Discuss Matthew 11 Page 13

  • Toni on Matthew 11:28 - 10 years ago
    I was thinking that sinning takes its toll on a person. It causes so much heart ache and pain and is a weary to one 's very soul. But Jesus has the remedy. He extends out His open arms and tells us to come to Him. We clamor and lust after the things of the world and work to acquire things, yet it still does not make us happy. Isaiah 55 2 Jesus says come to Him. Bow down on our knees..humble our hearts and call on His wonderful name, and then, He will give us peace for our souls and joy in our hearts. This rest is not just eternal rest. This is talking about rest on this side of life. Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.
  • Blessed on Matthew 11 - 10 years ago
    Verse 12 says the violent take it by force. Know you this for GOD so love the world that he gave emphasis on gave . The violent take it by force. They beat our savior to an inch of his life force then at the end of his life they mocked him and cast for his clothes raiments. They had the kingdom amongst them and the violent sided with the devil instead of accepting JESUS . JESUS SPOKE prophesies he knew john would be beheaded he knew he JESUS would be violently beaten and crucified. In his victory to defeat death he made it plain that no man takes his life he gives it . He knew both of these things would have an affect on his disciples whom hadn 't received the HOLY GHOST the HOLY GHOST teaches all things of GOD and really wouldn 't be able to conceive the reasons for both. The spiritual warfare we are in as I speak was new to them. They had no idea how violent the devil would be not because of the rep of the people who are being violent or the institution whom is condoning violence. It is the devil, spiritual warfare, it is another wile of the devil to keep the good news of the gospel from being spread through out. Just like those crusades where people were being force to accept Christianity or die. They were sent to kill non Christians by the same spirit whom sent Paul Saul of tarsus in Acts to persecute the Christians. By his love have he drawn me. A christian who oppress is a christian who hasn 't read the bible. Who hadn 't read the verse follow peace with all men without such no man will see the lord . The fruit of the spirit GAL. 5 22 BEGINS WITH LOVE.THE WORD OF GOD says GOD IS LOVE.Violence is not of the kingdom of GOD.The violent take it by force. The violent is not the kingdom of GOD. THE KINGDOM OF GOD IS GIVEN JESUS is given to us his is eternal his is continually giving us the kingdom. The devil, the violent,takes it by force.
  • MockingBird on Matthew 11:28 - 10 years ago
    I agree with Ben Weavers comment Also in Heb.4 the whole chapter They entered not in because of unbelief. verse 9 says that His rest still remains and even though in unbelief when turned around His rest still remains. You can never sin away the day of Grace . Praise God
  • Charlie on Matthew 11:12 - 10 years ago
    I believe what Jesus was saying was that from the days Of John the Baptist til now was a battle to get to the kingdom of Heaven because people including John judged the rights and wrongs of other people so seeing all as sinners the kingdom had to be taken by force That is why we should be servants of all and condemners of none and in Heaven we will be greater than he
  • Albert Delgado on Matthew 11:25 - 10 years ago
    What this means is that even a child can have the revelation Christ gives out about his Father
  • Biill Manuel on Matthew 11:12 - 10 years ago
    The kingdom of heaven is not dependent upon the force of men for success or maintenance It is totally dependent upon God Christ and the Holy Spirit Violent people build so called churches having separated themselves from the body of Christ because they will not be subject to His discipline and thus spiritually and verbally rage against all wisdom and truth They are the kind who enter churches like lambs but underneath are ravening wolves The Bible instructs us to have no fellowship with such personalities but rather to reprove them They are bound to gain power over some perhaps even many congregations if they can by their own schemes because they are extremely versed at manipulation and devilish cunning The righteous would do well to not walk but run from such for of such is not the kingdom of heaven They are described by the righteous man Jude and he must have had first hand experience with them We would do well to heed his warning in the New Testament if we would walk with those who have their robes washed white in the blood of the lamb
  • John on Matthew 11:12 - 10 years ago
    This is my interpretation of this particular verse John was prepared from birth to witness support Jesus to the end of his life John got side tracked was eventually killed in prison for a matter not was not really relevant in the light of his original calling to live die with Jesus Paradoxically both men died prematurely Jesus indicated by his words that a new kind of person would grab hold of God s Providence people such as the early disciples who didnt have much training but were humble tried to support Jesus on earth When the first most prepared people fail to respond to God s calling then God uses a different strategy so men of force have to protect God Jesus s foundation the Kingdom of Heaven Unfortunately the same thing happened with the Second Coming of Christ those that were prepared failed to respond persecuted the returning Christ We dont learn from history Read the Divine Principle if you want to know who fulfills that role of the Second Coming of Christ
  • Seenya on Matthew 11:12 - 10 years ago
    The meaning of the word suffers in this scriptures brings me to Matt. 19-14, "suffer the little children to come unto me. Suffer, meaning let.

