 (where it also appears the discussion in the previous verses is between the Godhead as to whether these things should remain hidden). There is also the incident with the angel of the Lord in Hosea 11:4 cross referencing Jacob wrestling with God in the account of Genesis 32:22-32. For worship to occur these saints of God were indeed only to worship God. Since 1 John states that no one can see God and live; and Genesis 32:30 says that no one has seen God at any time; it seems clear that Christ was appearing in these cases. Numerous other verses could be cited.
The "us" verses.
We see in the original creation story in Genesis 1; as well as the narrative of the Tower of Babel ( Genesis 11:7) where "our image" and "us" is referred to in the creation of man; and the determination to confuse the language of men.
Argument Two: Main premise that God is one appearing in different "modes" or forms. To ignore that God is in distinct persons seems absurd in light of verses such as Luke 23:46 (where Jesus commended His spirit to God at death); and all other verses which showed Christ praying to the Father.
So let us enjoy the time we have to celebrate and declare HIS salvation with HIS blood shed on the cross.
Then there is a debate regarding HIS resurrection.
2 Corinthians 4:
3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost
May we live our lives showing that our GOD lives. We can show this by being obedient and true to HIS word. 2 Timothy 2:15; 3: 16, 17
Merry Christmas to all; and
Numbers 6
24 The LORD bless thee, and keep thee:
25 The LORD make his face shine upon thee, and be gracious unto thee:
Luke 2
11 For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
12 And this shall be a sign unto you; Ye shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
Have a great time with family and friends!
December 23, 2023
True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."
Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ is the Creator of all things and He created the Commandments - there would be no reason for Him to change or rescind any of them.
Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the literal keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.
Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.
We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.
"IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."
I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.
Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
True Christ Followers will be obedient to all of God's 10 Commandments as taught by Jesus in the New Testament."
Well, God's 10 Commandments are identical to Christ's Commandments. Christ didn't change, minimize or abbreviate them in any way. Christ speaks of obeying the Law, the 10 Commandments, just as they are taught by the scribes and Pharisees in Matt. 23:1-3. He says to "do as they say, but not as they do" because the teachers of the Law at that time were all hypocrites. They taught the 10 Commandments, but kept none of them. That passage proves that Jesus taught the physical keeping of the 10 Commandments, not just the essence, or spirit, of them in our hearts, etc.
Jesus stated, as you pointed out, that He kept all of the Father's 10 Commandments physically when He declared it in John 15:10.
We see that 1 John makes clear that we are to live as Jesus lived, obeying what He obeyed, in 1 John 2:6. That does not support the modern popular teaching that we are only to obey them in spirit. And if Jesus had any intention of teaching that Christians did not need to keep them literally, we would not have the record of the disciples keeping the Saturday Sabbath immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56. We also would not see Paul being labeled by the elders as a "Keeper of the Law" in Acts 21:24.
"IF a Christian is filled with God's Holy Spirit they will naturally be following all of God's/Jesus Commandments."
I would agree with this, but that just means that the vast majority of professed Christians today are not filled with the Holy Spirit because most Christians do not obey the 10 Commandments.
Jesus says that it is the keeping of the 10 Commandments that is pre-requisite for receiving 'HIM' as the Holy Spirit in John 14:21.
Those who follow the ways of Christ. ( 1 Jn. 2:6)
The followers of Christ who obeyed the 10 Commandments immediately after Christ's death on the Cross in Luke 23:54-56 were True Christians even if the term wasn't recorded yet. Those who walked along side Christ were Christians while Christ was still alive physically upon the earth.
Yes, many profess to be, and call themselves, Christians today.
Yet True Christians obey the 10 Commandments as Christ obeyed and taught them. ( Jn. 15:10)( Matt. 23:1-3)
"And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so;And God called the dry land Earth; and the gathering together of the waters called he Seas: and God saw that it was good."
On second day he defined the light in terms of 'works wrought in God." It has a quality that darkness cannot comprehend. "And the light shineth in darkness; and the darkness comprehended it not."( John 1:5) The similar separation was introduced by a firmament between waters above and waters below. This serves as a face so whosoever on the darkness may seek and find light. "The people which sat in darkness saw great light; and to them which sat in the region and shadow of death light is sprung up."(Matt.4:16;Is.9:2).
