Discuss Mark 11

  • Bennymkje - 10 months ago
    Mark 11:18 "Doctrine of man"

    Matthew also gives us this colloquy where he dilates upon their controversy with parables. At the end he says,"And when the chief priests and Pharisees had heard his parables, they perceived that he spake of them./But when they sought to lay hands on him, they feared the multitude, because they took him for a prophet.(Matt.21:28-46). There was the fear of men that governed the chief priests and Pharisees while Jesus as the Word become flesh would only serve what he represented in his humanity. "Thy word is truth." Unless he had let the word sanctify him how could he sanctify any man?"For both he that sanctifieth and they who are sanctified are all of one. "I will declare thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise thee," was a Messianic prophecy which fulfilled in him.(Ps.22:22)

    On the other hand the chief priests scribes and Pharisees made doctrine of God to none effect. "Making the word of God of none effect through your tradition, which ye have delivered: and many such like things do ye."(7:13) .

    St Paul explains it thus, "For do I now persuade men, or God? or do I seek to please men? for if I yet pleased men, I should not be the servant of Christ." Jesus came from God while his detractors angled for the praise of men.

    Mark gives us several instances of the word of God being fulfilled in Jesus so it was not past or future of now that weighed uppermost but the eternal word. In cursing the fig tree he did not have to prove his claim that he was the rightful heir but his faith established the truth. Both power and glory operating in heaven and earth is encapsulated in faith.(vv.23-24). "And a mighty angel took up a stone like a great millstone, and castitinto the sea"(Re.18:21) is a fulfillment of the word: of the rock cut out without hands"(Dan.2:34-35)

    "And in the morning, as they passed by, they saw the fig tree dried up from the roots." Jesus explained simply, "Have faith in God."
  • Ronald Whittemore - 10 months ago
    Traditions part 2

    In John 12:1-16 this is 6 days before Passover and Jesus rides into Jerusalem the next day which would be the 10th, the day the lambs are taken up five days before Passover day which is called today Palm Sunday.

    Each day is recorded in Matthew 21 through Matthew 27:56 Mark 11:1 through Mark 15:41 Luke 19:28 through Luke 23:49 John 12:1 through John 19:37.

    On the 1st day of the week, we call Sunday, Jesus rode into Jerusalem and returned to Bethany in the evening to lodge.

    The second day shows Jesus going to Jerusalem and returning to Bethany.

    The third day is two days before Passover Matthew 26:2 Mark 14:1.

    On the fourth day, Judas makes the deal to betray Jesus and toward the end of the day, the disciples ask him where he wants them to prepare to eat the Passover. God commanded it to be eaten inside the city walls but they did not eat the Passover, Luke 22:15-16.

    When the sun went down the fourth day what we call Wednesday is the beginning of Passover day the 14th of Nisan the day the Passover lambs are killed, Mark 14:12 Luke 22:7. What confuses things is then and now Passover day and the Feast of Unleavened Bread is referred to as an eight-day feast. Passover day is a preparation day for the seven-day feast of Unleavened Bread not part of the seven-day feast.

    The lambs were killed on the 14th in the evening, the time when the sun starts to go down, any time after noon and before the sun sets. The Passover is eaten the night of the 15th the first day of the seven-day feast which is a holy convocation/Sabbath Exodus 12:8 the same night they went out of Egypt not on Passover day.

    The Lord's Supper and the crucifixion were on Passover day the fifth day from when Jesus rode into Jerusalem which would make that the 5th day of the week we call Thursday.

    God bless,

  • BJGibson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    In the Name of Jesus, God, you know all things and God, you know all things about this situation. God, you know the matter in its fullness. I am asking you, God, what EVER that what EVER is, that you make a way. Also, that this beloved of God stand on the following scriptures:

    "For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith." Mark 11:23 KJV

    "Therefore I say unto you, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them." Mark 11:24 KJV

    I say to you beloved of God...do you want this? only believe.

    "And when ye stand praying, forgive, if ye have ought against any: that your Father also which is in heaven may forgive you your trespasses." Mark 11:25 KJV

    "But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses." Mark 11:26 KJV

    "And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors." Matthew 6:12 KJV

    Beloved, when in life we find ourselves in situations, the believer always does a forgiveness check, ask God and believe. Beloved, when you request forgiveness its just that simple to ask and believe and God is faithful to accept and grant forgiveness because He is good and instructs us to forgive.

