Discuss Luke 6 Page 5

  • Henry on Luke 6:12 - 2 years ago
    Jesus said that you will know them by their fruits so I guess that we can also be "fruit inspectors".
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Isaiah 53, Luke 1, Luke 2, Luke 3, whole chapters

    Zechariah 13:6,

    My question back, is why does she feel this way? anti-Semitic thought sometimes were thought because of the crucifixion. Sometimes for love towards Jesus & sad for His suffering, If someone doesn't read deeper to see Jesus came to his own, wounded by his own. For all mankind & HE forgave even them. John 4:9, Luke 23:34, Luke 6:37, Romans 1:16,

    Other good scriptures were given by other answers.

    It may be a good start to find out why it's important to her to believe that. Finding the root, sometimes helps better answer questions.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Dan.

    Sorry my response took so long,

    I've been getting off work late all this week.

    Dan there is a difference in obeying Gods commandments by the power of the Holyspirit and Putting yourself under the law.

    Luke 6:46-47. Is a condition AFTER you have received salvation. "Not an requirement! That rock is Christ, Not the Law!

    And the verse you quoted is to Israel. So let's examine that.

    Jeremiah 31:31-33. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

    Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:

    But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    You noticed verse 32?

    He said NOT according to the covenant that I made with their fathers. Why? "which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them." The Law was given to Israel fathers and they couldn't keep them.

    When they, "Israel as a nation' come to Christ in the Millennium that will.

    Just as his Church today!

    Right now the Lord is calling out his Church and then he will deal with Israel.

    Israel with God taking them by the hand as a husband to them and still coming up short was to drive us to Christ.

    2 Corinthians 3:2-11. sums up this whole discussion.

    Everything we obey "IS" by the Spirit of God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Dan.

    Sorry my response took so long,

    I've been getting off work late all this week.

    Dan there is a difference in obeying Gods commandments by the power of the Holyspirit and Putting yourself under the law.

    Luke 6:46-47. Is a condition AFTER you have received salvation. "Not an requirement! That rock is Christ, Not the Law!

    And the verse you quoted is to Israel. So let's examine that.

    Jeremiah 31:31-33. Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel, and with the house of Judah:

    Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the LORD:

    But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

    You noticed verse 32?

    He said NOT according to the covenant that I made with their fathers. Why? "which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them." The Law was given to Israel fathers and they couldn't keep them.

    When they, "Israel as a nation' come to Christ in the Millennium that will.

    Just as his Church today!

    Right now the Lord is calling out his Church and then he will deal with Israel.

    Israel with God taking them by the hand as a husband to them and still coming up short was to drive us to Christ.

    2 Corinthians 3:2-11. sums up this whole discussion.

    Everything we obey IS by the Spirit of God. Our righteousness is as filthy rags.

    God bless.

    John 10:1.
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Brother Spencer,

    If indeed, we have salvation - we have been "Born Again". God promised us that "His New Covenant" will put His laws into our hearts and minds. (These laws are God's Commandments) nothing new! If we are saved we will have His Holy Spirit and we will be embracing and following God's wishes and Commands, and naturally his 10 Commandments.

    You said you hold the view that the keeping of the law is not required for salvation. I'm saying we will be following the law closely, and trying our absolute best to adhere to God's Law's if we are in fact truly Born Again and saved. If not, we are probably not saved!

    Jesus tells us here what he expects from us:

    Luke 6:46-47

    "And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and do not the things which I say?" Whosoever cometh to me, and heareth my sayings, and doeth them, I will shew you to whom he is like: He is like a man which built an house, and digged deep, and laid the foundation on a rock: and when the flood arose, the stream beat vehemently upon that house, and could not shake it: for it was founded upon a rock.

    Jesus is telling us to come to him, hear his sayings, and DO his sayings. These are His Requirements!

    If we are not "doing His Requirements" we are not saved, and we are only fooling ourselves and others.

    John 14:15

    "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    God Bless.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Praying for you, your children, and your children's children.

    Pray for them that persecute you. And let your light so shine. Here are some great scriptures for Targeted Individuals to stand on and practice.

    Matthew 5:44

    Matthew 5:11

    Luke 6:22
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Christie Taylor we are going to pray for you. And the evil powers that are after you can also be proof that you are on the right path. :) This may not help you right now, but look, good news is on the way. :) And they will help! Scripture is Living.

    John 4:24

    God is a Spirit: And they that worship him must worship him in spirit and in truth.

