King James Version (KJV)
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Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Revelation 2:10 Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer: behold, the devil shall cast some of you into prison, that ye may be tried; and ye shall have tribulation ten days: be thou FAITHFUL unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.
Revelation 17:14 These shall make war with the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that are with him are called, and chosen, and faithful.
And they that are with him are called-chosen-faithful, it will take every word not just what we prefer.
Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
The lost sheep of Israel ( Jeremiah 50:6)
Jesus came to fulfill the law, the first covenant, flesh had to live a sinless life under the law of Moses given by God before it was considered an executed contract (fulfilled). The prophets, all prophecy pointing to the coming of their Messiah had to be fulfilled. These two things had to be completed before God could make a new covenant. The first covenant was made with the house of Israel and the second was offered to the house of Israel first but they rejected Jesus as their Messiah.
We see in ( Matthew 10:5-8) that Jesus told the twelve, to go only to the house of Israel and not to go by the way of Gentiles. God even told them when the Messiah would come, ( Daniel 9:25) and in ( Ezekiel 34:23-24) they were told a Shepard was coming. but they did not want to give up their authority and wealth they were enjoying, meaning the Sadducees and Pharisees.
Even when Jesus was born, they heard that it was in Bethlehem they were troubled ( Matthew 2:3) they did not even want to go see if it was their King/Messiah. We see in Acts when they totally said they reject Jesus and the new covenant, when they killed Stephen.
Acts 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,
The Apostles continued to confirm the new covenant to the house of Israel until Peter had his dream and Paul was converted and what God told Abraham came to be, and the mystery was revealed and confirming to the house of Israel stopped. The branch was broken off so we may be grafted in.
Genesis 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?
Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:
God bless,
It appears your primary source from which you hinge your theory is Jude 1:6-7. I encourage you to search 'What is the strange flesh in Jude 1:7?' on GotQuestions website. They did a thorough breakdown of this which I agree with.
I think the strange flesh in verse 7 is the unnatural homosexual behavior that took place within Sodom and Gomorrah, not relations with angels. Of course there was a visit from 2 angels there that the men wanted to have relations with, but they didn't know they were angels. Genesis 6:2-4. HEBREWS 13:2.
Secondly, the example of Jude 1:4-7 points out that God will punish those who disobey and deviate from God's plan for them.
Third, yes, the Bible has metaphors. Example: John 6:56. Eat flesh and drink blood. Have you literally given into cannibalism and eaten Jesus? And is that what it means? No, it's a metaphor. The bread symbolized it. Isaiah 64:8 - are you literally clay? Ezekiel 34:31 - are we a flock of sheep? Here's a simile: Matthew 10:16. 'as' sheep, 'as' serpents, 'as' wolves, which explains it's symbolic. So, when Jesus or God called humans satan were they actually satan or acting like satan? Jesus called Peter satan: Matthew 4:1. So, does that mean Peter was acting like satan or WAS satan? If he literally was satan why then did Jesus forgive him? Peter said he loved Jesus 3 times. Does satan love Jesus?
The other 2 verses you posted seem to serve confirmation bias for your theory, as they are general and are only used to reinforce the original misinterpretation.
God bless...
Matthew 3:10 And now also the axe is laid unto the root of the trees: therefore every tree which bringeth not forth good fruit is hewn down, and cast into the fire.
"Behold, all souls are mine; as the soul of the father, so also the soul of the son is mine: the soul that sinneth, it shall die."
Soul definition: the soul is our humanity that makes us feel emotions The spirit is our deeper connection with the Lord when we believe in God and RECEIVE Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior.
This is a question that is not easy to point out in our everyday Christian lives. While it is not so difficult to distinguish the body from the spirit and the soul; it is particularly difficult to distinguish the soul from the spirit. How are they different?
There are a few places in the Bible where the body, soul, and spirit are mentioned
1 Thessalonians 5:23, Now may the God of peace himself sanctify you completely, and may your whole spirit and soul and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
We are composed of three parts. It is easy to distinguish the body as physical (sight, hearing, taste, smell, touch). The spirit and soul are much more difficult because they seem similar, but are actually very different.
They have different functions in our lives as Christians in Hebrews 4:12 For the word of God is living and active, sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and of spirit, of joints and of marrow, and discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
Matthew 10:28:And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. Rather fear him who can destroy both soul and body in hell.
