Discuss Matthew 13 Page 14

  • E. A. Leonard on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
  • Regelind Schlag on Matthew 13:5 - 11 years ago
    I am nearly absolutely sure now about the rock being Jesus himself in this verse. The seed is sown into our hearts and if our hearts have not much soil of the world but instead believe in and love Jesus and cling to him as our rock, then we will wither away immediately, i. e. we will be changed and caught up in clouds into the air within the twinkling of an eye to meet Jesus there and to stay with him forever. Catch Up into the Air!
  • Patrick Hycent on Matthew 13:25 - 11 years ago
    Sleeapinggn state here does not mean just to close the eyes but also the act of negligence, ignorance etc
    when there is something to correct and you ignore it or showing lack of concern to what you should get involved in, this are sleeping states.
    Now, let me ask, between the baby that was born & the girl that turned prostitude or between the baby & the boy that turned rapist what went wrong?
    The bible said "when men sleep his enemies came and sow tares" some of this sleeping state came from the part of the parents who had failed their responsilities on their children but instead gave them to another hands who inductrinated them with differen doctrines and made them vulnerable to different kinds of teaching all in the name of boarding & expensive school, house help, nanny, all in the name of lack of chance & laziness on the part of parents, "when men sleep" all these are sleeping states. Parents should wake up from their slumber even to their responsibilities.
  • Evg. Anwo olaolu on Matthew 13:25 - 11 years ago
    when the watchmen are at sleep,the enemy will invade the house. likewise if man's guarding angels failed to watch in the spirit realm, man will be expose to much evil cos theif will get entrance 'Theif cometh not but to kill,steal and destroy' but jesus is an end to all evil in ur life, amen.
  • Libor on Matthew 13:12 - 11 years ago
    Pray that People's note is not missunderstood, GODS mercy - now total - since CHRIST has and shall provide perpetual opportunities for the spirit to enter - over and over - to call on evry lost soul.
  • Michelle on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
    I like the parable.because God compare seeds into christianity. And If you are christian and you receive Jesus as your savior, it's yous responsibility to spread the gospel to unbelievers. But if you are just christian as by name, then your just like the seeds who scattered in the stony place. Christians must work hard to spread the word of God. The end days are coming.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
    In the Middle East agricultural methods in those days had fields with foot trodden paths in order to access the fields. They threw the seeds by hand and if the seeds fell on on the pathway see would not take root. I am presently sowing seeds in this field. If your heart is hardened by the traditions of men the seed will perish but if your heart is plowed circumcised the seed will take root. As for the story about Mary being a virgin. I heard that Thomas was Jesus' twin brother. He had other siblings but I do not know if he was the older brother.
  • Sigmund Ivarsson on Matthew 13:44 - 11 years ago
    The treasure field is the body of the true believer. You know what a false believer looks like. They attend church, do good deeds, keep good appearances and cause no problems but they cannot believe because they have no faith. So the true believer is the field and the treasure therein in their faith. If you have faith, no matter how small it is your treasure. You will give up everything in life to protect that treasure. If you don't you will just keep up appearances like an unbeliever should. However it takes faith to see and recognize God in another human being. This is the treasure. All the body of Christ coming together that Christ might rule the kingdom of God by renewing your mind. The mind of Christ
  • John G on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
    I lived 45 years without really ever understanding the meaning of this passage within the context of "the Kingdom". The best interpretation of this can be found by doing an online search of the words ( what type of ground are you revival parable ) it should be the very first result on the search page at Revival Focus. God Bless you all.
    Thanks for this resource. I am reading through the NT in 31 days online on this site.
  • Jose becerril on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
    the seed on this parable is in the Greek sperma so he was talking about progeny read it with understanding. children of the kingdom, but of course as well the children of the devil? out of the first murder who was cane of course. if you do not understand this parable you are not going to understand any of them. thats the teachings of Jesus i would not question them to much if a were you
  • Bob on Matthew 13:55 - 11 years ago
    jesus had brothers and sisters. this means mary was not a virgin after jesus was born. this means catholic doctrine that mary was always a virgin is false
  • One on Matthew 13 - 11 years ago
    Good day Saints, and i bless God for his word, for it is a great teacher, and a revealant to are state, and goal of where we should be, and where we want to be, Amen.

    What i received from Matthew 13 is Jesus teaching his disciples; (Which are us as well) That correct followers of Christ, don't seek after there own; but give up there own desires, to comment there full time to living our lives just like Christ, and becoming makers of disciples, so that not only ourselves are, healer of the sick, and feeders of the hungry, & without, or casters out of demons, to thoughs that are possed, but that we multiply are gifts, and goals in life, to others, that others may help and ultimatly deliver most, if not all of the world from their destruction, and loss of quality of there lives.......

