We are warned by Christ that if an army comes with more men then we have; we have to assess our strength and plan accordingly. ( Luke 14:31). Since Satan is the "god of this world" ( 2 Cor. 4:4) and Christ never disputed with him about being given authority over the Kingdoms of the earth ( Luke 4:6) we only have 3 options. Namely; to either worship Satan; surrender to Him; or operate in the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ who has overcome hell and the grave and who exercises all authority over heaven and earth. ( Matt. 28:18).
The scope of Satan's rulership; therefore is interwoven throughout the world governments; institutions; and hierarchy. It is entangled throughout every false religion of the earth. The imaginations of men are blinded to the Gospel truth; and his desires are always to lead men to their destruction by giving them delusions that they can hold onto their possessions; loved ones; or positions in life forever. God therefore must do a miraculous transformation when one is "Born Again" so that they realize that they were headed for eternal damnation on the wide road until the narrow path was revealed to them. Satan himself can certainly fear Christ and knows that he is defeated; but there is no love for Him. If he can continue to control our lives after salvation and render us ineffective; we stand to lose our rewards and therefore risk an early departure from this life ( 1 Cor. 11:30).
Therefore; the war is won but many battles continue. We can be as Christ trusting God the road He has predestined for us in order to complete the works for us prepared from before creation ( Eph. 2:10). Pain and suffering are all necessary even though none of us can grasp it fully. As long as we are walking in the Spirit Satan cannot affect our soul. If we allow sin in any part of our lives; however God can and does use the enemy to oppress us. He can allow physical affliction as well as we see with Paul (2Cor12:8
In Genesis 2:2-3, God completed his creation by making the Sabbath holy and this sanctification and the blessing of the Sabbath then became a seventh day of rest.
Because God rested from all his works in creation, God's command of the 7th day of rest was also promulgated in the Mosiac Law that all Jews followed. See Exodus 20:8-11. This 7th day of rest or the Sabbath falls on a Saturday, which usually begins on sunset, instead of a Sunday evening. Throughout the Old Testament period, Jews have always congregated in their synagogues every Sabbaths (every Saturday evenings), for worship and hearing of the Law. The Sabbaths is based on the lunar calendar, and not the on the solar calendar. In the New Testament, we see Jesus in the synagogue as He was reading publicly the scroll of Isaiah,which spoke of the fulfillment of Jesus 'ministry. Jesus of course met on the Sabbath day( Saturday).
See Luke 4: 16-21. Noticed that on verse 16 of Luke, Jesus went to the synagogue just like any Jews of his time. It was customary. And certainly it was on a Sabbath day. There is one reference in scripture that mentioned Paul in Acts, about the monetary collection for the church on the first day of week. See Acts 16:1-2. Honestly, I think these verses speaks about the Sabbath where they assembled was on Saturday but never on Sunday.. because the Jewish calendar is carefully counted when the next Pentecost would be. (See Acts 16:8) so this all makes sense when we read the content of scripture regarding the Sabbath in a more precise understanding of the factual truth about the Sabbath day.
It was Constantine who changed the Sabbath Saturday into the "Sabbath " Sunday in 321 AD. It was a decree for all Roman Christians to rest back in the early days of Roman Christianity in the Roman Empire. Centuries later in 1582 the pope that you mentioned, changed the chronological timing of the solar calendar that we now have today with Sunday as the official Sabbath.
Scripture tells us the unclean spirits/devils knew He was the Son of God, Matt. 8:29Mark 3:11Luke 8:27-28. Scripture tells us Jesus is the Son of God the only begotten of the Father, John 1:14. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was before this world John 17:52 Timothy 1:9. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was the beginning of creation Rev. 3:1. Scripture tells us everything was created through Him Col. 1:16.
Scripture tells us to confess Jesus is the Son of God, 1 John 4:15. Scripture tells us God gave His only begotten Son, John 3:16. Scripture tells us to believe God gave His only begotten Son, 1 John 5:10. Scripture tells us God was made known in the flesh through His only begotten Son same as creation was through His Son 1 Timothy 3:16Col. 1:16.
Scripture tells us we have salvation and eternal life only in Jesus Christ, John 3:36Acts 4:12Eph. 4:121 Thess. 5:91 John 5:13 Scripture tells us we can only come to the Father through Jesus, John 14:61 Timothy 2:5.
Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets and died for our sins, and the only way that could be done is in the flesh, the seed of Abraham, Hebrews 2. He experienced temptation the same as you and me, Luke 4:2Heb 2:18, He had a brain and a will, Luke 22:42 but He was obedient to the Father. We now have a high priest in heaven that lived in this flesh just like us, Hebrews 4:14-16.
Salvation and eternal life only by the grace of God through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ's perfect life in the flesh, His blood shed for us, and His resurrection. We cannot deny the divinity of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God that was before this world, but no creed, doctrine, or statement of faith can be placed above or added to that we must believe to receive salvation and eternal life if scripture does not tell us we must believe. Truth is in the simplicity that is in Christ.
I love this site and the brothers and sisters on it.
Dear "Javion", remember that Jesus sat for three days in the wilderness and was tempted by the evil one. Luke 4:1-13 He did not eat or drink. (When we experience persecution in our day. We go to psychiatrists and supervisors).
To you is my advice. Spend 3 days of your life fasting and praying to the Lord. It will help you much, and others will be saved. Why? Because Jesus said so.
Luke 10:1-12
Matthew 9:14-17
Nothing is too difficult for us, we have with us the Holy Spirit, Jesus loves you and yours, i love you in Christ and pray.
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the CITY OF OUR GOD, in the mountain of his holiness.
2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is MOUNT ZION on the sides of the north, the city of the GREAT KING.
"Her" is speaking of a place: Heaven. It's similar to Wisdom described as female too. It's just how the writer described it. THE WHOLE BIBLE is inspired by the Lord.
God is Spirit. Jesus is fully God and fully Human.
Earth was created for Humans. That's why Jesus was born as a human. He came to save us from the loss of Dominion in the Garden of Eden; stolen by Satan.
The Day Jesus was anointed of God, Isaiah 61:1-3, the whole earth was in awe.
Jesus gave instruction, I'm not aware of scripture in the Psalms specified for that. But David who is accredited as author of many of the Psalms written in the Bible, was able to have an evil spirit leave Saul, by playing music. 1Samuel 16, however this seems different, because note: 1Samuel 16:14, 1Samuel 15, note 1Samuel 15:23,
Please read & study these:
Mark 1:34,39, Mark 3:14-15, Matthew 12:28, Luke 11:20, Mark 16:9, Matthew 8:16, Luke 4:14, Luke 8:2, Matthew 28:18-20,
Jude 1:2-10, note: Jude 1:9, Acts 19:13-17, Matthew 12:39-45, Luke 11:14-26,
Pray for the Anointing of the Holy Spirit_Streetpreacher - In Reply - 2 years ago
Pam, Whom God anoints; He appoints. He will accomplish His Word.