    And it's a little easier for us, who dont have much, because we have less responsibility and less to think about. This is exactly how Jesus wants us to be. Look for ways to become even more free from earthly obligations. Be totally dependent on Him. For He can work in that which is nothing. But never forget what Jesus says.

    Luke 6:24-25.

    James 5:1 and much more.

    The words of God's will set you free, these are some example of words you should say to the powers. And not just these. For there is one in whom all powers are afraid, and that is Jesus Christ. His Name is Holy and Reigns Supreme. Use the powerful words and allthe promises, you know when you have found out what spirit they are of, speak directly to them in faith. That they be bound in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ, Above all other Names. We will not allow ourselves to be followed in all tidal waves or be beaten down by demons.

    Fill yourself with the words of victory as in the Psalms of David and see also the book of Hebrews and Romans. For your own sake and gain assurance of salvation.

    And dont forget too put on the Armor Of God Everyday, this is extremly important. Ephesians Chapter 6.

    God bless u in His Holy Name Jesus Christ. Amen
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    That's a question which many have pondered over. However, when people ask such a question, they generally begin with 'God having chosen some to belong to Him & have rejected others consigning them to suffering in Hell'. Yet, in my understanding, the start of it doesn't begin with God choosing, but with God knowing. "Elect according to the foreknowledge of God" ( 1 Peter 1:2); or, 'being a part of the elect of God because of God's foreknowledge of every person'.

    We believe in an Omniscient God, that is a God Who knows all things, the complete lives of people (before their birth till the day of their death) & every event in Heaven & on Earth that may not even had a beginning as yet to us. Psalm 139:1-16 is a great Psalm showing both the omniscience & omni-presence of God & as David said in verse 6: "Such knowledge is too wonderful for me; it is high, I cannot attain unto it." Such knowledge is only in God's domain, not just of all things present, but also of all things before they come to pass or into being.

    So when we read a verse as you shared, John 15:16, we see that Jesus chose His disciples to belong to Him & to perform His Will. But how did Jesus know whom to choose out of the great number of eligible men that lived there? Was it just a good guess on His part, though one chosen was wicked ( John 6:70)? Or maybe, the night he spent in prayer with His Father ( Luke 6:12,13), was also a night of the Father's instructions on the men to select from all those who followed Him. So we see here, that before choosing them to go out to serve, they first had to be the ones whom God knew would be responsive to His Son.

    Once we understand this, then we won't see God as being an unjust God showing partiality. That those who come to Him in faith through His Son are those not being forced to do so, but are those whom God already knew of before their birth (as David did). And those who are "destined for Hell", choose to go there, God knowing the path their lives would take.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear friends in Jesus.

    Luke 6:20And he lifted up his eyes on his disciples, and said, Blessed be ye poor: for yours is the kingdom of God.

    21Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh.

    22Blessed are ye, when men shall hate you, and when they shall separate you from their company, and shall reproach you, and cast out your name as evil, for the Son of man's sake.

    23Rejoice ye in that day, and leap for joy: for, behold, your reward is great in heaven: for in the like manner did their fathers unto the prophets.

    24But woe unto you that are rich! for ye have received your consolation.

    25Woe unto you that are full! for ye shall hunger. Woe unto you that laugh now! for ye shall mourn and weep.

    26Woe unto you, when all men shall speak well of you! for so did their fathers to the false prophets.

    27But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you,

    28Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

    29And unto him that smiteth thee on the one cheek offer also the other; and him that taketh away thy cloke forbid not to take thy coat also.

    30Give to every man that asketh of thee; and of him that taketh away thy goods ask them not again.

    31And as ye would that men should do to you, do ye also to them likewise.

    32For if ye love them which love you, what thank have ye? for sinners also love those that love them.

    33And if ye do good to them which do good to you, what thank have ye? for sinners also do even the same.

    34And if ye lend to them of whom ye hope to receive, what thank have ye? for sinners also lend to sinners, to receive as much again.

    35But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankfull and to the evil

    36Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful. And the rest now space here God bless you.
  • Kent Dupree Bass - In Reply on Jeremiah 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Debbie Hendryx . Jesus is Lord of the Sabbath. That means if you put your faith in him you have a constant Sabbath. The phrase "the Lord of the Sabbath" is found in Matthew 12:8, Mark 2:28, and Luke 6:5. In all three instances Jesus is referring to Himself as the Lord of the Sabbath or, as Mark records it, "The Son of Man is Lord even of the Sabbath" ( Mark 2:28).