The soul is basically our mind, our emotions, and our will. It is who we are as human beings. It is also used to express God. As written in Luke 1:46-47, Mary said: My SOUL glorifies the Lord and my SPIRIT rejoices in God my Savior."
The function of the spirit is spiritual. The spirit is the only way to connect with God, and we can only use the spirit if we are born again, and receive The Holy Spirit through our Lord Jesus Christ's salvation.
This life is short, and will end in the blink of an eye. The next life will be forever.
Jesus explains why we should fear God in the scripture below:
Matthew 10:28
"And fear not them which kill the body, but are not able to kill the soul: but rather fear him which is able to destroy both soul and body in hell."
Happy Sabbath and God Bless!
After he died, and God raised Him from the dead, and He now sits at the right hand of the father- do these rules not apply to "Christians"?
It seems to me that all these rules were for the 12 disciples only, at that point in time.
Not for every "believer" since then, for all time.
19 But when they deliver you up, take no thought how or what ye shall speak: for it shall be given you in that same hour what ye shall speak.
20 For it is not ye that speak, but the Spirit of your Father which speaketh in you.
Is this why "Christians" who are being persecuted keep their mouths shut??
Is this why those "christians" that were beheaded by Islamics kept their mouths shut? Were they waiting for God to speak through them??
Your question was if some people believe that. You probably already know the answer is yes. But maybe your real question is it a requirement to be baptized to enter heaven? If that is your question I have a response.
My main question is why wouldn't you want to be baptized? What's the real reason for wanting to disobey Jesus? If someone is looking to only do the bare minimum in order to "make it to heaven", one might wonder if that person is a real Christian. God wants all of us- to love the Lord with all our heart, all our mind, all our strength. If someone is mostly interested in following the world, but wants to just cut corners and do whatever they assume is the bare minimum, I personally would not feel much assurance of salvation. Jesus clearly said to be baptized, so if someone disregards Jesus's words, it seems like slapping him in his face, as that person thinks they know better than Jesus.
Here's the verse where Jesus says to be baptized: Mark 16:16
Acts 2:38 clearly says to be baptized also. If it wasn't important, they wouldn't have said to do it, but they did say to do it. So, aside from a physical disability, if someone doesn't want to do it for whatever reason, is following Jesus very important to them? It reveals someone's priorities. Matthew 6:21 - All will be judged fairly and I think some will be surprised on judgment day: Matthew 10:33. God bless...
That's great to hear. Please do not fall for the lie that reciting a prayer will somehow grant you salvation. PLEASE study your bible and find a church who teaches what you learned, if what they teach cannot be found in the bible find a new church. To help you on your journey of learning "What must I do to be saved" please start with the following: We must hear him Matthew 7:25-25, We must believe in him John 6:47, We must confess him Matthew 10:32, We must repent or our sins Luke 13:3, We must be baptized Mark 16:16 & we must remain faithful Mathew 24:13. God bless!!!
I would strongly suggest just reading the Bible with an open heart and mind and pray to God for wisdom and understanding. Seek and ye shall find. I think God wants to be sought so we may know Him.
I would also be very cautious of everything man says and would pretty much disregard this. If you just stay in God's Word and keep at it truly seeking Him and following Jesus, I think you're on the right track.
Let me share you a template response that anytime I hear sets off alarms to me. "You don't really don't have to _____" for example "You don't have to do __________ to be saved." Just fill in the blank, it almost doesn't even matter what people say when I hear this blank filled, because it just seems to all fit the same format. If I imagine a serpent whispering it to me and it makes it even more scary. If the Bible says one thing, but man says you don't have to do it, I tend to not believe man. I also question the motives: what is the real underlying reason for not wanting to do this or that?
Is the goal to do the absolute bare minimum as a Christian in attempt to 'get in' to heaven? If so, that person's motives are seriously in question. I don't think God wants your bare minimum effort, but all of you. The greatest commandment is to love God with ALL your heart and ALL your soul. Is someone truly doing that if they're always looking to do only the bare minimum luke-warm effort? Maybe their heart isn't even on following Jesus, but the sin of the world as his idol, but assumes he's a saved Christian because someone told him that once. I think for that person this verse is applicable: Matthew 10:28
God bless....
You may be thinking of when Jesus was warning his disciples of what they personally would have to face. What the Pharisees and Sadducees would do to them because of their rejection of their Messiah.
