It is ok for a person to remary because adultry is not a unforgivable sin. you both repent of any sin and jesus will forgive you. otherwise it would be like saying that christ can't forgive sin. and there's only one unforgivable sin an that is to blasheme against the holy spirit.
Chris, obeying the law or the commandments is the key to Paradise as Jesus said on Mark 10:17-19, Matthew 5:17-19....It is only Paul's teaching's of eliminating the law ( Romans 3:28) and relied only on the death and ressurection of Jesus because according to him without the crucifiction and resurection there is no salvation....But is it really true that the death of Jesus on the cross is the only way of salvation?....And if it is, where in the 4 canonical gospels did Jesus said that my death on the cross is the only way of salvation?..But if you can't find, I conclude that the theology of death and resurection is Paul's own theology and has nothing to do with the real teachings of Jesus.....See also Ezikiel 18:20-21
Ann - I respectfully hold a totally different view believing that John, the apostle, is the person referred to - not John Mark. Neither of us is likely to change the others view, but I feel sure we can agree on Jesus Christ as our Savior.
All the references to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" are in the book of John. While the Gospel of John does not specifically identify its author, and "the disciple whom Jesus loved" is nowhere explicitly named in Scripture, early Christians universally recognized John, the apostle, as the author of the Gospel and "the disciple whom Jesus loved." This is consistent with internal evidence in the Gospel of John
John and brother, James were called to be disciples of Christ while they were fishing with their father, Zebedee. They immediately left to become members of Jesus' original group of the twelve.
James, John, and Peter seemed to be the most intimate of Jesus' apostles accompanying Jesus on special occasions. Matthew 17:1 says, ... and led them up a high mountain by themselves. Because of their favored relationship with Jesus, James and John sought special position in what they erroneously assumed to be Jesus earthly kingdom in Mark 10:37-38: "They replied, 'Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.'
James eventually died as a martyr for Christ and John died a natural death after living in exile on the Isle of Patmos.
One of the most reflective statements of the closeness between Jesus and John was in the last moments of Jesus' life when Jesus asked Jesus asked John to care for his mother after His death. John 19:26-27
John, as an apostle of Jesus, not only wrote his eye-witness account of experiences with Christ which were recorded in his gospel, but also wrote the books of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and the book of Revelation.
12 - The man of sin is called 'the son of perdition' ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Judas was the only other person to be called this.
13 - The man of sin 'sits in the temple of God professing to be like God' ( 2 Thessalonians 2:4). Meaning the man of sin sits in a leadership position in 'the professed church' acting like he is god.
There is only one man who matches this description perfectly, and that is the pope(s) of the Papal Church of Rome. 12 - Judas was also called 'the son of perdition' ( John 17:12). So calling the man of sin by this name also, means the man of sin would be like Judas - A DECEIVER FROM WITHIN THE CHURCH. 13 - The pope(s) sit in the Roman Catholic Church acting like he is god on earth giving out indulgences to forgive sins, which only our Heavenly Father can do and being called 'holy father', a title which only our Heavenly Father has ( Mark 10:18).
'Antichrists' in 1 John
14 - John confirms in 1 John 2 that those who were antichrists professed to be followers of Jesus, but 'went out' from the TRUE church and revealed themselves to not be true followers of the Lord.
14 - The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church profess to be followers of Jesus, but they have made manifest that they 'went out from' the TRUE church and it's true original teachings to follow after heresy and Pagan traditions.
I would just like to share what I have learned about Mark 10:17-18. The word good in Verses 17 and 18 is a special word. It is the word AGATHOS. There is another Greek word for the word good, and that word is KALOS. All throughout the bible, the word good is used. But if we just see it in English, we tend to attach one meaning to that word because we don't realize that there are different Greek words for our English word good, and that they have different meanings. You see, we only come away with one meaning for the word good in our English bibles.
But when I go to the original text, the word AGATHOS is used in both Verses 17 and 18. Jesus is going to say why did you all me AGATHOS? There is only one who is AGATHOS and that is God. Why did you call me AGATHOS? Do you realize what you just called me? You called me God. Why did you do that?