    So the Sabbath is still in effect, but it is only made perfect when we accept Jesus.
  • Dennis on Malachi 3 - 3 years ago
    In Mal: 3:10 You have written that there might be meat in my storehouse. The word is mete, which means allotment or measure. A storehouse was a place where they stored crops from the harvest. It had nothing to do with mammon. That food was not just for the levites or priest either.

    There were actually three different tithes also. The Families, widows, the orphans, and the poor and foreigners, were included in the tithes. Today it is mammon, mammon, mammon. Many churches today are not transparent. There has to be clarity about where God's money is going.

    In Luke 6:38 many preachers and evangelist use that scripture to get people to give money. That scripture is not about money. It is about mercy. They tell the people not to take scripture out of context and yet do so themselves. I hope that was helpful.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 2:2-3 , Ezekiel 46:1, Mark 1:21, Mark 6:2, Luke 4:16, Luke 4:31, Luke 6:1, Luke 13:10,

    Isaiah 58:1-14, Exodus 20:8, Exodus 20:10-11,

    Exodus 31:13,14,16, Leviticus 16:31, Leviticus 19:3, Leviticus 19:30, Leviticus 23:1-8, Leviticus 24:8, Leviticus 25:2, Leviticus 25:4, Leviticus 25:17, Jeremiah 17:19-27, Lamentations 1:1-7, Isaiah 1:11-17, Isaiah 56:1-8, Ezekiel 20:12, Ezekiel 22:26,

    Amos 8:4-8, Mark 2:27,

    Matthew 12:8, Matthew 12:1-27, Mark 3:1-11, Luke 6:6-11, Luke 13:11-17, Luke 14:3-6, Luke 14:12-24, Luke 23:3-56, John 5:1-16, John 7:22-24,

    Colossians 2:8-17,

    James 2:1-26
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    A day unto the LORD,

    Genesis 1:5, in chronological order of the Bible, maybe not exactly Chronological of actual dates of oldest to newest. 1st reference of day is evening & morning 1st day. Also light day & darkness night. Scientificly can be referenced to earths rotation being a day, approximately 24 hrs. That also in itself isn't completely finite, that's why we have time changes throughout the year spring & fall & leap-year in addition. In that day of creation was the determination as the rotation of the earth? Interestingly the sun & moon were not yet created, Genesis 1:16, therefore was the light from GOD? It does not specify the rotation nor exact hours. Yet classified as "the first day"

    Genesis 2:4, it is quoted "in the day that the LORD God made the earth, and the heavens" as you ask? Here may possibly be the 1st time we can differentiate day being a moment of time, because the previous chapter already clarified/classified 1st day, 2nd day, etc.

    Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:5,

    Genesis 3:8, this may be the perfect example of clearly being 1 actual moment of a 24hr day. It would be interesting to know the different words used for each example from ealier translations & languages. To really study this more thoroughly.

    Genesis 3:17 appears to be the 1st time in our translation & English wording that day is plural in multiple yet it was assumed previous as multiple yet as a single moment therefore classified as "a day" Genesis 5:2,

    Again we see it Genesis 5:4,5,

    Going further outside of Genesis; Luke 6:22-23, also being a moment not necessarily 1 rotation of earth. Luke 10:12, Luke 12:28, Luke 12:46, Luke 17:24, Revelation 6:17,

    2 Peter 3:8,10, reading in context 2 Peter 3,

    1 Corinthians 13:9-13, Colossians 1:26, there are principles here that help us understand we don't know everything here on earth in the flesh.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear "Lex", please understand that Gud is a forgiven God. And it is only one person who never will be forgiven. And that is who destroys and seduces the peoples, antichrist. ps.

    Luke 12:10

    And whosoever shall speak a word against the Son of man, it shall be forgiven him: but unto him that blasphemeth against the Holy Ghost it shall not be forgiven.

    Matthew 12:31

    Wherefore I say unto you, All manner of sin and blasphemy shall be forgiven unto men: but the blasphemy against the Holy Ghost shall not be forgiven unto men.

    Mark 11:26

    But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

    And: Luke 17:4

    And if he trespass against thee seven times in a day, and seven times in a day turn again to thee, saying, I repent; thou shalt forgive him.

