King James Version (KJV)

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Again, well presented.
The words of Matthew 13:36-43, Matthew 24:40-41, and Luke 17:34-35 reveal that the people TAKEN FIRST are taken by Satan.
Many understand this in the complete opposite way.
And we know that the Son of God is come, and hath given is an understanding, that we may know him that is true, and we are in him that is true, even his Son Jesus Christ. This is the true God, and eternal life.
Little Children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.
The radical Left is desperately exploiting the Coronavirus pandemic to expand their extreme agenda. This is what we warned you about.
California used the pandemic as a pretext to ban singing in church. Telling churches how they can worship God is an unthinkable abuse of power.
We're working night and day to fight back. Last week, we filed a MAJOR lawsuit on behalf of multiple churches; and just hours ago, we filed a critical motion for a preliminary injunction to quickly block enforcement of the singing ban. (ALCJ) Our fight DOES NOT STOP.
But we face a significant challenge. We're taking on a formidable state government (California) and its vast resources. And this case could quickly head to the Supreme Court. Sign the Petition.
Furthermore, the teaching of Jesus confirms this thesis. In the Parable of the Weeds the Son of Man sends his angels to gather out the children of the devil and throw them in the fiery furnace whereas the wheat is left behind ( Matt 13:36-43).
The context of Matt 24 and Luke 17 also suggests Jesus is intentionally using judgment and remnant language. Such language naturally brings up images of the former destruction of Jerusalem where the enemy came and "took away" (i.e., killed) those in the city.
Finally, the parallel with Noah and the flood in the preceding verses strongly confirms our thesis. Just as in the days of Noah the people were taken away by the great flood, so those who are not prepared will be taken away when the Son of Man returns.
The Meaning of Matthew 24:40-41 and Luke 17:34-35, "Although many assume that those taken in Matt 24:40-41 and Luke 17:34-35 are taken to be with Jesus and those left behind are left for judgment, this interpretation should be rejected." Throughout the context of these passages Jesus uses judgment language reminiscent of the Babylonian destruction of Jerusalem and the subsequent exile of its inhabitants. Those who were taken away were the ones judged by God whereas those left behind were the remnant who received grace.
I told them busting peoples doors open early Saturday mornings for to evangelize, was not kind. I told them they would harden their hearts against God. They would "pray" anything to get us to leave. I had to stop going.
Next church believed all single people should be married ASAP. They did their own matchmaking.
You need to pray and ask the Holy Spirit to guide you to the Pastor He wants to be your shepherd. He actually said turn here, go up 4 streets, turn left...I walked through the doors and Holy Spirit said there's your shepherd. I learned a lot there.
Pray. The Lord will find you the best, no matter how far you have to drive. :D
Dear Jesus make this easy for her and may her faith increase in your Goodness and Truth.
Go to the entry of this website, in the red section to Community and select the "become a Christian " link. Go through that so you may be born again.
You can't be saved and practice witchcraft. So you need to understand how serious this is. Demons are invisible. Ephesians 6
They don't like to let go.
Clean your house, top to bottom of anything that would open a door to demons. It must be destroyed first. Acts 19:19.
When Derek prays, you pray too.
In Jesus most excellent Name: Name above all others.
You have covenant with your husband, so you two must pull this load together and make joint decisions.
Your daughter must take over half of the duties of the house. Her husband should do half of the outside work and cars.
Dinners need to start with one small Psalm from the Bible. It's not offensive. Kids need to respect your belief.
I heard that grocery stores really need personal shoppers and curbside or delivery for shut-in people. Maybe your brother In law wouldn't mind that, until jobs start coming back? Doing something helps when you're waiting:)
Your bedroom needs to be off limits so you can go in there and read one chapter of your Bible and say a prayer.
Just have a family meeting with ice cream and announce work division so there will be peace in the home. You need to take care of yourself so you can manage this.
Allow Jesus to carry some of the spiritual burden for you: cast all your cares on Him, for He cares for you. Give Him the abortion pill burden for sure.
You can tell her I said that God told me He's Pro-Choice. CHOOSE life so that you and your children may Live. (I told him that's not really what you say nowadays...but He didn't say skip it). Book of Deuteronomy.
Jesus loves you and is at the right Hand of God, making intercession for all of us. Thank Him for helping you.
That is a great analogy on that parable. Very well said. It is indeed a difficult thing for a man who values his earthly riches to give it all up to follow Christ. Thank you for sharing that!
I am requesting prayer for my family & I. God knows all the small details. I will, however share a bit. Pray that my 23 year old daughter will not take an abortion pill. (She is married and has 2 girls under 3) She & her husband live with us in a small 1500 square foot house; that is 4 adults and 2 children. Pray that my biopsy on a place in my esophagus comes back benign. Pray that my son in law can go back to work soon. Pray for my brother in law will be able to work soon again. Pray that I will seek & spend time with God more. (Hard to do in a houseful!) I'm feeling SO overwhelmed! I've been seeing a counselor for a little over 2 years and she had to leave for some "family matters". I really miss her right now. The Holy Spirit did tell me to talk to my Heavenly Father instead. Pray that I can & will do that. Thank you for praying!
In re-reading Luke 18:1-30 it seems that the rich man was not rich due to "ill gotten gains" as I previously stated, but rather that he had put those riches ahead or cared about those things more than he cared about his relationship with God, and thus breaking Commandments 1 and 2, which are among those not mentioned in Luke 18:20, and is the "lackest thou one thing" ( Luke 18:22) that Jesus was referring to. Either way he was missing something pretty big.
In ancient times, (and up to only a few hundred years ago) would be a needle gate on the side of the main gate of a city.
The reason for this is mainly night time travel.
Main gate closed at night for obvious protection, which would make sense.
The traveler would have to unload the camel to fit through the gate. A way for the guard to check the person's belongings, again, which would make sense.
Because of the building and rebuilding of Jerusalem and the area, it is difficult to know whether these gates were used at the time of Jesus or before that, but I don't see why not.
I believe that the lesson of the parable has to do with ill-gotten gains; as a "rich man" that has become rich due to sin and must unload his sins and get right with Christ before he can fit through the little gate. If he was rich because of blessings there is no sin.
Matthew 7:13-14
"Enter ye in at the strait gate: for wide is the gate, and broad is the way, that leadeth to destruction, and many there be which go in thereat: Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it."
Alone we can accomplish nothing good. With Christ, anything is possible!
Pray that God destroys all witchcraft attacks and delivers me, dogs, and family from all witchcraft. Been in bondage for a year and would like salvation. Pray that I fast and pray for this deliverance and a financial blessings.
Help me to trust God in the storm. Pray that he brings peace in this house permanently and blesses my requests I made to him.
John 3
In faith I bind the spirit of infection from entering and command it to leave!
Have you received Jesus as your Lord and Savior?