    God is always standing by to help you in each and every way, don't be afraid, whatever you need God's got it. God is there for you. God wants fellowship with you. God has called you or is calling you, yes you to walk with Him. To try Him and take Him at His word.

    "And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27 KJV

    God is able to make a way for you. Believe God in your heart, open your eyes and allow God's holy spirit to lead and guide you in a right way.

    In Jesus Name, I pray peace. Amen.
  • One eighty - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Greetings Jimbob,

    Ok, I'll comment on the two passages from Mark.

    Mark 11:26 KJV: But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses.

    Mark 11:26 NIV: The verse is omitted completely. I will comment though, that within Mark 11:25, the same meaning is expressed, i.e. if one does not forgive, neither will God forgive.

    More relevant though, again is the footnote in the NIV: "This verse is not found in the earliest and best manuscripts of the NT, probably having been inserted from MT 6:15"; which IS included in the NIV. This means it's quite possible, or highly probable that the KJV copyists added it to coincide with Matthew.

    But it is obvious that the NIV translators had no malice or corrupt motives with this passage, as you are suggesting.

    Next; Mark 15:28 KJV: And the scripture was fulfilled, which saith, And he was numbered with the transgressors.

    Mark 15:28 NIV: This verse is also omitted.

    NIV footnote: "The earlier and more reliable Greek manuscripts do not have this verse. It was probably added from LK 22:37 (quoting Isa 53:12). Mark does not include many OT quotations."

    The NIV copyists appear to put forth great effort as to why they chose to delete this verse, and in the text note they say that, "some manuscripts; v28 And the scripture was fulfilled which says, " He was counted with the lawless ones" ( Isaiah 53:12)."

    I do not want anyone to have the impression that I'm attempting to prove the KJV translations are incorrect. On the contrary, my original intent was to respond to you questioning some passages in the modern Bible versions. With genuine respect, you may consider choosing to look into the footnotes and text notes of some of these versions. I wish I had time to reply to the numerous passages you've brought to the attention to those on this site. Perhaps now you may want to do so on your own.
  • Jimbob - In Reply - 1 year ago
    One eighty thank you for your comment, I really appreciate your kind words of encouragement.

    The words of the LORD are pure words. ( Ps 12:6-7) (pure) is #2889; it means sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated.

    Every word of God is pure ( Proverbs 30:5-6) (Every) is #3605; it means the whole, all, any or every.

    For the word of God is (quick) and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword ( Hebrews 4:12) (quick) #2198 it means to live, alive. The word of God is Alive, the word of God is not confusion!

    God is not the author of confusion ( 1 Cor 14:33) (confusion) is #181; it means instability, i.e. disorder, inconstant, unstable.

    All these different modern version bibles that change words and completely leave out whole verses are instability, disorder, they are inconstant, they are unstable! Many have changed their own words several different times! ( 1 Cor 1:10) Telle us "that we all speak the same thing, and that there be no divisions among us, but that we be perfectly joined together in the same mind"..

    ( Jer 23:36) "for ye have (perverted) the words of the living God" (perverted) is #2015; it means to change.

    The words of the LORD are pure words, (pure) #2889; sound, unadulterated, uncontaminated.

    It is written, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by ((every word)) that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ( Mt 4:4)


    "For we are not as many, which (corrupt) the word of God".. ( 2 Cor 2:17) (corrupt) is #2585; it means to retail, (to adulterate).

    This is doctrine that's not sound doctrine, but it is instability, inconstant, and unstable! ( 2 Tim 4:3-4) IT IS CORRUPT!

    Remember the words of the LORD are pure words, they are sound, (unadulterated), uncontaminated.

    One eighty look up ( Ps 12:7) in your Niv bible and compare it with the KJB.

    Also compare ( Mark 11:26) and ( Eph 3:9) in your Niv with the KJB.

    And here's a really big one to compare ( Col 1:14)

    This is the definition of (perverted), #2015 it means to change.

    God Bless you, and all who seek His Truth.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    God's plan for the nations (conclusion)

    As for the eternal new heaven and earth it seems verses indicate there still will be nations although some seem to merge with promises from the Millennium. However; Revelation 21:24 says: And the nations of them which are saved shall walk in the light of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory and honour into it. So it is clear that there will be nations still in some geographic sense; although no more sea and the heavenly Jerusalem will clearly be the dominant vista wherever you roam on this new planet.