    Luke 6:37

    Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

    Its best to not judget at all becouse the God Himself is the only one who can Judge. It is for u important that u find your way in the scripture and hear what the Holy Ghost says.

    He Never will take away a gift He have given. The gift is always flowing, like living water in your heart, our sin in the saved state. We shall confess our sins and be forgiven them? Thats why we never want too give The Holy Spirit sorrow!

    He is not a Lord who gives and take back, u are His forever. So please dont turn back. But meet Him in your grief and judgmental thoughts. Come forth boldly with your transgressions and He and you will forgive the sin you have attached yourself to.

    Come back to the calling He has called you to: And be blessed in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Have a realy good new year growing with the Only True and Righteous God Jesus Christ the Son of God and His Holy Spirit who understands all things in our hearts.

    1 John 3:20

    For if our heart condemn us, God is greater than our heart, and knoweth all things. 21:Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, :)
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 5 - 3 years ago
    Wesley's Notes for Matthew 5:3


    5:3 Happy are the poor - In the following discourse there is, A sweet invitation to true holiness and happiness, ver. 3-12. # Matt 5:3-12. A persuasive to impart it to others, ver. 13 - 16. # Matt 5:13-16. A description of true Christian holiness, ver. 17; chap.vii,12, # Matt 5:17; Matt 7:12. (in which it is easy to observe, the latter part exactly answers the former.) The conclusion: giving a sure mark of the true way, warning against false prophets, exhorting to follow after holiness. The poor in spirit - They who are unfeignedly penitent, they who are truly convinced of sin; who see and feel the state they are in by nature, being deeply sensible of their sinfulness, guiltiness, helplessness. For theirs is the kingdom of heaven - The present inward kingdom: righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost, as well as the eternal kingdom, if they endure to the end. # Luke 6:20
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Jackie,

    I noticed your prayer request and your question like you were looking for input from others. Assuming you are I'm happy to offer a few observations based on what you shared. I have had challenges with my own neighbors and it is really challenging to love thy neighbor and pray for them when they may seem so opposing.

    Sometimes the most helpful response is not the one someone wants or expects. A few things you said makes me believe you are equally responsible for the problems with your neighbor and I will be happy to share that, assuming you want to hear it.

    First, are you loving your neighbor and praying for them? You have asked for prayer and I have prayed for your situation, but have you genuinely prayed for your neighbor and how to be more loving as the Bible teaches? Have you prayed for their salvation? James 4:12, Luke 6:32, Matthew 5:44, Mark 12:31.

    Next, there is nothing wrong with security cameras. They are an important deterrant to criminals.

    You said you were able to see in their window and read a poster. Were you snooping and peeking through your neighbors windows at their private things? If so, that seems very wrong.

    I believe you called your neighbors adversaries, but they're not supposed to be enemies. The Bible says satan is your real adversary: 1 Peter 5:8.

    You said they kept a package, but did you ask for it back? Maybe they were out of town. Did the company reimburse or mail another? This seems pretty easy to resolve and is a common problem.

    You said they are suspicious, but maybe they think you are suspicious? If I caught someone looking in my windows that definitely be hard to get over.

    To rekindle the relationship perhaps show love and lead by example- the card idea is great.

    This likely wasn't what you wanted to hear, but maybe it is the helpful. God bless...
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    AMEN Brother Dan, I will agree EVERY WORD ever spoken by Christ is LAW, and they are all commands to be kept and followed.

    This comes back to the sin of UNBELIEF. God said love you enemies. But why would Christians think these words should be obeyed, when they are taught from the pulpit, God hates his enemies and condemns them to ETERNAL TORTURE.

    How many Christians LOVE their ENEMIES. Not many.

    How many Christians pray for their enemies. Not many.

    After shootings in school and our pastors pray for the victims. How many pastors pray for the gunman. NOT MANY.

    Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest, for he (GOD) IS KIND to the UNTHANKFUL and the EVIL.

    God Bless You
  • Bro dan - In Reply on John 7 - 3 years ago
    Bro Rick,

    You are incorrect. Jesus didn't condemn the Sabbath. He condemned the Pharisees for the overly strict interpretation of the Laws, including the Sabbath. Let's get it right! Jesus and the apostles always kept the Sabbath Day as did the church in the 1st century.

    Jesus or JC as you call him, observed the Sabbath, and he showed us by example that we could help others on the Sabbath. So, Jesus always leads by example.

    Jesus said: Luke 6:5

    "And he said unto them, That the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath." Why would Jesus want to be Lord of something that is bad?

