Discuss Mark 2 Page 9

  • Margaret on Mark 2:28 - 11 years ago
    What do I think of Mk 2:28? Rev. 1:10 Gen 2:2 Ex 20:8 7th day is His day not first day. However I am not a legalist...for I am under Christ. I go to church on Sun. and I go to church on Sat. I go to church because I love God not because I am bound to the Law.
  • Michael miller on Exodus 31 - 11 years ago
    In regards to how one was suppose to die if they violated the Sabbath! Ones focus should be on the love of God and in keeping with that, Jesus came and died for us such that we do not have to suffer such things. Additionally, Jesus is the fulfillment of the Law and as such, we are now justified by Him and through Him. Much like Jesus told the group of men who wanted to stone the adulterous woman, He said he did not condemn her. John 8:10 God is a God of love and as such gave His only Begotten Son to die in our place. I am personally thankful that Jesus gave me life. Jesus said Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath. Mark 2:27 . In so saying, Jesus wants us to worship the Father in Spirit, not in the letter of the law. John 4:23-24. To me, everyday is the Sabbath. Blessings,
  • Michael Miller on Exodus 31 - 11 years ago
    While it is true that Constantine made Sunday a Holy day, the early Church started meeting on Sunday soon after Jesus resurrected. For the record, the Sabbath was a requirement given to the Jews by God. He did not pass this along to the Gentile Nation. God said in Exodus 31:17 that it was a sign between Him and Israel forever. Secondly, scripture tells us not to judge a man in his Holy day ( Romans 14). I choose to make everyday Holy unto the Lord. Remember what Jesus said to the Pharisee's in Mark 2:27 "The Sabbath was mad for man, not man for the Sabbath". So if one chooses to worship God on Sunday, God will honor it. But I say again, worship God everyday because He and only He is deserving of our worship .
  • Greg Carpenter on Mark 2:17 - 11 years ago
    People ought to quit removing repentance from the Bible. The book of Revelation teaches that it is very dangerous,to add to,or take away from God's Word. And except a man repent,he shall perish.
  • JACOB HAMULI on Mark 2:21 - 11 years ago
    This is he new birth which shows us that a christian
    born again can't continue in his old nature is means
    if any one is in Christ he is a new creation the old things are gone a way all things become new because the Holy Spirit in him who can't stay with our old sinful nature.
  • Jose tross on Mark 2:27 - 11 years ago
    What other day is bleesed by God.
  • Manas tshungu on Mark 2:11 - 11 years ago
    It is very clear that God lives in each one of us. Belief is the key that connects us to the Godliness within us. We are walking miracles.....
  • Jerry on Mark 2 - 11 years ago
  • Ruth on Mark 2:27 - 11 years ago
    it simply means that man was created and then the sabbath was given unto him after God Himself kept the 1st one then after which He gave man to keep the rest. so man was created fast then sabbath and not sabbath then man
  • Bro. Daniel FC on Genesis 2 - 11 years ago
    I find it very intriguing when people ignore the obvious, and yet, they can develop a whole theory based on assumptions! The obvious: Man was “formed of the dust of the ground”, and after God “breathed into his nostrils the breath of life”, he “became a living soul” ( Genesis 2:7). He was not created “an immortal spirit” as there is no Bible support for that: but rather made of flesh, blood and bones. When Adam met Eve for the first time, he did not exclaim, “This is spirit of my spirit” but: “This is now bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh: she shall be called Woman, because she was taken out of Man ( Genesis 2:23). And, with all their sanctity, beauty and perfection, our first parents were given the First Commandment, under the penalty of death: “Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, thou shalt not eat of it: for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die” ( Genesis 2:16, 17). Their very existence depended on their obedience to God. It’s a pity that Eve believed “the serpent” instead of God! But I guess we are no different today… God says: “THE SABBATH WAS MADE FOR MAN, (at creation) and not man for the Sabbath” ( Mark 2:27). And, “I rested on the seventh day from all My work which I had made. And I blessed the seventh day, and sanctified it” ( Genesis 2:2, 3). But man says: “It don’t matter to me, the Sabbath was made for the Jews only”.
  • Ruth A on Genesis 2 - 11 years ago
    Genesis 2 is similar to Genesis 1. They both deal with one Subject. The Subject at the core of these chapters is God, Creator. He does not allow man to be the central idea there. It is God. To be created in His image and likeness is to be created as essentially spirit, like God is ( John 4:24). We are at our core, spirit. The flesh is an outward shelter which is temporal. The spirit is what can know God and it is eternal.
    Concerning the sabbath (rest). God was modelling what was good for man ( Mark 2:27). But God did NOT institute a sabbath commandment there at that point. He modelled the rest, and Adam and Eve in this place of heavenly oneness with God, free from sin, were at rest. The commandment came later.
  • Denmag on Mark 2:28 - 11 years ago
    The Sovereign one authors, directs, instructs, compels all matter to act in His own interest, can God be inconvenienced by His own work, absolutely not; for to Him is all subject. This drives us to His supremacy, omnipotence and unfathomable trait.
  • Ian on Hebrews 5 - 12 years ago
    Verses 12-14 have a heading spiritual immaturity in the New King James. The bible is clearly saying when we are saved and reborn, we have a lot to learn from the oracles of God also known as the torah or the Old Testament. So, anyone thinking that the new covenant did away with the 10 commandments needs to read Acts 21:24, John 10:15, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:20, Mark 2:28, Mathew 7:21-23, Mark 7:6-9. At the time of the oracles or scriptures mentions, there was no New Testament. The only law nailed to the cross is Sacrificial and Ceremonial. The Moral Law (10 commandments) were written in stone because they are forever. John 14:10 says if ye love me keep my commandments. So why would he make them void after saying this? Would Jesus really say it's ok to have false gods? Kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness? That what doing away the OLD LAW means. The new covenant is no animal sacrifice or circumcision and other ceremonial law and tempering the moral laws and scriptural doctrine with love and compassion. Something the Pharisees lacked. That’s why he called their teaching bad leaven, or leaven to be avoided.
  • Ian on Jeremiah 3 - 12 years ago
