Discuss Mark 16 Page 16

  • JOYCE on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
  • JONES on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Handle snakes means the same as when it says i give you power over scorpions and snakes Jesus in both versuses he means the serpent the devil People must pray for understanding When Jesus was tempted in the wilderness satan tried to get Him tn jump off a cliff but The Lord said it is written do not tempt the Lord thy God We shouldnt either by playing with snakes or other death defying acts God promises to protect us from plans by the devil No where does he say cause harm to ourself bz playing with snakes lions or bears Jesus didnt so follow Him David did bc he had to not for folly He was protecting not playing Paul did not see the snake he was gathering wood God had Paul on a mission so He spased his liff until Pauls earthly mission was done We too have God gives each DONT LET THE DEVIL STEAL KILL DESTORY US WITH LIES IN JESUS NAME AMEN
  • Easter on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    The Serpant is only being used as a parable Jesus was letting us know that if we drink or eat something poisonous or harmful It won t affect us at all That s only to say if someone try to kill you in that form The Serpant is the devil who has come to STEAL KILL AND DESTROY As we know Jesus has come to give us life
  • Jim on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    This scripture does not command people to handle snakes but it does give people a Biblical basis to do so Bible believers debate and argue regularly about doctrine Freedom of religion is a right as described in the United States Constitution and protects diverse religious beliefs and practices such as Mormonism Scientology Hinduism Buddhism and Islam The Constitution protects such practices The Bible is a book written thousands of year ago Handling snakes and playing with fire is Biblical and I believe should be protected because because it makes just as much little sense as the rest of the book
  • Robert on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Mark 16 take up the serpents has no correlation other than symbolic God also gave you a brain that says if you get bit by a rattlesnake you need medical attention same as if you jumped in front of a moving vehicle you you probably will need medical attention It is not that god does not have the power to protect you or heal you but don t contempt him to prove so May god bless
  • Sam on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    The verse says they will handle serpents and if they drink poison no where do I read IF THE SNAKE BITE YOU WILL SURVIVE also why not a non poisonest snake after all are they not serpents This act is nothing but tempting God and so he paid the price
  • Jeff on Mark 16:18 - 10 years ago
    How can it be tempting the Lord to do what he has said you shall do There s really no viable reason anyone would take up serpents other than as a demonstration that God would protect his own Otherwise the saints would simply have avoided snakes So do we actually KNOW this was not done by the disciples simply because it is not mentioned in the Bible in more than one place The Bible mention very few practices in early assemblies The Bible doesn t even mention singing Does this mean it didn t take place No either the Bible is false or believers will take up serpents as the Bible says Stop rationalizing the passage
  • Art Thomasson on Mark 16:17 - 10 years ago
    Most of the Church today has been taught that these signs in Mk 16 are not for today This makes them unbelievers in the infilling of the Holy Spirit that occurred for the first time in Acts 2 which fell on the 120 gathered there They do believe in the Holy Spirit given at salvation which seals the believer The Holy Spirit which comes upon a believer who desires it 1 CO 14 is the anointing power of the Holy Spirit Two different happenings and if you believe that you received all of the Holy Spirit at salvation then you do not BELIEVE for the infilling awaken my brothers and sisters desire and ask the Holy Spirit for every thing the Holy Spirit has for you and see the power of the Holy Spirit in your lives
  • Carl bruce on Mark 16:5 - 10 years ago
    he was an angel sent from GOD
  • ANTHONY JONES on Mark 16 - 10 years ago
    Was mark chapter 16 verse 9-20 in the original manuscript
  • Kara Michelle Robinson on Mark 16:15 - 11 years ago
    I think people should do it.
  • George Hartwell on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    Comment about verse 16. Does this mean that anyone who does not believe in the Christian God will be damned and sent to hell, or does it mean that anyone who does not believe in any God at all will be damned and sent to hell? If it is the former, then this is really bad news for all the otherwise good people around the world who have been indoctrinated into a religion other than the Christian one. And what about all of the good people around the world who are Atheists who simply cannot accept religious beliefs? Of course, these Atheists do not believe in the supernatural, but do Christians believe that they will be damned to hell?
  • Pat on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    the snake is primarily presented as a type of devil and deals with people being delivered from satanic forces ,it does mean to actually pick up a snake. Matt 4:7 Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God. You also wouldn't drink poison to demonstrate faith.
  • Mike on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    The scripture does state to test the spirits to see who they are from and not accept any spirit that is contrary with the Word of GOD. This scripture is only mentioned in Mark,I wouldn't build a church doctrine off of one Scripture?
  • Phil on 1 Timothy 2 - 11 years ago
    Concerning women as ministers of any type God most certainly uses women to preach the gospel, for example the first persons to preach the resurrection were women see Matthew 28:10; Mark 16:7 these were woman who went to the tomb and were told not only by angels but by Jesus Himself. Now look at 2nd John chapter 1, John is the elder and the elect lady was the pastor she had a church in her home. Now go to Romans 16 and you will find Paul talking about Phebe a minister in the church (and yes I know what is meant by minister, a Christian teacher and pastor) now pay attention as to the way Paul introduces Priscilla and Aquila the female is named first this is not customarily done which leads the reader to believe that Priscilla was the pastor over that church. There are many more instances of women leaders in the church but these are just a few.
  • Jason on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    After Jesus told the diciples to do this they did not go and play with snakes and drink poison to prove or show their faith,so I dont know why some of these churches are doing it and people dying from being bitten. You dont see anyone doing that in the new testament. The serpent was found in the garden, Eve was decieved and poisoned into doing what God asked her not to do. Our Father will protect us from dangers of all the snakes and poisoness ways of life out there that lead some astray. The Word is powerful and can speak to you in many ways..you need to be led by the Spirit or you might just go and do something silly like play with deadly snakes in the church to show how close you are to God. I see that as testing God.
  • James ballew on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
  • Thy word is truth on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    On verse 16 ‘…he that believth not shall be damned.’” You see, believing is the determining factor, not being baptized. That’s like saying, “He that getteth on the jet plane and sitteth down, shall fly to Jacksonville, Florida; but he that getteth not on the plane, shall not fly to Jacksonville.”