Matthew 10:21-22 And the brother shall deliver up the brother to death, and the father the child: and the children shall rise up against their parents, and cause them to be put to death. And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
Mark 13:11-13 But when they shall lead you, and deliver you up, take no thought beforehand what ye shall speak, neither do ye premeditate: but whatsoever shall be given you in that hour, that speak ye: for it is not ye that speak, but the Holy Ghost. 12 Now the brother shall betray the brother to death, and the father the son; and children shall rise up against their parents, and shall cause them to be put to death. 13 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.
In many places, it is close to that today. Love is diminishing daily.
I really don't want to go back and fourth about this with you as I know you have your own beliefs.
The one thing that is making me post is this in your comment "therefore the ones that believe this are calling God a LIAR." With all humility and humbleness I beg you please do not write things like this. This is FALSE! I also believe in a "Heaven" and a "hell"(weather gehenna, hades, outer darkness, or the lake of fire).
A place for the wicked that Jesus Christ preached about many times. Telling us to "fear God who can destroy both body and SOUL in gehenna." Matthew 10:28. Also stating in Matthew 25:46 "everlasting (punishment)" The same Greek word used for "eternal (life)".
Also I will bring up what I've read in 1 Enoch. How all shall come before "the Son of Man(Christ)" on His throne and worship Him and beg for His mercy. Though they will nor receive it. Just because all shall worship the Lord one day does not mean all shall be saved. That is up to God alone who shall be saved and receive mercy. God's ways, thoughts, ability, wisdom, is so far beyond us we cannot comprehend.
We are to fear God as is taught in the Old and New Testaments. This is the beginning of wisdom, to depart from evil/sin, serve Him with a pure heart and fervently love Him.
Please my brother. Do not say we who believe in "hell" are calling God a liar as that breaks my heart. I would never say that to any other brother or sister in Christ. Just as you have Scriptures to uphold your "belief" or "interpretation" so we also have Scriptures that plainly say "hell" is a place we don't want to go.
I will end with the most important thing as there will always be different views. May we all focus on the ways of Jesus Christ our Lord following Him to do the Will of our Father in Heaven. With a pure heart producing good fruit in the Spirit loving one another. Putting all our faith and trust in the Lord.
I won't fill the page with verses. This was from the heart.
God Bless.
Revelation 22:11 He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
12 And, behold, I come quickly; and my reward is with me, to give every man according as his work shall be.
Luke 6:43 For a good tree bringeth not forth corrupt fruit; neither doth a corrupt tree bring forth good fruit.
Matthew 10:22 And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake: but he that endureth to the end shall be saved.
My view on all(everyone) being saved is this. If this were true, in my eyes, it actually would not matter, in the end, weather the person is a child of God or a child of the devil. As of coarse it is of the highest honor to have been chosen by God to be in Christ to be one of His and live for His Will. As truly my entire life is surrounded around Jesus Christ and wanting to live for the Will of our Father and please Him. Forever.
Though everybody is different I think some may just take that, all being saved in the end, as a free pass to do whatever they want, in this life, with no worry of consequence. Which I have stated before that it could be dangerous to preach that to the people who would take it as such and maybe make them worse people instead of better. Proverbs 9:10, Matthew 10:28, Hebrews 10:31.
As I have gone through my Bible and taken notes of verses from Christ and the Apostles about the "saved and unsaved". Easily over twenty times. Just seeing a verse like Matthew 25:46. Which states "everlasting punishment". Maybe in a verse like 1 Corinthians 1:18. Christ is "to them that perish" foolish but to us(saved) it is "the power of God".
Maybe to bring up one friend the Lord has brought me to just after being saved. It was at a funeral I first saw this friend after around twenty years. The Lord wanted me to tell someone about Him and something told me he was the one. This friend had actually had very spiritual experiences as well though not all good. The devil actually came to him and wanted his daughters soul. The Lord has pulled him from the road to destruction and set him on the right path. Though he is not perfect, as none of us are, we can talk for hours. One thing he perceives is this is "hell". As we don't see eye to eye on every aspect it's ok because I know he is a good person and courageous. Not afraid of any person or to speak what he feels.