King David was a shepherd. Samuel anointed David King over Israel. It was YEARS before He made it to Jerusalem.
We have this same issue come up frequently. A preacher friend Iverna Tompkins ministers to Churches. Generally meetings with women. Sometimes the Pastor requests men or women to attend as a mixed group.
If you listen to a couple of her videos on Youtube__the message she delivers (the Word) is anointed. Everyone is blessed who attends.
On the Day of Pentecost in the Upper Room, IT WAS A MIXED CROWD. All of them received the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. The room spilled out in the streets! Everyone heard the message (gift of tongues) in their own language. All 3 Mary's were there: His mother, Lazarus's sister Mary and Mary Magdalene.
The Holy Spirit came as a rushing wind, doors and windows blew open, and the fire of tongues fell on all those who were there. And everyone was experiencing the gift of tongues, they were prophesying and proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords with all their strength.
People outside heard the sounds and rushed to see what was happening and they too heard their own language!
Jesus meant it to be this way THEN AND NOW. We are so cultured and PC you rarely see the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a church service. I've been in churches that allow the Holy Spirit to Come and Fall on us. He did. I walked towards the stage and the Power of the Holy Spirit was so strong, we all fell into a kneeling position. 2/3 of the church got touched or healed. The oil of joy poured on us and all the pressures of life and depression were lifted off.
Men or women are all able to pray ISAIAH 61 or Luke 4:18. We are all called to GO YE INTO ALL OF OUR WORLD and work in the Harvest. Do you hear that call?
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and anoint your message.
Streetpreacher on the plan of the GODHEAD - In Reply - 2 years ago
Read all of 2 Peter 3. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, soon after they were driven out of the garden of Eden. It was protected with a flaming sword.
The Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) immediately set in motion the plan to retrieve the authority that Adam lost to Satan. Satan was never human. He was created by God. Only mankind is human. Earth was created for humans.
In Abraham obeying God, when he was to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, God was showing how painful it is to lose a son. He stopped the sacrifice and provided a lamb for the sacrifice. Jesus would someday be the Lamb of God.
In Luke 1:26,35 Mary is told by Gabriel that she's going to have a baby that would be the Son of the Highest, the Son of God. Jesus's powers were set aside to be born as a Human.
Jesus lived 30 years without spot or wrinkle; the sinless Lamb of God. In Luke 4:18, Jesus reads from the Torah, Isaiah 61:18-21. At that moment he was anointed by God for ministry. He received his power he had set aside. The people rejected him. Jesus set out to find His disciples.
When He went to the Cross, Satan still had not figured out the Godhead's plan in progress. He was happy When Jesus was nailed to the Cross. When Jesus was entombed Satan thought that was the end of that. He forgot all about that confrontation he had with Jesus when Jesus fasted 40 days.
Third day, Jesus was resurrected. He led over 500 resurrected saints from Satan's prison; with the keys in his hands. He had all power, all authority. Many saw Jesus. I'll stop here to show you this:
Jesus stumped on Satan's neck as prophesied in Genesis 3:15. Jesus restored Power and Authority to His Disciples and all those who would become His Believers
On Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room to indwell the Disciples and Believers that were waiting as Jesus told them to.
Jesus's Believers today have received the same anointing, power and authority. Authority to defeat Satan!
Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy is the 4th Commandment of God?
Gen 2:2-3- And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
The Sabbath was a Commandment before Mt Sinai and was kept and taught by Noah, Abraham, Moses and Israel, EVEN before the finger of God wrote the 10 Commandments. Gods Commandments are just that, Commandments not Recommendations. As for Col 2:16, notice it says'Sabbath Days" plural. This relates to all the Sabbath Days celebrated that no longer have any significance to God, that is why the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross, not Gods 4th Commandment. Throughout Gods Word He speaks about keeping His Commandments, this includes the 4th Commandment.
Fourth Commandment: Jesus set the example for us of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath ( Luke 4:16), as did the apostle Paul ( Acts 17:2). After Jesus' death, the author of the book of Hebrews confirmed that worshipping on this day continues to be expected of Christians ( Hebrews 4:9).
Jesus said " The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath
Mark 2:27,28
Matt 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
Counsel: if you discern Gods call on your life, you must get into scripture like life depends upon it.
Now, God ANOINTED a shepherd boy (David). Read that. David heard the Philistines taunt against Saul and the men of Israel.
He strode out to the battlefield (a teen-aged boy) with only a sling and 5 stones. Goliath (a giant) died of his brain being caved-in by one stone. David took his head, as was the manner of challenges.
We cannot confirm this or that. If God calls you to Ministry, he will anoint His Word and the messenger. You, must ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you.
People in a Bible Comment room cannot do that or replace the Holy Spirits ministry as Teacher. It's your job to faithfully get alone with HIM, and ask Him, to teach you.
Interestingly, after killing Goliath, David went to be Sauls music minister at court. David's life is a study in advances to being Gods anointed King; falling into sin, and repenting of it, and living out the rest of his life.
Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18. It is the anointing that sets people free.
Jesus is all God and all Human. He set aside his powers as the Son of God, to be born to Mary. In her Jesus was fully Human. He did not have Joseph's blood.
He was called Immanuel: God with us.
Jesus called himself, after he was anointed in Luke 4:18. Jesus said of himself, he was the Son of Man (human) .
Use the Search Box on the red LINK PAGE. Put in SON OF MAN, and read those verses too.
Back in those days Satan was allowed to traverse dimensions de facto for so did GOD. GOD a just, fair righteous GOD for every negative there is a positive. Satan and angels (messengers) good and bad traversed earth unnoticed for they are in our exact image, some are still allowed by GOD Hebrew 13:2. In the temptation of CHRIST, HE ordered Satan behind HIM ( Luke 4:8) and that is where Satan is held by Michael until he is cast out again to be here defacto along with the 7k that refused to be born of woman to reign for 5 months. The 7k fallen angels were here defacto impregnated the women to corrupt the seed of Abraham from which umbilical cord to umbilical cord CHRIST would come. Satan's spirit is still allowed and other evil spirits to possess people but they are no longer allowed to traverse dimensions in person until 6th trump ( Revelation 12:7). We know this because CHRIST and the disciples cast out many. Disciples had trouble with a stubborn one; the lunatic -Satan's very spirit. GOD allows this; for HE wants us to defeat them; CHRIST gave us the power to defeat all our enemies as long as we have CHRIST as head of us. Luke 10:19. If we discern a evil spirit we are to not argue with them but rebuke them Jude 1:9
"Familiarity breeds contempt." Jesus came back to start his Ministry in his own Home Town. Everybody knew Mary, Joseph (who was now deceased), Jesus's brothers and sisters, the family business
All of a sudden Jesus walks up to the podium, reads Isaiah 61:1, from later named Luke 4:18.
Closes the Scroll and says, "Today in your hearing the scripture is fulfilled."
Of course there was a riot. A hometown boy just said the impossible. They sought to stone Jesus.
