Discuss Luke 6 Page 12

  • Blessef on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
  • Winford on Luke 6:29 - 10 years ago
    Ears luck 29
  • KevinHalleran on Luke 6:27 - 10 years ago
  • Antonyraj.v on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Foundation in Jesus.
  • Olga Roring on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    I like it
  • Tim George on Luke 6:26 - 10 years ago
    Woe to you when all men speak well of you. Jesus wanted His disciples to know the cost of following Him, and that the false Teachers would be popular. Those that live godly will suffer persecution.
  • Josi on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    I am meditating on Luke6 27 38 to help me deal with some individuals i have to associate with. It helps my spiritual growth
  • THOMAS.V.JOSE on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    VERSE 46.Most of the christians of this world are christians by birth and they worship JESUS as their saviour or lord .Here JESUS clearly tells that even if you worship him all your life and does not follow his teachings which is love other ,forgive others ,there is no use.
  • THOMAS.V.JOSE on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    verse 28. Think that your body and soul is separate for a while and think that whoever has done any wrong to you has done it to your physical body only and your spirit or soul which is the actual you and which will be eternal is unharmed.Your spirit doesn 't need anything from this world.IF YOU FORGET ABOUT YOUR BODY THEN YOU CAN FORGIVE OTHERS WITH OUT ANY PAIN.
  • Larry Frederick on Luke 6:38 - 10 years ago
    Luke 6 38 Give, and it shall be given unto you good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again. We serve a God that is of an abundance, and when we give he gives back to us in overflow, more than what we ask, because his abundant return is for us to receive as a blessing to be a help for others. And when we do this, people are able to see the love of God in us, for greater is he that is in us than he that is in the world.
  • Tracey on Luke 6:28 - 10 years ago
    i find it hard 2 pray for those who curse me n also hard 2 forgive them
  • M on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Church folk s are so quick to judge other people and sometimes in the judging we have judged that person have just as much as the person that they are judging and more, we to need to realize that we are not the judge GOD is the judge of us all we have all done things that is not pleasing to GOD, we also need to get rooted and grounded in the word of and we are busy being in GOD word and maturing we will not have time to look at others faults because we all have them.
  • Kimberly on Luke 6:38 - 10 years ago
    To give is a blessing. It 's our God given duty to be a blessing to others. As you are blessing your brothers and sisters blessing shall come back to you as well.
  • Busi on Luke 6:38 - 10 years ago
    This verse reminds me of what my mother used to say, BE NICE TO EVERYONE BECAUSE WHAT YOU GIVE, YOU GET BACK. LIFE IS A BOUNCING BALL, YOU THROW IT ON THE WALL, IT COMES STRAIGHT BACK TO YOU!. What a powerful verse indeed. The word of God is alive ......
  • Mario on Luke 6:28 - 10 years ago
    This is a tough word to live if it is done to you daily and your aware you really have to have a relationship with God
  • Mark basquez on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    u send me a tape of jesuschrist
  • George Wynn on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Comments for Carolyn Avie 's, it means whatever a person needs and you are able to give do so from the heart and God will bless you to give more to those in need.
  • Carolyn Avie on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    This is more of a question than a comment. Iused to go to this church the pastor would use the verse in Luke6 38 where it says Give it shall be given unto you,pressed down,etc. He would use this when he was asking people to give money but this former roommate of mine told me that is talking about not judging people and forgiveness. After reading it for myself again I agree with her.Does anyone agree with that or is it about money to you.
  • Linda on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Type o Luke Chapter 6 Trivia Question 3 Word Hear should be heart. Thanks!
  • Amado on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    A person that go 's from one church to another, has no foundation. You need to be under authority , under a good church ,that preaches the true word of God and a good pastor.
  • Lois Williams on Luke 6:37 - 10 years ago
    This is my first visit to this site. My interest is in the KJV Authorized 1611....As I downloaded the book of Luke, it was difficult to read without getting a headache. There are so many misspelled words that if anyone who is unfamiliar and hoping to study this book or learn more, it will be a deterrent. The site is wonderful when search individual verses out specific phrases but the errors in this book is extremely distracting.
  • Olgar on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    Jesu is the Master and even the Master of the sabbat Sometimes people use meanlingless things to hold graunds on christains But the reply of Master Jesus said it all Which because of sabbat will let his fallen sheep to die in the well Tricks of thr devil
  • Sharon on Luke 6 - 10 years ago
    jesus is the truth and the light always trust and pray and believe in him take it to him in prayer amen
  • Rina on Luke 6:45 - 11 years ago
    If your heart is right with God you dont live in the flesh but in the spirit and it will flow out of your mouth God Bless Rina
  • Anthony on Luke 6:38 - 11 years ago
    this has so much meaning and so powerful....What comes to mind is when I was young my father made me go out and pick up leaves in the yard we put them in trash bags and in order to over fill them we would shake them down and press them to gather sit on the bag too push the air out to put more leaves in, when we were done it would be so many leaves in one bag, if it would pop leaves would go everywhere, it was so full,, press down shaken together and running over..................God is so good,, Amen??
  • Ephraim on 2 Corinthians 5:1 - 11 years ago
    In interesting and true how the body is the housing for the spirit butnals how we as people of God have too rebuild and repair are spiritual house in rebuild as the storms of life can beat down on it dameing it as stated in Luke 6:46-48 but the key is the foundation its built on Issues is the true foundation one we rebuild are house becomes the Temple and we move out are old house in to a glorious house
  • MARY A FORD on Luke 6 - 11 years ago
    Always put your trust in Christ Jesus, he will never leave or forsake you. The Law of the Sabbath Day was made for man an not man made for the Sabbath, because Jesus Christ is the Sabbath today.
  • Robert on Luke 6 - 11 years ago
    Jesus picks his twelve to continue on with him.
  • Robert on Luke 6 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is becoming more tested, yet he continues in the word and teaches the wicked, sick and unbelievers. He also is beginning to heal more and more people to demonstare who he is and what he can do.
  • Mike C Opara on 2 Corinthians 5:15 - 11 years ago
    Since Christ loves us to the extent of dying for our sins, we who have been saved and redeemed back to God as a result of Christ's vicarious death are to recicrocate His love. We are expected from the point of knowing the Lord to live a concecrated life, a life totally dedicated to pleasing Him. It is said that one good turn deserves another. The only proof of our salvation and acceptance of Christ is our day to day right living, watchfulness, evangelistic zeal and a life of prayer. In summary, a true christian must live a life of obedience and service to the One he/she claims to believe in and love. "If you love me, keep my commandments"( John 15:14)."But why do you call me 'Lord, Lord' and not do the things which I say?"( Luke 6:46). Chrit will soon come to take those who are trully His and who are waiting for Him.( 2nd Timothy 2:19). May the Lord help us to repent of all sins, accept Christ and receive the grace to please Him in all things in Jesus' name,Amen.

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