Currently there are anti-Christs denying the divinity of Jesus Christ and they can't handle it when they are exposed. Christians should lovingly share the gospel to the lost, including people who assume they're Christians, but aren't. There are so-called Christians who don't believe in Christ attempting to deceive others into believing Christ is just a man and not divine, despite what the Bible says. It seems no amount of sharing the truth from the scripture will change someone's mind, but you can still pray for their soul and for their hearts to become unhard and listen to the truth. Christians should have the full armor of God on and sometimes the truth needs to be spoken directly to penetrate through the lies and deceipt of the anti-Christs. These people denounce Jesus, denounce the trinity, denounce scripture, and reject much of the foundations of Christianity from God's Word. Those who have never encountered the anti-Christs, good for you, but be on your guard, because some lurk even on this website and are probably reading this right now and feeling convicted and a guilty conscience from the Holy Spirit. Speaking the truth from the Bible is probably like heaping hot coals on their heads, Romans 12:20.
Jesus is Lord and God, because the Bible says He is. Your feelings and false assumptions cannot prove otherwise. Have a great day!
When you came to the understanding that WE CAN DO NOTHING; but, Christ does all things for us. You will BE SET FREE.
You want have to achieve the hope set before you, Christ started it. he will complete it. In fact; Christ sees it as already COMPLETE. This is what is meant by coming INTO HIS REST; the works were completed before the foundations of the world were laid.
Ephesians 1:4
Hebrews 4:3
John 15:5
Psalms 92:4-6
YOU ARE DEAD (on your cross); He is alive on HIS THRONE (in you) living HIS life FOR YOU.
YOU have become ONE WITH CHRIST.
John 17:21
Luke 14:27
Matthew 10:38
Luke 9:23
We are THE POT he is THE POTTER.
If you agree that your definition of a Christian is different, then what is your definition? What exact criteria makes someone a Christian in your view?
My criteria is: believe Jesus Christ, repent/confess sin, and be baptized. Matthew 10:32, John 3:16, Luke 5:32, Acts 2:38, Mark 16:16. A Christian is a Christ follower, which is an action. It is an ongoing activity and responsibility to follow Jesus and obey Him and strive to live a holy life. It takes great effort to do this avoid sin. Look at Paul's struggle in Romans 7. John 14:15. Romans 12:2, James 2:26, John 8:11.
The gentleman I previously spoke about did all the above and is a Christian, but you said he wasn't. Why not? In your view is a Christian not a Christian if he sins just once, or twice, or does it depend on the sin?
And Jesus's followers were indeed Christians. A literal Christ follower is as true to being a Christian as you can possibly get. They literally followed Him around all day, listened to His teachings, believed Him, tried to emulate Him. Judas and Peter both denied and betrayed Him as Christians, because they had freewill to do so, just like Satan had freewill in heaven to do what he did, and just like so many Christians do today, by leaving, denying the faith, committing sin.
What is most sad is this Christian I referred to living in sin right now is doing so because of messages he's been told like you're telling. He's been brainwashed into believing he is already saved and he can now do whatever he wants- that it's impossible to lose his salvation. And now he's enjoying sin and doing all kinds of evil, because he was told he's saved and in the book of life. Christians who think they can get by with committing unlimited sin are completely ignoring what Jesus said. ( John 14:15). That's like slapping Jesus in the face. Romans 14:13. We are to not cause others to stumble.
He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me.) True Christians will have the desire to separate themselves from any form of sin and in the process it will hurt some feelings. I love my wife, my children, but I Love God and Jesus more! Ephesians 5:11 ( And have no fellowship with the unfruitful works of darkness, but rather reprove them.) Sometimes it is really hard to forsake all and follow Jesus, after its all done, it will be worth it! God bless and I hope maybe in someway this helps.
People say "bad Christian," while I think no true Christian CAN act badly!
However, I disagree that hell has anything to do with someone greeting another. I think this only gives credit and a sense of power to satan. Just because a word in a language has a few shared characters of a word that is negative, that doesn't mean any of the negativity rubs off on the other word. Otherwise, if your mom's name was Hellen or Helena, for example, would you disown or say bad things about her? I don't think that's loving one bit. There's names in the Bible that have those characters, but it doesn't mean anything bad about the person, like Ezra 10:35 has one: Chelluh.
A word being 'bad' also has much to do with the context and intent behind it. For example "Jesus" can be used as an uplifting name to be praised, or used as a curse word. Jesus said the word hell several times, are you suggesting that Jesus was wrong to say that word? He used it positively so that people can avoid hell. Matthew 10:28
You used the word hell too in your comment, so do you feel remorse from this? I see zero spiritual connection and disagree. Satan should not be given any more latitude than he already has. He doesn't own my words and I won't allow evil to take over exclusive use of our positive words. God bless.
Again I thank you for your replies. As it is our destiny to grow in the Spirit of Christ and see with His eyes.
