Discuss Mark 16 Page 15

  • Jacob on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
    Around the circle reasoning merry go round we go. Tongues are for a sign 1 Cor 14:22 and Jews require a sign 1Cor 1:22. The Jews in Acts 2 are getting the gospel of the Kingdom preached to them, not the gospel of the Grace of God. The second coming is in view here. Joel 2 was not completely fulfilled. Notice especially that the events of verse 19 and 20 never happend. The signs are there to confirm the word Mark 16:20 because the New Testament wasn 't written yet. No one is saved like Acts 2:38 again. In ch 8 hands are laid. In Acts 10 no baptism required. Acts is a transitional book from the law to pure grace. Peter starts getting straight on his doctrine in Chapter 10 then by Chapter 15 he is convinced that it is by grace through faith. No works Eph 2:8thru9. Rightly divide. Who is the verse talking to? All Scripture is for you but not all is TO you doctrinally. Jesus is always the same, yes. But He certainly deals with men differently in different time periods. You can eat pork today but under the law you couldn 't. Baptism was a part of salvation under the gospel of the Kingdom but not under grace. Acts 2:38 is condemned under the church age Gal 1:8-9.
  • Joni G on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
    Jacob, your 1:05pm, 12-31 comment was interesting. That is right about the preachers giving different parts of the salvation plan at different places in the Bible. The Jews had shredded hearts after they heard Peter 's sermon in Acts 2.So, Peter didn 't say believe in Christ first. They believed so then Peter said repent and be baptized in the name of Christ and you will be saved. I almost cry each time I read about Stephen 's sermon and stoning.Jesus stood for him! Amazing!He sits now in glory with everything under His feet. Jesus says believe and be baptized and you shall be saved in Mark 16:15-16. He doesn 't say repent there but of course we must. No following the world and Christ. Thanks for your insight. It is appreciated.
  • Jacob on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
    Part 2. Acts 16:31 is what we must do to be saved. God was dealing with the nation of Israel Acts 3:19 that was getting a second chance to receive their Messiah because of Jesus prayer in Lk 23:34. The Father forgave them and they had a second chance to receive their Messiah and the desciples had the SIGNS to Jews 1Cor 1:22,14:22 to confirm the word Mark 16:20 because the N.T. wasn 't written yet. Don 't go to hell in Acts 2:38 when you can go to heaven in Rom 10:8-13.
  • Jacob on Acts 2 - 10 years ago
    See 1 Cor 14:22 where tongues are for a sign. Thus, the Bible definition from Mark 16 to Acts 2, from Acts 10 to Acts 19, and from 1 Cor 12 through 14, signs were given to Jewish apostles for use in confirming the word see Mark 16:20. In each case this sign gift of tongues was manifest because there were Jews present who were in a state of unbelief. There is no record in the Bible of tongues being used when believers were gathered as a local church. And, if an unbeliever came into a place like the carnal church at Corinth, where human spirits were leading men to babble into the air, he would think he was in a madhouse, not in the house of God.
  • Johnny Lee on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    This Chapter BOLDLY and TRUTHFULLY tells Christians that our SOLE Job is to go out to all the the world TEACHING and BAPTIZING in JESUS name to all who will receive the words of this bible. It is essential that everyone understands that one needs to BELIEVE and be BAPTIZED fully emersed in JESUS to have the hope of Eternal Salvation when Jesus comes back to claim his followers one day.....obviously if you dont believe in Jesus teachings and that he is God in the flesh then there be no need to be Baptized because you are Damned aIready... I pray you understand what is being said in this chapter and choose Eternal Life with our Savior Jesus Christ...And teach as many soles as you can....Amen
  • Kaye ronald on Mark 16:15 - 10 years ago
    God has love for man kind ,non discriminative and saving all hid creation no matter what happened before Christ came to redeem man kind
  • Aldys on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    This chapter speaks of those who do healing work, in its many forms. Serpents are representative of anyone or anything that would cause harm. Those that do healing work that is based in love and faith, in humility....are protected.