This explains the quality of mercy.
The Spirit moving upon the face of the waters did it so for a purpose. There is a certain knowledge in the face. Even adulterous and wicked generation looks for signs therein. This knowledge is different than what is in the face,"For God, who commanded the light to shine out of darkness, hath shined in our hearts, to give the light of the knowledge of the glory of God in the face of Jesus Christ."(2 Co.4:6). This face serves as a looking glass for man individually as well as whole mankind. On the cross the malefactor saw this knowledge,"And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." ( Luke 23:41-43). What work did he do to ask a favor? He got it without trying, is it not? Here we see grace. By Jesus Christ came grace and truth. In short the separation of waters above from below is to give a body to holiness of God. This is the mercy of God embodied in the Son.(Ec.1:4)
This clarifies still further: as gathering of seas and the dry land. Holiness of God through his Son sets this seal on a firm basis."God knows who are his." (2 Ti.2:19). Where does it lead to? "And there was no more sea."
Psalm 16:10 For thou wilt not leave my soul in hell; neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
The "Holy One" is Christ Himself, not David the man.
So Christ, Eternal God Himself, took upon Himself the sins of those whom He "saves", He Died in His entire being and experienced the Wrath of God as Full Payment for their sins, and DID go into the grave (or hades). But His Soul was not left there. Because He Rose from Death since that the full payment for the sins of His Elect had been COMPLETED.
So when Christ applies Salvation to someone whom He "saves"; i.e. they become Born Again, He gives them a New Resurrected Soul (or Spirit) which in itself, "cannot sin" 1 John 3:9 Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin; for his seed remaineth in him: and he cannot sin, because he is born of God.
So when the True Believer dies physically, their "unsaved Body" goes into the Grave and corrupts to await the Resurrection of the Last Day when their Salvation will be COMPLETED and they will receive their Resurrected Spiritual Body ( 1 Cor 15). But their Soul, i.e. their Spirit Essence, goes immediately to be with Christ in Heaven.
I understand you want to distinguish between the Soul and the Spirit of Mankind. But despite the two verses in Hebrews and 1 Thessalonians, I see the words Soul and Spirit as being synonymous when speaking of the Spirit Essence of Man.
Regarding the Luke 23:46 passage, that is absolutely true. Christ's Spirit went to be with the Father in Heaven, and not into the Grave with His Body which DID NOT corrupt. Why?
And now I'm going to shock you by suggesting that Christ actually made full payment for the sins of HIS Elect even before the Foundation of the World ( Rev 13:8 & Heb 4:3). And the Cross was a actually a DEMONSTRATION of that payment that had already been made. This is why Christ was able to say "IT IS FNISHED", even before He died physically on the Cross and rose again from the grave three days later.
( Ps 16:10) For thou wilt not leave my soul in (hell); neither wilt thou suffer thine Holy One to see corruption.
The word (hell) is #7585; it means hades or the world of the dead (as if a subterranean retreat) including its accessories and inmates, ((grave)), hell, pit.
( Luke 23:46) "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost".
The word (commend) is #3908; it means to place alongside, i.e. present, to deposit (as a trust or for protection) set before.
Father was in heaven when Jesus spoke these Words so the spirit goes to heaven at death.
Jesus' soul was not left in hell so it went to hell. The soul goes to the ((grave)).
Jesus' commended His spirit into the hands of God. The Spirit goes to God.
Separation of soul and spirit in Jesus Christ.
Blessings to you David.
And to all who seek His Truth!
The passage above is Christ applying Salvation to one of His Elect before our very eyes. Causing that thief on the cross. to become Born Again, to receive his RESURRECTED SOUL.
And no, Christ was not lying to him.
So that thief died and was buried and his body has returned to the dust. But that thief was indeed with Christ in Heaven, in Paradise at the moment of his physical death. And will be returning with Christ in his Soul Existence to receive his glorified Spiritual Body at the Resurrection of the Last Day.
What you are suggesting is a complete denial of what it means to become "saved", to become Born Again.