If Mary and Jesus's own siblings didn't speak up, no one else would.
Luke 4:43 Jesus left to fulfill his mission; beginning with calling His disciples.
It's always best to read from scripture what was historically happening at the moment. John 1:5
Michael the archangel seems to be a powerful militant angel in the behalf of Israel.
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of "THY PEOPLE" and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Daniel 12:1.
Daniel 10:13.
Daniel 10:21.
However we know he is not Christ.
We can easily refute that here in Jude and in the book of Luke.
Here in Jude 1:8-9. you see Michael the archangel gives respect to dominion and says THE LORD REBUKE YOU.
Jude 1:9. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Here in Luke 4:8. We see Jesus who created all things rebuke Satan.
"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."
Michael the archangel is a created being.
"The Angel of the Lord is the pre incarcerated Christ. Who created all things.
Colossians 1:16. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
John 1:3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
I take it to simply describe: she was a wife of the son's of the Prophets. To indicate as she stated; they, or he "feared GOD" & served GOD, likely dedicated his life to GOD. A Prophet has a difficult call! If you read the accounts of Prophets that truly served GOD & Feared HIM, you may understand more why it was approached this way. She was wanting favor from GOD, help in return for family service, it seems to also set a precedence for us & our families, that serve & fear GOD:. Psalms 37:25,
John 4:44, Luke 4:24,
To understand the call of the Prophet of GOD, read the books of: Jeremiah, Exodus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jonah, Malachi, Amos 7:14-17, Hosea, 1Kings 13, Deuteronomy 18:20, Habakkuk, Zechariah, etc.
When Jesus Seeks Ministers Who Can See the Lost - In Reply - 2 years ago
Your concern leads me to wonder if Jesus is calling you to evangelize the lost. You need to seek God in much prayer.
A Love for lost souls would be a requirement. Certainly The Lord desires for us to reach out to the lost: in sin, confused with drink or drugs; visual sins.
Or, you may be called to be an intercessor: one who stands between the evil and the Lord, and prays heaven down to earth to save that soul.
John 22
14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.
15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
>This depends upon our willingness to follow Jesus in the work that he performed upon earth. Jesus is part of the Godhead ( Romans 1)
We are called by reading the Word of God, the Bible. I was at a private home, praying with others
The room was ablaze with the fire of faith, at work in ordinary Christians
Indescribable fire came up through my legs to my head. I sorta slumped.
The leader in the room gave me a slip of paper with this scripture: with Ezekiel 3:19, Acts 20:26
I pray continuously for the Church, wherever they are. The Holy Ghost knows. I pray for Israel daily. I've seen the Orthodox Jews with their rituals, much books of doctrines etc. I pray for their release.
God is alive and in search of prayer warriors. Learn Eph.6
Matthew 4:24, Matthew 8:8-13, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 12:15, Matthew 12:22, Matthew 15:20, Matthew 19:2, Matthew 21:14, Mark 3:10, Luke 4:40, Luke 5:15, Luke 6:18, Luke 6:19, Psalms 147:3,
John 16:23, Luke 11,
Hopefully these help, comfort, direct & encourage you as you seek GOD & HIS healing
Paul begins by identifying himself. First, he understands himself to be a servant of Jesus Christ. The Greek word used here for servant is doulos. A doulos in Greek culture was a "bondservant," someone who had sold himself into slavery to another person either for a specific amount of time or indefinitely. Paul considered himself to be owned by Christ.
Paul next calls himself an apostle. The word apostle means "a person who is sent by another to represent him and his authority." In the New Testament, the apostles of Jesus Christ were considered to speak with the authority of Christ Himself. The 12 disciples of Jesus became known as His apostles. Paul became an apostle later when Christ revealed Himself to Paul and called him to fill that role ( Acts 9:15). Later, the other apostles of Jesus confirmed that was Paul's calling ( Galatians 2:7-9).
So Paul begins his letter by making it clear to his readers that he is both servant and representative of Jesus Christ. What he tells them in this letter will carry the authority of Christ Himself.
I hope this answers your question..Mishael
Finally, Paul identifies the mission Christ has given to him. He understands himself to be "set apart" for the gospel-the "good news"-of God. This letter to the Roman Christians, in fact, is a thorough and carefully-constructed presentation of exactly what the gospel is and why it is so significant.
Comment: this chapter is detailing Paul's process of being called to minister in Jesus's Name and with the Anointing. Luke 4:18
I think, for a generation, we've taught our children to excel at everything. Get to the top of the heap.
I'm 70, so I've seen the generations from the 50's until now. Quite a slide show. I just think we are experiencing the Leviticus 26 curses. "They" announced God was dead. Took reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Bible out of schools. And you know the rest. Not only our parents allowed it, but we are still doing it: allowing CRT, gay is ok, transgender coaching, etc.
It's not all bad. It means Jesus is returning soon. Let's know prophetic timelines and keep one eye on the news.
I'm sorry that you view the church as you do. I chose in 1986, to grab on to Jesus with both hands. He did a home alone, house salvation, as I was doing a natal horoscope for a friend. I saw a vision of Jesus, then a vision of hell, then a vision of a Hand extended towards me. I TOOK THE HAND. I was a street preacher some months later. It's been awesome for 36 years.
You need to find a smaller Bible teaching church. Ask God to to give you a fresh anointing. Luke 4:18. Jesus preached that to his hometown; people who knew him and his family. The people were not amused. That was His launch. After that The Anointing began his Ministry.
You can't fix every Church. That's really Jesus's area of Ministry. He's interceding for the real Church. The American church has little idea of the Church in other countries. Luke 21, shows us the signs to be looking for, that indicate the Time of Jesus's return to earth.
Does anyone teach what Apostasy is? I had a Pastor that did it. Turned his back on everything and now he's on YouTube teaching that there is NO HELL.
I wish everyone who was bored in a dead church, would hit the streets and one by one, tell people time is running down to zero, sooner than they think. Open the Bible and just let them look at Romans 1. Keep it simple. John 3. Take some Chick Tracts (buy online). Try it. It will revive you.
No. 2. Do You Think Jesus (DIDN'T KNOW) That He Was Calling (The Wrong Disciple) SATAN /A DEVIL: OR, Do You Think Jesus Decided To Go Against Scripture: And Choose "TWO" Devil's.
I think my response above, answers your question about Jesus calling both His disciples, Devil; that these men didn't turn into devils (nor can they), but allowed THE Devil to fill them & use them to work against God. Jesus was hearing devilish words/seeing a devilish act from these men, just as would be expected from THE Devil. As I mentioned, there can only be one Devil/Satan - others are either his spirit devils or those whom he fills to do his work.
Re: "Get thee behind me Satan" ( Matthew 16:23). Remember the Lord used the same words to Satan in Luke 4:8. In both accounts, Jesus was speaking to Satan - at the first time, Satan stood in Jesus' Presence; at the second time, Satan was present in Peter, in Jesus' Presence. Jesus saw the man Peter being used of Satan & Satan received Jesus' scolding. Peter suffered because of it but was forgiven - Satan will suffer into eternity never finding forgiveness ( Revelation 20:10).
