Discuss Luke 5 Page 5

  • Gift on Luke 5 - 8 years ago
    Vs 37.
    I was born in a Christian family where Dad and Mam are in full time ministry.But this didnt/doesnt qualify my salvation,i got born again 5years ago but i use to struggle with an addicition of irotic videos(even pornography) inspite confersing Christ.The issue was i didnt renew my mind so it was like putting new wine in an old bottle.Transformation comes by the renewing of the mind
  • Irene123 on Luke 5 - 8 years ago
    V. 14 - the leper; Jesus said "go and show thyself to the priest and offer for thy cleansing". I looked up just what all that 'offering' entailed; My goodness!! It'd take all day to do that!! Which is fine; what Jesus did for us was a lot more than that.
  • Walter la Rue on Luke 5 - 8 years ago
    verse 5:27...Jesus says "follow me".. to
    receive the Holy Ghost and do what he said to do, act the way he said to act in the gospel. submit your heart to Him and have the courage to say? thy will be done..our strength is the Holy Ghost and are true, sincere love for him...
  • JOHN on Luke 5 - 8 years ago
  • Asamoah gideon on Luke 5 - 8 years ago
    this scriptures tell us how Jesus Christ demonstrated his healing power.Example is the verse 12-13 and many others.Also Jesus knows whats best in terms of direction so we should follow his directions.
  • Victoria testerman on Luke 5 - 9 years ago
    The word of God is the most outstanding book I have ever sat down to read and it has helped me in my life like nothing else.
  • Bozki on Luke 5 - 9 years ago
    On Verse 36-39, The New garment or wine there is the Word of God and the Old garment or bottle is the Tradition, tradition is the thing ussually the elder do, the thing that they do because what others what their ancestors told them to do. and in this verses Jesus ask us Why we are living in this world doing the thing that others did. Why we are living everyday doing what our ancestors told us to do. Jesus Taught us to rely to believe and to live only into the Word of God, Jesus taught us to do only what the Word of God says, not what other people says. just always Remember this verse... Romans 12:2, And be not conformed to this world: but be ye transformed by the renewing of your mind, that ye may prove what is that good, and acceptable, and perfect, will of God.
  • Jimmy on Ephesians 4:6 - 9 years ago
    God is one and beside him they is no other God. also Isaiah 9:6 , Father is one and that is God. The Father which is being said here is God, and that is Jesus. Genesis 3:15 war was promised by God him self. Matthew 1:16 born Jesus, who is called Christ. John 10:30 Jesus is equal with God. John 10:33 and because that thou, being a man, makest thyself God. Luke 5:20 Jesus said, Man, thy sins are forgiven thee. Luke 5:21 Scribes and Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who can forgive sins, but God alone? 1 John 5:6 Father, Word and Holy Ghost : and these three are one.
  • NENE on Luke 5 - 9 years ago
    Hi Annie verse 10 Jesus was letting Simon know that he was going to use him to catch men by showing them the way to truth that their souls may be saved. In Matthew 16: 18-19 Jesus told Peter which is Simon Peter that he was giving him the keys to the kingdom of heaven and as you read following Peter he told in Acts 2:36-47 what must we do to be saved and this is the key Jesus gave him which is true for all of us today until the end. Just keep reading, praying and seeking God for understanding . God Bless
  • Partridge Mutiso on Genesis 6:3 - 9 years ago
    Benefits of Salvation 1. Forgiveness of your sins Luke 24:47, Acts 4:12, Luke 5:17 2. Heals All diseases Mathew15:26 Healing is bread for the children. 3. Redeems your life Psalms 124:4-8, Mark 9:21-22, Psalm 91:2-10 God preserves me from destruction!
  • SEUN on Luke 5 - 9 years ago
    Th man with palsy had good friends who led him to Christ to have his soul saved before healing him physically. Lord make me such friend in Jesus name.
  • Ngozi on Luke 5 - 10 years ago
    verse 3-there were 2 ships and I asked myself why was it peter 's own that was used by the Lord as a point to preach d Word? this simply taught me that if I make myself available for the Lord to use me, He will make me outstanding wherever I go just as He blessed Simon with lots of catch
  • Charles ozuah on Luke 5 - 10 years ago
    Our Lord is great, and my generations will serve him to the end.
  • TIMOTHY on Luke 5:19 - 10 years ago
    There are many obstacles for those who have decided to seek Jesus. It needs faith and determination to stand up and remain focused to achieve this ambition.No multitude nor obstacle can stop your decision.
  • Madison on Luke 5 - 10 years ago
    When I was a little girl my mom used to read it to me because when it is talking about faith so when she died I was so mad at god but one day someone came up to me and said go read Luke that reminded me of my mother when I was reading it so now I know why god took my mother because I have faith inside me I know that god is the one who is the one who gave me that faith