Yes! "the SOUL that sineth it shall die". And apart from God's mercy in Salvation (in Christ having endured the Wrath of God, eternal death, the full penalty for the sins of those whom He saves) that is indeed the fate of all Mankind, Eternal Death.
Yet, as you wrote, "Our core values we know for sure but secondary issues we don't", which is what we need to emphasize & build up one another on, rather than on matters we know little or nothing about. Yet, it's always an interesting exercise to ponder even over such things. Blessings.
So neither Jesus Christ nor any other person before or after Him (except the above reference), who faced death had any angel involvement in their deaths. For Christ, it is recorded in Luke 23:46, "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost." Jesus released His spirit back to the Father & in so doing He died on the Cross. And in Ecclesiastes 12:7 we read, "Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." The spirit of man cannot perish, for it is spirit, as God is Spirit. Man's spirit at death returns to God, for God to direct it to its abode awaiting acceptance or final judgement. So, your other questions are not applicable because there is no angel of death that Jews or Christians are told about. I know that in Islam, Azrail is believed to be the angel of death (Surah 32:11), but none recorded in the Bible nor in the Jewish Tanakh. There maybe mention of this in other Jewish literature or the Apocryphal writings, I can't be sure.
As to the "dozens of verses supporting a future salvation", one could examine those verses you gave & find that there is a differing understanding whether those verses speak of a future salvation or of victoriously living out one's present salvation & of eternal rewards.
So, we come back to the whole understanding of salvation by faith, the Work of the Holy Spirit in a believer's life, & living a life presently but not knowing whether God will or will not bring about a salvation at Judgement time. These points would certainly take us away from the point you're raising, but I believe they are necessary so as to understand what takes place when a person repents, believes, & gets baptized by the Spirit. Does the Spirit really even baptise him? Does the Spirit leave & enter him at will? What place does Holy Spirit Power hold in a believer's life? Can we even call him a believer - maybe just a follower of Christ awaiting/hoping for approval on that future day of salvation? These are some of the questions that disturb me if I'm not an assured believer & accepted by God on the merits of His Son's Sacrifice - an adopted child of God now. The question then is: am I saved right now or not till later - maybe?
- So here Satan Knew very well what He was doing and one fact that you Mention in your post is that peter was a friend of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God and Satan attempted to use this friendship and this moment to tempt The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Also Satan knew very well what is written in Matthew 6:54 ,54But how then shall the scriptures be fulfilled, that thus it must be?.
- And to get a clear understanding of how Satan took over peter, remember the events of Judah when Satan entered him resulting to the betrayal of The Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God. it's written in Luke 23:3-4 , Then entered Satan into Judas surnamed Iscariot, being of the number of the twelve. 4 And he went his way, and communed with the chief priests and captains, how he might betray Him unto them.
hence you see here Satan was responsible for enticing both Judas and peter, Therefore Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God Rebuked peter by saying get behind me Satan. Jesus The Living God never said this word because he was in a cranky mood, but he rebuked Satan who was enticing peter to speak those words which he spoke to Jesus.
So, what lessons do we learn from this Events?
1. Always be on your Gurd as a Christian who believes in the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God, for our weapons is not carnal but might through God and we do not wrestle Flesh and blood but persons without bodies who are always looking for opportunity to entice us to Sin. so Put on the whole armor of God. its written in 2 Corinthians 10:3 3 For though we walk in the flesh, we do not war after the flesh:
2. Satan will even attack someone close to you Just to get through to you and this is an example of his Attacks and it's important for every believer who believes the Lord Jesus Christ the Son of the Living God to Read your Bible To be given in Prayers and to fast before God and if anyone Lucks wisdom let him pray and ask the
John 10:18 shows us that Christ had the power to give up and take life back again. Starting at the statement at His death "it is finished" ( John 19:30) the atonement was complete at the same moment. The comment from the fellow prisoner (the one who repented) at the cross recieved a response just prior to that event where Christ assured him "today you shall be with me in paradise" ( Luke 23:43). This shows that sheol which at the time was the abode of all the dead (see state of Lazarus vs the rich man in the parable of Luke 16:19-31). Jesus came to set the captives free ( Ephesians 4:7-10) also alluded to in several other passages that could also refer to those captive in sin still on earth. He preached to the spirits in prison ( 1 Peter 3:19) which were either the demons or Nephilim and their offspring which were in the abyss before their time; or all the lost. Those who were His own were set free; their souls went to heaven and many appeared after His Resurrection ( Matt. 27:52-53). Thus; after this time only wicked in the torment part of hell still exist down there.
