Jesus' earthly mission is now over. He came as a sacrificial lamb and has now shed His precious Blood for the remission of our sins. Mission accomplished. Thank you dear Saviour of the world.
Ar's comment to J. - no, Joseph of Arimethia would not have been at a consultation not a regular 'council meeting . J. of A. was a believer in Jesus. He would not have condoned His murder by his presence.
Dave:--- And they that were crucified with Him reviled Him. Mark 15:32/ the thief on the cross has a repentant heart,he knows Christ is innocent and believes,his mind and heart is unshackled: and he said unto Jesus, Lord,remember me when thou cometh into Thy Kingdom. Luke 23:42. You say a changed mine falls under works. How will you be saved?
"joe" one year, ago is right about what Jesus said oh the cross: Jesus was speaking in His native language, not speaking in tongues as in Acts. Jesus was GOD, not a 'separate 'son' from God. The flesh of Jesus (God's name) was what God inhabited while in His ministry on earth. Jn. 1:14; 1 Tim. 3:16. Jesus said, "When you have seen e, you have seen the Father." Jesus (God) had no need to speak in -
"But Jesus yet answered nothing; so that Pilate marveled." I've heard some pretty strained and stretched out interpretations of this part: including, that Jesus was, by Roman law, confessing to the crimes by His silence. But a realistic understanding of Jesus' character, and of the things He was enduring, shows us something better, for our example. Self-Control, and a Superior Character of Faith.
The cup that Jesus had to bear was not the crucifiction but it was the separation from God.
Jesus death on the cross sealed our redemption by His blood. No earthly work can do for us what Jesus death on the cross accomplised. This was God's plan from the beginning that Christ would be our sins on the cross. Praise be to God who comes to our rescue!!!
Jesus spoke those words because GOD had turned His back on the sin Jesus carried. Jesus carried our sin at that time. Jesus had not presented the blood at the altar of GOD at this time. GOD can not look upon sin without an atonement. This is the only time there was separation between the Most High and Jesus.
View My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? in a different light. If it was the purpose of Jesus to die for sin Why did not the voice of God call out approval as when Jesus was Baptized? Instead darkness was Gods response, as in anger, so Water Baptism for removal of Sin is approved but blood sacrifice, death for removal of sin is not approved.
God loves His Son. Blood=Word of God, Gospel
Verse 18 shows that these scriptures have a prophetic meaning. Comparing this verse with Mark 15:24, Luke 23:34, and John 19:23, 24 shows that thousands of years later these words were fulfilled in what happening with Jesus' garments.
Eaglesrock - I believe the pharse - Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani - is the language of Aramaic which was Jesus' native language. This is not the same as speaking in tongues.
34 And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Third time recorded Jesus speaking in tongues.
Hello Pat Murphy, it sound like you are judging Almighty God. The God of Ex. 9:16 is the same God of Mark 15:25 which says, "And it was the third hour, and they crucified him. And the same in John 3:16 " For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. Isa. 55:8, 9 also Isa. 29:16 proving God is the same God in all Scripture. God bless us all and also in the understanding of his Word. Praise Jehovah in the highest through our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen!
My God My God, why hast you forsaken Me...Jesus bore all our sins to end of age. God literally turned His back on His Son momentarily 'cause sins was so horrifying ugly. The death and resurrection of Jesus given us Victory...
The crucification of Jesus is utter importance to us in Christ. It 's a powerful reminder of our pay for sins. The Bible online leaves an otherwise serious phenomenon that when Jesus gave up the ghost also darkness engulfed the whole land much to the splitting of the church veil in twain.
What Jesus did in reaction to how people was redicule him insulting and telling to come down if he is the son of God or king of the jew in all these he never ask for mercy form the Roman soiders and never yell out on people talking foolishly about him. despite the pain and the shame of the worst punishment in the land. if i was Christ may be i would have just come down like a dove to proof i can but thank god thou he put on the form of man he isn 't a man HE IS LORD INDEED.
