When your faith is as strong as the women with the blood disease, a reaching out to touch Jesus even his garment or word will bring healing virtue to you from our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
notice that JESUS had to put these people out of the room because HE did not want any doubting spirits in the room with Him, in order for for us to receive anything from GOD when we pray and ask HIM for any thing we have to trust and believe that all things are possible with GOD,if we do not believe or trust why pray and ask GOD for anything. LORD I believe and trust that you will answer my prayer.
When she had heard of Jesus, came in the press behind, and touched his garment.God is move by your faith. when you hear of the goodness of Jesus we need to press our way. I 'm heal from from drugs, cheating, fear,religion and foreign gods. I now serve a true and living God through Jesus Christ our Lord and savior. AMEN
just want to say thanks for being a blessing to so many , with putting the KJB on line. I get up each morning and read from it. joy unspeakable in serving The Lord , until we see Him face to face. what a day that will be.
I love all the verses that speak of the many miracles that Jesus performed during his short life.I myself have been totally blessed by him for he has performed many miracles for me.
Mark 5 25 is an awesome passage of Scripture. I can see universal grace that has taken place ' I have been healed from cancer. It is not only physical, but my spirit and my soul. We all have issues in our lives we must come clean our hearts and our hands total surrender.Yes I am healed and I am whole. Thank you Jesus.
Mark 5:10 Legion (demons) was the unclean spirit inside the man. And there were many. There was no one else around for the spirit to jump into. That's why they wanted to stay inside the man. The swine was there. The spirits jump inside the swine. The swine ran to the sea and they choked to death.
question on mark 5-10 why did or did legion ask Christ not to send the demons away? and did legion want the demons in the first place? what was the real roll of legion
1 Corinthians 12:1, “Now concerning spiritual gifts I would not have you ignorant”. Is prayer important? Yes. Is tithing important? Yes. I cannot find a whole chapter on any of these. There is a whole chapter on instruction for tongues given to the Church. Some would say it is of the Devil. Before I got saved I hung out at the bars, I never once heard anybody there speaking in tongues. Jesus spoke of two experiences. A well and rivers of living water. The well is when you get saved. Rivers are when you get filled with the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in other tongues. Paul speaks in tongues in prayer. Because at time, we don't know how to pray but the Spirit makes intercession. Buy the way it is recorded three times when Jesus spoke in tongues. Mark 5:41 and Mathew 27:46, are two of the three times. The Great Commission; does not stop at baptizing them in the name of the Father and Son, and the Holy Ghost. It goes on to say they shall lay hands on the sick and they shall recover, they shall speak with new tongues, they shall cast out Devils.
I would like to know if you have biblical scripture to verify your remarks about the sticker? Also there is biblical evidence that people that want to run around naked and cut on themselves are possessed with an unclean spirit(s), Mark 5:1-15. The man was found sitting (calm), clothed, and in his right mind after unclean spirit was come out.
Verse 41- I am not sure what Charles meant when he stated that Jesus spoke in tongues? I do know that Jesus spoke in Aramaic when he stated talitha cumi which means in the English tongue "Damsel arise":
1. There is known tongues which is used here as in Mark 15:34 eloi, eloi,lama sabachthani which means my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Which is in the Aramaic tongue.;
2. There is unknown tongues which is used by some charismatic churches that is not supported by God ( I Corinthians 14:4). This whole chapter 14 on tongues is summarized in verse 19 and 22;
3. Bible tongues and laying on hands from Matthew to Acts are sign gifts given to the Jews only and not to the gentiles which seek wisdom ( I Corinthians 1:22). There are sign gifts to the Jews only to convince the Jews that Jesus is there messiah, and non-sign gifts given to born again believers (Jew or Gentile) that we use today in the age of grace. People are always trying to press Jewish doctrine into gentile church age.
People can only themselves with the influence of the unclean spirit that possess them ( Mark 5:2), and causes them to mutilate themselves. No one with a sound mind can apply such a cruel treatment against him/herself.
I did not know people could cut themselves all way back to the bible. I knew someone that did that, and cut himself with a knife and that person is no longer with us he took his own life. But why does people cut themselves? It is hard for me to understand this.
i know that if jesus can take 2 thousand demons and cast them out of a man so evil then he take anything wrong or bad in our lives and take it away in a blink of an eye praise be to god for he save my life numerous of demons of the years
Hi,everyone!Grace and peace unto all.This issue came across my radar screen when I heard a T.V.preacher claim that this particular verse actually translates as...Jesus wrapped her in his tallit(h)the traditional Jewish prayer shawl!Now,it's possible this verse should be translated that way,but so far I'm not seeing it.The individual in question has a strong affinity for the Nation of Israel;that's not as problem,but he has a propensity for indulging in what I deem"overly creative"interpretations as a result of this affinity(Somewhat reminds you of Origen!)-At any rate,I'd like some feedback on this alternate interpretation,please-Peace and Love in Christ Jesus!
Notice how in Mark 5:7 the legion recognized Jesus as the son of the most high, note demon's where angles from heaven who rebelled against God along with Satan, so that's proof that Jesus descended from heaven and is the son of the most high god. also John 12:49 one of my favorites
To Bill. Actually, thee, thou, thy, ye and so on makes it a more accurate translation. Thee, thou, thy, thine is singular, addressing one. Ye, you, your yours is plural, addressing multiple persons. The KJV underwent 6 revisions from the original 1611 in which no errors were found or corrected, but the language was updated as the alphabet had changed and so did the spelling of many words. Thee, thou and thine and so on were kept because they more accurately represented what was in the Greek, Hebrew and Aramaic texts. In fact, the KJV translators did something no one else did in any modern Bible. They used words that in English are synonyms and in context within the KJV, they have different meanings. For instance, wisdom, knowledge and understanding. They may define each other in common English, but in the KJV, wisdom is from a teacher and it is the dissemination of teaching to another whereas understanding is to receive teaching. "here is wisdom, let him that hath understanding calculate the number...". These and many other techniques make the KJV the best version in English. All others say you can't make a truly accurate translation and they settled for that. The KJV translators made no such excuse. They found a way. You can tell the meaning of the words by the context and thereby understand the translation.
I would like to know if you have biblical scripture to verify your remarks about the sticker? Also there is biblical evidence that people that want to run around naked and cut on themselves are possessed with an unclean spirit(s), Mark 5:1-15. The man was found sitting (calm), clothed, and in his right mind after unclean spirit was come out.
1. There is known tongues which is used here as in Mark 15:34 eloi, eloi,lama sabachthani which means my God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me? Which is in the Aramaic tongue.;
2. There is unknown tongues which is used by some charismatic churches that is not supported by God ( I Corinthians 14:4). This whole chapter 14 on tongues is summarized in verse 19 and 22;
3. Bible tongues and laying on hands from Matthew to Acts are sign gifts given to the Jews only and not to the gentiles which seek wisdom ( I Corinthians 1:22). There are sign gifts to the Jews only to convince the Jews that Jesus is there messiah, and non-sign gifts given to born again believers (Jew or Gentile) that we use today in the age of grace. People are always trying to press Jewish doctrine into gentile church age.
People can only themselves with the influence of the unclean spirit that possess them ( Mark 5:2), and causes them to mutilate themselves. No one with a sound mind can apply such a cruel treatment against him/herself.