Christ; of course was the "first of the firstfruits" ( 1 Cor. 15:20). There will be the following afterwards; those who came out of their graves at that time as I stated above; then those at His appearing (i.e. Rapture); then those at His coming (2nd Coming). The firstfruits continue until the 144,000 which is a sort of gleaning of Israel ahead of the main harvest the countless multitude coming out of the Great Tribulation. ( Rev. 7:9).
What is most sobering is that Christ still bears marks on His body ( Luke 24:39); apparently the only one who is resurrected with such scars reminding us of his earthly suffering and existance. Hence; God did not allow His holy one to remain in sheol or see decay ( Psalm 16:10). He was the perfect; unblemished Lamb of God who we shall forever worship and adore.
Agape; Happy Resurrection Sunday.
Rich P
Passover Day when the lambs were killed is the 14th of Abib/Nisan. Exodus 12:3-33 Leviticus 23:5 Numbers 33:1-3 Mark 14:12 Luke 22:7
The 15th of Abib/Nisan is the first day of the 7-day Unleavened Bread Feast, first day and the last day are Sabbath days, it starts at sundown and is when they ate the Passover and after midnight they left Egypt. Numbers 33:1-3 Deuteronomy 16:1-8
From the Last Supper to the burial, Matt. 26:17-75 Matt. 27:1-61 Mark 14:12-72 Mark 15:1-47 Luke 22:1-71 Luke 23:1-56 John 13:1-38 through John 19:1-42.
This day started at sunset. On this day we have Jesus and his disciples going into the guest chamber, they ate a meal, Jesus initiated the New Covenant, they sang songs, Jesus washed their feet, and they were there for hours. They went to Gethsemane where Jesus prayed, Judas came with the priests and a band of men and officers,
They took Jesus to Annias and Caiaphas and was judged. Then early that morning they took Him to Pilate and Herod and back and they said crucify Him. They nailed Jesus to the cross the 3rd hour, 9 AM, Jesus died at the 9th hour, 3 PM, and was put in the tomb, all this in one day, before the sunset, the 14th of Abib/Nisan Passover day.
In Luke 22:14-16 Jesus told them He was not going to eat this Passover with them. In John 18:28 they would not go in the hall, they would be defiled because they have not eaten the Passover, and later that day they had to catch the blood and put it on the altar.
The Passover meal was eaten after sunset and before midnight, the 15th of Abib/Nisan, Jesus was in the tomb.
Jesus was the Passover Lamb and the First and the Last. He was nailed to the cross at the same time the first Tamid Lamb was sacrificed, all the sin sacrifices were put on top and He died at the same time the last Tamid Lamb was sacrificed and put on top.
Hopefully, this is enough to study.
God bless,
I agree brother, wherever Jesus will be paradise. Good question, where is paradise? What do we see in Luke 23:39-43? Many see this as when we die, we go directly to paradise, can I say no you're wrong, No, it may give some comfort to someone to think their loved one is already there. Are there other understandings? yes.
In the original language, there was no punctuation and only upper-case letters so, the understanding may change by just a comma. "I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise". Or, I say unto thee today, shalt thou be with me in paradise, or would it read differently without the capitalizing of the word today?
Does the context of what was being said bring more light to this verse regardless of the comma? Two thieves were hanging next to Jesus, one railed at Jesus and the other rebuked the other thief and asked him if he did not fear God saying, they deserve their punishment, but Jesus did not do anything to deserve this, he asked Jesus to remember him when he comes into his kingdom.
Would Jesus come into his kingdom on earth that day? Not yet. Did Jesus go to paradise that day? Jesus said in Matt. 12:40 He will be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth. And in John 20:17 this was after He resurrected, Jesus told Mary not to touch Him because He had not yet ascended unto His Father. Does this verse say we go to heaven when we die? No.