Peter was kind of gruff and rough around the edges Until he met Jesus. Peter was a fisherman but he had a healthy knowledge of scripture. The ways he changed, following Jesus on his travels is remarkable. (Except for the "ear" incident.
The Pharisees were powerful, but they thought themselves far above the "regular people".
Jesus is the son of God, but He was very grounded as a human. He identified with everyone. He communicated laterally; not high above other peoples experience. People naturally gravitate to someone who speaks their language: uncomplicated and down to earth.
Jesus didn't entertain people. He taught on their level of experience. Quite a difference between Pharisees and Fishermen, Tax collectors and women followers.
It takes being versatile I think. I like people who can make me see things from their view. Jesus was anointed in Luke 4:18. He had all gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can often see the word of knowledge in operation.
I don't think people care for how we all communicate to each other these days. Media and social networks have brought us down to levels never experienced before in history. Our President uses buzz words. Word fights in Congress too.
I notice a man who has temperance and an elegance of thought and speech; someone who unites and divides, intelligently (emphasis on gently). I also think we should be forgiving when it's merited; because Jesus taught it.
I watch speeches ALOT. I like someone who keeps emotions level, and presses for the "point". I think good use of humor is genius.
WOMEN PREACHERS and THE ANOINTING__JOEL 2 - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 2 years ago
Fuchsia Pickett teaching on THE LORD OF THE DOUBLE PORTION.
Tiny gray-haired old lady, but I've never heard such a powerful word as this teaching.
If God calls you to preach; nothing is going to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit, except you. Ezekiel 3. The Lord makes the vessel, not us.
I don't have a lot of patience with people (saved and unsaved) who are lacerating those people who are doing what God showed them to be doing, anointed them and the message by the Holy Spirit. If God said to do something it will turn out productive. Someone will be saved, delivered from spiritual bondages, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
The ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is powerful. Jesus had performed no miracles until right after Luke 4:18. He turned water into wine at his mothers request. See Isaiah 61 also.
We are called to follow Jesus. If Jesus has chosen a woman to deliver a message to His Body, it will produce righteous fruit. I know what the anointing does. It took a frightened Gideon and made him a mighty leader of the Army of Israel.
The Anointing is not subject to the Schoolmaster in the book of Galatians. The Schoolmaster shows us what is/was the Law of God, which is the Teacher. The law of the Spirit is freedom in Jesus Christ.
The Lord crafts each vessel. Some are honorable and beautiful; others are understated but strong and useful for daily use. We're not all perfected yet. In 1 Corinthians 13, looking through a glass darkly: looking for perfection. We are being perfected by the Lord. Desire the freedom the Holy Spirit shows us.
If you personally would desire a DOUBLE PORTION ANOINTING from the Holy Spirit; I'd listen to FUCHIA PICKETT, and IVERNA TOMPKINS; on youtube.
I want anything and everything that God has for me. I only said "whoa, slow down once". Then I'd a few years yes, YEARS, when the Lord was quiet. Then I started begging, on my face, for Hom to pour the Holy Spirit into my life again! Don't go there.
I've had several close to death experiences. The 1st I recall clearly was about 5 or 6 yrs old. I was being held by gentle being, clothed in white & no pain, back to unbearable pain & suffering. I heard myself speak as an adult outside of the situation. That may have been the closest I've ever been to Heaven itself, the place. 2nd time I was electrically shocked while in water, I saw a black hand cover the sky, enormous, I could only see light through the bend of two fingers & only a portion, it was so huge. 3rd & 4th time I was young adult, it was all black around, I could feel darkness & closeness to judgement. I begged for another chance. 5th time I could hear & see the EMTs I had a different view. I was at peace not struggling, no pain. Then as they put the heart zapper thing on 3rd time I think it was. I felt difficult pain again, coldness, struggle. Luke 23:43, Luke 16:15-31, Luke 20:35-38, Psalms 91:11, Matthew 4:11, Matthew 13:39,41,49, Luke 4:10, 2Thessalonians 1:6-12, 1Timothy 3:16, Hebrews 1, Psalms 97:2, * Hebrews 2:14,15, Genesis 5:24, 2Kings 2, Matthew 17:1-5, if GOD has allowed Ezekiel, John & others in the Scriptures to see Heaven then I cannot argue they did or not. * Acts 7:55, Jeremiah 52, Revelation 7, Isaiah 6:1, Ezekiel 1, Ezekiel 10,
Matthew 24:3-51, Matthew 25:31-46, we will all give account so may our Words be faithful.
How Jesus came to Earth as a Human - In Reply - 2 years ago
Satan was not human and still isn't. He's a created being.
Earth was created for humans.
Before Jesus came to earth, he had to lay aside his power in order to be born as human. (fully God and fully human) When he was born of Mary, he became the Son of Man. He did no miracles until Luke 4:18. He received the Anointing. ( Isaiah 61:1-3)
On the cross Jesus stripped Satan of the authority he stole from Adam and Eve when they sinned. Jesus came to get it back-and give it to all born again believers.
You might enjoy a video (youtube) by Charles Capps: "authority of the believer". We learn what Jesus gave each believer.
We are warned by Christ that if an army comes with more men then we have; we have to assess our strength and plan accordingly. ( Luke 14:31). Since Satan is the "god of this world" ( 2 Cor. 4:4) and Christ never disputed with him about being given authority over the Kingdoms of the earth ( Luke 4:6) we only have 3 options. Namely; to either worship Satan; surrender to Him; or operate in the power of the Holy Spirit through Christ who has overcome hell and the grave and who exercises all authority over heaven and earth. ( Matt. 28:18).
The scope of Satan's rulership; therefore is interwoven throughout the world governments; institutions; and hierarchy. It is entangled throughout every false religion of the earth. The imaginations of men are blinded to the Gospel truth; and his desires are always to lead men to their destruction by giving them delusions that they can hold onto their possessions; loved ones; or positions in life forever. God therefore must do a miraculous transformation when one is "Born Again" so that they realize that they were headed for eternal damnation on the wide road until the narrow path was revealed to them. Satan himself can certainly fear Christ and knows that he is defeated; but there is no love for Him. If he can continue to control our lives after salvation and render us ineffective; we stand to lose our rewards and therefore risk an early departure from this life ( 1 Cor. 11:30).
Therefore; the war is won but many battles continue. We can be as Christ trusting God the road He has predestined for us in order to complete the works for us prepared from before creation ( Eph. 2:10). Pain and suffering are all necessary even though none of us can grasp it fully. As long as we are walking in the Spirit Satan cannot affect our soul. If we allow sin in any part of our lives; however God can and does use the enemy to oppress us. He can allow physical affliction as well as we see with Paul (2Cor12:8
In Genesis 2:2-3, God completed his creation by making the Sabbath holy and this sanctification and the blessing of the Sabbath then became a seventh day of rest.
