Discuss Luke 5 Page 6

  • Raina Light on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    Thanks. I didn't have to read the bible with my family, I could just read it online. Thanks for putting this online!
  • Jay on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    on verse 18:
    1. God on many occasions chooses not give names of those that perform biblical deeds, but he does know who they are and rewards them for it, as he still does today;
    2. God’s purpose on every miracle is to give the glory to his son;
    3. We as believers are to be involved in the acts of faith as these men;
    4. We are to be involved in the persistence of faith as these men;
    5. We are to be involved in the results of faith as these men;
    6. As this man benefited from these men’s faith so will others benefit from our action of faith (includes being verbal in our faith when needed);
    7. This falls under having a testimony in order to be a witness.
    @Alice Lynn,
    On following Jesus, the question I believe we must ask ourselves. Are we going to give our lives to Jesus, follow Jesus wherever he leads; trust and obey Jesus in all things he says in the age we live now, as did Mary Magdalene did in her age?
  • Camille Nemorin on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    Verse 18 talks about men who brought the paralytic down, what are the names of those men?
  • Sara Addy on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    Even when we doubt God He still wants to provide for us the unconditional love of God is shown in this chapter, the qualities of Christ that we need to display to the lost around us.
  • Sara Addy on Luke 5 - 12 years ago
    v22I love this verse, Jesus knows our very thoughts and yet He is so humble about it, so concerned, so compassionate to still ask and then He gently leaves them the sweet taste of the gospel Oh to be more like Him.
  • Alice Lynn Bryner on Luke 5 - 13 years ago
    How odd and dumb were those who saw Jesus in the church make a man whole, eat with those who needed him and yet not believe? If I lived in those days I too, as Mary Madgalone would follow him till the end of his time on earth for he is and always will be the teacher of all teachers.
  • Craig hemingway on Luke 5 - 13 years ago
    give your self totally to God and he will direct our path no matter what it seem like God got everything in control
  • Kaka on Luke 5:10 - 13 years ago
    Awesome book in the bible
  • Jacque on Luke 5:1 - 13 years ago
    Process for the Discipleship:
    First there is a teaching. Jesus gets into a boat and teaches the crowds from the boat.
    Second,a response to the word of God.Jesus tells Simon to lower the nets for a catch.The response is obedience and trust to the word of God.
    Third,after obeying the word,one realizes how unworthy one really is.Simon fells down the knees of Jesus and declares his a sinful man.
    Fourth,once the word is taught,heard and obeyed,and the individual realizes how unworthy he or she is...then the person is given a mission.
  • Jael on Luke 5 - 13 years ago
    Catching Fish! Miracles??? God promises Abraham that if in daily life he follows God's commands then his daily needs will be met. This isn't magic, it's science. Those not conforming to God's Will (eg Adam and Eve) perform wrong action which results in suffering. Is wealth and children worth the experience of suffering? Only if you don't believe deep in the core of your being that the covenant is science. The children of Israel knew that suffering was not worth the life of comparative wealth they lived on the slavery of sinful daily lives, so they responded to Moses's call to remounce their sinful ways and live simple lives in accordance to the agreement between Abraham and God. But lack of real faith led them to return to the life of bondage in surrender to their addictions as their abandonment of God's way resulted in loss of the pilgrim's path. And so it is to this day, the Church talks about miracles when it should be explaining science. In their hearts no-one believed in miracles so they remain in bondage to earthly desires
  • Yan Kanuma on Luke 5 - 14 years ago
    I came to realise 4 steps:
    1. Jesus needs to enter
    2. Jesus needs to seat and domine
    3.Go in deep waters = word of God
    4. After the Word of God, we need to obey.
  • Misty on Luke 5 - 14 years ago
    I think we should give up everything Jesus wants us to so we can serve him.

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