I believe that this portion of scripture is stating that if one does not have the word of God as a foundation in their heart then when circumstances or situations arise, their faith will then fail.
I think it is sad when satan try to steal kill and destry but God is our shield he is the word and the truth no matter what satan try to do keep on keeping on with the Lord our god because no one cometh unto us but by the father
He was showing us what authority we can exercise in life that is why He said oh Ye of little faith, and we should not fear the Devil we should rebuke him in The name of Jesus we have the authority when problems come in life rebuke them according to their names without doubt and fear, we are more than conquerors through Christ, there is power in the name of Jesus so lets exercise our authority given to us through Christ.
A few additional observations. Jesus taught these parables to people who were still outside,(v.11) and before the cross and Holy Spirit outpouring. Later, Paul says, we are translated into the kingdom, and coworkers with God.(Col.1:24)Although we cannot duplicate, or even understand the mystery of life and growth, Christians may be called to work with the word by prayer and faith in the name (as agents)of Jesus. This supernatural function in the spirit world is quite apart from our well-meant carnal systems of management. Our worldly programs and organizations (of church building) do not, in themselves have the spiritual life that only the word of God has. Lets be careful to plant, water, and harvest only His seed. The good seed of the gospel also prepares the soil, can stop Satan from stealing, and hinders carnal riches and cares from choking out the living seed. Jesus is that life-giving Spirit.( 1 Cor. 15:45
Comparing Isaiah 63:10 and Mark 4:3-20 relatively with Ecclesiastes 11:6, the SEED here represents CHRIST-The Word of God. And not the everyday preached material givings of offerings and so called prophetic seeds.
@ David...this has absolutely nothing to do with the Conservative policy. Christ is simply saying if you don't sow the seed of God then why do you need it. He will take the seed you have and are not sowing and give it to someone who will.
Mark 4, spoken in parables helps us as the readers and followers to understand what Jesus has spoken to the people. Because he has taught us by using parables, I use parables with today's examples to my grandchildren.
Mark 4, does explain how a person can hear the word, but lose it through worldly distractions. Whether it be verbal or indeed the physical. Yes those of us who are eager to intake the Word will digest it very well. We should all remember if we fall, we can and must get back up. Least we have should have learned.
This chapter was put in my spirit to remind the people that God did teach in parables because man cannot comprehend at a Godly level. I a m so glad he told the seed sowing story but backed with understanding and explaining to man how it is pertaining to man. Chapter 4:11-21 is self explainable. You must be born again to receive the word of God. Like the brother said, you become a new creature in Christ, if you receive Him in your heart. Without Him, the word means nothing at all. It is like another language. You are not an heir of the kingdom; therefore you will not understand the word. The best way to get the word as God gave it, is to pray for an understanding and open your heart to receive it. John 3:16 says it all! The "WORD" feeds your spirit and inner man.
What strikes or hits me is that, this word is real! Do what it say, and watch God do what he says! Verse 30, for example, they would none of my counsel, they despised all my reproofs. But do this and listen to God’s word, then watch your owns ways change. But you have to do this with your heart! Because this is what God looks at, and takes seriously. Verse 31, therefore shall they eat of the fruit of their own way, and be filled with their own wickedness! Verse 23, thus saith God, turn you at my reproof (counsel)! Behold, I will pour out my spirit unto you, I will make known my words unto you! Do this, and see God really lead you and guide you and tell you more than what the people go to church or worship building know. Because you are his people and he is your God through Jesus Christ! If your heart troubles you, God is greater than our heart and knows all things, but there is no man, stepping up then goes back, such an one is not fit for the kingdom of God ( Luke 9:62)! Or if any man draws back, God's soul have no more pleasure in him ( Hebrews 10:38). I know people think we should try to live the bible as best we can, but God said, man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds or comes forth out of the mouth of God ( Deuteronomy 8:3, Mark 4:4, Matthew 4:4, Luke 4:4). God is not playing with us when he came through Jesus Christ! God is with us for truth and righteousness, and to heal and raise us from the dead. Because his enemies are real, God through Jesus Christ also is real! But there are more of the enemy then of the truth or spirit of God! Because the enemy deceives us with the fancy, glittery things, and the things that are pleasing to the eyes, to trick us, and this he does well, but for destruction and hell! God sent his son servant here to deliver us from the fallen spirits, and to raise us up with truth and healing and strength. But many despise God’s wisdom, and rather believe the or a lie ( Romans 1:23), but while we stop and believe the lie, God keeps moving and leaves us behind, and says; unless you repent, you shall likewise perish ( Luke 13:3). My name is David Brown I'm living true witness, because Jesus Christ made me so, and to expose the lie and lay the truth, even if no-one wants to hear it!