Because God rested from all his works in creation, God's command of the 7th day of rest was also promulgated in the Mosiac Law that all Jews followed. See Exodus 20:8-11. This 7th day of rest or the Sabbath falls on a Saturday, which usually begins on sunset, instead of a Sunday evening. Throughout the Old Testament period, Jews have always congregated in their synagogues every Sabbaths (every Saturday evenings), for worship and hearing of the Law. The Sabbaths is based on the lunar calendar, and not the on the solar calendar. In the New Testament, we see Jesus in the synagogue as He was reading publicly the scroll of Isaiah,which spoke of the fulfillment of Jesus 'ministry. Jesus of course met on the Sabbath day( Saturday).
See Luke 4: 16-21. Noticed that on verse 16 of Luke, Jesus went to the synagogue just like any Jews of his time. It was customary. And certainly it was on a Sabbath day. There is one reference in scripture that mentioned Paul in Acts, about the monetary collection for the church on the first day of week. See Acts 16:1-2. Honestly, I think these verses speaks about the Sabbath where they assembled was on Saturday but never on Sunday.. because the Jewish calendar is carefully counted when the next Pentecost would be. (See Acts 16:8) so this all makes sense when we read the content of scripture regarding the Sabbath in a more precise understanding of the factual truth about the Sabbath day.
It was Constantine who changed the Sabbath Saturday into the "Sabbath " Sunday in 321 AD. It was a decree for all Roman Christians to rest back in the early days of Roman Christianity in the Roman Empire. Centuries later in 1582 the pope that you mentioned, changed the chronological timing of the solar calendar that we now have today with Sunday as the official Sabbath.
Scripture tells us the unclean spirits/devils knew He was the Son of God, Matt. 8:29 Mark 3:11 Luke 8:27-28. Scripture tells us Jesus is the Son of God the only begotten of the Father, John 1:14. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was before this world John 17:5 2 Timothy 1:9. Scripture tells us Jesus the Son of God was the beginning of creation Rev. 3:1. Scripture tells us everything was created through Him Col. 1:16.
Scripture tells us to confess Jesus is the Son of God, 1 John 4:15. Scripture tells us God gave His only begotten Son, John 3:16. Scripture tells us to believe God gave His only begotten Son, 1 John 5:10. Scripture tells us God was made known in the flesh through His only begotten Son same as creation was through His Son 1 Timothy 3:16 Col. 1:16.
Scripture tells us we have salvation and eternal life only in Jesus Christ, John 3:36 Acts 4:12 Eph. 4:12 1 Thess. 5:9 1 John 5:13 Scripture tells us we can only come to the Father through Jesus, John 14:6 1 Timothy 2:5.
Jesus came to fulfill the law and the prophets and died for our sins, and the only way that could be done is in the flesh, the seed of Abraham, Hebrews 2. He experienced temptation the same as you and me, Luke 4:2 Heb 2:18, He had a brain and a will, Luke 22:42 but He was obedient to the Father. We now have a high priest in heaven that lived in this flesh just like us, Hebrews 4:14-16.
Salvation and eternal life only by the grace of God through faith which is in Christ Jesus. Jesus Christ's perfect life in the flesh, His blood shed for us, and His resurrection. We cannot deny the divinity of Jesus, the only begotten Son of God that was before this world, but no creed, doctrine, or statement of faith can be placed above or added to that we must believe to receive salvation and eternal life if scripture does not tell us we must believe. Truth is in the simplicity that is in Christ.
I love this site and the brothers and sisters on it.
God bless,
To you is my advice. Spend 3 days of your life fasting and praying to the Lord. It will help you much, and others will be saved. Why? Because Jesus said so.
Luke 10:1-12
Matthew 9:14-17
Nothing is too difficult for us, we have with us the Holy Spirit, Jesus loves you and yours, i love you in Christ and pray.
Stay strong in the word of God.
Great is the LORD, and greatly to be praised in the CITY OF OUR GOD, in the mountain of his holiness.
2 Beautiful for situation, the joy of the whole earth, is MOUNT ZION on the sides of the north, the city of the GREAT KING.
"Her" is speaking of a place: Heaven. It's similar to Wisdom described as female too. It's just how the writer described it. THE WHOLE BIBLE is inspired by the Lord.
God is Spirit. Jesus is fully God and fully Human.
Earth was created for Humans. That's why Jesus was born as a human. He came to save us from the loss of Dominion in the Garden of Eden; stolen by Satan.
The Day Jesus was anointed of God, Isaiah 61:1-3, the whole earth was in awe.
Luke 4:18; Psalm 147:2-3
Jesus gave instruction, I'm not aware of scripture in the Psalms specified for that. But David who is accredited as author of many of the Psalms written in the Bible, was able to have an evil spirit leave Saul, by playing music. 1Samuel 16, however this seems different, because note: 1Samuel 16:14, 1Samuel 15, note 1Samuel 15:23,
Please read & study these:
Mark 1:34,39, Mark 3:14-15, Matthew 12:28, Luke 11:20, Mark 16:9, Matthew 8:16, Luke 4:14, Luke 8:2, Matthew 28:18-20,
Jude 1:2-10, note: Jude 1:9, Acts 19:13-17, Matthew 12:39-45, Luke 11:14-26,
Mark 6:7-13, Luke 9:49-50,
Matthew 10:8, Mark 16:17,
Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:17-29,
James 1:2-7, Luke 11:1-13,
Hopefully these are all helpful
King David was a shepherd. Samuel anointed David King over Israel. It was YEARS before He made it to Jerusalem.
We have this same issue come up frequently. A preacher friend Iverna Tompkins ministers to Churches. Generally meetings with women. Sometimes the Pastor requests men or women to attend as a mixed group.
If you listen to a couple of her videos on Youtube__the message she delivers (the Word) is anointed. Everyone is blessed who attends.
On the Day of Pentecost in the Upper Room, IT WAS A MIXED CROWD. All of them received the Baptism of the HOLY SPIRIT. The room spilled out in the streets! Everyone heard the message (gift of tongues) in their own language. All 3 Mary's were there: His mother, Lazarus's sister Mary and Mary Magdalene.
The Holy Spirit came as a rushing wind, doors and windows blew open, and the fire of tongues fell on all those who were there. And everyone was experiencing the gift of tongues, they were prophesying and proclaiming Jesus as Messiah, King of Kings, Lord of Lords with all their strength.
People outside heard the sounds and rushed to see what was happening and they too heard their own language!
Jesus meant it to be this way THEN AND NOW. We are so cultured and PC you rarely see the gifts of the Holy Spirit in a church service. I've been in churches that allow the Holy Spirit to Come and Fall on us. He did. I walked towards the stage and the Power of the Holy Spirit was so strong, we all fell into a kneeling position. 2/3 of the church got touched or healed. The oil of joy poured on us and all the pressures of life and depression were lifted off.