    I believe the scripture in question mean, to take Jesus at his words, stand on the word of God at all cost. Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing by any wise shall hurt you. We have authority through Christ Jesus. So walk with authority and act that you have authority. The Kingdom allows us to go with the authority through the Blood of the Lamb. Take it,sometimes it not easy, but go at it such as with violence, stand, stand on the words of the Lord God Almighty!
  • Seenya on Matthew 11:12 - 10 years ago
    The meaning of the word suffers in this scriptures brings me to Matt. 19-14, "suffer the little children to come unto me. Suffer, meaning let.

    I believe the scripture in question mean, to take Jesus at his words, stand on the word of God at all cost. Behold I give you power to tread on serpents and scorpions and over all the powers of the enemy, and nothing by any wise shall hurt you. We have authority through Christ Jesus. So walk with authority and act that you have authority. The Kingdom allows us to go with the authority thought the Blood of the Lamb. Take it,sometimes it not easy, but go at it such as with violence, stand, stand on the words of the Lord God Almighty!
  • Akpan Inemesit on Matthew 11:28 - 10 years ago
    To me is very interesting verse which a believer as to work toward it. God said all he that labor come i will give rest he did not specified and are to separate from the worthy thing and accept him as Lord and savior he will give us rest by giving us dominion over everything. less trust and obey him it will grant us internal rest.
  • Joe on Psalms 55 - 10 years ago
    The meaning of “burden” in this verse can be many things based on the situation of the reader. It can be material like you were asking about, but it can also be physical or spiritual. What’s your burden? What ails you? What’s your worries? Your troubles? Is your heart heavy for the problems of a friend, relative, or your own? Are there problems dealing with family or people at work? What’s your issues or burdens? The point is that if you have them and you’re troubled, the Psalmist reminds us to cast them on the LORD. Here’s two versus similar to Psalm 55:22 that might help you decide what “burden” means to you. Matthew 11:28 “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” 1 Peter 5:7 “casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you.”
  • Ulrike Glunk-Peeters on Matthew 11:6 - 10 years ago
    This verse is one that I' like to share with the Muslim community so that they may allow themselves to learn more and get to know the real Jesus.
  • Adebayo Isreal Olusaanu on Matthew 11:28 - 11 years ago
    To I believe that God is just calling us to repentance. that no matter how our sin is that he will forgive us.also he's telling us that we should not be running up and down that all what we need is with him.
  • Pat on Matthew 11 - 11 years ago
    11.14 And if you can accept it John the baptist is the reincarnation of Elijah.
  • Cheryl. C. on Matthew 11:30 - 11 years ago
    Jesus came to give us life : Life : not death. The way of a transgressor is hard .The yoke that Jesus has mapped out for us; as He says is light. We do not have to serve the Lord alone ; He has given us of Holy Spirit to help and guide us. You cannot serve God apart from His word ,or from Holy Spirit ,or from Jesus Christ.
  • Paula on Matthew 11:28 - 11 years ago
    God is there for us to come to Him, if we are weak and burdened from any source we can find comfort and rest in him - true comfort only comes from the Father, our Father God, the one true God who loves us unconditionally and will always give us what we really need. Praise God for what He alone chooses for us.
  • Evan. Emmanuel c. K - the voice of the Rebuilder on Matthew 11:12 - 11 years ago
    From the time of John the Baptist...(mtt. 11:12)

    Many believers don't think of the right exegesis of this one of the strongest verses in the Bible. Let's ask ourselves this question, "what prompted this statement by Christ?

