we our born with the old nature romans 5:12.if we become a Christian we have a new nature. saved are lost we all have the old nature and only the Lord knows who are truly saved. Satan means accuser of the brethren and devil means slander. when we live in the sprit we have the fruits of the spirit. Galatians 5:22-26. If we walk in the flesh Galatians 5:17-21 is the outcome. A Christian can sin but will be convicted and possible chastening of the Lord. Hebrews 12:3-8. Those who are without Christ in there heart have no real power to please Jesus, and only he knows who is Saved. Jesus said enter in at the narrow gate, because wide is the gate and broad is the road that leads to destruction and many people go there in . But few find the narrow gate. Ephesians 2:8,9.
To answer your questions Winson, I believe what Jesus is referring to is that anything we take in from the outside world (music, books, food, etc.) cannot defile our souls. Only that which we sow to others (blasphemy, cursing, fornication, murder, etc.) which comes from our HEART will difile our souls. As for Deuteronomy, remember that the old testament was the time of the law (ten comandments) while the new testemant is a time of grace. While we are still required by the law, we have the grace of God because it is not possible for anyone to live by the law.
I feel these scriptures should answer your question.
Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, Matthew 24:7 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. Luke 17:26-30 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;29But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Verses 12-14 have a heading spiritual immaturity in the New King James. The bible is clearly saying when we are saved and reborn, we have a lot to learn from the oracles of God also known as the torah or the Old Testament. So, anyone thinking that the new covenant did away with the 10 commandments needs to read Acts 21:24, John 10:15, 2 Timothy 3:15-16, 2 Peter 1:20, Mark 2:28, Mathew 7:21-23, Mark 7:6-9. At the time of the oracles or scriptures mentions, there was no New Testament. The only law nailed to the cross is Sacrificial and Ceremonial. The Moral Law (10 commandments) were written in stone because they are forever. John 14:10 says if ye love me keep my commandments. So why would he make them void after saying this? Would Jesus really say it's ok to have false gods? Kill, steal, commit adultery, bear false witness? That what doing away the OLD LAW means. The new covenant is no animal sacrifice or circumcision and other ceremonial law and tempering the moral laws and scriptural doctrine with love and compassion. Something the Pharisees lacked. That’s why he called their teaching bad leaven, or leaven to be avoided.
Is there anyone who can explain what verses 18,19 are saying? Does verse 19 say we can eat anything we like? Then what Deuteronomy 14 talks about the unclean food that we are not supposed to eat?
@Sister Linda Susan,
Jesus was called Emmanuelle (God among us). Jesus says also My Father and I are one. Jesus taught us not just by what He said but also what He did. He was teaching us to have a relationship with our heavenly Father. I can't recall what verse but Jesus also calls himself "I AM" the same name Moses is told to tell Jews who sent him. When Jesus says His sheep hear His voice he is saying that like the people in the synagogue who rejected him many people till He returns will also not understand the scripture both Old and New Testaments will be a mystery. This non understanding leads to believing in false Sabbaths and holy days (traditions of men). He warns us again about the deception many believe in Mark 7:6-9. There are two kinds of Christians Jesus says those that call him Lord prophecy, do wonders and cast out demons in his name but he won't know them. And there are the true believers who hear his voice and obey his commandments. There are articles with bible scripture proving how Satan has deceived many Christians, most wonderful people but deceived nonetheless. I urge you to pray that your eyes are opened so that the truth be revealed to you. God bless.
The whore of Babylon is the Catholic Church. Her daughters are the churches that left the Catholic Church but kept many of its pagan rituals it adopted. Sunday worship Easter, Christmas to name the most recognized. The bible proves the real day Jesus died, the month he was born, and day he rose. It isn't Good Friday, Sunday or December. And nowhere in the Bible is Sunday hallowed and commanded to be kept holy and rested on. These are the traditions of man and Jesus warns us about them in Mark 7:6-9 and 13. And the fourth commandment is the commandment he says is forsaken. Even Martin Luther who was taught as a catholic but called them the whore of Babylon. He even recognized the true Sabbath but didn't want to go through the hassle of changing the status quo. Not surprising seeing as the Catholics were killing Christians that kept the true Sabbath. They did this for 1260 years. This period is known as the dark ages. For anyone that wants to see the proof, there are articles with biblical scripture backed with secular history and archeological proofs. Jesus and Paul warned of the false teachers and christs. The Bereans read the Old Testament scriptures to prove what Paul was teaching in the synagogues on the Sabbath. Because there was no New Testament then. The Bible says that He was "without sin" ( Hebrews 4:15). And "sin IS the transgression of the law" ( 1 John 3:4, KJV). So we know that Jesus never transgressed God's law-including the fourth commandment about keeping the Sabbath holy. If Jesus had broken the Sabbath, He would have earned the wages of sin-death ( Romans 6:23), and could not have become our Savior. It is clear, then, that Jesus never broke even the least of God's commandments, nor taught men to do so. On the contrary, He said, "I have KEPT My Father's commandments" ( John 15:10). Furthermore, at the very beginning of His ministry, Jesus set the standard for what would be His lifelong example: "So He came to Nazareth, where He had been brought up. And as His CUSTOM was, He went into the synagogue on the Sabbath day, and stood up to read" ( Luke 4:16). Again, in Luke 13:10, we read, "Now He was teaching in one of the synagogues on the Sabbath." The Law of Moses to this day is read in the synagogues. So don't fall for the deception it was nailed to the cross. The reason Jesus called the Pharisees sons of Satan they had added over 60 laws to the Sabbath day not ordered by God. These laws were nailed to the cross along with ceremonial laws like circumcision mentioned in acts.. That is the leaven Jesus tells us not to listen to. Acts 15:20, We should instead write a letter, instructing them to abstain from four things: first, things associated with idol worship; second, sexual immorality; third, food killed by strangling; and fourth, blood. Verse 21, My reason for these four exceptions is that in every city there are Jewish communities where, for generations, the laws of Moses have been proclaimed; and on every Sabbath, Moses is read in synagogues everywhere. Again the Sabbath is expected to be kept by the gentiles to hear the laws of Moses. So the apostles don't think the law was nailed to the cross.