  • Eileen on Mark 16:15 - 10 years ago
    I think it means that every living creature because the lion will lay down with the lamb.
  • James on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Mark 16 9thru20 most certainly does belong in the Bible. If you can 't trust one word, what makes you think you can trust the rest. What if this gospel stopped with verse 8 like you say? Do you think God would end a gospel which is GOOD NEWS with FOR THEY WERE AFRAID. God hath not given us the spirit of fear!!! Also the book of Mark has 678 verses in it. Omit the last 12 like you say and that leaves 666 verses which is the mark of the beast see Rev 13 16 18. This so called correction just happens to be in the book of MARK. Looks like the Lord is showing the MARK on those who take away from HIS living words Rev 22 vs19. I assume you would like to TAKE that verse as well.
  • Ahayah's servant on Mark 16:9 - 10 years ago
    These writings from Mark 16 9 20 are not written by Mark himself. It was inserted in a later time by Catholic Bishops and the beginning of Sun worship on the first day of the week to give validation to their idolatry and mixing in pagan worship with the children of Israel 's Divine scripture. Bringing in cults of raising serpents, as it is in the South to tempt the Most High. As the Council of Nicea shows, which can be read in the History of the First Council of Nice A World 's Christian Convention A.D. 325 With a Life of Constantine book and other sources. Further, to show the falsehoods of Mark 16 9 20, look up the Greek for first day of the week, G3391 G4521. Mia sabbatan from Matthew 28 1 is the correct one while pr 333 ton from Mark 16 9 20 is the deceit that was added later. The new day begins when the Sun goes down, read Genesis 1. Another note, sabbatan is interchangeable with Sabbath and the seventh day of the week, so this is still ON the sabbath going towards Sunday in the final 12 hours before the new day began when the Sun goes down, exposing the lie that Christ rose on Sunday and Sun worship. Last note, the account of the woman who ran and only told Simon Peter and no one else being consistent unlike Mark 16 9 20 where others were told. It is this inconsistent and adding of those who that will get Revelations 22 19.
  • Justin on Mark 16:15 - 10 years ago
    The Bible says when we are saved we are a new creature in Christ.We are the creature and God is the creator.The gospel needs to be preached to the old creature that they might be saved.The gospel needs to be preached to the new creature to hear the Holy Word of God in it 's Power and Glory to guide us as a lamp unto our feet and light unto our path.To lead and guide us through every day life.To God Be The Glory!
  • MockingBird on Mark 16:15 - 10 years ago
    I believe this scripture is telling me to preach the Gospel in all the world that surrounds me. the part of the world God has placed me in. Yes Even to the lost people in my world. I have excess to the internet and I can tell of Jesus there. If My Lord God tells me to go else where then I must needs go where He tells me to go !!! I am to be a witness of my Lord Jesus Christ to all His creation. I am apart of His creation.
  • Annabell on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    We are to remove defeat evil serpents from our lives that we can recognize and if there is unknown evil deadly drink trying to overcome you he will protect you. Your expected as a believer and follower of the lord to stay clear and not invest in anything that doesnt please him, but if anything unexpectedly comes into your life and attempts to take your eyes off the lord he will protect you as his child.
  • Libby&dolen Waxwood on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    I try father god to let everyone how your love is.on what you did for me. Your a mighty god and I want to thank you.
  • James on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    First of Revrend is a title for the LORD see Psalm 111 9 "holy and reverend is his name. " So I wouldn 't trust what you say as far as I could kick this building I 'm sitting in to recommend a translation. Second If you were a Bible reader and not a parrot you would have read Job 32 21 and 22 For I know not to give flattering titles for in so doing my maker would soon take me away. Sounds like you have a problem with Gods word and not the translation. The Cat holic translations light their candles all about and the King James Bible comes along and blowes them all out!!!!! Sir your opinion doesn 't amount to a hill of pinto beans. When your body in in the dust from whence you came the King James Bible will still be going strong. You wont amen that, so I 'll amen for you. Aaaaaaaamen!!!
