Discuss Malachi 1 Page 3

  • Irene123 on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
    To Ch. Fiorruci - how do I receive the Lord Jesus Christ for my eternal salvation? What do I need to do?
  • Jean on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
    Heb.10:26 only Jesus
  • George on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
  • Darrell R Brock on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
    What does God require? Daily reading and mindful of his word; the beginning and Glory of his namesake of which we are now the Sons of God in Christ. An empty vessal filled with his gift, third Trinity of the Godhead the mind of Christ. Whole.
  • Charles fiorucci on Malachi 1 - 8 years ago
    you are deceived Scott Anderson the roman catholic church is a false
    religious system. repent receive the lord Jesus Christ alone for your
    eternal salvation. john 3-3 unless a man is born again
    he cannot enter the kingdom of GOD. ICOR6-9 READ IT, JOHN14-6
    ACTS 4-12, ROMANS 6-23, ROMANS 10-9-11
  • Scott Anderson on Malachi 1:11 - 9 years ago
    This prophecy has been fulfilled. The Roman Catholic Church has been offering the Body and Blood of Christ, the only acceptable sacrifice for almost 2000 years.
  • Rich on Malachi 1 - 9 years ago
    The cattle rancher that brought a blind lamb to the priest is saying "this is the best God has given me ". The priest did not reject the offering saying "are all your lambs blind, I don 't think so, go back and bring your best "., this priest is then more to be condemned than the rancher, the priest should teach the truth. The fact of the matter is the priest is an unbeliever, he does not believe God sees, or knows or cares. Further, he really wants the sacrifices for himself.
  • Shirley johnson on Malachi 1 - 9 years ago
    GOD is to be honored in everything that we do as christans.He wants us to give Him our best and not take His favor and His mercy that He has so richly bestowed upon us.I thank God for having mercy upon us and giving us of His best,HIS SON JESUS CHRIST.
  • Doug Schatz on Malachi 1 - 9 years ago
    I am learning to live a resurrection life , and it is truly starting to change my life .
  • Christ on Malachi 1 - 9 years ago
    I 've been amazed at what I 've learn of Christ teaching, his diagram for living is truly amazing. if I understand it correctly we are all Christ life 's teaching is to prepare us to be spiritual free. Jesus Christ has declared that there is no limits to what everyone can do and become if we understand the resurrection story. Jesus regain his unity with God complete dominion over body and circumstances.
  • Elizabeth on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    God requires from us a SINCERE relationship based on love and respect.. There is no room for deceit and manipulation in our relationship with Him. If we truly desire a good relationship with Him, then we must do it His way. Jesus said "why call me Lord and do not do the things that I say? "
  • Barbara Aday on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    The Bible is great and this is what prepared us for the coming of the Lord.
  • Van on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    Who am I to to think of God Almighty in terms less than awesome. Did He not speak me and my fellow man into existence. Did he not make woman from the fifth rib of Adam? Are we not all finely tuned creations of power way beyond our grasp? When I reflect on my yesterday 's and the forgiveness stacked one upon another I am further amazed and outwitted! Flabbergasted is the word! When I think about heaven and being part of the manifest GLORY appearing in my vision and senses I am the more amazed that My Father would allow me to register wonder at His creation! And be enamored by the declaration of His words of 1st Corinthians 2 9. "As is written , eye has not seen nor ear heard what God has prepared for those that love The Lord!
  • Marjorie on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    I believe that the Lord wants our very best in all we give Him. If we praise and worship Him with our mouth, but our thoughts are on what we have to do later that day then it is not our best. We have lost our fear of Him and put things in front of Him and He dont accept polluted worship. He wants our very best like what we would give the president of the United States or the Queen of England.
  • Ar on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    Of course we have to walk with God according to His commandments, but He does not ask for any sacrifice or that kind of offerings any more. Jesus paid with His blood on the cross for that once and for all. We are saved by His grace ,what He wants now is your acknowledgement for that, your repentance and then walk with HIM in order to have that special relationship with God.This is the New Testament. This is His unconditional love .