He is bringing it to this rich man's attention.
For the longest time I didn't understand these verses. I thought I was a good person, and I knew several good people. And then I read this and it was sort of like letting air out of the tire. I also wondered how others would look at themselves as not being good at all, and how it would make them feel about themselves. But then I learned what was really taking place in these two verses and it made perfect sense. There are good people (KALOS). But no one is good (AGATHOS) but God.
That is what I've come to learn. This man was referring to Jesus as God, because only God is good (AGATHOS). And Jesus was quick to point out to the rich man that he called him the good that can only be applied to God, which would make Jesus equal to God. But did you notice that Jesus never denied it?
In Luke 6:45, Jesus said a "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good;" This tells me that a person can be good, and there are good people, but never AGATHOS! Anyways, I just wanted to share this with you.
Yes, the first man the woman and the new man, all three of them will be guilty of breaking the law of God.
Mark 10:8-9 KJV
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. [9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Every binding in marriage is from God. To break what God has merged indeed is going against God's will. The first combination has children indicates that they had become "one flesh" in the eyes of God even though they were not given to marriage. As a result breaking the unity that led to bear children is sinning against God. Saying we were not engaged/not legally married is not an excuse.
In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and my Father are one."
Verse 31 does not use the word Father because the Jews took up stones to stone Jesus for saying I and my Father are one.
The Jews understood the phrase "I and my Father are one" as Jesus claiming to be equal to God Himself. That's why they took up stones.
But did you notice that Jesus didn't deny it? He never said "Wait a minute guys, before you stone me, I think you might have misunderstood me." The Jews knew exactly what Jesus meant!
Mark10:18 and John 13:13 Jesus confusion and proof of it but I'm certainly not confused about it he also tries to tell you about a Good Samaritan though mark 10:18 he says something different even about His own self
Care to learn true holiness hearken here Isa9:5 Dan 9:7 let me and GOD set you free !!!!!!! From their confusion and Jesus's Mark 10:18 and John 13:13 he says none is good (lies) proof Gen 6:9 . Job 1: also note Job1:6 sons of GOD
If you live in the USA, you can google your State's laws on it. Some states recognize it;
Others do not. It can't be treated as divorce until someone moves out of the house.
Since God created the first marriage with Adam and Eve, we have to observe His requirements to put away a "spouse".
1 Corinthians 7-9; Genesis 38:8;
Deu. 24:2-5, Hebrews 13:4; Jeremiah 3:14
My comment here, is if God can say 'I'm married to you'..then marriage (a covenant) between two parties is serious and binding. If you bend the rules because society says you can doesn't mean it's the best choice.
I say that because of how it hurts children to live the impermanence of life without one parent. I overheard one day a group of children call themselves, "divorced" kids. Five of them said, I'm divorced, and 1 kid said my parents are married. The 5 told him he was lucky.
Talk it over with your Pastor or the Pastors wife.
someone living common-in-law and 2 children from the relationship and has not actually made marriage vows is it still considered what God has joined together.? Now is the woman free to leave her partner and go with another man? Is the new man breaking up what God put together?
Matthew 19:24, Mark 10:25, Luke 18:25 are the scriptures about the eye of a needle. In ancient times the big doors of a city was locked at night. People parked their camels outside and entered the city through a small door; known as the eye of a needle
Jesus was saying it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I guess love of money is a problem.
Matthew 19:24 And again I (Jesus) say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God. Mark 10:23 And Jesus looked round about, and saith unto his disciples, How hardly shall they that have riches enter into the kingdom of God!
Mark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!
As it relates to marriage, 1-12 above JESUS give good clarity about what JEHOVAH /GOD has written in stone, nevertheless in 2020 mankind still put away unlawfully. Thank GOD for JESUS thereby forgiveness of this sin through JESUS can be obtain. 13-31 again JESUS mind is on SALVATION for us, 33-34 JESUS mind is on the work HE must finish, thereby finishing or establishing THE WAY for us that leads to ETERNAL LIFE /SALVATION, see John 3:16-21.