Men or women are all able to pray ISAIAH 61 or Luke 4:18. We are all called to GO YE INTO ALL OF OUR WORLD and work in the Harvest. Do you hear that call?
Ask the Holy Spirit to fill you and anoint your message.
Receive the joy and fill your lamps with oil.
Matthew 25:12, John 9:35-38.
The Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) immediately set in motion the plan to retrieve the authority that Adam lost to Satan. Satan was never human. He was created by God. Only mankind is human. Earth was created for humans.
In Abraham obeying God, when he was to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, God was showing how painful it is to lose a son. He stopped the sacrifice and provided a lamb for the sacrifice. Jesus would someday be the Lamb of God.
In Luke 1:26,35 Mary is told by Gabriel that she's going to have a baby that would be the Son of the Highest, the Son of God. Jesus's powers were set aside to be born as a Human.
Jesus lived 30 years without spot or wrinkle; the sinless Lamb of God. In Luke 4:18, Jesus reads from the Torah, Isaiah 61:18-21. At that moment he was anointed by God for ministry. He received his power he had set aside. The people rejected him. Jesus set out to find His disciples.
When He went to the Cross, Satan still had not figured out the Godhead's plan in progress. He was happy When Jesus was nailed to the Cross. When Jesus was entombed Satan thought that was the end of that. He forgot all about that confrontation he had with Jesus when Jesus fasted 40 days.
Third day, Jesus was resurrected. He led over 500 resurrected saints from Satan's prison; with the keys in his hands. He had all power, all authority. Many saw Jesus. I'll stop here to show you this:
Jesus stumped on Satan's neck as prophesied in Genesis 3:15. Jesus restored Power and Authority to His Disciples and all those who would become His Believers
On Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room to indwell the Disciples and Believers that were waiting as Jesus told them to.
Jesus's Believers today have received the same anointing, power and authority. Authority to defeat Satan!
Grow the Church.
Remember the Sabbath, and keep it holy is the 4th Commandment of God?
Gen 2:2-3- And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made; and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made.
And God blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it: because that in it he had rested from all his work which God created and made.
The Sabbath was a Commandment before Mt Sinai and was kept and taught by Noah, Abraham, Moses and Israel, EVEN before the finger of God wrote the 10 Commandments. Gods Commandments are just that, Commandments not Recommendations. As for Col 2:16, notice it says'Sabbath Days" plural. This relates to all the Sabbath Days celebrated that no longer have any significance to God, that is why the Law of Moses was nailed to the cross, not Gods 4th Commandment. Throughout Gods Word He speaks about keeping His Commandments, this includes the 4th Commandment.
Fourth Commandment: Jesus set the example for us of keeping the seventh-day Sabbath ( Luke 4:16), as did the apostle Paul ( Acts 17:2). After Jesus' death, the author of the book of Hebrews confirmed that worshipping on this day continues to be expected of Christians ( Hebrews 4:9).
Jesus said " The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath:Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath
Mark 2:27,28
Matt 5:17-19 Think not that I am come to destroy the law, or the prophets: I am not come to destroy, but to fulfil.
For verily I say unto you, Till heaven and earth pass, one jot or one tittle shall in no wise pass from the law, till all be fulfilled.
Whosoever therefore shall break one of these least commandments, and shall teach men so, he shall be called the least in the kingdom of heaven: but whosoever shall do and teach them, the same shall be called great in the kingdom of heaven.
Heb 13:8 Jesus Christ the same yesterday, and to day, and for ever.
John 14:15 If ye love me, keep my commandments.
God bless
Counsel: if you discern Gods call on your life, you must get into scripture like life depends upon it.
Now, God ANOINTED a shepherd boy (David). Read that. David heard the Philistines taunt against Saul and the men of Israel.
He strode out to the battlefield (a teen-aged boy) with only a sling and 5 stones. Goliath (a giant) died of his brain being caved-in by one stone. David took his head, as was the manner of challenges.
We cannot confirm this or that. If God calls you to Ministry, he will anoint His Word and the messenger. You, must ask the HOLY SPIRIT to teach you.
People in a Bible Comment room cannot do that or replace the Holy Spirits ministry as Teacher. It's your job to faithfully get alone with HIM, and ask Him, to teach you.
Interestingly, after killing Goliath, David went to be Sauls music minister at court. David's life is a study in advances to being Gods anointed King; falling into sin, and repenting of it, and living out the rest of his life.
Isaiah 61 and Luke 4:18. It is the anointing that sets people free.
He was called Immanuel: God with us.
Jesus called himself, after he was anointed in Luke 4:18. Jesus said of himself, he was the Son of Man (human) .
Use the Search Box on the red LINK PAGE. Put in SON OF MAN, and read those verses too.
All of a sudden Jesus walks up to the podium, reads Isaiah 61:1, from later named Luke 4:18.
Closes the Scroll and says, "Today in your hearing the scripture is fulfilled."
Of course there was a riot. A hometown boy just said the impossible. They sought to stone Jesus.
If Mary and Jesus's own siblings didn't speak up, no one else would.
Luke 4:43 Jesus left to fulfill his mission; beginning with calling His disciples.
It's always best to read from scripture what was historically happening at the moment. John 1:5
Michael the archangel seems to be a powerful militant angel in the behalf of Israel.
And at that time shall Michael stand up, the great prince which standeth for the children of "THY PEOPLE" and there shall be a time of trouble, such as never was since there was a nation even to that same time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered, every one that shall be found written in the book.
Daniel 12:1.
Daniel 10:13.
Daniel 10:21.
However we know he is not Christ.
We can easily refute that here in Jude and in the book of Luke.
Here in Jude 1:8-9. you see Michael the archangel gives respect to dominion and says THE LORD REBUKE YOU.
Jude 1:9. Yet Michael the archangel, when contending with the devil he disputed about the body of Moses, durst not bring against him a railing accusation, but said, The Lord rebuke thee.
Here in Luke 4:8. We see Jesus who created all things rebuke Satan.
"And Jesus answered and said unto him, Get thee behind me, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve."
Michael the archangel is a created being.
"The Angel of the Lord is the pre incarcerated Christ. Who created all things.
Colossians 1:16. For by him were all things created, that are in heaven, and that are in earth, visible and invisible, whether they be thrones, or dominions, or principalities, or powers: all things were created by him, and for him:
John 1:3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.
God bless.
I take it to simply describe: she was a wife of the son's of the Prophets. To indicate as she stated; they, or he "feared GOD" & served GOD, likely dedicated his life to GOD. A Prophet has a difficult call! If you read the accounts of Prophets that truly served GOD & Feared HIM, you may understand more why it was approached this way. She was wanting favor from GOD, help in return for family service, it seems to also set a precedence for us & our families, that serve & fear GOD:. Psalms 37:25,
John 4:44, Luke 4:24,
To understand the call of the Prophet of GOD, read the books of: Jeremiah, Exodus, Ezekiel, Isaiah, Jonah, Malachi, Amos 7:14-17, Hosea, 1Kings 13, Deuteronomy 18:20, Habakkuk, Zechariah, etc.