    You seem to insinuate that the Sabbath is a bad thing. It is a gift that God gave to man. He created us, and he knows that we need rest from working. God also tells us specifically 'To Remember to keep holy the Sabbath".

    It's called being obedient to God, something mankind does not like to do.

    God Bless
  • Earl Bowman - 3 years ago

    Luke 6:35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be children of the Highest: for he is KIND TO the unthankful and to THE EVIL.

    Colossians 1:20 And, having MADE PEACE through the blood of his cross, by him TO RECONCILE ALL THINGS unto himself; by him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven.

    Hebrews 2:8 Thou hast put ALL THINGS in subjection under his feet. For in that HE PUT ALL in subjection under him, he left nothing that is not put under him. But now we see NOT YET all things put under him.

    Phillipians 2:11 And that every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

    1 Corinthians 15:28 ...and GOD WILL BE ALL IN ALL.
  • Adam - In Reply on Deuteronomy 31 - 3 years ago
    Hello Natashya,

    You might consider reading this: Matthew 18:21-22 Also the parable of the talents after that is also about forgiveness. The summary of this is: Matthew 6:14.

    As a Christian following in the footsteps of Jesus our sins are covered by grace as long as we are choosing to follow Jesus. 70x7 basically means a LOT and nearly unlimited. If we're genuinely following Jesus we can have assurance of salvation. But messing up is one thing, but deliberately sinning is another. Hebrews 10:26.

    Jesus throughout the Bible challenges everyone including believers to avoid sin. Over and over He said that. The problem is some assume that when they become a Christian you can stop what you're doing, because they believe they're already 'saved' and can commit unlimited sin and evil pleasure they desire and not worry about any consequences. Some even say its bad to do good, because you're putting in 'human effort'. Beware of lies aimed and distorting God's truth. I believe scriptures say the opposite: I believe when you become a Christian you START your journey towards Jesus and work towards developing your character to be more and more like Jesus and a key part of this is NOT SINNING! So, some believe they can and should put zero effort into this 0 of 10. But I believe we should put max effort into this: 10 of 10.

    John 14:15,

    2 Peter 1:5 says to be diligent. One translation says 'make every effort'

    Luke 13:24 says to 'strive to enter through the narrow door'

    2 Timothy 2:15 'do your best'

    Luke 6:46 - don't call Jesus Lord and fail to do what He says

    There are verses about entering God's rest, but I believe it means a spiritual rest and not physical where we're just sitting on the couch all day binge drinking and eating. The Bible says we'll be persecuted for our beliefs, that this is not our world, and we're to run the race as to receive the prize. All this suggests great effort in my opinion, but we're not saved from that effort, but by grace.

    God bless...
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Romans 13 - 3 years ago
    Please read these scriptures: John 7:1-53, Mark 2:1-28,

    This discussion came up Holidays 2019, there was hatred towards not wearing masks in donut shop Southern California 80-90 degrees near beach. Teenager asked "wouldn't Jesus just be nice" then it hit me with fire inside my spirit. I replied "Jesus would be the first to bring alarm!" "If they were going to arrest people for getting too close, touching the sick, HE'd probably be first" I could envision HIM hugging & healing people & upsetting the "norm" as "enforcers" would say "HE isn't allowed to do that."

    Luke 13:1-17, Luke 13:20-35, * Mark 3:1-6,9,10, *

    Hypocrisy of crowds, sporting events, parades, but Jesus crowds? Mark 2:2, hypocrisy= John 19:31, Luke 4:14-44,

    not wearing masks, HE'd probably be taking them off, elderly & children 1st. Would the creator of man, mankind, want them breathing carbondioxide, weaking their lungs, hiding HIS glory? 2 Corinthians, 1 John 1:1, seeking to save themselves? Luke 17:33, Matthew 16:35, Luke 8:35, John 12:25, Matthew 6:25

    Luke 6:1-19,

    John 9:1-7 can you imagine? criminal charges today?

    + HE actually gave commands to heal the sick, Matthew 10:8, Luke 10:9, Acts 4:28-30,

    "The saddest thing about all the hate, meaness, is when this is over, people will remember how badly they were treated" "let's try to remember that & be kind"

    Matthew 25:39

    It's almost 2022. Those mandates have caused division, job loss, depression etc., yet what proof of any good?