Jesus loves me! To follow him I must take up my cross . Bring the children to Jesus that he may bless them take your kids to church. Man I got to love their wives. Because there are one in Christ.
it is my duty to stop false doctrines where ever I find it, from people who try to teach scripture and do not know how to precept the bible the way the holy ghost commanded Isaiah 28:10-13mark 10:5 if you know how to precept...I HAVE NO PROBLEM WITH YOU...FOR JESUS SAID WHO IS MY MOTHER OR MY BROTHER...ALL WHO DO THE WILL OF MY FATHER
Gods understanding is beyond the human mental capacities of this world. The longer God allows us to live, the more opportunity is provided to listen to him and guide us through is spirit. God has designed the world in granular perfection. God reveals himself to those who seek in the spirit. We cannot move on own terms to spread the power of God. We must do so with his approved guidance.
"How hard it is for them that TRUST in riches to enter the Kingdom of God". Are we willing to give up all that we have and TRUST in God? It may not seem easy, but with God it is possible. All things were made by Him and He owns everything. Think about it.
Ask for forgiveness every morning and night for any sin you could of committed. Praise His Holy Name!!! Walk with His Strength wherever you go. Be prepared to face any situation by going to Him first-- not the enemy's way of this world. Thank Him after for staying close. Think about the Blessings He had bestowed on you. Keep going after the impossible of this world-- for they are made possible!!!
Do not kill - Mark 10:19. Know ye not that ye are the temple of God, and that the Spirit of God dwelleth in you? If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy for the temple of God is holy, which temple ye are. 1 Corinthians 3:16-17. For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's. 1 Corinthians 6:20.
Dear Vivian, Jesus commandment on divorce is very clear- Mark 10:11 12 so A christian cannot remarry after a divorce until the other partner dies. Only then are they loosed from their previous mariage. However you should discuss this with the Elders and Pastor of your church. Godbless you...
All the references to "the disciple whom Jesus loved" are in the book of John. While the Gospel of John does not specifically identify its author, and "the disciple whom Jesus loved" is nowhere explicitly named in Scripture, early Christians universally recognized John, the apostle, as the author of the Gospel and "the disciple whom Jesus loved." This is consistent with internal evidence in the Gospel of John
John and brother, James were called to be disciples of Christ while they were fishing with their father, Zebedee. They immediately left to become members of Jesus' original group of the twelve.
James, John, and Peter seemed to be the most intimate of Jesus' apostles accompanying Jesus on special occasions. Matthew 17:1 says, ... and led them up a high mountain by themselves. Because of their favored relationship with Jesus, James and John sought special position in what they erroneously assumed to be Jesus earthly kingdom in Mark 10:37-38: "They replied, 'Let one of us sit at your right and the other at your left in your glory.'
James eventually died as a martyr for Christ and John died a natural death after living in exile on the Isle of Patmos.
One of the most reflective statements of the closeness between Jesus and John was in the last moments of Jesus' life when Jesus asked Jesus asked John to care for his mother after His death. John 19:26-27
John, as an apostle of Jesus, not only wrote his eye-witness account of experiences with Christ which were recorded in his gospel, but also wrote the books of 1 John, 2 John, 3 John and the book of Revelation.
12 - The man of sin is called 'the son of perdition' ( 2 Thessalonians 2:3). Judas was the only other person to be called this.
13 - The man of sin 'sits in the temple of God professing to be like God' ( 2 Thessalonians 2:4). Meaning the man of sin sits in a leadership position in 'the professed church' acting like he is god.
There is only one man who matches this description perfectly, and that is the pope(s) of the Papal Church of Rome. 12 - Judas was also called 'the son of perdition' ( John 17:12). So calling the man of sin by this name also, means the man of sin would be like Judas - A DECEIVER FROM WITHIN THE CHURCH. 13 - The pope(s) sit in the Roman Catholic Church acting like he is god on earth giving out indulgences to forgive sins, which only our Heavenly Father can do and being called 'holy father', a title which only our Heavenly Father has ( Mark 10:18).