To J 's remark referring Mark 15 1. Yes, he was at the council , but he did not agree with the others as he was a follower of Jesus. Pleas read Luke ch.23 vs 50 to 54.
It hurts to feel guilty of sin that our Jesus had to die for us to have eternal life. It awakens me to repent of my sins daily and all that I do give our Jesus the glory our being put here personally for the cause to witness with our life and walk in Christ 's footsteps as he directs my life..
Jesus cries out. 'My God My God, why hast thou forsaken me '. This is a direct quote from psalms22.and this is the only p!ace in the scriptures where Jesus refers to our creator as 'God '. At all other times Jesus refers to Him as "Father ". Blessed be the name of the Lord. Jesus was teaching us even from the cross.
Jesus cries out. 'My God My God, why hast thou forsaken me '. This is a direct quote from psalms22.and this is the only p!ace in the scriptures where Jesus refers to our creator as 'God '. At all other times Jesus refers to Him as "Father ". Blessed be the name of the Lord. Jesus was teaching us even from the cross.
Joseph was also the one who purchased the napkin for Jesus ' head the head cloth and since there were no burial shrouds available but plenty of large table cloths as it was the Passover and there was a merchant not far from the Damascus Gate , he purchased a large table cloth to substitute for Jesus ' burial shroud. This table cloth was a fine Syrian 3 over 1 twill very expensive but affordable as Joseph was quite wealthy.
The question was How many robbers were crucified with Jesus The Correct answer was 2 robbers however your biblical reference was wrong The correct reference was Mark 15 27 not Mark 15 25 Mark 15 25 does not state who was crucified with Jesus it states the time which was the third hour Additionally the question that was asked How many robbers The term robbers does not correspond to the KJV answer which was Thieves therefore the more appropriate question for this king James Bible online question should be How many thieves were crucified with Jesus Other translations say something different such as robbers Criminals or rebels
The darkness covered the earth for 3 hours cause it took that long for all the sins of the world - past, present, and future, to be laid on the body of Jesus. And so few people take that "free" gift of salvation. Free to us, but not to Him!
Rosalina Sayson Ko Tapay on Mark 15 - 11 years ago
The prophesy about our Lord Jesus Christ were foretold by the prophets of old times, even all the sufferings that He must need to accomplish (Psalms22:1-31). He had all the power to escape from the wicked people who tormented Him and crucified Him. But the scriptures had to be fulfilled. Otherwise, He had came here in vain. Because His very purpose why He came here on this world was to save as many wicked people who were sick and became dead because of sins. Remember what he said, "They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick". We must be thankful to our Almighty God who sent us His grace and mercy through the blood of our Lord Jesus Christ. Because He crucified our sins with His Beloved Son. The name of our God and our Lord Jesus Christ is worthy to be praised from everlasting to everlasting. Amen!
When Jesus cried with a loud voice, My God, my God,why hast thou forsaken me? It was because he was speaking to his Holy Father God, who could not look at sin and had turned his face away from Jesus, at the time when Jesus took upon himself the sin of the whole world. Remember Jesus was doing the will of the Father.
Thank God Jesus did not come down from the cross to save Himself. He said not my will, but thy will be done. Then He submitted to the will of God, endured the cross, despising the shame, and now He is seated at the right hand of the Father making intercession for us. Now we have victory over sin, and death, because of what Jesus endured on the cross for us.
Mark (15:34)
"And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
if jesus (PBUH) was the god in human form To whom is he crying by saying "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" how many Gods do my christian brothers believing?
Jesus death on the cross sealed our redemption by His blood. No earthly work can do for us what Jesus death on the cross accomplised. This was God's plan from the beginning that Christ would be our sins on the cross. Praise be to God who comes to our rescue!!!
God loves His Son. Blood=Word of God, Gospel
"And at the ninth hour Jesus cried with a loud voice, saying, Eloi, Eloi, lama sabachthani? which is, being interpreted, My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?"
if jesus (PBUH) was the god in human form To whom is he crying by saying "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" how many Gods do my christian brothers believing?