    Anyone here picking up on the green trees? It is also mentioned in Jeremiah 10:2-4. The Catholics adopted Tummuze’s birthday and called it Christ’s. The green trees we are warned about here are today called Christmas trees. This is a historical fact easily researchable. All preachers keeping Sunday and calling it the Lord’s day are false prophets. Mark 2:28, Jesus clearly calls himself Lord of the Sabbath. Again the Catholics in 364 made the Canon Law XX1X that punished Christians by death for keeping God’s/Jesus’ Sabbath and not worshipping on Sunday. About the 1260 years called the dark ages, Ezekiel 8:12-18 warns us about worshipping Tummuz and facing east, when the sun comes up. Tammuz is the Baal sun, god’s son. It's his birthday the pagans observed and the Catholics adopted. All I have written is historical fact and most Christians like me don't know. God blessed me just this year with eyes to see and ears to hear how most Christians including myself are deceived. Jesus warns us many times how many will call him Lord but he won't know them. He is talking about Christians, atheists and other religions that don't call him Lord. Revelation 22:18-19 warns us about what will happen to those who add or take away from scripture. Sunday is not the Lord’s day and it has never been hallowed and commanded to be kept holy and rested on. Anyone wanting websites with proof both from the bible and other websites, I will gladly forward from my email if you respond here. Be a Berean, and prove all things.
  • Jay on Mark 2 - 12 years ago
    @Walter King,
    What you are witnessing is the manifestation of the church.
    Jesus came to save sinners and be a ransom for many which is supposed to be a Christians number one goal after salvation, is to go and seek the lost and be a soul winner. Sad to say that the church has been training boy scouts and girl scouts instead of soldiers ( II Timothy 2:1-5). Now we are seeing the fruit or harvest of the church after several decades of allowing the world to enter in, with great influence and decades of pastors, preachers, and teachers who have been more interested in the offering plate, building funds, being politically correct, and not offending anyone, that we have raised 2 to 3 generations of worldly Christians, who are more interested in American idol than growing in grace and knowledge of our lord Jesus Christ and soul winning. The average Christians do not know how to react around sinners just as the Pharisees and Scribes did not know because of their unbelief and religious views rather than bible believers.
  • Joshua kwakye donkor on Mark 2 - 12 years ago
    My moral values from Mark 2 is that, sinners can repent to seek for the kingdom of God again, and when the people had faith, the sick were healed.
  • Sharon on Mark 2 - 12 years ago
    Jesus came to save his people and is Lord but his people is isreal not the world Christ is my saviour I worship my creator not the creature Jesus is a man approved of God received the HolyGhost at 30
  • Bevan on Mark 2 - 13 years ago
    Anna - thank you for your comments. I have accepted Jesus as Lord and yes the old ways are leaving me. Words cannot explain - truly wonderful.
  • Anna on Mark 2 - 13 years ago
    When you've accepted Jesus as Lord, He comes in and transforms you. You become a new creature, all things are new. The old has passed away. A life in Christ CAN NOT adapt or fit into the old life lived for the prince of the air.
  • Walter king on Mark 2 - 13 years ago
    chapter 2 What is see in chapter 2 is what I see in most christian today. The scribes and pharisees was so concern about Jesus sitting and eating with sinners and publicans. Like today most christians turn there backs on sinnes who really need them. They treat them as some one not to asocitate with at all.
  • Olusegun on Mark 2 - 13 years ago
    Hitherto, the Pharisees were only concerned with the letters of the Law (logos) but Jesus who is the word incarnate, the logos, is also the wine and he was demanding of the Pharisees who often were not concerned about the spiritual content of the Law, the new wine, (rhema) for the renewal of heart to be able to take in his new teachings of salvation.
  • Umesh on Mark 2 - 13 years ago
    Jesus loves you
  • Solo on Mark 2 - 14 years ago
    "When Jesus saw their faith"
    Our faith is important with our walk with Christ Jesus. It will make it possible for us believers and children of to do anything through faith. The sick was healed through their faith.
  • Yesudasu on Mark 2:5 - 14 years ago
    Our god always observe "how much faith we have on him" We can observe here the people who brought the sick have cent percent belief that Jesus can cure.
  • Anonymous on Mark 2 - 14 years ago
    Donna your comment is well taken and I thank you. Howeer I was thinking the great mission of Christ to set us free. The religious bondage of the day was symbolized in the Jews obcessive and frutile beliee in the Law. Christ was always about dealing with this aspect of opression. and he said that the saboth was made for man not the man for saboth. Just the sound of the later turns my stomach.
  • Anonymous on Mark 2 - 14 years ago
    belle thanks for your comment it contributes to my fellowship with others and Christ. And whenyou said.."fellowship like this priceless it cost him his friends..." It reminded me of what Christ's oe your us cost him. ..so we should lo elike wise with unshelfishness and Determination.
  • Belle on Mark 2:4 - 14 years ago
    This action shows such unselfish love,friendship and compassion and determination; just like Jesus' love for us. Was this man worthy of such a demonstration of love? Are we? Love like this is priceless.It cost his friends. Maybe they had to repair the roof, or maybe they were arrested?? but they were not deterred by the obstacle before them.They accomplished their mission!
    This is an example for me. To be like minded- Makes me think!
  • Rick on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    Verse 9 plainly state that ye have robbed god and even the nation - That the Priest Robbed the nation. This whole book of Mal is toward the Priest. Also read Jeremiah 31:31-36, I Corinthians 16:2. And even if tithes were a requirement Malachi Plainly states that 3:4 “Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.”… That they belong to the Jerusalem Temple and the church(s) need to send them accordingly as also noted in I Corinthians 16:2. This of the old ways. Mark 2:21 No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment:...
  • Donna Helmich on Mark 2 - 14 years ago
    When Jesus said that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath, He was making a direct reference to the reasons for the Sabbath... The fourth commandment, which says to remember the Sabbath, (since God knew that man would forget) to keep it holy. That for six days, you were to work, but the seventh, the Sabbath, you were to REST!! Because man needed it, but in remembrance of the Creator, who also rested on the seventh day after his work of creation was done!