    To further answer your question: I have been in much prayer about it & I do not take lightly any scripture. I believe in USA we are a "Nation under GOD" being The People we are the ones with the Governing authority as per The Declaration of Independence, The US Constitution & all States Constitutions. The people putting forth "Mandates" know they have not authority to call them "laws" they are therefore those that "resist the power & Ordinances of GOD" & the Higher power is GOD.

    Hopefully these are helpful.
  • D.G.Warren on Luke 6 - 3 years ago
    Thank you all for your comments ! I am thankful that I located this. I have been told that I am a "people" person & usually get along with everybody. I have met along the way a lot of people ,& have been blessed with friends. I have had some serious bumps in my life's path . I have had to forgive others, God has helped, people who have betrayed the path of friendship. God has helped me see I have been blessed by all relationships . I always pray for those who are in my life . Fortunately , most of the people in my life I have been truly blessed to know. It is difficult to see people stumble in the path to the world but I can't go that way. I have been blessed with a Christian family & close friends ! "The only thing necessary for evil to triumph, is for good men to do nothing ( Edmund Burke)". Pray for all.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I am an evangelist. I may not be ministering to you. Most of the time I'm out where the sneakers meet the road. I try to encourage others, and to meet the unsaved and hurting, right where they are.

    I love what I do. If Jesus said to stop it, I would of course.

    At the end of the day is prayer, and lots of it.

    You should just pray for me and the Lord will surely pull me to the curb and it's heads up. I don't teach Greek or Hebrew. I leave that to the Teachers. I appreciate your gift very much.

    Today the Holy Spirit asked me, "Who killed John the Baptist." I don't know all what He is going to show me. I can look up scriptures all day and nightand I did. Your take on my careless preaching just clearly shows all the different parts of the Body of Christ. We're different but we all fit together. I am not going to sit in the house and Teach. That's your deal. My deal is out in the open, listening for the Holy Spirit (talk to this one, that one) I absolutely love what I do.

    Let's appreciate each other; everyone. The Harvest is exciting. I think it's a time of great joy.

    That message on eating heavy Bible; was for snackers. The Lord wants to fill us up so we "run over" on people who are starving for Gods Word.

    Luke 6:38

    Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

    Blessings and Peace
  • There is "no excuse" Not to Love! - In Reply - 3 years ago
    What about Love?

    Luke 6:35-38

    35 But love ye your enemies, and do good, and lend, hoping for nothing again; and your reward shall be great, and ye shall be the children of the Highest: for he is kind unto the unthankful and to the evil.

    36 Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.

    37 Judge not, and ye shall not be judged: condemn not, and ye shall not be condemned: forgive, and ye shall be forgiven:

    38 Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again.

    Love to all, and God Bless.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hello Walter. We know that the KJV translation appeared in the 17th Century, when many words had a different meaning to what we know today, then we can appreciate the use of the word "corn". Though we presently understand 'corn' to refer to a highly bred grain developed from maize, in those days the English used the general word, 'corn' to represent barley, wheat, rye, oats, etc. In fact, it came from the old Nordic word 'korn', which meant 'grain'.

    So when we see Jesus in Luke 6:1, going through the corn fields, plucking the ears of corn & rubbing them in His Hands, it certainly wasn't the corn of today, but likely a grain, such as barley, that could be rubbed together to separate the chaff from the grain. Or, the example of John 12:24, "Except a corn of wheat fall into the ground & die", we can understand it as a grain of wheat, giving us another use of the word 'corn'.
  • USING THE SEARCH BOX TO FIND STUFF - In Reply - 3 years ago
    There are 59 verses with the word 'Apostles' in them. You can view the others by typing APOSTLES IN THE SEARCH BOX. Then you can sort the list to put them in book order.

    Matthew 10:2 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Now the names of the twelve apostles are these; The first, Simon, who is called Peter, and Andrew his brother; James the son of Zebedee, and John his brother;

    Mark 6:30 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And the apostles gathered themselves together unto Jesus, and told him all things, both what they had done, and what they had taught.

    Luke 6:13 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And when it was day, he called unto him his disciples: and of them he chose twelve, whom also he named apostles;

    Luke 9:10 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And the apostles, when they were returned, told him all that they had done. And he took them, and went aside privately into a desert place belonging to the city called Bethsaida.

    Luke 11:49 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    Therefore also said the wisdom of God, I will send them prophets and apostles, and some of them they shall slay and persecute:

    Luke 17:5 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And the apostles said unto the Lord, Increase our faith.

