Yes Kala Jesus says if i be lifted up ( his blood ) that New Covenant he made at Calvary. I will draw all men unto me.
But Jesus said every sinner has to go thru that lake of fire....Which is that baptism of the H.G. and fire....That baptism of PROMISE
Thats y Jesus is saying i come to bring fire on the earth...Which we all need...As our God is a consuming fire...Which is baptism of the H.G. and fire...His wrath is his love for humanity...Whom the lord loveth he chastens...ok gbu Kala....The reason i mentioned that New Covenant in his blood is the book of life is the result of the new covenant in his blood and his blood is life the book of life.
To add to discussion, if you type a word like "Father" in search on this site, then (Modify) search, tap (Jesus words)
Then tap on each individual scripture: the translated words are broken down by words & English phrases, John 20:17, scroll down, bottom of page, you can hover over words for easy translation or click on each block for deeper translation study, this will take you to the Concordance comparisons & there you can find much more information.
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for or not, but you can search Jesus, click Who is Jesus and get into various pages, one showing Jesus's quotes.
I think if you click on each verse you can see other translations and probably commentaries. You asked where you could find more understandable quotes of Jesus, so maybe that points you in the right direction?
I have been searching for direct translations into English of the words actually spoken by JESUS like the words that he used at the last supper. I have found extensive quotations in a "Gospel According to St Mathew" couple of quotes below:
(1) And he said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death."
(2) Jesus says:
(1) "The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds.
(2) And when he finds, he will be dismayed.
(3) And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.
(4) And he will be king over the All."
(3) Jesus says:
(1) "If those who lead you say to you: 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky!' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
(2) If they say to you: 'It is in the sea,' then the fishes will precede you.
(3) Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you."
(4) "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
(5) But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."
As you can see they do not make a great deal of sense presumably because they are out of context?
Any ideas as to where I can find more understandable direct quotations will be welcome.
From one Sammi to another ! The first time I read the Bible I was compelled to do so . I didn't have much cash so I bought the cheapest KJVcould find , it was really thin because the print was tiny , I read the whole thing in less than a month , I devoured it ! I read it a further two times in that same year . I've stopped counting how many times I've read it when I got to fifty . You made me have a look at my first Bible today and without my spectacles it's just a lot of black lines now ! Hahaha . I hope , that like me , once you get started you can't stop . I'm much slower now , I read the whole thing in one year except for the Gospels , I read them twice in a year , I usually read five chapters a day but sometimes I get started and don't stop reading for a couple of hours . I'm still learning and seeing new things in there . You are at the start of a wonderful lifelong journey , may God bless you to give you eyes to see and ears to hear...Him .
Yes Barbara, when you first enter this KJBO Site, there's a box at the top left, "Search the Bible". You can find any word or phrase that is written in the KJV & it gives you a further option to help narrow down the range of possible verses (under 'Modify Search'). This was a recent addition & very helpful to quickly find a verse.
There are multiple reasons for delay & no from GOD.
James 4, not GOD's perfect plan, timing = look at Abraham he was promised a son, even past natural ability Genesis 12:4,6,7, Abram 75 yrs old, Genesis 17:1-8, Abraham also called Abram 90 yrs old, Sarah Genesis 18:10,11, Genesis 21:1-3, was the delay for example of faith Hebrews 11, was it for the linage of Salvation timing? Matthew 1:17, ?
1John 3:22, John 16:23, Psalms 37, Luke 11, Matthew 6, Matthew 7, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 21:22, Luke 18,
I fasted, prayed, begged, cried out & received what I asked many times & several of those caused me years of deep pain, regret, sadness etc. Trust GOD ALMIGHTY sometimes it's protection, not seeing & knowing everything & everyone attached to the things we ask. Luke 8:10-18,
Please , don't allow that small annoyance to dissuade you from reading the Bible . You don't need to know and understand everyone's name , I've been reading the Bible for very many years and I don't know everyone's name and all the meanings of them and it has in no way hindered my enjoyment and instruction . My honest opinion ? If you are that easily put off then maybe you weren't that commited in the first place ? I'm sorry if that feels like a criticism , it wasn't meant to be one . Reading the Bible once might give you a basic understanding , for me though it's a life long relationship . Once you pick it up on one day , you will be picking it up every day for the rest of your life so there's no drastic rush to understand it all first time round . Be patient , relax and enjoy it , take your time over it and think about what you have read every day after you have finished reading it . It really is a treasure to be kept close to your heart .