Correction on remarks concerning anonymous about anti-swine friend. Genesis 9:3 is written under grace not under the law which does not really begin until Exodus 20:1.
As on anti-swine friend, there are still many denominations and individuals that are still trying to please god by practicing Old Testament Jewish laws where they do not apply in the New Testament church age. This is what happens when you do not rightly divide the word of truth ( II Timothy 2:15). Jesus is always using a physical situation to illustrate a spiritual situation as he is doing here in Mark 7:15. The issues are of the heart (soul) not the stomach ( Proverbs 4:23; 23:26; 23:7). If a person does not want to eat certain foods for health reasons there is nothing biblical against that, but when a person eats or abstains from certain foods to please God spiritually that is Old Testament mentality, not for the New Testament church Christian age ( I Timothy 4:1-5), and Genesis 9:3 written under the law, not grace under. Meats for the belly and the belly for the meats it all comes out at the drought.
As for the woman who came to Christ and said that even the dogs ate the crumbs that fell to the floor, in those days it was common for the diner when finishing dining to take bread to clean their hands and cast it to the floor and the dogs would come and get it. This woman demonstrates that she has great faith in Jesus...she is not held back by the law, therefore she is given grace and mercy.
Being human you have ears hear: verse 15)prior spoke of what enterth in defiles not a man. but what proceeded out defiles him. If you heard the chip,666,mk of the beast was here, all nation, all tongue, and said nothing,did nothing to try to help others, would that not defile that man? If he sat and watched porn, took all that in, would that not defile him? Listened to garbage in church by their very own bro/sis would that not defile him? planting a seed of good, or of evil, once it's planted, the water and harvesting of the seed helps it to grow. If we do not say anything just continue to listen because we have ears to hear, while harvesting in all that we continue to receive on that matter. would you not eventually be defiled?
I have a friend who awakes, walks and talks anti-swine. Then the next day He starts all over again. Becoming a veggie only eater .All at the cost of becoming obese. This obsession is increasing worsened daily.
Need good strong bible advise for him . Can anyone help?
this one of the most telling scriptures, a modification of the law about unclean meats,jesus here is saying what comes out is what defiles,not material or created stuff...
what about all the holidays like ..eg christmas hallowe'en there tradition of men it's nimrods birthday i only believe in the real Jesus Christ who died and rose again and his coming back soon
It seems that Jesus wasn't contradicting the laws of cleanliness. He was saying that the relative EMPHASIS that the Jews placed on the rituals was not as critical as what was in their hearts. Jesus was not contradicting the ceremonial laws, but he was giving them their place in the heirarchy of importance to God.
In the case of the Syrophoenician woman, jesus seems to have made a play on words with the word "children", meaning the Children of Israel, and actual children. The woman continues the word-play. I wonder why Jesus would make this statement to her. It could be taken almost as him mocking her, and that would not be his intent. Could someone discuss this?
Mark 7:21 For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders,
Matthew 24:7 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.
Luke 17:26-30 And as it was in the days of Noe, so shall it be also in the days of the Son of man 27 They did eat, they drank, they married wives, they were given in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and the flood came, and destroyed them all.28 Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot; they did eat, they drank, they bought, they sold, they planted, they builded;29But the same day that Lot went out of Sodom it rained fire and brimstone from heaven, and destroyed them all.30Even thus shall it be in the day when the Son of man is revealed.
Jesus was called Emmanuelle (God among us). Jesus says also My Father and I are one. Jesus taught us not just by what He said but also what He did. He was teaching us to have a relationship with our heavenly Father. I can't recall what verse but Jesus also calls himself "I AM" the same name Moses is told to tell Jews who sent him. When Jesus says His sheep hear His voice he is saying that like the people in the synagogue who rejected him many people till He returns will also not understand the scripture both Old and New Testaments will be a mystery. This non understanding leads to believing in false Sabbaths and holy days (traditions of men). He warns us again about the deception many believe in Mark 7:6-9. There are two kinds of Christians Jesus says those that call him Lord prophecy, do wonders and cast out demons in his name but he won't know them. And there are the true believers who hear his voice and obey his commandments. There are articles with bible scripture proving how Satan has deceived many Christians, most wonderful people but deceived nonetheless. I urge you to pray that your eyes are opened so that the truth be revealed to you. God bless.
As on anti-swine friend, there are still many denominations and individuals that are still trying to please god by practicing Old Testament Jewish laws where they do not apply in the New Testament church age. This is what happens when you do not rightly divide the word of truth ( II Timothy 2:15). Jesus is always using a physical situation to illustrate a spiritual situation as he is doing here in Mark 7:15. The issues are of the heart (soul) not the stomach ( Proverbs 4:23; 23:26; 23:7). If a person does not want to eat certain foods for health reasons there is nothing biblical against that, but when a person eats or abstains from certain foods to please God spiritually that is Old Testament mentality, not for the New Testament church Christian age ( I Timothy 4:1-5), and Genesis 9:3 written under the law, not grace under. Meats for the belly and the belly for the meats it all comes out at the drought.
Need good strong bible advise for him . Can anyone help?
In the case of the Syrophoenician woman, jesus seems to have made a play on words with the word "children", meaning the Children of Israel, and actual children. The woman continues the word-play. I wonder why Jesus would make this statement to her. It could be taken almost as him mocking her, and that would not be his intent. Could someone discuss this?