Discuss Matthew 1 Page 40

  • Jone on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
  • Dorothy on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    it is a beautiful example of how a husband should love and protect his wife even in difficult circumstances.
  • Grace chukwu on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    i think GOD doesnt need to inform anyone before he takes his decision. so whether joseph knew or agreed with the plan is not Gods business. all he is concrned about is that his son has to come through a virgin and that's all that matters. the whole issue is that GOD is still in the bussiness of breaking protocols just to bring you to an expected end. "HE LIKES TO SHOW THAT HE IS GOD" somebody Shout "HALLELUYAH"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Les noll on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    Gods word is the same yesterday today and forever
    Give him Praise
  • Les noll on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    Virgin Birth Eh? H'mmm Some people have trouble believing for healing prophesy speaking in tongues but believe in the virgin birth? You Know if we will just believe his word we could put those differences behind us and join as one body like he wants us to be Believe it receive it
  • Marylin adams on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    thats the word and god word is true i believe every one of the comments beside the critic who spoke about till andtil bridgett give that person the right answer in the word blessings
  • Bridgett on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    I think that everyone's anwswer combined are good points. Looking at Joseph, he showed love that Jesus shows for us today. He loved Mary so much, so unconditionally, and that's how Jesus loves us. He setted the pace, if you want to look at it that way. You see, God made us out of His own image and saying that He knew what kind of man Joseph was at that time. God don't give anything. He is a perfect God and He chosed the perfect couple. Joseph possessed the same love for Mary that Jesus has for us, he did not lean to his own understanding, he got a direction from God and was obedient etc...there's alot we can learn from this chapter. It doesn't matter how till or til is spelled no one is perfect but God. It's not about speech, grammar, etc...it's about believing that Jesus died and rose on the third day. It's about having your soul right when He comes back. Let's be ready people to go back with our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
  • James on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    "25- And knew her not (till) she had brought forth her firstborn son: and he called his name JESUS."

    Isn't "till" spelled "til" ... unless they are plowing?
    The whole bible must be wrong.
  • Tosin folaji on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    On this bible verse if not for the intervention of the holy spirit joseph whould't have accepted the fact that the pregnancy that was in his wife is from the holy spirit so for this,it is all men that can accept it b/co we women some of us are harlot,so God in is infinite mercy help us
  • Paul Bivins on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    The Bible is made up of two Covenents, one was law and the other was Grace, The old Covenent lasted until the Son of God died on the cross, at that very moment we started under a new Covenent called Grace, All of Jesus' teachings was done in the old Testiment, Law demands judgement right now, but when Jesus died on the cross the full price was paid for our redemption, no more animas were killed for our sins, Now we could ask ourselves why was the blood of Jesus so strong and pure that it was able to cover our sins? Thank you
  • Judith vazquez on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    we as cristian should not imitate no one in the bible we should imitate jesus christ the one who die for us when the day he come to get us
  • Mary on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    God wants us to be married and have children...in this case..Here is a man loving a woman that has just told him she is with child....out of his love and not wanting the world to think badly of her....because he knows this woman and this is not something that she just runs around doing so he thinks and as he does so An Angel comes to brings news that he is to marry her...the child is God....be incarnated into human flesh....I think Joseph was also chosen but lets relize that its God we give the Glory not Joseph....we can ask the question what if God didn't inform him....but that doesn't matter ....God did...
  • TOM L. on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    Joseph is being judgmental at first but did the right thing by asking and doing as GOD told him,as we all should do.
  • Earnest on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    I am thankful that joseph arise and followed the commands of his dream. The bible tells us that if we pray and ask that GOD will gives us understanding. We as men should rely on the word of God to guide us in our decision daily.
  • Nekesha on Matthew 1 - 14 years ago
    More men on the whole should take example from josehps and life would so much easy
  • Jason on Matthew 1 - 15 years ago
    I don't see where it says that Joseph didn't judge her. I only see that he loved her so much as to not destroy her or her reputation. He was going to put her away, call it off, until God told him what Mary herself had tried to tell him and he did not believe.Only through diligent prayer will the truth be given, for God is truth and there is no lie in him. Joseph is as you and I, a common man. The difference is he asked for direction before acting on impulse and had is heart and mind renewed by God which completely changed his course of action.
  • Les Noll on Matthew 1 - 15 years ago
    If we men could not judge so much we would have it a lot easier for all of us A lot of us are so judgmental we cannot see what we are doing to ourselves and others Just think where would we be if Joseph had of been rash Forget those things that you hold up and be a Joseph We will all be better when we do
  • Wanda on Matthew 1 - 15 years ago
    i think if people followed josehps example they would have a easer life
  • Paula on Matthew 1 - 15 years ago
    I think more men should take example from Joseph.

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