This is not to be dogmatic it is just another understanding of Luke 23:39-43. Where is Paradise I believe in the millennium the land of Israel will be almost like paradise, but I believe the New Earth will be where our paradise will be, and I do not think we can even imagine how beautiful it will be.
God bless,
(Part 2):
Verse 43: "And Jesus said unto him, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise." There have been many discussions over the years as to where paradise is. First of all, it is a Persian word. That is where the word paradise came from. In the New Testament, not only is it here, but it's also found in 2 Corinthians 12:3 where Paul says that he was caught up in the third heaven into paradise.
And again, in Revelation 2:7, where it is the reward for those overcomers, those that overcome the evil. It is also used in the Greek translation of the Old Testament for the Garden of Eden. It is called PARADISO, paradise, same word! But that doesn't answer the question where is it? Well, right before the term "in paradise" we have the answer. Jesus says you will be with "me" in paradise.
Wherever Jesus is, it is paradise. Where was Jesus that day or that night or the next day? Wherever Jesus was, the thief on the cross was with Him, and that's paradise.
In Luke 23:39-43, we see the promise to the thief on the cross.
(Part 1 of 2):
Verse 39: "And one of the malefactors which were hanged railed on him, saying, If thou be Christ, save thyself and us." So, one of the malefactors which were hanged, (remember there is one on each side of Jesus), railed on him, blasphemed Him, saying, If you be Christ, save yourself and us.
Now look at the different approaches to Jesus:
If it's true who you say you are, and who some people think you are, then use your authority and power. Not only get yourself down off the cross, but get us down off the cross too. They wanted to save their own skin. We don't want to die for our crimes. Get us down. That's one approach to Jesus.
Verse 40: But the other answering rebuked him, saying, Dost not thou fear God, seeing thou art in the same condemnation?
Verse 41: "And we indeed justly; for we receive the due reward of our deeds: but this man hath done nothing amiss."
The Greek word for "nothing amiss" means He's done nothing out of place. He has done everything perfectly! So, one thief says get us down, we want our freedom back, so we can go back and commit more crimes. The other thief says we are getting what we deserve. So why are you speaking that way against Him? Don't you fear God? You can see the difference between the two.
Verse 42: "And he said unto Jesus, Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom." Now that is all he said. There is no sinner's prayer. But what he is doing, he's doing just based on the Lord's mercy. You know, Lord, remember me, that is all I ask when you come into your Kingdom!
Just the day when we're going to die, Jesus said Luke 23:43 Then we let go of our body, then the spirit has no obstacle anymore. This is where we detach ourselves from the body. So in Paradise there are no bodies. As we live and have the body, we are also bound with it in soul and spirit.
Hope this can help someone. Know that God the Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, with His consultation, have complete control over matters large and small. Pray for visdom and understanding.
Love u all in Christ. John 3 Chapter Stay strong in the word everyday.
James 1:5,
Exodus 20, Exodus 31:12-17, note Exodus 31:16,17, Exodus 35:1-2, Leviticus 16:29-34, Leviticus 23, Leviticus 24:8,9,
Leviticus 25, Deuteronomy 5, Matthew 12, Matthew 28:1-9, Mark 15:42, Luke 23:52,53,54,56, John 19:31, Mark 1:21,
2Chronicles 36:20-21, Isaiah 58, Jeremiah 17, Amos 8, Matthew 25:31-46, Mark 3:4, John 5:10,16 hypocrisy & cruelty, John 7:22,23, Malachi 3:5,
Nehemiah 10:31, Nehemiah 13:14-27, Isaiah 56,
Colossians 2:16,
Hopefully these are all helpful in your study & Bible Study.
If we break it down :
1st Jesus asked for their forgiveness: Luke 23:34, John 17, John 6:37-40,
2nd He outwardly confessed & believed Jesus Luke 23:42, John 3:16-18, John 6: 47,
3rd confessed his sins Luke 23:41, 1John 1:9,
4th he showed Jesus mercy & compassion when the crowd, rulers, officers, & others were not: Luke 23:40,
Matthew 25:31-46,
Hopefully these are helpful in your discussion & study