The names are very difficult to understand and I believe if it was a way for someone to pronounce the names in English a person could receive a better understanding and be more encouraging in reading the scriptures.
words translation ( bow' ) using the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance & comparison in this site, the same word is used for each scripture= meaning to come. If read within the meanings; points to Jesus in Matthew 1,
Alex1939...Gi-Gi thanks for the inquiry of my family...I have 3 girls and 3 boys...14 grandchildren and 24 great grandchildren...They have all been with me on my trips to India back in the 60's cept the 2 youngest....Preaching the gospel of Christ in you the hope of glory...Been to India 3 times preaching the Gospel...As an ex Pentacostal non Demoninational Preacher...But I gave up on all that when i received the revelation of the manchild the H.G. That is gonna be born in all of humanity...That New Covenant in the blood of Jesus ...Now I AM trying to turn the hearts of the Fathers to the Children ( Jesus Children) the H.G. the Children of PROMISE...An ISRAEL OF GOD...As Jesus said that which is born of the spirit tis spirit...thats the H.G. that is gonna be born in us via his good seed the words of that New Covenant...The Children of Promise that are the gifts of God...The H.G...I was also a missionary with Jack REED who wrote the book "We walk by faith and not by sight"...What a missionary he was...He went to over 67 countries... He just died this last yr. in Oct....But now i'm too old to go to any foreign Countries...And i believe with all my heart that my own country AMERICA needs missionaries more so then any other country...ok gbu Gi-Gi...I will pray for all of your Children Gi-Gi in the name of Jesus but also in the name of the babes and sucklings which are spirits That Israel of God that is gonna be born in us....Our new heart and new spirit....The Children of PROMISE....Unless ya receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child your will in no wise enter there in...When they argued amongst them selves which was the greatest Jesus set a Child in their midst...He wants to set a Child in our hearts which is the H.G. That Child of Promise...The Kingdom....plz note the Kingdom does not come till the woman births the manchild...Which is the H.G. The spirit of truth that is gona reprove this whole world of sin and judgement etc...He is gonna rule this whole world...
Alex1939...Gi-Gi you are so right.. I Agree with you 100%...But where we differ is this God Almighty wants to multiply himself with the seed of Jesus...Which is the Living word The New Covenant...Thats y he needed a body...(Blood) he had to meet the levitical requirements for an offering for sin to make a New Covenant in the Blood of JESUS...This is the New Covenant in my blood drink ye all of it...But not literally...His words are the Blood as his words are spirit and life just like Blood is Spirit and life...Thats y Peter said to whom shall we go lord thou has the Words of Eternal life...Thus we are made CLEAN by hearing his WORDS which are spirit and life...
Under the old Covenant Isaac was offered up resulting in that Promise that that Abraham wd be multiplied as the sands of the seas thus a nation of Israel was the result of this offering up of ISAAC...Genisis 22:16 But at this same time God spoke to Abraham a second time..saying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of HEAVEN...Which is Christ the lamb of God...God didn't sware by himself by the 1st Promise..It was by the 2 nd promise that God Almighty swore by himself...Meaning that God himself was gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven by the seed /the words of Jesus...Thus an Israel of God that cannot sin.
...Thats y Jesus said to whom the WORD ( his seed ) came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken..Which is that Book in the Fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood...That New Covenant...And thats y Jesus refers to the H.G. as the Promise...The H.G. is the multiplication the regeneration of very God in us sinners...Jesus cd not refer to the H.G as the Promise if the H.G. was not the multiplication of God...Behold i send the Promise of my father upon you which was baptism of the H.G...They gave birth to a spiritual Child which is the H.G Immanuel God with them...When Isaiah saw the Kingdom coming he said unto us a Child is born..Thus the WOMAN IN Rev. 12:5 GB.
As the eternal Son, Jesus was not materially generated in His Godhood. But as the He agreed to take on a human nature and flesh, the Father is the one who created the genetic material for the Y chromosomal package that impregnated Mary's ovum. This Y chromosomal package (I am assuming a sperm) was newly created by the Father to complete Jesus' his genetic material.
This genetic material supplied by the Father was typically human in every way except for containing the sin nature. Jesus' full human nature was created by the Father through the ovum of Mary with its 23 chromosomes and the Y cell that the Father created with its 23 chromosomes.