    Jesus stated from the O.T. that the Temple was supposed to be a place of prayer for all nations ( Mark 11:17). This surely will be fulfilled in the future!

    There are nations that are said not to know God. Isaiah 55:5 shows that they will wake up at the end of the Tribulation as well as return captives (see Isaiah 49:22-25). They also shall bow down as kings and queens to worship God ( Isaiah 49:23) and take care of children. These are wonderful promises to show even from the wicked Tribulation some even in royalty will be saved! We see an interesting prophecy in Ezekiel 39:2 that a sixth part of the Gog army will remain; I would deem it likely many of these people will repent; although a remnant it will probably be a fairly substantial number of those remaining at the end of the Tribulation (also we don't see those in that invasion who appear to have the mark or fight God). This and other verses show various campaigns which lead up to Armageddon; and perhaps linger on until Christ and His returning saints establish control to rule and reign.

    It seems pretty apparent that with all nations against Israel ( Zech. 12:3) in the end so that mainly they will be reprobate with the dead being as dung on the earth ( Jeremiah 25:33). This is a sobering thought; thankfully in Israel 1/3 make it through the fire but 2/3 die ( Zech. 13:9). Some say this is harsh but compared to the stats from the whole world it isn't
  • Bro dan - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Giannis,

    I started this post entitled: Our Addiction to Sin - for a reason. I was hoping I would hear from others here that despise sin, as much as Christ/God does, up to this point - I found only one.

    Everyone else states the current Christain status quo, we can never stop sinning. So it doesn't matter That God tells us we can't sin and walk with Him, 1 John 3:6 and 1 John 3:9 Jesus tells us we must stop sinning, dies on the Cross so that we can be forgiven - if we simply ask Him, but the catch is - we also need to repent. Christains really like the forgiveness part of the equation, but what we convienatly forget is the repent part, as evidenced by the stubbron resistance to making a life commitment to stop sinning. How would we like to hear Christ tell us He can't give us eternal life. We are adamant that God should keep his commitment to us, but we do not feel we have to follow his Laws, and Commands! We want to pick and choose which of God's laws we can conviently accomodate into our worldy lives, and find excuses/doctrine to ignore/dispose of the rest. How convenient for us, a win-win for us. Really?

    Giannis, in my last post to you, you asked, and I explained 1 John 1-10 to you, and now you are bringing up more scripture and parables to try and justify your belief that Christians can sin and walk with God at the same time - when God and Jesus tell us throughout the scripture that we need to stop sinning. Jesus tells us point blank to stop sinning or something worse will happen to us. If we think we are walking with Christ and bad things are happening to us shouldn't we want sit up - and take notice of this verse. John 8:11

    I'll tell you the same thing that Jesus told the Pharisees Mark 11:29 answer my question here, and then I will answer your additional questions.

    Who would want to convince Christian's that they can continue to sin - and still walk with God?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 1 year ago
    It appears; after looking at the KJV and another translation that Peter was simply to be used by God as a vessel to reach the Gentiles. There were individuals such as the Centurion at the crucifixion ( Mark 15:39) who truly believed; this would also be the case for the Samaritan woman at the well earlier (half Jew and half Gentile) in John 4; the Roman Centurion whose faith was great according to Christ when his daughter was healed in Luke 7:9; where Christ stated that He had hadn't seen such faith in all Israel.

    We also; of course see individuals such as Nebuchadnezzar who was converted in charge of Babylon; a pagan nation as well as individuals assimilated in such as the mixed multitude in Exodus; Ruth and Rahab; and likely Naaman the Syrian not to mention for a time the population of Nineveh; at least in momentary repentance.

    There was a time earlier when Jesus instructed the Disciples to only preach to the lost sheep of Israel ( Matt. 10:5-6). However; in the case of the woman praying for her daughter; the only other individual Jesus stated had great faith and also a Gentile went though a discourse in Matthew 15:26-27 and then her prayers were answered. This appears on the surface to be cruel; but Jesus was drawing her out; and this allowed His glory to be put on display and signifies to us for all time perseverance.