As the ways of God are beyond what I could fathom. Truly my faith in God and Jesus Christ being, that whatever the way of the Lord is, I know it is the right way and I am His forever. Even if I don't understand. Keeping root in the Word with a pure heart and staying close to the Lord. He shall direct us down the straight and narrow path. His Will shall be done.
Weather we believe "hell" to be a place of eternal torment like stated in Matthew 25:46. Or as you explain. It is a place we do not want to go or have anything to do with. Christ stating in Matthew 10:28.
As we who are in Christ here are Blessed to have been chosen by Him to be His.
In 1 Corinthians 16:22 stating those who "love not the Lord"(not with the Lord) to basically let him be set aside for the coming Judgement of the Lord.
A couple about saving a soul. As we can only plant or water, it is God who gives the growth. James 5:19-20, Jude 1:23.
Again thank you for your time and posts brother. It means a lot.
God Bless you Earl. Have a wonderful day!
According to this verse, it was the Messiah's soul (or life; Hebrew word is nephesh) that was made an offering for sin.
Leviticus 17:11 "For the life of the flesh is in the blood: and I have given it to you upon the altar to make an atonement for your souls: for it is the blood that maketh an atonement for the soul."
According to this verse, the life (or soul; Hebrew word is nephesh) is in the blood. Therefore, by shedding his blood, the Messiah shed his perfect life (or soul) to atone for the sin of mankind.
Just to be clear
You want scripture on the redemption of Christ whether by blood or by the cross using old testament only?
Fear is the opposite of love as the Bible says and we shall not be in bondage with fear ( Romans 8:15), but it definitely says to fear God, which I think includes a very high level of respect to Him. I think a portion of Christians don't respect God or fear Him like the Bible says and instead I actually hear them use God's name in vain, and just say petty things to God, act demanding, and throw a tantrum when they doen't get their way. But God doesn't exist to serve them, but the opposite.
Most of the warnings Jesus gave was to His Christian followers, about being careful, being on watch, on guard, parables warn of most people going to hell and being prepared, Peter talked about running the race well to the finish to get the 'prize', etc. So, was all that useless talk? If everyone is automatically saved regardless of their actions does that mean all the parables and talk was irrelevant? Or, is it more likely Jesus was right, that your actions do matter, and that maybe some men need to adjust their expectations and begin to fear God like it says so many times: Matthew 10:28.
Most people will go to hell, and Jesus predicted that many will be surprised they're not going in, and cry out 'Lord, Lord'... You can't earn heaven, people are saved by grace, but this assumes you're a Christian- which is a verb that means following Christ and not sinning and being a light to the world through good deeds, because that's what Christians should do. It doesn't mean its impossible to sin, but Christians must avoid sin at all costs! Matthew 5:30 I think many who call themselves Christians will be shocked on judgment day and have deep regret for their actions and not taking Christianity seriously. God bless...
>"So a doer of the word in my understanding doesn't mean that I take my bible and go out and do it"
If the good Samaritan followed this advice he would not have stopped to help the injured man. Luke 10:25-37 Maybe he would have walked on by because he already knew who he was in his own mind, and didn't want to risk being 'legalistic' or obedient, as if that's a bad thing. Reminds me of a Pharisee- who felt self-righteous but didn't have good deeds as fruit that show their faith in action.
Matt 25:40 comes to mind: " ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto me."
The push to not be obedient or do good works seems contradictory to this verse: James 1:22 and so many others throughout the Bible - would God tell us we don't need to obey Him and to not do what He says, or would someone else be behind this? Who is the most likely source that tells us that being good is bad and doing bad is good?
Matthew 25 and basically most of Jesus' parables were about the same thing: being prepared, because a day will come and we will be separated and judged and accountable for our actions. The foolish virgins were unprepared and did nothing. The bag of gold parable Jesus called the one who did nothing but hid the gold "wicked and slothful." Jesus said about the ones who did nothing (no works) to help others sent them to hell: Matt 25:44-46
Jesus also said about obedience: John 14:15.
To anyone claiming good deeds and works is 'bad' notice that the Bible is full of instruction to do good deeds and works. One would have to ignore nearly the entire Bible in order to come to such a conclusion. If our actions didn't' matter then the Bible wouldn't have continually said it DOES matter and we will literally be judged for it. We are saved by grace, we don't earn heaven, but Christianity is a verb = action.
2 Corinthians 5:10, Revelation 20:12, Gal 5:13, Matthew 10:42