'Antichrists' in 1 John
14 - John confirms in 1 John 2 that those who were antichrists professed to be followers of Jesus, but 'went out' from the TRUE church and revealed themselves to not be true followers of the Lord.
14 - The leaders of the Roman Catholic Church profess to be followers of Jesus, but they have made manifest that they 'went out from' the TRUE church and it's true original teachings to follow after heresy and Pagan traditions.
I would just like to share what I have learned about Mark 10:17-18. The word good in Verses 17 and 18 is a special word. It is the word AGATHOS. There is another Greek word for the word good, and that word is KALOS. All throughout the bible, the word good is used. But if we just see it in English, we tend to attach one meaning to that word because we don't realize that there are different Greek words for our English word good, and that they have different meanings. You see, we only come away with one meaning for the word good in our English bibles.
But when I go to the original text, the word AGATHOS is used in both Verses 17 and 18. Jesus is going to say why did you all me AGATHOS? There is only one who is AGATHOS and that is God. Why did you call me AGATHOS? Do you realize what you just called me? You called me God. Why did you do that?
He is bringing it to this rich man's attention.
For the longest time I didn't understand these verses. I thought I was a good person, and I knew several good people. And then I read this and it was sort of like letting air out of the tire. I also wondered how others would look at themselves as not being good at all, and how it would make them feel about themselves. But then I learned what was really taking place in these two verses and it made perfect sense. There are good people (KALOS). But no one is good (AGATHOS) but God.
That is what I've come to learn. This man was referring to Jesus as God, because only God is good (AGATHOS). And Jesus was quick to point out to the rich man that he called him the good that can only be applied to God, which would make Jesus equal to God. But did you notice that Jesus never denied it?
In Luke 6:45, Jesus said a "A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good;" This tells me that a person can be good, and there are good people, but never AGATHOS! Anyways, I just wanted to share this with you.
Mark 10:8-9 KJV
And they twain shall be one flesh: so then they are no more twain, but one flesh. [9] What therefore God hath joined together, let not man put asunder.
Every binding in marriage is from God. To break what God has merged indeed is going against God's will. The first combination has children indicates that they had become "one flesh" in the eyes of God even though they were not given to marriage. As a result breaking the unity that led to bear children is sinning against God. Saying we were not engaged/not legally married is not an excuse.
Also the new man Leviticus 21:7
In John 10:30, Jesus says, "I and my Father are one."
Verse 31 does not use the word Father because the Jews took up stones to stone Jesus for saying I and my Father are one.
The Jews understood the phrase "I and my Father are one" as Jesus claiming to be equal to God Himself. That's why they took up stones.
But did you notice that Jesus didn't deny it? He never said "Wait a minute guys, before you stone me, I think you might have misunderstood me." The Jews knew exactly what Jesus meant!
Others do not. It can't be treated as divorce until someone moves out of the house.
Since God created the first marriage with Adam and Eve, we have to observe His requirements to put away a "spouse".
1 Corinthians 7-9; Genesis 38:8;
Deu. 24:2-5, Hebrews 13:4; Jeremiah 3:14
My comment here, is if God can say 'I'm married to you'..then marriage (a covenant) between two parties is serious and binding. If you bend the rules because society says you can doesn't mean it's the best choice.
I say that because of how it hurts children to live the impermanence of life without one parent. I overheard one day a group of children call themselves, "divorced" kids. Five of them said, I'm divorced, and 1 kid said my parents are married. The 5 told him he was lucky.
Talk it over with your Pastor or the Pastors wife.
The final day of the 2,300 day period of Daniel 8:14 was December 29, 2018 A.D.
Jesus was saying it would be easier for a camel to go through the eye of the needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven. I guess love of money is a problem.
Mark 10:24 And the disciples were astonished at his words. But Jesus answereth again, and saith unto them, Children, how hard is it for them that trust in riches to enter into the kingdom of God!