This is my thinking on this matter. I know that none of us truly know the genetic makeup of Jesus, but Scripture does tell us He was became a man to be God with us. We may not agree on this. I understand. you gave your perspective and I have given mine. God 's blessings to you, Alex. We are in this life together in the Lord, and I thank God for this.
Hello Alex, and Merry Christmas to you and yours. I am remembering to pray for you kids along with mine. Can you remind me again of them, names, sons or daughters, how many?
Concerning Jesus's lineage, I agree that Jesus was conceived in Mary, will she was a virgin. He had no biological Father. Joseph was His adopted father as per custom.
Where I disagree with you is that of God having blood. Jesus did have blood, but it was human blood from His human nature. It was sinless human blood that needed to be shed to atone for our sins. so, this is why the Son became man through the virgin birth.
God the Father is Jesus' Father, by essence, not by blood or biology. None of the three persons of the Trinity have biological elements in their essential nature. No atoms, molecules, cells, chemicals-no physical matter-period. God is purely Sprit in essence.
God the Father is also Jesus' father because the Son has existed with Him eternally prior to anything being made outside of Himself. He is eternally begotten in terms of the relationship they have within the triune Being.
Alos, God the Father is the father of Jesus because He provided the material to impregnate Mary's egg, a Y chromosomal sperm. But this Jesus was already His Son
Another thought in that vain is that since God cannot sin He had to use an entity that did in order to accomplish His purposes. He doesn't tempt anyone ( James 1:13); but His created being(s) can be used through sin to accomplish His purposes. If not allowed to sin; or having a sin nature man would have no desire or even need to be saved. Satan also can't be forced to do anything; he is limited to accomplish God's purposes or he would have ended all life on earth according to the Book of Matthew chapter 24; verse 22. Man is drawn in and enticed by his own sin; prompted by Satan so that man is without excuse. Satan is to be judged eventually fully; and blamed for the initial downfall of man; but man himself can't say the "Devil made him do it." Such was implied in Eden; the Lord knew better. He will pay; however so we shouldn't bypass that important fact. God's patience will end in His timing and all will be made right.
Some things can't be understood. I have a few thoughts here in regard to Satan's creation and fall that may be helpful.
Satan himself was created as all things as God desired; origimally as we can see from both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 as a "Cherubim" and song worship position to glorify God in heaven. He clearly had free will; and also clearly saw spiritual realities so that he chose to rebel after becoming proud; then drew 1/3 of the angels after him ( Rev. 12:4).
God foreknew the need for the adversary for one clear reason; to test His saints as to their loyalties. Job apparently was unaware of the heavenly discussions going on with Satan and God and that Satan was the source of his troubles. Nonetheless; He tested what Satan had accused Job of; namely cursing God when things didn't go well as well as when his body was afflicted with boils.
This testing of character could also be evident when the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had WAS clear as to its source; nonetheless GSod's grace was sufficient and He was NOT granted the healing he prayed for 3 times. ( 2 Cor. 12:7-10).
Secondly; it is necessary to lay down our lives sacrificially for the Lord or "carry our crosses daily." ( Luke 9:23). God used Satan to bring forth the "son of Perdition" with Judas Iscariot ( John 17:12 prophesied in Psalms 109:8 and elsewhere); as well as testing Peter in Matthew 16:23. Since Satan has been granted temporary authority in this world; He has been allowed both with false doctrines and outward persecution to test the saints; and ultimately; of course the Antichrist will be used when the whole world goes through its trial ( Rev. 3:10). As God draws all men to Himself (that are His sheep); He uses Satan as a "dragnet" to draw the whole world to eventually fight Christ ( Psalm 2; Rev. 19) as well as take the Mark of the Beast and worship him.
Rewards for the saints; therefore are procured through a conflict and resistance. Spiritual warfare is where victories are won. ya But what you are preaching wd make Christ a mere man...Joseph's son and Blood of Joseph etc but this is just a ploy from satan to make the Cross the blood of the lamb of none effect...As no mere man's blood cd ever ever ATONE for the sins of the WORLD...It had to be the very blood of God...Only Gods Blood cd atone for the sins of the world....ACTS 2O:28...Feed the Church of God that he has purchased with his own blood...Not any mans blood or even Joseph's blood...The Lamb of God was not a mere man....As no mere man cd atone for the sins of the world...He had to be a absolute son, God the son as Hebrews 1 :8 tells us...Unto the Son ( JESUS ) he says thy THRONE O GOD IS FOREVER...Leentje Always remember no mere mans blood cd ever be the Atonement for the sins of the world...Jesus was the very Lamb of God and the beginning of that New Covenant on John said behold the Lamb of God that taketh away the Sins of the world...But mans blood cd neva be the Atonement for the sins of the world...As all men carried the stain and the spot of Adam...Neva say that Joseph was his Biological father its a slap in the face of God and the lamb of God...And the 7 spirits of God in the throne....Rebuke Satan in the name of Jesus when he tries to teach this garbage...Gbu....Always remember mans blood cd neva be the ATONEMENT for the sins of the World...Ya make the Cross of none effect when ya say that Joseph was his biolological Father..