    Luke 22:14 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    And when the hour was come, he sat down, and the twelve apostles with him.

    Luke 24:10 | View whole chapter | See verse in context

    It was Mary Magdalene, and Joanna, and Mary the mother of James, and other women that were with them, which told these things unto the apostles.

    If the search box cannot find your word searches, it means it's not in the KJV Bible.

  • GRACE_ambassador {ChrisE} - In Reply - 3 years ago
    More Distinctions In God's TWO Different Programs!:

    Prophecy/Law: 15) The Two "Main" (of 12) baptismS = A) water, For remission of sins! ( Matthew 3:5-6 Mark 1:4 Luke 3:3 John 1:31 Luke 7:29-30 Acts 10:37 Matthew 28:19 Mark 16:16 Acts 2:38 Acts 22:16 Ezekiel 36:25)

    B) "WITH" The Holy Spirit, Poured Out By CHRIST, for power, signs And wonders! ( Isaiah 44:3 Matthew 3:11 Mark 1:8, 16:17-18 Luke 24:49 Acts 2:17-18, 38 Acts 8:15-17 Acts 11:16)

    Rightly Divided ( 2 Timothy 2:15) From {RDf} "Things That DIFFER!":

    Mystery/GRACE!: 15) Only ONE Baptism = "BY" The ONE Spirit = God's OPERATION, Spiritually "Identifying" members In (The Body Of) CHRIST! ( Ephesians 4:5 Colossians 2:12 Galatians 3:27 Romans 6:3-4; 1 Corinthians 12:13) 'ONE' = not two...

    Prophecy/Law: 16) Forgive others First, Then God Will Forgive! ( Matthew 6:14-15, 18:35; Mark 11:25-26; Luke 6:37)

    RDf Mystery/GRACE!: 16) Forgive others Because CHRIST Has Already Forgiven us! ( Ephesians 4:32)

    Prophecy/Law: 17) Taught how/what to pray! ( Matthew 6:9; Luke 11:2)

    RDf Mystery/GRACE!: 17a) we Are Exhorted to "...Make our requests known Unto God!" ( Philippians 4:6) While, At The Same Time, God "Teaches":

    17b) Concerning our infirmities, we "know Not" what to pray "as we ought," But "The Spirit Intercedeth For us, According To The Will Of God!..." ( Romans 8:26)

    Prophecy/Law {earthly!}: 18) "watchmen," {as CHRIST Told the Jews On the earth!}, looking for The "wicked one, the deceiving man of Sin" And "signs" ( Matthew 24)

    RDf Mystery/GRACE {Heavenly!}: 18) ambassadors {As CHRIST Told Paul, From Heaven!} Looking, Watching, & Waiting For The Holy One, The LORD JESUS CHRIST {From Heaven!} ( Romans 8:18, 19, 23, 25; 1 Corinthians 1:7; Ephesians 6:12-18; Philippians 3:20; Colossians 3:2, 4:1-3; 1 Thessalonians 1:10, 5:5-11; 2 Thessalonians 3:5; Titus 2:13)

    Please Be RichlyEncouraged!

    Heavenly GRACE/Mystery fellowship, today? ( 2 Timothy 2:15; Romans 16:25; Ephesians 1:3-9; Ephesians 3:9)
  • Dj on Luke 6 - 3 years ago
    its ok i mean its not bad
  • Adam - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 3 - 3 years ago
    Dear Diane, I may not agree with Earl on this topic, but his post was just fine and was not what you claimed. I don't consider your reprimand as speaking the truth in love, which is what you accused him of. Luke 6:42. God bless.
  • D W L - In Reply - 3 years ago
    2 Corinthians 5:17

    Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

    Luke 18:17 Verily I say unto you, Whosoever shall not receive the kingdom of God as a little child shall in no wise enter therein. 18 And a certain ruler asked him, saying, Good Master, what shall I do to inherit eternal life? 19 And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God. 20 Thou knowest the commandments, Do not commit adultery, Do not kill, Do not steal, Do not bear false witness, Honour thy father and thy mother.

    James 2:18 Yea, a man may say, Thou hast faith, and I have works: shew me thy faith without thy works, and I will shew thee my faith by my works. 19 Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble. 20 But wilt thou know, O vain man, that faith without works is dead? 21 Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar?

    Luke 6:46 And why call ye me, Lord, Lord, and DO NOT the things which I say?

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