  • Gregory on Luke 5:5 - 10 years ago
    Just do as the Lord says. Don 't try to control a situation or problem. It won 't work our way no matter how much you try, just trust and do like He GOD says in his word and you will see it will work...
  • Donald on Luke 5:39 - 10 years ago
    Joy see note 's on Matthew 9 16, i think this may help you.
  • Barnet on Luke 5 - 10 years ago
    Jesus teach us that we have to preach the gospel of the kingdom GOD first,then miracles.Jesus want to save us from our sins,not in our sins. thats why we have to hear His voice first.no wonder Jesus teach them,then heal the sick. mat 6v33
  • Allen on Luke 5 - 10 years ago
    verse 17 And it came to pass on a certain day, as he was teaching, that there were Pharisees and doctors of the law sitting by, which were come out of every town of Galilee, and Judaea, and Jerusalem ' 'and the power of the Lord was present to heal them ' ' not everyone got healed by the healing power that was present but they that believed, they that had FAITH. Let us have faith in the power of the Lord and we will be conquorers
  • PELONOMI MOSIMANEGAPE on Luke 5:20 - 10 years ago
    i think by faith, Jesus is willing to change a man 's sins offences
  • Robert on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    Jesus demonstartes his power to several of his
    aspostles. Validating who he is and his purpose as the great physican.
  • Kath on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    The net that that is mentioned in this chapter in Luke defines prayerpower in relation to being fishers of men-prayer and intercession -praying in tongues-its spiritual 'groundwork' or-preparation for the mission ahead
  • Volie Rentta on Luke 5:32 - 11 years ago
    I wanted to know more on this topic
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Luke 5:31 - 11 years ago
    One of the ways that your faith can increase is by investing it in healing. At the same time I got to warn you when you heal someone by the power of the spirit those that have no power will get offended and either say that you have a devil or they will cast you out because they are embarassed by the lack of power. I have cured cancer and deadly diseases but at a great cost. One lady had seven deadly diseases and she was going to the hospital to die. I called her from Japan where I live and said Brenda sing after me. Head and shoulder knees and toes. she did and the next day when she went to the hospital they kicked her out with a clean bill of health. Unfortunately she went to the Zolah board and posted a praise report. After six thousand posts they banned me and the next year Zolah died. I am still banned.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    we having been hired by Jesus to become fishers of men should obey him and fish for men. The net has been prepared. It is called the internet. The one who leads you is on board and tells you to cast your nets on the spirit side of the boat.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    The comment about following Jesus is well said but anybody following his advice today would probably be considered insane. I did this. I was rich and a ruler. I am now a servant and a beggar. I also went to Jerusalem. My reward is the kingdom of God. I don't think any of you could do what I did nor do I recommend it. However from here in the kingdom I can speak and the believers recognize my voice and find their way to the kingdom without all the detours of life. So here is what I say to believers and unbelievers. The kingdom of God is inside you.
  • Rosalina on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    (This is my response to Joy's comment dated 8/15/2013 at 11:42am on Luke Chapter 5 about verse 39):

    Luke 5:39 is a parable which means, NO a MAN having filled with UNRIGHTEOUSNESS straightway desires RIGHTEOUSNESS, for he shall say the UNRIGHTEOUSNESS is BETTER. Therefore, let us clean our souls from unrighteousness so that we our soul shall desire righteousness.
  • Joy on Luke 5:39 - 11 years ago
    A translation was given by a friend and I want to b sure of the understanding that the word is giving. They suggested,
    saying that Christians today must not let our hearts become rigid & stale and causing our walk to be unable to accept new ways & approaches.
    Is that what this scripture is telling us?
  • Peter on Luke 5 - 11 years ago
    If you look at verse 5, you will see Simon say “at your word I will do”. It would be great if we all said that to the LORD.
  • Claudelle on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    Pull your boat from where you are, and go out now and launch out into the deep.

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