I think kit begins in Matthew Chapter 5 with the Beatitudes
But Jesus said every sinner has to go thru that lake of fire....Which is that baptism of the H.G. and fire....That baptism of PROMISE
Thats y Jesus is saying i come to bring fire on the earth...Which we all need...As our God is a consuming fire...Which is baptism of the H.G. and fire...His wrath is his love for humanity...Whom the lord loveth he chastens...ok gbu Kala....The reason i mentioned that New Covenant in his blood is the book of life is the result of the new covenant in his blood and his blood is life the book of life.
Psalms 1:1-3, Proverbs 3:5,6, Luke 6,
Hope this is helpful
Then tap on each individual scripture: the translated words are broken down by words & English phrases, John 20:17, scroll down, bottom of page, you can hover over words for easy translation or click on each block for deeper translation study, this will take you to the Concordance comparisons & there you can find much more information.
These translations are from Greek,
Hopefully this is helpful
I'm not sure if this is what you're looking for or not, but you can search Jesus, click Who is Jesus and get into various pages, one showing Jesus's quotes.
I think if you click on each verse you can see other translations and probably commentaries. You asked where you could find more understandable quotes of Jesus, so maybe that points you in the right direction?
1 John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Ephesians 4:21 If so be that ye have heard him, and have been taught by him, as the truth is in Jesus:
22 That ye put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to the deceitful lusts;
23 And be renewed in the spirit of your mind;
24 And that ye put on the new man, which after God is created in righteousness and true holiness.
(1) And he said: "Whoever finds the meaning of these words will not taste death."
(2) Jesus says:
(1) "The one who seeks should not cease seeking until he finds.
(2) And when he finds, he will be dismayed.
(3) And when he is dismayed, he will be astonished.
(4) And he will be king over the All."
(3) Jesus says:
(1) "If those who lead you say to you: 'Look, the kingdom is in the sky!' then the birds of the sky will precede you.
(2) If they say to you: 'It is in the sea,' then the fishes will precede you.
(3) Rather, the kingdom is inside of you and outside of you."
(4) "When you come to know yourselves, then you will be known, and you will realize that you are the children of the living Father.
(5) But if you do not come to know yourselves, then you exist in poverty, and you are poverty."
As you can see they do not make a great deal of sense presumably because they are out of context?
Any ideas as to where I can find more understandable direct quotations will be welcome.
Thank you
God bless
Psalm 37:4
Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
It works best for me personally when I've started with 3 books like Genesis 1, Psalms 1, John 1, keeping track when stopping, to go back to each.
James 4, not GOD's perfect plan, timing = look at Abraham he was promised a son, even past natural ability Genesis 12:4,6,7, Abram 75 yrs old, Genesis 17:1-8, Abraham also called Abram 90 yrs old, Sarah Genesis 18:10,11, Genesis 21:1-3, was the delay for example of faith Hebrews 11, was it for the linage of Salvation timing? Matthew 1:17, ?
1John 3:22, John 16:23, Psalms 37, Luke 11, Matthew 6, Matthew 7, Matthew 7:7, Matthew 21:22, Luke 18,
I fasted, prayed, begged, cried out & received what I asked many times & several of those caused me years of deep pain, regret, sadness etc. Trust GOD ALMIGHTY sometimes it's protection, not seeing & knowing everything & everyone attached to the things we ask. Luke 8:10-18,
Luke 8:15, Revelation 3:10,
Hopefully these are helpful
Hopefully this is helpful
words translation ( bow' ) using the Strongs Exhaustive Concordance & comparison in this site, the same word is used for each scripture= meaning to come. If read within the meanings; points to Jesus in Matthew 1,
Under the old Covenant Isaac was offered up resulting in that Promise that that Abraham wd be multiplied as the sands of the seas thus a nation of Israel was the result of this offering up of ISAAC...Genisis 22:16 But at this same time God spoke to Abraham a second time..saying I will multiply thy seed as the stars of HEAVEN...Which is Christ the lamb of God...God didn't sware by himself by the 1st Promise..It was by the 2 nd promise that God Almighty swore by himself...Meaning that God himself was gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven by the seed /the words of Jesus...Thus an Israel of God that cannot sin.