    Acts 18:6 shows a similar pattern with Paul after he had more than worn out his welcome in preaching Christ in their midst. Now; Israel will have to wait until the Lord's return for all of the cities of Israel to be reached ( Matt. 10:23). Thus; until the "fullness of the Gentiles come in" ( Romans 11:25) Israel is blind in part.

    These things are according to God's pattern; and eventually will fulfill verses such as Isaiah 56:7 when in God's Holy mount; there will be a place for prayer for all nations. Mark 11:17 shows how the Jews themselves failed in understanding their own destiny by making a marketplace in the Temple as a mockery.
  • Berachah - In Reply - 1 year ago

    We are made in the image of God, who spoke everything into existence.

    We have God's indwelt Spirit and are His sons.

    Jesus conformed this very fact in Mark 11:23

    However we need to not only live in Spirit but walk in Spirit - Gal 5:25 . That is to be led of the Holy Spirit.

    When God reveals something to you or puts a word in your heart, you are expected to speak it out, stand on it and establish it in this world.

    And of course stand in faith resisting the principalities & powers of this age who will try prevent you from doing so.
  • BJGibson - In Reply - 1 year ago
    For ye are all the children of God by faith in Christ Jesus. ( Galatians 3:26)

    And Jesus answering saith unto them, Have faith in God. ( Mark 11:22)

    Jesus said unto him, If thou canst believe, all things are possible to him that believeth. ( Mark 9:23)

    But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible. ( Matthew 19:26)

    Let your conversation be without covetousness; and be content with such things as ye have: for he hath said, I will never leave thee, nor forsake thee. ( Hebrews 13:5)

    I hope and pray these scriptures help your faith walk. It's not how we feel its according to our faith (believing and accepting God's word as it is written) and as we believe and accept God's plan of salvation by faith (not by works, Jesus paid that precious price for our salvation), then we can do the works of Christ Jesus and build up our most holy faith by believing, prayer, studying scripture, etc.

    I used search words of faith, believe, and possible to find and share some scriptures. You might find searching the word promise to be encouraging, to read and believe all the promises that are for us in God's word. I am happy to hear about your desire to continue your walk with the Lord, stay encouraged and keep the faith in all areas of your life. Nothing is too hard for God, we can begin again. God never stopped loving and forgiving us, just accept it by faith and walk in it.
  • Donna Grace - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Joseph Mary Fasi, You're in my prayers this morning. With love, in Christ Jesus's name I ask for The Lord to heal whatever's going on in your body/spirit. For whether this ailment be of body or spirit, I do not know. But the Lord knows.

    John 14:13-14

    13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son.

    14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

    Father, In the name of Jesus Christ I command this condition to halt. I ask You Lord to rebuke it. And I rebuke it in Your name Jesus. Free his/her body from this debilitating illness. Please deliver them from any illness of a spiritual nature as well. I am pleading the blood of Jesus Christ over them .IN JESUS NAME Amen

    Just a simple heartfelt prayer for you. And a few scriptures for you to stand on. Please write them on index cards and hang them where you will see them often. May Gods blessings be upon you today and in the days to come. May His presence overshadow you. Amen.

    1John 5:14

    Matthew 21:22

    Mark 11:23

    I believe God.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Current revival

    I have studied a number of accounts of the firsthand experiences in the Asbury college event. It seems that things are fairly consistent with true repentance; scripture readings and some other things that at least don't put any red flags as to falsehood.

    Apparently this went on there in 1970 as well. I am also aware of the other high school events of the last 4 or 5 years where there was a short burst of school prayers in several places.

    Today; I heard a video from someone who attended that university about 15 years ago who was called to pray daily for such an event; with an exhortation from another person as to the fact that the fruition of such a prayer for revival may not happen while they were there but would be effective in a future group of people. This is the first point that I feel is important; that most things are paved ahead; as Paul states one waters and God gives the increase ( 1 Cor. 3:6-8). This principle also holds true; no doubt for evangelism. We could even extend it to the end times; for prayers for a mountain to move ( Rev. 8:8; Mark 11:23). We don't know exactly how; but we are told "vengeance is mine; I shall repay ( Romans 12:19). The sants who die as martyrs in Revelation will surely be vindicated; with the bowl judgments in Revelation as well as eternal consequences including ruling and reigning during the Millennial Kingdom over the earth for true saints of God.

