Two different James. James son of Alphaeus and James the son of Zebedee and his brother was John. Tell me where it said that Alphaeus married Mary? There are also two Judas that the bible speaks of. Lots of names the same. Its hard to keep them apart some times. But as far as Mary marring Alphaeus, I can't find it. I can't also find where Joseph Mary's husband died.
Question It states that Levi Matthew is the son of Alphaeus. But in chapter 3, it states James is the son of Alphaeus. Can someone please clear this up? Answer Matthew Levi , James, The Lord s brother, and Judas Thaddeus are ALL the sons of Alphaeus. Mary married Alphaeus Joseph s brother after Joseph died. Jesus half-brothers are the sons of Alphaeus, Matthew, James, and Judas.
James, the Lord s brother, and his brother Judas, and Matthew are all the sons of Alphaeus. Mary, Jesus mother, remarried after Joseph died to Joseph s brother, Alphaeus, according to Leviate marriage when a brother died without a son, it was the brother s duty to marry his brother s wife to provide his brother a heir. The marriage at Cana was the marriage of Mary to Alphaeus Cleopas .
Tonya Clapp, Andrew, and Philip, and Bartholomew, and Matthew, and Thomas, and James the sons of Alphaeus. The way I see this, All of this men were brothers and there father was Alphaeus. You will notice that the word son in Mark 3 chapter is in italics should read sons not son.
when we seek the Lords way with all our heart we become anewed in our hearts, as it is said in verse 2:22 you do not put old wine in new bottles, means our old ways should fade away when we become renewed in our body mind and soul, you do not put a patch on new clothes, same as us we do not carry our old ways, we become dead to sin or if we hold on to it then we die in sin. Read Romans 6:2
verse 8,9,10, Jesus once again teaches us two of numerous desires of Jehovah /GOD for mankind; 1st forgiveness of sin, 2nd healing of sickness; also SALVATION through the shed BLOOD OF JESUS; though SALVATION appears to be the last desire, it is the #1 desire of GOD for us.
Only Sinners Can be Saved by The Blood of The Lamb, Righteous People Can Not. They that are Whole have no Need of The Physician But They that are Sick: I Came not to Call The Righteous But Sinners to Repentance( Mark 2:17) Self Righteousness Always Leads to The Lake of Fire( Revelation 20:15)
Jesus has the power on earth to forgive sins then proves it . This is a sign given to the world to believe that he will do what he says.What does it mean to have your sins removed and forgiven?If the world denies him as it does, how can its sins be forgiven?How can it ever know what forgiveness is, or know that He will do and keep His promise. His WORD is what cleanses us. A SIMPLE MESSAGE.
Don't forget Mark 2:10-11. 10 But that ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (he saith to the sick of the palsy,)
11 I say unto thee,Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. KJV
Jesus in action! Healing the sick, showing the doubters that He is the son of God and dining with sinners. In verse 17, He said " I came not to call the righteous, but sinners to repentance." So he came to call us to repentance. The world should hearken. Judgement day is fast approaching.
" ... and they broke up the roof ... " Notice the colon before this phrase, clause, whatever. A colon in God's always denotes what follows is - important. When one goes to an altar of repentance and is sincere, they will generally literally cry out to God for forgiveness with tears; I did, and still do, at every service - I love Him so much for what He brought me from. cont. --
Jesus is the great I am. He forgives sins and heals the sick. He loves the willing souls to come to Him. He is Lord of the Sabbath and does not relent on the Sabbath to anyone. He loves the sinners to come to Him for salvation. He is the only living and true God Amen.
V.27 - the '7th' day is this AGE of Grace; it's open-ended- so ALL can be saved (but won't). The 7thday will CLOSE at the Rapture - when this day of Grace has ended.
For 23-28: When the LORD had Moses appoint Captains and Rulers out of each Tribe, it was to teach us to judge one another, and to rule with justness and compassion, and not seek to bring every offense to God for judgment: for when the matter was brought to God, it was expected that He would judge absolutely. The law was not made for oppressing anyone; but to teach us Christ's character of love.
I have seen on here many many refs. to the Sabbath DAY. I've never seen any of them explain vs. 23-27, and all the other scriptures that tell of Jesus 'doing' on the Sabbath. Nor have I seen anyone ask these sabbath day believers to explain these verses of Jesus 'doing' on the Sabbath; all anyone does is argue with them.
Sabbath and other day is very important to dedicate our time to the Lord for He had commanded us to listen to his words so that we all must have life. By obeying his words we will receive healing and blessings. JESUS is the only Provider, the Healer Jehovah Jireh. Amen
11 I say unto thee,Arise, and take up thy bed, and go thy way into thine house. KJV
This 'revival' is on the horizon - again.
He makes me happy
He helps me
He loves me