...Thats y Jesus said to whom the WORD ( his seed ) came it made them Gods...And the scripture cannot be broken..Which is that Book in the Fathers right hand that Jesus wrote with his own blood...That New Covenant...And thats y Jesus refers to the H.G. as the Promise...The H.G. is the multiplication the regeneration of very God in us sinners...Jesus cd not refer to the H.G as the Promise if the H.G. was not the multiplication of God...Behold i send the Promise of my father upon you which was baptism of the H.G...They gave birth to a spiritual Child which is the H.G Immanuel God with them...When Isaiah saw the Kingdom coming he said unto us a Child is born..Thus the WOMAN IN Rev. 12:5 GB.
I meant to say "But as THE SON He agreed.....
As the eternal Son, Jesus was not materially generated in His Godhood. But as the He agreed to take on a human nature and flesh, the Father is the one who created the genetic material for the Y chromosomal package that impregnated Mary's ovum. This Y chromosomal package (I am assuming a sperm) was newly created by the Father to complete Jesus' his genetic material.
This genetic material supplied by the Father was typically human in every way except for containing the sin nature. Jesus' full human nature was created by the Father through the ovum of Mary with its 23 chromosomes and the Y cell that the Father created with its 23 chromosomes.
This is my thinking on this matter. I know that none of us truly know the genetic makeup of Jesus, but Scripture does tell us He was became a man to be God with us. We may not agree on this. I understand. you gave your perspective and I have given mine. God 's blessings to you, Alex. We are in this life together in the Lord, and I thank God for this.
Concerning Jesus's lineage, I agree that Jesus was conceived in Mary, will she was a virgin. He had no biological Father. Joseph was His adopted father as per custom.
Where I disagree with you is that of God having blood. Jesus did have blood, but it was human blood from His human nature. It was sinless human blood that needed to be shed to atone for our sins. so, this is why the Son became man through the virgin birth.
God the Father is Jesus' Father, by essence, not by blood or biology. None of the three persons of the Trinity have biological elements in their essential nature. No atoms, molecules, cells, chemicals-no physical matter-period. God is purely Sprit in essence.
God the Father is also Jesus' father because the Son has existed with Him eternally prior to anything being made outside of Himself. He is eternally begotten in terms of the relationship they have within the triune Being.
Alos, God the Father is the father of Jesus because He provided the material to impregnate Mary's egg, a Y chromosomal sperm. But this Jesus was already His Son
Satan himself was created as all things as God desired; origimally as we can see from both Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 as a "Cherubim" and song worship position to glorify God in heaven. He clearly had free will; and also clearly saw spiritual realities so that he chose to rebel after becoming proud; then drew 1/3 of the angels after him ( Rev. 12:4).
God foreknew the need for the adversary for one clear reason; to test His saints as to their loyalties. Job apparently was unaware of the heavenly discussions going on with Satan and God and that Satan was the source of his troubles. Nonetheless; He tested what Satan had accused Job of; namely cursing God when things didn't go well as well as when his body was afflicted with boils.
This testing of character could also be evident when the "thorn in the flesh" that Paul had WAS clear as to its source; nonetheless GSod's grace was sufficient and He was NOT granted the healing he prayed for 3 times. ( 2 Cor. 12:7-10).
Secondly; it is necessary to lay down our lives sacrificially for the Lord or "carry our crosses daily." ( Luke 9:23). God used Satan to bring forth the "son of Perdition" with Judas Iscariot ( John 17:12 prophesied in Psalms 109:8 and elsewhere); as well as testing Peter in Matthew 16:23. Since Satan has been granted temporary authority in this world; He has been allowed both with false doctrines and outward persecution to test the saints; and ultimately; of course the Antichrist will be used when the whole world goes through its trial ( Rev. 3:10). As God draws all men to Himself (that are His sheep); He uses Satan as a "dragnet" to draw the whole world to eventually fight Christ ( Psalm 2; Rev. 19) as well as take the Mark of the Beast and worship him.
Rewards for the saints; therefore are procured through a conflict and resistance. Spiritual warfare is where victories are won.