"Them that got, shall get, them that have not shall lose, the Bible says so, and it is still news. Mama may have, Papa may have, God bless the Child that's got his own." "Some got, and some have not got" It's a cold world, still God is the provision for all who seek Him.
I thought 2 was extremely powerful. My business partner has a friend active in his church, His friend is a doctor, so not a stupid guy. Anyway, he was asking the hard questions (which I guess you should only discuss with your pastor). So, I told my business partner, that I believed that God has revealed the truth to us (mostly) in the form of parables. I know this is a nagging concern to the doctor, hopefully this will put his mind to rest. Anyway, guys this is a great resource.
@ St Daniels,
This individual is correct in that we must be born again to receive the truth of understanding and wisdom of God's holy word ( John 3:3-5; 4:24).
1. The bible is written for believers after they have been regenerated;
2. But one does not stay saved by their works of goodness (righteousness);
3. We are saved by the faith of Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 12:2), all we do is ask for it ( Romans 10:10-13). It is his (Jesus) faith that saves us and keeps us saved ( Hebrews 12:2);
4. Anyone that believes you can lose your salvation after being born again, does not comprehend the meaning of being born again ( Colossians 2:9-13);
5. Jesus is eternal and when you receive him as lord and savior, your become eternal (new nature II Corinthians 5:17). Your flesh is still able to sin, but the new seed you have received does not sin ( I John 3:9). Flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God ( John 6:63; I Corinthians 15:50). A new baby is born with a live body, live soul, and a dead spirit. When a person is born again they now have a living soul, a living spirit, and a dead body. There is a trade off at the moment of salvation ( Ephesians 2:1-10).
being bornagain aint enough one has to remain saved to recieve the truth and understand it. as humans we do stray becuase of economic hardships so many in the kingdom lack the staying power with gospel but it still remains mans no1 safest investment with peace. everyword from god has the power to happen if applied as instructed my submission is whatever we want in this life if give in that direction it must produce its kind as quoted in verse 28 why suffer long apply now for instant result this is a sure word of prophecy be blessed
Mark 4:41 One of the great Bible truths is that God is in control of nature. Those who believe in global warming caused by man do not believe in a God who is Almighty.
I'm not sure I understand completely myself, but I know that in God's great plan, the Jews were to reject the Gospel and their Savior so that we Gentiles might be grafted in that we may all be God's people--one in Christ.
the flow into chapters 2 and 3 should not be overlooked as the bible was written without chapter divisions. The introduction is a plain statement of who, exactly, is responsible for EVERY facet of our salvation. V 7 says He is coming with clouds.Do you think He's coming on a rainy day? Mark 4:34 says that "without a parable spoke he not unto them". With that in mind, we must understand that ANY revelation we receive from the bible will only come when we submit our will, our preconceived doctrines that we may have learned in a church, and our need to think we know, to the will of the most high GOD. He is the source of All truth.
We should alsocaution this walk with Christ is difficult. I think the church does a diservice to the saints of Christ as we grow to counsel and help with understanding fear and faith. It can be a lonely place even though you are not slone. Thank GoD for this site.
When you read in the Greek and English interlinear translation, verse 12 ends the thought by saying, "...so that when they look, they may see, yet not perceive, and when they listen, they may hear, yet not understand; otherwise (meaning that if it were that they DID understand, it would be otherwise, and) they might turn and be forgiven."
If you don't understand this last comment in this context of a contrasting statement to the first parts of the sentence, what Christ said about them turning and being forgiven sounds churlish.
Both of these prior comments, those of Richard's and Devitt's, make this chapter more clear in the context of the rest of Christ's teachings. It is so critical that the heart be right before one tries to instruct someone else, or one could give that other person the wrong impression.
Remember the instance of the sons of one man who tried to cast out devils in the name of Jesus, during the time the apostles were also prostelytizing , without their hearts being truly converted, first? The devil said, "Jesus, I know, but who are you?!!!", or something to that effect. This was the case of those men not having a true conversion. They created somewhat of a sensation, having to run away stripped of all their clothing.