    Obviously; there needs to be a proper guaging with discernment of how this move proceeds as time goes on. For now; another positive aspect is that big name preachers have largely stayed out of it at least as to being in the limelight. No doubt there will be; probably for financial gain an intrusion at some point either from false apostles and preachers; or those who identify as working for Satan as a test of faithfulness. The enemy is well entrenched and we are promised persecution as all are who are godly ( 2 Tim. 3:12). Let us diligently rpay.
  • T Levis - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Matthew 6:12,14,15, Mark 11:25,26, Luke 11:4, Psalms 37, Psalms 73:3-28,

    Hopefully these are helpful too as we pray.
  • Sammi - 2 years ago
    A question : do you have faith , in God and in Jesus ? I'm guessing yes , so , why haven't you moved a mountain ? For many years I beat myself up over this , Matthew 17:20 , Matthew 21:21 , Mark 11:23 , John 4:21 . Obviously , I don't have even a tiny mustard grain of faith ! It's only quite recently that I realised that Jesus is using a metaphor . The mountain represents those trials and tribulations that I have in my daily life , my worries my fears my insecurities that come from paying too much attention to the things of this life . Then of course I had to rethink a few other things , once I had realised and accepted that , Jesus sometimes used metaphors , this has opened up my mind to all kinds of possibilities . Further study is required ! Guess what ? Further study is always required ! We are used to metaphors in the Bible especially in the book of Revelation but I hadn't really thought about Jesus using them , parables yes , metaphors ? Took me longer to recognise them . The Bible never stops teaching us new things , this is how it works , it opens up slowly , the more effort you put in and the more your heart and mind are open to it , the more it reveals . It doesn't matter how long we have been reading it , it doesn't matter how many times we've read it , it doesn't matter how great we think our knowledge and understanding is , there's still got good stuff in there to teach us . This is why we need to be careful about how we receive others , they may now something that we don't know yet , we may now something that they don't know yet , we must not discourage open discussion , we must not close our eyes and ears to each other . May God bless us all with open eyes , ears , minds and hearts , to receive His Word from each other with humility and patience and love .
  • Chris - In Reply on Mark 11 - 2 years ago
    Hi Ana. I agree with Adam's thoughts on this matter. We are indeed blessed to have medical help & advancing technology available to help us deal with problems in body & mind. I don't see this as a total non-reliance on God to grant healing - God does heal & if coupled with proper sincere medical help & trust in the Lord, I feel that's the proper way to go. After all, doesn't the Lord expect that we render whatever help to others & ourselves? And this help can come in various ways which must include, for the Christian, utter dependency on God to "establish the work of our hands upon us" ( Psalm 90:17).

    And if a person chooses to refuse medical help or has elected to not be on any life support, then that is their choice and I don't believe that decision in any way violates God's Command concerning murder or any perceived determination by us that life must be preserved at all costs.

    We have a few relatives connected with the Ceylon Pentecostal Mission & a couple of them have passed on, refusing any form of medical intervention in spite of great discomfort leading up to their death. This was their belief & of the Church, & of course, admirable. In spite of the tragedy of it all when their lives could have been saved, I couldn't help but admire the faith expressed to the Will of God for their lives & willing to face the consequences as the Lord chose for them.

    But the matter of euthanasia, even if death is imminent, is a completely different matter to my belief.
  • Adam - In Reply on Mark 11 - 2 years ago
    Hello, i dont believe the Word addresses that other than do not kill and our bodies are mot our own. I think active euthanasia is wrong. Passive like turning off a ventlator i think is ok if its Gods will for that person to go. I also see that differently than someone who has gangrene but stubbornly refuses to see a hospital or just watching someone bleed to death and doing nothing.
  • Ana on Mark 11 - 2 years ago

    I have a very important question. What does the Bible say about a dying person not wanting to continue with medical care. Is this considered suicide if you refuse to continue suffering with medical treatments?

    Thank you so much!
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:15-29, Isaiah 58,

    Matthew 18:6-20,

    Mark 11:22,23,24, Mark 16:15-18,

    James 1:5, Colossians 3,

    First you need to believe, Jesus is who He is, The Son of GOD, John 3:16-21, Mark 9:31,
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Baptism: Acts 2:38-47, Matthew 28:18-20, these are the same baptism, Ephesians 4:5, context Ephesians 4:1-13, please read all the scriptures I've included even the scriptures surrounding the ones you're asking about. They're very important on what Jesus our Christ =(the Messiah) is saying & the Scripture is saying about Him.