    So, the Sabbath was specifically for man's rest, in remembrance of his Creator. If we don't believe in the Creator, we really don't have to believe in the Sabbath, and if we don't believe in the Sabbath, we really don't have to believe in a literal creation. They are literally tied together, and reasonably so.

    Sabbath was a gift for man. There is no way that man could ever be a gift for the Sabbath! That would have been nonsense.

    The sabbath, therefore, was made for man's rejuvenation, for replenishing his strength, for fellowship, for doing good, for being practical, and not for following all the nit picky rules the rulers had invented, which had very little to do with rejuvenation of man's relationship with God.

    The Sabbath, though, IS the common thread throughout all of the creation and created beings who continued to worship God up until several centuries after the early Christian Church was established. How can we justify not worshipping on Sabbath, as was originally instituted by God during His creation? How is it that it is not seen that the DAY of the Sabbath, which was created for man, could so easily be changed to another day by man. Man had no authority to do that, according to the account, here, or the creation story.

    Read Deuteronomy and see all the references and promises made to God's people who would reverence his Sabbath (the specific day of rest), and the other sabbaths (other feast days and days of rest and communion with God). This is not a reference to using Sunday as the day of rest, but is a reference to other sabbaths which were feast days, and would fall on various days of the weeks, depending on the year.

    Man was not made for the Sabbath. Man was not made to change the Sabbath day of rest to any other day, don't you see? God never gave permission to do that. Man gave himself permission, elevating himself to the order of God. Isn't that what Lucifer wanted to do, and wasn't that why he was cast out of heaven with a third of the angels?

    See, this chapter has some really far reaching comments, doesn't it?
  • Pam on Mark 2 - 14 years ago
    This verse has a special lightness that depicts the human condition. JESUS defends us and defines his role to the phariasees. He elevates mankind with God: The Sabbath is made for man, not the other way around.

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