Satan really does go after the preacher, trying to get him to mis-understand truth, or mis-represent it, or neglect to sow the seed of truth. Satan is ever present, and will truly pervert the word of truth. Yes, WATCH!
The reason why the churches do not properly teach of the" parable", is that it is a manifest truth that satan has come and taken it away from you to teach this. satan must go after the preacher firstly and if succesful the truth is not sown.satan is in the midst of those who hear and see and try to teach the word . by the parable and it's explaination jesus tells us that satan is ever present when the word is being taught . to believe as most churches do that you are safe in church is to not abide in his word.WATCH.
,Jason. The key to the 'parables', is explained in verse 11. "knowing the Kingdom of God..." Jesus does not want the unsaved to,
" understand, lest at any time they be forgiven" Jesus wants us to be "transformed" in the heart first. As even HE showed Himself, in THE... Transformation. Only when transformed/saved, in our heart with His love, are WE given the key to understand him with our head. At transformation, we first seek and love him as rebirth, and THEN becoming empty vessels, we understand his parables about life.
He does not want 'unwashed' to comprehend his precepts before their hearts/souls are completely HIS.
My comments are never made as opinion, but as you may see ,come directly from the Word itself. This is not prideful,but prayerful. I am just washing feet using His Written Word. Not my opinion. God Bless all......remember Jason, in this chapter, and many others, even His apostles, are being rebuked for their lack of understanding. Continue to question. Pray this helped. R.
Conservative Party policy?
Mark 4, does explain how a person can hear the word, but lose it through worldly distractions. Whether it be verbal or indeed the physical. Yes those of us who are eager to intake the Word will digest it very well. We should all remember if we fall, we can and must get back up. Least we have should have learned.
This individual is correct in that we must be born again to receive the truth of understanding and wisdom of God's holy word ( John 3:3-5; 4:24).
1. The bible is written for believers after they have been regenerated;
2. But one does not stay saved by their works of goodness (righteousness);
3. We are saved by the faith of Jesus Christ ( Hebrews 12:2), all we do is ask for it ( Romans 10:10-13). It is his (Jesus) faith that saves us and keeps us saved ( Hebrews 12:2);
4. Anyone that believes you can lose your salvation after being born again, does not comprehend the meaning of being born again ( Colossians 2:9-13);
5. Jesus is eternal and when you receive him as lord and savior, your become eternal (new nature II Corinthians 5:17). Your flesh is still able to sin, but the new seed you have received does not sin ( I John 3:9). Flesh and blood will not inherit the kingdom of God ( John 6:63; I Corinthians 15:50). A new baby is born with a live body, live soul, and a dead spirit. When a person is born again they now have a living soul, a living spirit, and a dead body. There is a trade off at the moment of salvation ( Ephesians 2:1-10).
If you don't understand this last comment in this context of a contrasting statement to the first parts of the sentence, what Christ said about them turning and being forgiven sounds churlish.
Both of these prior comments, those of Richard's and Devitt's, make this chapter more clear in the context of the rest of Christ's teachings. It is so critical that the heart be right before one tries to instruct someone else, or one could give that other person the wrong impression.
Remember the instance of the sons of one man who tried to cast out devils in the name of Jesus, during the time the apostles were also prostelytizing , without their hearts being truly converted, first? The devil said, "Jesus, I know, but who are you?!!!", or something to that effect. This was the case of those men not having a true conversion. They created somewhat of a sensation, having to run away stripped of all their clothing.
Satan really does go after the preacher, trying to get him to mis-understand truth, or mis-represent it, or neglect to sow the seed of truth. Satan is ever present, and will truly pervert the word of truth. Yes, WATCH!
" understand, lest at any time they be forgiven" Jesus wants us to be "transformed" in the heart first. As even HE showed Himself, in THE... Transformation. Only when transformed/saved, in our heart with His love, are WE given the key to understand him with our head. At transformation, we first seek and love him as rebirth, and THEN becoming empty vessels, we understand his parables about life.
He does not want 'unwashed' to comprehend his precepts before their hearts/souls are completely HIS.
My comments are never made as opinion, but as you may see ,come directly from the Word itself. This is not prideful,but prayerful. I am just washing feet using His Written Word. Not my opinion. God Bless all......remember Jason, in this chapter, and many others, even His apostles, are being rebuked for their lack of understanding. Continue to question. Pray this helped. R.