  • Claude Kenneson on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    Remember how Paul, on the island of Malta, after the shipwreck treated a viper that bit him. He wasn 't purposefully handling it, and it ended up in the fire. He didn 't put it in a cage for future handling. No, but God did protect Paul from the effect of the snake bite however, he didn 't go look for this to happen. See Acts 28 In the Old Testament in Numbers 21 snakes bit people not because they had faith, but precisely the opposite. Moreover, Luke 10 19 says that the 72 had authority to trample snakes, not to handle them.
  • ChildofGod on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Praise God! Mark 16 verse 18 brings Acts 28 verses 1 9, along with 2 Kings 4 verses 38 41 to mind. These scriptures seem to correspond with Mark 16 verse 18.
  • Prisca on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    what day is the true sabbath?
  • Kenny Painter on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Mark told us who Jesus was.
  • Chima chukwuebuka on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    mark is a place that simply explains how and the mission of christ and its resurrection
  • Jackie on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    Pat 's comment on 2014 01 22 13 35 31 I agree with Pat. The serpent represents Satin. I also agree that Jesus was speaking to the Apostles.
  • Jemerrill on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    We believers in Jesus are called and given the ministry of reconciliation. Jesus called all of us to tell the LOST about the FATHER 'S gift of salvation to whosoever will come to the CROSS and receive it. JESUS ' shed blood, his GRACE and TRUTH and complete removal of ALL sins condemnation and guilt is sufficient for ALL who believe. We should never put a limit on God 's word to only the 12 apostles. To do that would make it impossible to reach the whole world. Let us all press on in sharing the GOOD NEWS. We never know who will come.
  • Richard Abueni on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    It is talking about how powerfull the name of Jesus is and what the name can do
  • Julian on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    Mark 16 18 is referring ONLY to the 12 Apostles of Jesus. They were to go out and spread the Gospel and were given the ability to speak other languages they had never learned by the gift of tongues and could lay on hands and heal the sick as Jesus did through the Holy Spirit given to them by Jesus. This verse does not refer to the common believer. We are not given ability to speak languages we do not know, and we are not to tempt our God by handling deadly snakes in attempts to test God.
  • Frain sain magee on Mark 16:15 - 10 years ago
    That 's to anybody. preach the gospel to every creature,and not jist to your group organization,denomination,fellowship,etc. Jesus died for the world,whosoever. The Lord want us to preach,teach with that same love .
  • Demetrious on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    It is good
  • Seraphin on Mark 16:9 - 10 years ago
    I believe this is true Christ did cast out demons out Demons the whole bible is true
  • Ray Jordan on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    If your faith is strong enough nothing can hurt you not from a poisonous snake bite not from drinking poison But you can also say to this mountain move and it will move if your faith is strong enough I also see the regular handling of snakes in church to be abusive to the snake in the way that they do it It appears they are purposely trying to agitate that snake in order to get bitten to prove to the congregation that they will not die when bitten by the snake All animals should be treated with love and respect and should not be agitated in what the snake sees to be in a threatening way
  • Roy on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    the verse is not a commandment it is a parable like most of the teachings of christ it can be interpreted in many way however IT IS NOT A COMMANDMENT
  • Amberlee on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Tanisha Just like salvation was given freely on the cross of calvary and is received by faith so was the filling of the Holy Spirit given freely on the day of Pentecost and received by faith Study Acts Ch 8 Many were unaware of the ability to receive the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues But as it was preached faith comes by hearing they believed and subsequently received Him the Holy Ghost Some received through the laying on of hands and some received simply by their faith The Holy Spirit is NOT tongues speaking in tongues is only the evidence of having been filled If you are truly interested in learning about and receiving the filling of the Holy Spirit you can watch Kenneth E Hagin on youtube He is a wonderful teacher and speaks in laymans terms so anyone can understand

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