Hopefully these are helpful
Romans 12:6,
2Peter 1:16-21,
1Timothy 4:14,
Revelation 1:3,
Gifting working within the Body: 1Corinthians 12, 1Corinthians 13, direction concerning in Church: 1Corinthians 14:29-40,
Prophets yet to come: Revelation 11:3-19, false prophet yet to come: Revelation 16:12-15, Revelation 19:20, Revelation 20:10,
Revelation 19:10,
Revelation 22,
John the Baptist referred to as Prophet: Luke 1:76, Luke 3:4, Matthew 13:57, Mark 6:4, Luke 4:24, Luke 7:26,28, Luke 20:3-20, John 1:19-37,
Acts 3:22-26, Acts 7:35-60, Titus 1:12,
Matthew 10:41,
Jesus talking about Prophets in HIS day, referred to himself also: Matthew 21:26, Matthew 11:9, Mark 11:32, John 4:4,
Luke 13:33, Luke 24,
Paul & others acknowledged prophecy, Prophets, even Women that did Prophecy: Acts 21:8-14,
Hope these are helpful
A Love for lost souls would be a requirement. Certainly The Lord desires for us to reach out to the lost: in sin, confused with drink or drugs; visual sins.
Or, you may be called to be an intercessor: one who stands between the evil and the Lord, and prays heaven down to earth to save that soul.
John 22
14 This is now the third time that Jesus shewed himself to his disciples, after that he was risen from the dead.
15 So when they had dined, Jesus saith to Simon Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my lambs.
16 He saith to him again the second time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? He saith unto him, Yea, Lord; thou knowest that I love thee. He saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
17 He saith unto him the third time, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? Peter was grieved because he said unto him the third time, Lovest thou me? And he said unto him, Lord, thou knowest all things; thou knowest that I love thee. Jesus saith unto him, Feed my sheep.
>This depends upon our willingness to follow Jesus in the work that he performed upon earth. Jesus is part of the Godhead ( Romans 1)
We are called by reading the Word of God, the Bible. I was at a private home, praying with others
The room was ablaze with the fire of faith, at work in ordinary Christians
Indescribable fire came up through my legs to my head. I sorta slumped.
The leader in the room gave me a slip of paper with this scripture: with Ezekiel 3:19, Acts 20:26
I pray continuously for the Church, wherever they are. The Holy Ghost knows. I pray for Israel daily. I've seen the Orthodox Jews with their rituals, much books of doctrines etc. I pray for their release.
God is alive and in search of prayer warriors. Learn Eph.6
Pray Luke 4:18-20
We are The Minister.
Matthew 4:24, Matthew 8:8-13, Matthew 8:16, Matthew 12:15, Matthew 12:22, Matthew 15:20, Matthew 19:2, Matthew 21:14, Mark 3:10, Luke 4:40, Luke 5:15, Luke 6:18, Luke 6:19, Psalms 147:3,
John 16:23, Luke 11,
Hopefully these help, comfort, direct & encourage you as you seek GOD & HIS healing
Paul next calls himself an apostle. The word apostle means "a person who is sent by another to represent him and his authority." In the New Testament, the apostles of Jesus Christ were considered to speak with the authority of Christ Himself. The 12 disciples of Jesus became known as His apostles. Paul became an apostle later when Christ revealed Himself to Paul and called him to fill that role ( Acts 9:15). Later, the other apostles of Jesus confirmed that was Paul's calling ( Galatians 2:7-9).
So Paul begins his letter by making it clear to his readers that he is both servant and representative of Jesus Christ. What he tells them in this letter will carry the authority of Christ Himself.
I hope this answers your question..Mishael
Finally, Paul identifies the mission Christ has given to him. He understands himself to be "set apart" for the gospel-the "good news"-of God. This letter to the Roman Christians, in fact, is a thorough and carefully-constructed presentation of exactly what the gospel is and why it is so significant.
Comment: this chapter is detailing Paul's process of being called to minister in Jesus's Name and with the Anointing. Luke 4:18
John 11:2,
This, Psalms 2, seems to me, to point to JESUS The MESSIAH, Promised one the one Savior to save all mankind, who will believe, Psalms 2:2
Psalms 2:7, look at JESUS during His baptism, Mark 1:11, Matthew 3:17, & Acts 13:33, Hebrews 1:5, Hebrews 5:5,
Psalms 2:8, JESUS when He was taken to the high place to be tempted, Matthew 4:8-10,
Psalms 2:2, when the rulers, the kings set themselves against Him, Acts 4:25-27, Luke 4:18,
JESUS coming to HIS own people, rejected by them Isaiah 53, Matthew 21:37-39,
Revelation 21:7
Hope this helps clarify
1. When Jesus Christ was tempted by Satan in the wilderness, Satan spoke with Him audibly.
And the devil said unto him, If thou be the Son of God, command this stone that it be made bread. Luke 4:3
2. Satan spoke with Eve audibly. Gen 3:1
I'm 70, so I've seen the generations from the 50's until now. Quite a slide show. I just think we are experiencing the Leviticus 26 curses. "They" announced God was dead. Took reciting the Pledge of Allegiance and the Bible out of schools. And you know the rest. Not only our parents allowed it, but we are still doing it: allowing CRT, gay is ok, transgender coaching, etc.
It's not all bad. It means Jesus is returning soon. Let's know prophetic timelines and keep one eye on the news.
I'm sorry that you view the church as you do. I chose in 1986, to grab on to Jesus with both hands. He did a home alone, house salvation, as I was doing a natal horoscope for a friend. I saw a vision of Jesus, then a vision of hell, then a vision of a Hand extended towards me. I TOOK THE HAND. I was a street preacher some months later. It's been awesome for 36 years.
You need to find a smaller Bible teaching church. Ask God to to give you a fresh anointing. Luke 4:18. Jesus preached that to his hometown; people who knew him and his family. The people were not amused. That was His launch. After that The Anointing began his Ministry.
You can't fix every Church. That's really Jesus's area of Ministry. He's interceding for the real Church. The American church has little idea of the Church in other countries. Luke 21, shows us the signs to be looking for, that indicate the Time of Jesus's return to earth.
Does anyone teach what Apostasy is? I had a Pastor that did it. Turned his back on everything and now he's on YouTube teaching that there is NO HELL.
I wish everyone who was bored in a dead church, would hit the streets and one by one, tell people time is running down to zero, sooner than they think. Open the Bible and just let them look at Romans 1. Keep it simple. John 3. Take some Chick Tracts (buy online). Try it. It will revive you.
No. 2. Do You Think Jesus (DIDN'T KNOW) That He Was Calling (The Wrong Disciple) SATAN /A DEVIL: OR, Do You Think Jesus Decided To Go Against Scripture: And Choose "TWO" Devil's.
