Discuss Mark 11 Page 8

  • AHumbleServant on Mark 11 - 13 years ago
    How to avoid the doubt? Always the evil one looks for cracks to infiltrate and plant doubt. First develop a strong relationship with Jesus Christ our LORD and Saviour. He asks every moment to be your friend. Open and read the WORD to see that GOD never will forsake, fail or leave you. TRUST in GOD. Read his promises to the Israelites. See that they were a stiff-necked people yet the LORD always had mercy on them. Know that you and I are a stiff-necked people yet the LORD asks us to return as the prodigal son does so HE can welcome us Home. Submit your will to the LORD. Let HIM be owner of your will. If you truly do HIS will, then what you ask in HIS NAME is for HIS WILL to be done and it will be granted onto you because it is HIS WILL you are wanting to fulfill.

    The LORD is never late. He always shows up. The absence of figs on the tree also demonstrates to BE READY. The fig tree was not READY to provide fruit when the LORD arrived. As a result, it was cursed and withered. Pray you are Ready.
  • Eva on Mark 11 - 13 years ago
    This chpt has allot to learn one is:Obedients,Faith,Boldness when the disiples where asked by Jesus to go and find the colt, they obeyed and went without doubting but with trusted and respected. taught me also to be bold and believing in what I pray for V23-24
  • Phil Artlip in Blythe on Mark 11 - 13 years ago
    Mark 11:22 in the Greek should read: Have the faith of God, not, have faith in God. The KJV is wrong on this point...Brother Phil blessings...
  • Ben weaver on Mark 11:23 - 14 years ago
    V.23 I think life has many hills for us to climb over, but mountains that hinder us from walking in God's perfect will must be spoken to with the authority we have in Jesus. However, I recently read and liked a comment with a different view of this verse. Jesus said "THIS MOUNTAIN", not just any mountain. He may have been refering to Himself and his kingdom. Dan. 2:35 indicates that our Lord's kingdom "became a great mountain". Might Jesus have been saying that his followers shall proclaim his kingdom to be hurled into the sea of humanity. He had just caused the fig tree (type of Israel) to wither by speaking to it - hense the new kingdom to be spoken into being would be fitting. A mountain in the sea would also provide solid ground to save those drowning. Jesus did send his followers to proclaim the kingdom of God. This is food for thought.
  • Joe on Mark 11 - 14 years ago
    Mark 11:20-26 And Jesus answering saith unto them, have faith in God. Surely Jesus will not answer your prayer if you have doubt in your heart, and when you read the whole passage, Jesus pointing out only one sin in man's life that impossible him to do without faith. That is why He ended up His message, but if ye do not forgive, neither will your heavenly Father which is in heaven forgive your trespasses. Removing the mountain, unrooted the mustard tree, casting out possessed by demons really impossible to do it, without a prayer, remember God will not answer your prayer if you can't forgive your brother's sin. See also Luke 17: 1-6Matthew 17:20-21. God bless you...
  • Joe on Mark 11 - 14 years ago
    Mark 11:1-10 It is customaty for a newly appointed king to sit on the mule, donkey, or colt upon proclaimation from the previous king as a sort of succession. See 1 king 1:38. But Jesus sit on a colt that has never been sat. It means that there's no king before Him and after Him, because He is the King of all kings and the Lord of all lords.
  • KSmith on Mark 11:23 - 14 years ago
    This scripture is very powerful. This lets us know that as Christians all we need is Faith and believe what we speak and as long as we believe and dont doubt we can ask what we will and it will be given unto us...You should find faith in that because God cannot and will not lie...
  • Gary on Mark 11:24 - 14 years ago
    How do I stop my doubting in my heart? When I ask GOD to help me do something and GOD doesn't help me. Mark 11:24 it said Therefore I say on to you what things soever you desire, when you pray, believe that you receive them,and you shell have them. when my prays are not answered then doubt starts in my heart. Can you Help me?.
  • Deborah Eunice Ayaay on Mark 11:24 - 14 years ago
    ...it revives my faith!!! :)
  • Eleanor on Mark 11:23 - 14 years ago
    Strong scripture gives me faith and hope

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