    Suffice it to say that what caused John to be put into the prison was his ability to confront evil despite the fact that the king was involved.

    Let's look at this qualities of forceful men of whom John the baptist was one of:
    1. Tenancity
    2. Aggressiveness
    3. Self denyal
    4. Focus, and
    5. Total Dependebility on God

    Jesus said, " him that will follow me must deny himself first."

    Consider the challanges the apostles and the early church fathers faced; then, you will understand what Jesus is talking about here.
  • Theodore Okonkwo on Matthew 11 - 11 years ago
    Indepth, incisive and thought provoking. The word of God is sharp piercing into not just the bones but the marrows. It is quick and conscientious. May God help us to understand and kive out more of His word. Holy Spirit please aid me.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 11:12 - 11 years ago
    Let God help us out during tribulations,because it not possible with the canal mind.we need your help oh God.
  • James kamau on Matthew 11:12 - 11 years ago
    i think its about that extra faith and boldness in handling life and kingdom issues, especially when faced with mountains.
  • John on Matthew 11 - 11 years ago
    i like this beautiful verse, it provide hope in time of worries
  • Nyathi SG on Matthew 11:28 - 11 years ago
    After working one needs a rest.God is calling those who have worked hard to cme and rest.like Paul who said I have fought now am awaiting my crown.As believers we are to fight againt all forms of evil so as to please our Lord so that He can invite us to His internal life .
  • Rene on Matthew 11:12 - 11 years ago
    I was praying to God to give me understanding of this verse for long time. One fine morning when I was reading holy spirit taught me this: John the Baptist preached about God's kingdom with command( preaching in the wilderness of Judaea, And saying, Repent ye: for the kingdom of heaven is at hand.") and he know whom he is preaching about.He preached about God's kingdom forcefully and he entered in to it forcefully.
  • Alex on Matthew 11 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 11;5 To me the Gospel of the Kingdom is about the demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost in the lives of the people.People want to see what this Gospel is capable of doing or it,s. just religion.Jesus demonstrated this power.
  • Kani (robin) on Matthew 11:28 - 11 years ago
    God's promise word allways beautiful and prosperous of His people. and the word of mt11:28 is not only for the belivers but also for every one who lives on the earth, but, the beauty of His word belongs to those who accepted him as a personal saviour so as a christian if we accept the real word into our heart and meditate we are become of witness to non belivers.
  • Sisie on Matthew 11:30 - 11 years ago
    God has given me a message on THE GATES. Onegate is wide and one is narrow. As we stand in the gate line waiting to reach our detestation we can be carrying a light load or a heavy load. Like this verse says His burden is light cause when we carry Jesus in our hearts we have joy, peace, love, goodness,kindness,patience, faithfulness, gentleness and self control. when we don't have Jesus in our heart we have heaviness like depression, loneliness,no peace, things things weigh us down because sin is dark and heavy to carry. Thank God for His love for us to take our sin to the cross. Keep our eyes on Jesus then we will reach our final detestation. Amen
  • Marcia on Matthew 11 - 11 years ago
  • Samuel on Matthew 11:20 - 11 years ago
    It becomes clear that God has worked in different degrees in different people, so far.
    We may be carried away by peoples' good comments about our lives, though we may be wasting God's Grace.
    God may be saying to me,Samuel, if this mighty work done in you would have been done in another brother,he will have repented.Woe to you!
    Pls Lord have mercy on me.
  • James Charles on Matthew 11:12 - 11 years ago
    I use to think that comment means: that from when John started preaching, the kingdom of God on Earth suffers men's violence such as persecution etc. But those that are violent (in saying fervent prayer) just as early Christians prayed when Herod arrested Peter. Would have whatever they prayed for, through their fervent prayer.
  • Talent on Matthew 11:29 - 11 years ago
    His yoke is his commandment "which is love"we should love others regardless their status,as him'JESUS' sat on table even with taxcollectors. we should accept other people as they are as CHRIST himself accepted us while we w're sinners

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