    Origin of Baptism: Matthew 3, Mark 1, Luke 3, John 1, John 3 - John 4:1,2, ; Matthew 21:25, Mark 11:30, Luke 7, Luke 20:4, Acts 13:24,25,26,

    Acts 1,

    Symbolism of baptism: Matthew 20:22-28, Matthew 11:10,11,12,13, Mark 10, note these scriptures in Mark 10:21,29,30,31,32,33,34,38,39,42,43,44,45, Mark 16:16, Luke 12:49-59, in context Luke 12, John 3:3,5, Romans 6, Colossians 2:12, 1Peter 3:21,

    HOLY Ghost HOLY Spirit Baptism: Acts 8, Acts 10, Acts 11, Acts 19:2-7,

    In one Spirit 1Corinthians 12:13,

    Hopefully these are all helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Romans 12:12, Acts 6:4, Hebrews 13:15, 1 Thessalonians 5:17,

    John 17, James 1, James 2,

    Matthew 5:23,24,44, Matthew 6:5-34, Mark 11:24, Luke 18:1-14, Matthew 17:15-21, Mark 9:17-29,

    Matthew 24, Mark 13, Luke 21:36,

    Hope these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on Ezekiel 45 - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 44, Ezekiel 44:2-3, possibly the prophecy for Luke 19:28-48, Luke 21, notice Luke 21:37, Matthew 21, Mark 11, Notice Mark 11:16, Mark 12 Jesus still in the Temple Mark 13, notice Mark 13:1,3, as noted Jesus went & left, the same direction. John 10:23,

    Ezekiel 44:16,17, Revelation 7 note Revelation 7:14,15,

    Ezekiel 47:1-10, healing living water, John 7:38, John 4:11,13,14, Matthew 9:35, Fishers, Ezekiel 47:9,10, Jeremiah 16:16, Matthew 4:19, Mark 1:17,

    If you look at Ezekiel 1:1,2,3, they were already going into captivity as Prophesied by Isaiah 39:1-7, 2Kings 24:15, Jeremiah 52:31, before Daniel, Ezra & Nehemiah before the return & rebuilding, Ezekiel 48 - end; might have been the divine blueprint for the temple that was rebuilt before Jesus was born

    Matthew 1:17

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T Levis - In Reply on James 1 - 2 years ago
    How to pray & how to endure through crisis = Luke 22:40, Matthew 6, Luke 11, Romans 8:26-39,

    Psalms 139, (remember the guy that wrote that, had to live in caves for a time, while fleeing unjust persecution,) Jesus himself had to encourage himself knowing while everyone else would abandon Him, GOD would not. John 16:32,33,

    Mark 14:38, Mark 11:13-26, Luke 21:36, Hebrews 13:3,5,6,

    Luke 18, John 14:16,

    2Timothy 2:3, 2Timothy 4:5, Matthew 24:13, Romans 8:18,

    Hopefully these help you
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Thessalonians 5:17, Matthew 6, Luke 18, Mark 11:22-26,
  • Fred - 2 years ago
    Can we know what the love is that Jesus speaks of, when He tells us that He and His Father are one? If you and I did not have a Father on earth, nor in some cases a Mother, can we know the Love Jesus is speaking of?

    Or what if you have a Father on earth, and your relationship is not good! Or, perhaps your father walked out of your lives many years ago! Can we ever know the forgiveness that will Transend the here and now, moving us forward?

    Must I learn how to hug, must I learn how to walk side by side? Must I learn how to forgive the past?

    If this were not enough, it is as an infection that has moved even further into your next generation!

    This is the greatest hurdle for some of us! This hurdle impossible to get over! Yes, it is. "How can God forgive you, when you cannot forgive! Mark 11:26 But if ye do not forgive, neither will your Father ...

    Somehow some way we must forgive! I think many in my generation are walking around this hurdle? How many of us may never know the relationship between Jesus and His Father!!! How can reconciliation come?

    Reconciliation must come! Somehow, some way! Someone, who knows, please tell me! Please tell me!!
  • Luke - The TEMPLE TANTRUM - 2 years ago

    Christian Disciplines / by Oliver

    There are four accounts of the story of Jesus and the money changers, one occurs in Matthew 21:12-13, the second is Mark 11:15-19, and the third account is in Luke 19:45-48, and the fourth in John 2:13-22.