    Saints: Where not only to deny oursleves are luxury's, and comforts, for the work of God's will, but where also to encourage others to deny themseleves, for the kingdom of heaven, the same way Christ did: This is the will of God, and such who do so are his Disciples. (SUCH ARE CALLED GOOD SEED)

  • Niyi Amuda on Matthew 13:25 - 12 years ago
    This portion of scripture show us what the devil does in the night. While men are weak and vulnerable, he, the enemy, takes delight in ruining the destiny of people especially believers who spent the whole night sleeping. As Christians, who are not fighting against flesh and blood, (Eph.6:12), we must make the night hour a time of war fare, less the enemy,( 1 Peter 5:8) would come and sow tares. Paul and Silas worship and prayed to God at midnight. ( Acts 16:25). Many evil you see in the lives of people around you are being done in the night, "While men slept..." Oh that we would arise and fight the midnight battle, then our day would be battle-free.
  • Shylet on Matthew 13 - 12 years ago
    I believe the Word of God and Matthew 13 helps us as Christians to be aware of the devil's devices. What kind of heart do you have, a pathway, thorny, stony or a good ground? Let’s pray and watch. Thank you Lord Jesus for this wonderful Word. Eternal is your Word, Lord Jesus.
  • Karma on Matthew 13 - 12 years ago
    I am a reborn Pentecostal Christian and I believe that these are the only real churches, so teach the truth of the Bible. And the Whole Bible gives us all rules of life to live by, there is no misunderstanding on the King James Version. It tells you how to live, what to wear and how to present yourself in living for the LORD.
  • +jay on Matthew 13 - 12 years ago
    In your comment on Matthew 13, you should try reading Revelation 2 and 3. Who God calls ichabod? why Paul rebukes the Corinthians church? Or what God said about any person or church that does not profess Jesus Christ as the son of God or Jesus as God manifest in the flesh ( II John 7-11)? For your info they are a lot of evil wicked churches not professing truth. One of the most important decision a person shall make is what local church to participate in, or not to participate in? In either situation it will have a profound influence on a person’s life. So choose a very good one and ask God to direct you to the right church.
  • Anyang Francis on Matthew 24:10 - 12 years ago
    Matthew 24:10 (NLT) says, And many will turn away from me and betray and hate each other. The Lord said, as part of the end time signs, many that would turn away from following or believing in the Gospel, are those the Lord Himself, refers to in Matthew 13:19-22 (NLT) in other words, it is the persecution of all kinds that will force those who have not been reading their Bible and to know the things that are coming. For no sufficient word of God in their lives, they will turn back. Betrayal and hatred are common in the world; those who turn back from following the Lord Jesus Christ will do what those in the world are doing.
  • Garyloyd newman on Genesis 1 - 12 years ago
    In the first verse is the beginning of substence,matter of all that is here. When you read of creation in Job 38 and on and in Proverbs 8:22 and on you see this sentence or verse come a live. You also notice in Job 38:7 the creation of all souls and also in Proverbs 8:31 the children of God are the stars or sons of God and we had a home. Heaven is where ever God is and He married Jerusalem and that place is His place He loves to call home. Then the cherub that guarded Gods mercy seat wanted to steal it and lucifer wanted to be the boss. He got a power system together and got a third of Gods children to follow him and these things are spoken of in Rev. 12 and Parable of the sower in Matthew 13:37 to 45 will help. Also if you google search Companion Bible Appendixs and read appendix 146 the foundation of the world it will help. Anyway we were all here and living on earth happy and then when the devil had the attempted overthrow there was a katabole castdown/overthrow and God shut the lights off spoken of in Jeremiah 4:22 to 29 all cities broken down and all men gone from earth. Not Noahs flood, no boat and no bird or family in the first flood. Water covered the earth in this first flood and the water didn't receed God said water gone. Then Father serperated the light from the darkness and I believe this is the good from the evil and sent His two thirds of children back and the wicked one sows his seed to earth. This time that you read is the 2nd earth age being re-started with erased minds and replenished in the flesh to see who you want to love,Our Father or a person can love the devil. We all have a choice.
  • Bane on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    Matthew 13:52  "Then said he unto them, Therefore every scribe which is instructed unto the kingdom of heaven is like unto a man that is an householder, which bringeth forth out of his treasure things new and old."
    These words of Jesus make me very very happy, because (as a technical engineer) I see there is no disbalance between reason and spiritual in man and between science and religion. On the contrary those things go side by side.
    P.S. This verse made an impression on me because many people made me a remark that I lean on science too much.