I think my response above, answers your question about Jesus calling both His disciples, Devil; that these men didn't turn into devils (nor can they), but allowed THE Devil to fill them & use them to work against God. Jesus was hearing devilish words/seeing a devilish act from these men, just as would be expected from THE Devil. As I mentioned, there can only be one Devil/Satan - others are either his spirit devils or those whom he fills to do his work.
Re: "Get thee behind me Satan" ( Matthew 16:23). Remember the Lord used the same words to Satan in Luke 4:8. In both accounts, Jesus was speaking to Satan - at the first time, Satan stood in Jesus' Presence; at the second time, Satan was present in Peter, in Jesus' Presence. Jesus saw the man Peter being used of Satan & Satan received Jesus' scolding. Peter suffered because of it but was forgiven - Satan will suffer into eternity never finding forgiveness ( Revelation 20:10).
The Pharisees were powerful, but they thought themselves far above the "regular people".
Jesus is the son of God, but He was very grounded as a human. He identified with everyone. He communicated laterally; not high above other peoples experience. People naturally gravitate to someone who speaks their language: uncomplicated and down to earth.
Jesus didn't entertain people. He taught on their level of experience. Quite a difference between Pharisees and Fishermen, Tax collectors and women followers.
It takes being versatile I think. I like people who can make me see things from their view. Jesus was anointed in Luke 4:18. He had all gifts of the Holy Spirit. You can often see the word of knowledge in operation.
I don't think people care for how we all communicate to each other these days. Media and social networks have brought us down to levels never experienced before in history. Our President uses buzz words. Word fights in Congress too.
I notice a man who has temperance and an elegance of thought and speech; someone who unites and divides, intelligently (emphasis on gently). I also think we should be forgiving when it's merited; because Jesus taught it.
I watch speeches ALOT. I like someone who keeps emotions level, and presses for the "point". I think good use of humor is genius.
Praise God! keep Jesus as our point of reference.
Here's how God says it.
2 Tim.4:5 Make Full Proof of thy ministry.
How do we make Full Proof?
Matt.18:16 In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses Every word may be Established.
Example: Jesus Says in John 6:70
Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE of you IS a devil?
Which disciple was Jesus Speaking of?
Was it Judas?
Witness #1 The Mouth Of The Disciple Matthew.
Matt.16:23 Jesus Said To Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #2 The Mouth Of The Disciple Mark.
Mark 8:33 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #3 The Mouth Of The Disciple Luke.
Luke 4:8 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
At Least 3 Witnesses Heard The Mouth Of Jesus
Call Simon Peter, Satan.
GOD Has Established That Simon Peter "Was The One Devil"
That Jesus Spoke Of.
"Four Mouths" All Say The "Same" Thing.
Matthew, Mark, Luke AND Jesus Himself.
Judas Was A Traitor (Not a devil).
Here's how God says it.
2 Tim.4:5 Make Full Proof of thy ministry.
How do we make Full Proof?
Matt.18:16 In the mouth of 2 or 3 witnesses Every word may be Established.
Example: Jesus Says in John 6:70
Have not I chosen you twelve, and ONE of you IS a devil?
Which disciple was Jesus Speaking of?
Was it Judas?
Witness #1 The Mouth Of The Disciple Matthew.
Matt.16:23 Jesus Said To Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #2 The Mouth Of The Disciple Mark.
Mark 8:33 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
Witness #3 The Mouth Of The Disciple Luke.
Luke 4:8 Jesus said to Simon Peter:
Get Thee Behind Me, Satan.
At Least 3 Witnesses Heard The Mouth Of Jesus
Call Simon Peter, Satan.
GOD Has Established That Simon Peter "Was The One Devil"
That Jesus Spoke Of.
"Four Mouths" All Say The "Same" Thing.
Matthew, Mark, Luke AND Jesus Himself.
Judas Was A Traitor (Not a devil).
Tiny gray-haired old lady, but I've never heard such a powerful word as this teaching.
If God calls you to preach; nothing is going to silence the voice of the Holy Spirit, except you. Ezekiel 3. The Lord makes the vessel, not us.
I don't have a lot of patience with people (saved and unsaved) who are lacerating those people who are doing what God showed them to be doing, anointed them and the message by the Holy Spirit. If God said to do something it will turn out productive. Someone will be saved, delivered from spiritual bondages, and filled with the Holy Spirit.
The ANOINTING OF THE HOLY SPIRIT is powerful. Jesus had performed no miracles until right after Luke 4:18. He turned water into wine at his mothers request. See Isaiah 61 also.
We are called to follow Jesus. If Jesus has chosen a woman to deliver a message to His Body, it will produce righteous fruit. I know what the anointing does. It took a frightened Gideon and made him a mighty leader of the Army of Israel.
The Anointing is not subject to the Schoolmaster in the book of Galatians. The Schoolmaster shows us what is/was the Law of God, which is the Teacher. The law of the Spirit is freedom in Jesus Christ.
The Lord crafts each vessel. Some are honorable and beautiful; others are understated but strong and useful for daily use. We're not all perfected yet. In 1 Corinthians 13, looking through a glass darkly: looking for perfection. We are being perfected by the Lord. Desire the freedom the Holy Spirit shows us.
If you personally would desire a DOUBLE PORTION ANOINTING from the Holy Spirit; I'd listen to FUCHIA PICKETT, and IVERNA TOMPKINS; on youtube.
I want anything and everything that God has for me. I only said "whoa, slow down once". Then I'd a few years yes, YEARS, when the Lord was quiet. Then I started begging, on my face, for Hom to pour the Holy Spirit into my life again! Don't go there.
Matthew 24:3-51, Matthew 25:31-46, we will all give account so may our Words be faithful.
Earth was created for humans.
Before Jesus came to earth, he had to lay aside his power in order to be born as human. (fully God and fully human) When he was born of Mary, he became the Son of Man. He did no miracles until Luke 4:18. He received the Anointing. ( Isaiah 61:1-3)
On the cross Jesus stripped Satan of the authority he stole from Adam and Eve when they sinned. Jesus came to get it back-and give it to all born again believers.
You might enjoy a video (youtube) by Charles Capps: "authority of the believer". We learn what Jesus gave each believer.
Daniel 9:2, searching the prophetic timelines,
Other years mysteries: Isaiah 61:2, Isaiah 63:4, Jeremiah 11:23, Jeremiah 17:8, Jeremiah 23:12, Jeremiah 48:44, Jeremiah 51:46, Ezekiel 46:17, Luke 4:19, Luke 13:8, Revelation 9:15, Daniel 11:6,
Sometimes in prophetic dreams things symbolized days & years,
additional amounts of time described at "times" Daniel 4:23,25,32, Daniel 7:25, Daniel 8:14,17,19,26
Weeks; Daniel 9:24-27, Daniel 12:1,9,
Days: Daniel 12:11,12,13, 2Peter 3:7-13,
Also a Day is like a thousand years unto The LORD: 2Peter 3:8, Psalms 90:4,
* Daniel 2:20-22, James 1:5,
Hopefully these are helpful to your study