    It’s the getting on that gets you there, not the sitting down. But any fool knows if you get on, you ought to sit down. If you don’t sit down, you’ll wish you had sat down before you reach your final destination.

    If you’ve trusted Jesus Christ as Saviour, you ought to be baptized. But you should not be baptized thinking that baptism saves you. If you do, you’re not trusting Jesus Christ; you’re trusting baptism. Faith is looking away from everything else and looking only to Jesus Christ.
  • Thy word is truth on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    I would like to remind the adventist that no one knew to keep the Sabbath until EXODUS chapter 20. And madest known unto them thy holy sabbath, and commandedst them precepts, statutes, and laws, by the hand of Moses thy servant: ( Neh 9:14) Also see the N.T. for further instruction. Ye observe days, and month, and times, and years. I am afraid of you, lest I have bestowed upon you labour in vain. ( Gal 4:10-11). Let no man thereford judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: ( Col 2:16). Read Romans 13:9 and see that during the Church age of grace, the Sabbath is left out of the commandments. Hope this helps. ( 1 Cor 14:28) :)
  • SOLOMON APPEADU on Mark 16:15 - 11 years ago
    For me, as an ADVENTIST, "Go ye into the world and preach the gospel to all creature" tells me that I should share the word of God not only with my fellow ADVENTISTS but also non ADVENTISTS in order to know that God created the universe in six days and rested on the seventh day. He called the seventh day the SABBATH which existed even before the creation of the world. So in EXODUS 20 : 8-11, He (GOD) reminded the Israelites to remember the SABBATH DAY to keep IT HOLY.
  • Geril on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    I am troubled by peet's comments. The received text does contain the these verses as well as the opening verses of John 8 and many other verses called into question in our day. We have a complete and faithful representation of the original manuscripts. They came to us by providence and we must never put a question mark where God has placed an exclamation. Trust this word for time and eternity.
  • Mike on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    He could have used another animal besides a snake, the purpose of the scripture is if God sends you some where he will protect you from snakes, poison, or anything. Example:Daniel in the Lions den, Shadrach,Meshac,and Abendago in the firey furnance. When he used snakes and posion, they knew of the above mentioned situations before, so he just confirming that God will take care of you if you do his will!!!!!!!!!
  • Shela on Mark 16:15 - 11 years ago
    This show God's Love & favor for all to receive of him with no respect of person place or thing. Also, show God's purpose for all. I believe he stated every creature, because man have a tend to put/measure people in denomination or different levels of importance, whereas God does not have respect of person; but people do and God wanted all to know HEGOD meant everyone and not just the selected few we felt were/is important. GOd The God of Love for All.
  • Phil Davis on Leviticus 18:22 - 11 years ago
    I really think you people who claim to believe should go do some good in the world. Go raise someone from the grave, go heal the million of people with cancer, go do any thing but sit around and judge other people. If you really believe the bible do some thing beside making up reasons why you can't do what the bible clearly states a believer can do.

    James 5:14-15 "Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the Church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord. And their prayer offered in faith will heal the sick, and the Lord will make them well. And if they have committed sins, these will be forgiven."

    John 14:12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    Mark 16:17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues;
    Mark 16:18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.
  • Peet on Mark 16 - 11 years ago
    Mark 16: Verses 9-20 is not part of the original ground text of Mark. Who added this and why?
  • Abraham James on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    Please send me gospel materials. Thank you
  • Kristin on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    Although I do not believe in taking up serpents...I do find it interesting. But if parts of the Bible(KJV) refer to serpents as a sign of the devil. I am Baptist so I was brought up different. Just curious why people think they should take up serpents. The Bible does not say to worship with them and handle them.
  • Mark on Mark 16:16 - 11 years ago
    You should judge people by their deeds; not by their beliefs.
  • Jewel on Mark 16:16 - 11 years ago
    How many of the apostles were baptized in water?
  • Tim on Mark 16:18 - 11 years ago
    I believe that the serpent part of this scripture is in self defense, so to speak. And that the deadly drink is if you don't know it's there. Simply because the Bible also tells us not to tempt the Lord our God. I don't care who you are, picking up a deadly snake is just stupid in church to show your faith. If you want to show how much faith you have, tell a mountain to move. Btw, I'm an apostolic pentecostal, and I assure you that this is NOT something that we practice, nor did the disciples. Have a blessed day!

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