  • Jackie on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    Dear Richard,no matter what you say cannot stop the LOVE OF GOD FOR YOU. He made a way that all who except His son shall be save. I can not say i know what you are going through. But i will say there is nothing to hard for God . We all make choices in our life. We are not accountable for the choices our parents make, nor are they accountable for the chioces we make. You are in may prayers.But the choice is up to you. God will continue to send people your way to prove that He hear you and He knows you.
  • Judy Hoover on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    No one knows the year, day or hour when Christ will return. If YOU live for Christ, live each as if it is your last. Meaning clean your house of sin(I.E. YOUR HEART). Jesus said "He'll come as a thief in the night!" I pray for anyone that feels Jesus has abandoned you. Jesus promise is to never leave or forsake us. He never said there wouldn't be trials & tribulation. If our Lord & Saviour suffered. Why wouldn't we, as his follower's? Take a second look & see if you were the one who left.
  • Jay Jay on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    Beautiful parables and the TRUTH pertaining to the Kingdom of God. Lord, please give us your abundance of GRACE to live out your WORD in our lives. Amen!
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 12 - 13 years ago
    1. And there appeared a great wonder (sign) in heaven; a woman (Israel) clothed with the sun, and the moon under her feet,and upon her head a crown ot twelve stars: (12 sons)
    2. And she being with child cried,(Jesus)travailing in birth,(birth of a new age on earth in the flesh) and pain to be delivered.( Birth of the age of salvation to be borned of woman. Not knowing of before so that you can make a choice. Love God and be good or love satan and live wicked. Run the race to eternal life and shed the sins for our Father loves us all but you must want to live a good life. Satan don't love no body.
    3. And there appeared another wonder(sign. 2 signs to watch. One good and one bad. Two Christ coming One Good and one fake. Jeremiah 24 two baskets of figs, one good and one bad. Sign translates from Greek semeion here "sign" not "treas" wonder.) in heaven; and behold a great red dragon, having seven heads and ten horns, and seven crowns upon his heads.( this sign appeared at the katabole, cast down overthrow. Satans attempted take over of God and Gods Throne. Lucifer was one of Gods good angels made to almost the full pattern and then after millions of years as a good created man of God there was sin found in satan and this is speaking of the dragon and his leading 7 hells angels with 10 horns of power. A political party to steal what belongs to God. As the dragon it is showing us his method of operation. His established cause,position,his plan at the katabole and to watch this same manner at the end. Keep your watch for the anti-christ translated "instead of Christ". Don't follow a loser.
    4. And his tail drew the third part of the stars of heaven,(Gods children) and did cast them to earth:( Matthew 13:37 to 43. Parable of the Sower explained by Jesus of the casting of the childern of God and of the wicked one sending his third that he convinced to go his evil ways. But God loves life for his creations and loves all his children and hopes that all will be saved but God knows that many will die but He cares. Life is very important to our God of life and pure love.) and the dragon stood before the woman which was ready to be delivered, for to devour her child as soon as it was born. ( satan tried when Jesus was a little one and up to the time that Christ was put on the Cross. Satans kenites, tares, work their way into the position of the church to have Christ killed. Even in the garden in the beginning he tried to destroy Gods plan. Then in chapter 6 satan sent his fallen sons of God to destroy the family the blood line was coming through. Then through Herod a city of children died. Out in that desert when satan tempted Jesus with twisting the words of God during the night I think satan and his bunch were hurting Jesus. But now that the evil side killed Jesus, well, Father can killed satan and his evil bunch and get rid of them and we can have peace.
    5.and she (Mary) brought forth a man child,(Jesus) who was to rule all Nations with a rod of iron: and her child was caught up unto God,( ressurected) and to his throne. King of kings and LORD of lords.
    6. And the woman( Isreal,Mary,Elect.) Fled into the wildreness,where she hath a place prepared by God, that they should feed her there a thousand two hundred and threescore days. (Solar. 1,260 days, Daniel`s 1,290. Note 600 B.C. the 10 tribes that were scattered. Captive to Syria and went north over the Carcus Mts. And settled in Europe and then to the America`s. Christians Nations of today. In God we trust.
    7. And there was war in heaven: Micheal and his angels fought against the dragon; and the dragon fought and his angels. ( Michael kicking the dragon around.)
    8. And prevailed not; neither was their place found any more in heaven.( no place for satan the dragon in heaven and Michael is getting ready to kick satan to earth.)
    9.and the great dragon was cast out. (Booted de-facto to earth.) That old serpent, ( cunning slick talking snake and liar) called the devil, and satan. Which deceiverth the whole world:( what dose he do, deceives. A wolf in sheep clothes bringing peace and buying souls. There will always be wars and rumore of wars,so, what's the opposit, peace as instead of Christ or antichrist.) He was cast out to the earth, and his angels were cast out with him. Long hair soft spoken preachers saying bring your loved ones to to death or instead of Jesus.