    All four of these accounts although they are written by different people, but all communicate the story in a similar way

    The story begins with Jesus entering the temple and being upset with what is going on in the temple he overturns tables and drives out those who are buying and selling.

    In the temple courts he [Jesus] found people selling cattle, sheep and doves, and others sitting at tables exchanging money. So he made a whip out of cords, and drove all from the temple courts, both sheep and cattle;

    he scattered the coins of the money changers and overturned their tables. To those who sold doves he said, 'Get these out of here! Stop turning my Father's house into a market!'

    What upset Jesus was the money changers who were cheating people at the temple. Cheating people is wrong but at the location of the temple upset Jesus since this place was set apart for the presence of God

    Because each of these accounts was written by different people each one shows a different perspective on the situation that is happening. Matthew, Mark, and Luke quote Jesus as saying

    "He said to them, 'It is written, My house shall be called a house of prayer, but you make it a den of robbers.' Matthew 21:13

    John quotes Jesus differently saying instead Take these things away; do not make my Father's house a house of trade Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up. John 2:16,19

    This does not mean that any author wrote the story down wrong but instead, John is bringing a different perspective.
  • Michael K N - 2 years ago
    A lifetime of struggle under the poverty line. All min wage jobs, one after another, paycheck to paycheck, never enough to save. I live in dangerous apt complex with murder, hijackings, etc. I have no savings to retire. Stamina, energy, health waning as I get older. Bad back, over exhaustion. Got fired from another crap job and find myself unemployed yet again. Rent got raised by 25 percent. Car troubles. Tired of the struggle. I want the American dream. I want to buy a house and retire. I want to win the lottery. And if I do I will pay it fore-ward. As I'm pushing 60, with brain fog, severe exhaustion, I just want things to get easier. The easy yolk of which Jesus spoke. I've done the hard yoke. I want the bitter cup removed. I drank 3/4 of it. No more, please. Matthew 18:19-20 - Again I say unto you, That if two of you shall agree on earth as touching any thing that they shall ask, it shall be done for them of my Father which is in heaven. Please agree with me in Christ's name that my health, finances, improve. And for that matter, relationships improve, or lack thereof. I suffer social phobia. I have no friends, wife. I could go on and on. I just want to be happy. That isn't a sin, btw, to want to be happy. John 10:10- I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly." Jesus said, "I wish that you may prosper and be in good health even as your soul prospereth." 3 John 1:2. Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.-- Mark 11:24.
  • Yvonne T. Gamez - 2 years ago
    A pastor had his leg imputed and a sister told him : I speak healing to your body in Jesus name.:. He told her God is the only that can speak into existence. I believe what Jesus said. We believe we will do greater things then him And what about Mark 11:22-24 ?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Mark 8 - 2 years ago
    Mark 8:22-26, this seems to be the same account witnessed by John: John 9, whole chapter, note: Exodus 4:11, & John 9:1,3,32,33,39,

    Matthew 9:27-31, notice: Mark 10:47-52, this guys "faith, immediately" Luke 18:35-43, notice, the situation you referred to: John 9:35-39,

    Psalms 146:8, Isaiah 29:18, Isaiah 35:5,6, Isaiah 42:1-21, here in: Matthew 11:5, Luke 7:22, Jesus pointed out the fulfilled prophecy in those ancient scriptures. Matthew 15:31,

    Mark 6:1-6,

    The mind is a powerful thing, Mark 9:23, Mark 11:23,24, Mark 16:17,

    Luke 8:49-50, even death Jesus said "fear not: believe only" ._.

    Was it the man's doubt?

    Was it an example to not give up, keep trying, keep seeking the miraculous, healings? To encourage us to press on, keep believing, keep trying. (?) or all the above._.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 2 years ago

    Here are a few scriptures for, Fasting & prayer: Matthew 6:5-18, Mark 11:22-26, Luke 11:2-4, Luke 11:9-13,

    Luke 18:10-17, Isaiah 58, Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 9:25-29,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    One Eighty,

    To add to your thoughts, GOD created us in HIS image, & said: Mark 11:23,24, Mark 9:23, Mark 11:24, Mark 16:17-18,

    Into a Three Sixty?

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