  • Francis on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    I understand that it is perfectly good to walk with God according to his commandments, sacrifice or offerings to our God shall be well examine, we don 't have to offer to God a rejected items
  • Samuel on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    give him his honour n fear him
  • Tamika Hall on Malachi 1 - 10 years ago
    Whose report will you believe we shall believe the report of the Lord this book reminds us to fear the lord and keep his commandment.
  • LaToya on Malachi 1:2 - 10 years ago
    God hated the chose that Esau made.
  • Lionel on Malachi 1:3 - 10 years ago
    You would have to know the character of this individual. Esau hated his birthright and God knew it. Esau only thought of himself. He didn't care about what the Father cared about. Flesh was his problem. What would you sell your birthright for or your soul? Your heritage is eternal life through Christ Jesus.
  • Ryan on John 5:43 - 10 years ago
    He came in his Father's name, because his Father's name is Jesus. God was known by many names/titles in the past. But it is written that Jesus is God's name, and the only name to fulfill what is clearly written! Such as but not limited to, Malachi 1:11, Jesus name fulfills this. Philippians 2:9, Again, Jesus name is known above every name. Isaiah 9:6 tells us Jesus is God, and St. Matthew 28:19 was followed by the Apostles when they baptized in Jesus name only; the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost. Acts 2:21, the name that saves!
  • Tom on Malachi 1:11 - 10 years ago
    How can this prophecy be fulfilled? There is only one pure offering, and that is the offering of Jesus to his Father on the cross. But how is this fulfulled from the rising to setting of the sun, and in every place? There is only one way. The Holy Mass offered over 100,000 times per day. Every moment a priest is elevating the host proclaiming, "This is my Body ...". This is happening around the clock, every timezone, and around the world. By this, we participate in the one and only sacrifice of Christ on the cross. This is the one and only way this prophecy is fulfilled.
  • Gazama on Malachi 1:6 - 11 years ago
  • Osuntunde babafemi on Malachi 1:6 - 11 years ago
    If we can honour God as a father and fear Him as our master then he will perfect all that concerns us and use us for His glory.
  • Min eghosa (song ministerin benin, edo state nigeria) 08069684749 on Malachi 1 - 11 years ago
    Fear him
  • Samu on Malachi 1 - 11 years ago
    God requires honour, in a form of physical gifts that shows that he is king......we offer the best 2 eartly kings but we disregurd God. He wants us 2 give 4 our own bennefits not that he is in leak
  • Tina steven on Malachi 1 - 11 years ago
    God is always faithful and just. Always giving us the previllege and pportunity to rededicate our lifes and hearts to him. He is patiently waiting for us to com back to him. God bless you all.
  • Sumner fuentes on Isaiah 60 - 11 years ago
    Isaiah 60:22, A little one shall become a thousand, and a small one a strong nation: I the LORD will hasten it in his time. It means the righteous teachings will not come from a big land but from a group of islands. Who are these islands? Islands that love, give praise, respect God. Where can you find these islands? Malachi 1:11 Complete Jewish Bible (CJB): “For from farthest east to farthest west my name is great among the nations. Offerings are presented to my name everywhere, pure gifts; for my name is great among the nations.”
  • Enoch Gyas on Malachi 1 - 11 years ago
    Verse 14: But cursed be the deceiver, which hath in his flock a male, and voweth, and sacrificeth unto the Lord a corrupt thing: for I am a great King, saith the LORD of hosts, and my name is dreadful among the heathen. This verse sweetens my belly, and also described the kind of God we serve- dreadful God.
  • Mercy nassiuma on Malachi 1 - 11 years ago
    True worship in our hearts and actions is a pure sacrifice to the Lord our Father. Of which good are we if we become a living sacrifice which walks away from the sacrificial alter. Let’s lay our total lifestyle for Christ and never get tired of being ambassadors of Christ. He never got tired of the cross. May His grace abound with us.

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