  • Garyloyd on Revelation 6 - 13 years ago
    Fourth seal. Death, Satan, son of perdition, who is death and brings Hell with him. That are written of in 2 Corinthians 13,14,15, are his fallen angels are transformed # 3345 disquised as ministers of light telling us bring your loved ones to Jesus, who is turning them over to death, who is instead of Christ, not our Christ and they want them to bow down to a fake god who they, knowingly, are waiting for the true Christ are the ones you drag down to death know he is the devil the false prophet. In other word turning them over to death. He has power over a fourth part. Four corners, the whole earth. To kill
    with a sword or a mouth full of lies for that is the weapon used against us. ( Revelation 12:13 to 16 the woman/Elect and out of his mouth is a flood of lies as in Rev. 9:18. Their weapons are lies.) And the hunger is for the true Word of God, with the son of perdition and with the beast. This Greek word beast means, poisonous, venomous, beast of earth, or think harm. Not good. Their like Scorpions of the earth because the scorpions grab their prey by their claws and digest a fluid into their victims using their victims as a stomach because a scorpion has no stomach to digest its food in. The scorpions turn their victims backbone to must and can do whatever they want with their victim. These soft spoken ministers of light will do the same and lead you to antichrist.
    This beast is the system of the kenites, the small people, sons of Cain, a generation of people of spoken all through the word giving us warning and even in the Parable of the Sower in Matthew 13:36 to 43 Jesus Himself explains it to the disciples when He was just teaching to them alone. Satan will have his beast system in place to steal the souls of the unlearned. Oh! It looks religious. It takes on the appearance of a church with all its beautiful glitter and it will look like a place of God and people will think they are in a place of God but what lead them to being lost from the truth is from traditions of men who preached out of their own minds and hearts instead of seeking the truth. So, when you see one who comes and heals a deadly wound that saves the world from some destruction and who can work miracles in the sight of men as bringing lightning from the sky and the great falling away, the apostasy happens where people leave their church’s and follow this new political religious leader who is the false prophet, the antichrist, the serpent, that old dragon with his new world order church’s, you will know that it’s time not to buy and sell but to wait for the true Christ to return. Two and a half months period we won’t buy or sell but barter only. Be prepared by watching for the two witnesses.
  • Garyloyd on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    I don't believ in bad churches either butt there are a lot of good churches. The rapture people are the first to go down because they teach you don't have to read Revelations because your gona fly away. Telling people not to study Gods word. Who's gona go down. I think I would have more of a chance of going to heaven in a church of God just trying to find my way to him then to go with a bunch of people saying you don't need to read Gods word.
  • Garyloyd on Luke 11 - 13 years ago
    Just to point out verse 50 "foundation of the world" here is "cast down overthrow"and the generation the "off spring".this speaking of the katabole from the great war where satan who formed a system and took a third of Gods children "stars" and cast them to the earth. The ones spoken of in the Parable of the Sower in Matt. 13. He, Jesus explains it at the end 37 thru 41. Also in Matthew 13:35 foundation there is cast down overthrow.
  • Alexander Christian on Matthew 13:25 - 13 years ago
    Apostle Paul. That is the answer about the wicked one. "Call no man 'teacher' save Christ." Judgment Day means total destruction of Paul's followers, and that means members of today's so called
    Christian churches. A genuine Christian church never existed, really. Without any doubt, this is the greatest mass self-deception ever.
  • William chabot on Matthew 13:30 - 13 years ago
    The tares are the unrighteous in the churches,being prepared now for burning on Oct.21,2011,,The wheat are the true believers,children of GOD,whom will be raptured and hid in GODS' barn. ie. Heaven. PRAISE JEHOVAH !!!
  • Anonymous on Matthew 13 - 13 years ago
    Dear Richard
    For whoever has, to him {more} shall be given, and he will have an abundance; but whoever does not have, even what he has shall be taken away from him.
    we all have, but not all of us see what we have so just take a better look bro :)
  • Richard on Matthew 13:22 - 13 years ago
    I am the seed the fell among the thorns, thus eleminating my element of CHOICE ! No one benifits from my mental illness and emotional poverty unless God finds it entertaining. There is nothing I have not said to God to convey my hatred towards him after years of trying diligently to humble myself and follow him, lossing what was left of my sanity in the process. The stupid farmer dropped me among the thorns I did not put myself there and If I am held accountable for the sins of my Earthly father who happens to be a sex offender then it really does not matter what I do or dont do. I will never back down to God. But i will stand up to him in the name of the sick, the weak, the poor and those oppressed by his sick game. Amen !

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