Discuss Matthew 24 Page 36

  • Christin Anthony Williams on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    My brother's and sister's in Christ, I have been in a spiritual warfare with temptation and finances. I have surrounded myself around the wrong people and I have lost sight. I am a 31 year old child of God and it seems as though the battle has weighed in on me. I ask for my prayer warriors to keep me uplifted in prayer to get through this. I am a homosexual and I have been falsely diagnosed with a disease and I am trying to find the answers to move forward with my life. So I ask you to uplift me and continuously pray for my family and I. Thank you God Bless.
  • Jeffrey Anderson on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Me and my family have health problems and we are going through a lot! I hurt from head to toe 24/7 for 11 years and counting and it feels like I'm being killed 24/7! My future wife was in a car wreck 1 year ago and she has bad pain from that and she's a CNA and her job is making her hurt worse! She also has problems with her blood sugar! My mom is a type 2 diabetic! And mom has high blood pressure and she has bad pain in her body! Dad is borderline diabetic! He has bathroom problems! Dad has bad pain in his body! I lost my job and I'm having to look for another job and I have been angry for a long time now and I need to get rid of this anger! I have believed and had faith in God since I was 10 years old! When a person disrespects me or smarts off to me or says something the wrong way I hold that on the inside and I keep that anger on the inside until I can't stand it anymore then I lash out at the person that done that to me verbally! My aunt has stomach cancer! And there are people on my future wife's side of the family that's going through a lot of things too! My future wife's mom and dad aren't doing good at all her mom has dementia! And I'm not sure what's with her dad but he isn't doing good the last I heard they wasn't expecting him to make it! My grandmother needs prayer too she isn't doing good! And my side of the family goes to church but then lies about money when some of the family needs help! My aunt Kathy who co owns a restaurant! My uncle Dwight who makes $25 an hour! And my uncle Alan who makes $17 an hour! I told them going to church and then lying about money isn't any good at all! I need another job! My wife needs a new job! Me and my future wife have been through hell when it comes to relationships so we both have fears that we need help with! Ask God to help us get rid of those fears and to talk to each other in the right way when we get aggravated about something! Ask God to help us to not cuss when we get aggravated! Ask God to help us in life!
  • Alex Vistochi - In Reply on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Thank you so much for praying for my mother. She underwent surgery that lasted 9 hours. She is recovering in the ICU. I praise God for people like you who are willing to pray for people in need of some blessing, a miracle. I believe your prayers have moved the heart of the Lord Jesus to heal her. I ask you to continue praying that she will no longer be at risk of life and be healed. Thank you very, very much. May Jesus bless you more and more, amen. Alex
  • Norman Walker Butch - In Reply on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Susan, you are not by yourself. I have the very same problem. When I am talking to God the devil tries his best to make me not believe in God! I hate that feeling and I have asked God many many times to stop the devil from doing that to me and like you I am afraid I am going to die and go to hell for it. I can just look at this earth and the sun and see that this world was created not evolved from nothing because it is way to detailed to have just come about. Just look at the Sun, it has burned at a perfect temp. every since the day it was created and has never ran out of fuel or even low on fuel and the temp stays the same for life on earth to survive! I just wish I could stop the devil from doing that to me! I believe in God the Father Almighty creator of Heaven and Earth. Amen
  • Spiritual Warfare - In Reply on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I (Jesus) am the door: by me if any man enter in, he shall be saved, and shall go in and out, and find pasture.

    The thief (Satan) cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I (Jesus) am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

    I am the good shepherd: the good shepherd (Jesus) giveth his life for the sheep.

    You will find your armor in Ephesians 6. Put it on; every piece. Jesus provided it to you. Demons are invisible, but you can tell they're hanging around by their "fruit". Righteous anger is ok so long as it's aimed at demons; fear brings in his buddies 'torments'. That's what they're doing to you. 'Hindering, harassing, and more.

    You have to fight back in the power and holiness of Jesus's Name. If you say, Jesus Christ of Nazareth they'll know they have to leave. You're going to have to get more Bible into you to enforce their permanent departure.

    If you have anything in your home that could be considered an idol, occult, bad books or movies: they consider those to be doorways so they can come back. Get rid of all of it.

    You must be born again and received the indwelling Holy Spirit of God. John 3. They cannot get into you because of the Holy Spirit. You're ok. Do not fear. Fight back.

    Say: in The Name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, by the authority He has given me, I BIND your works (ask the Holy Spirit to give you the names), and I cast you into dry places to wander.

    "I pray and ask for angels to come guard all openings and doors to prevent demonic entrance." And THANK YOU JESUS!!!

    I think you should go on YouTube and watch some Derek Prince spiritual warfare videos; and Charles Stanley is a good Teacher too.

    Once you know what's going on, you'll be able to handle things better. We're in a battle.
  • Mishael - In Reply on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Jesus heal and touch Alex's mother right where she is. Give skill to her surgeons hands and discernment on her condition.

    Help the family to hold onto Faith and to rebuke those spirits of fear and confusion. Keep them in Your Healing Hands and be Lord over her recovery which will be speedy. Faithful is He that promised; and Faithful is He that will do it.
  • THREE PLAGUES in the BIBLE from ASIA on Genesis 12 - 4 years ago
    Revelation 16:12

    The sixth angel poured out his bowl on the great river Euphrates, and its water was dried up, to prepare the way for the kings from the EAST.

    Revelation 9:16-18

    The number of mounted troops was twice ten thousand times ten thousand; I heard their number. And this is how I saw the horses in my vision and those who rode them: they wore breastplates the color of fire and of sapphire and of sulfur, and the heads of the horses were like lions' heads, and fire and smoke and sulfur came out of their mouths. By these THREE PLAGUES, A THIRD OF MANKIND IS KILLED by the fire and smoke and sulfur coming out of their mouths.

    Matthew 24:14

    And this gospel of the kingdom will be proclaimed throughout the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

    Isaiah 49:12

    Behold, these shall come from AFAR, and behold, these from the north and from the west, and these from the land of Syene."

    China gave us Swine FLU. SARS virus, Corona virus. I got a feeling that corona virus isn't done killing yet.

    Google Past Pandemic LIST

    It will have World death totals by country.

    I don't think we need to act like this is just like past FLU episodes. We get a flu shot and feel protected for another year. Corona virus doesn't act like past flu's.

    I didn't know there were any scriptures of China in the Bible. I looked it up as a lark.

    It would be helpful if Bible scholars in here would look up the ancient names of those scriptures mention of places in China. What are their names now?
  • Okwubuizu innocent on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I need God to liberate me from every family negative background
  • Alex on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I beg you to pray for my mother. She's having surgery right now. It is the third. SHE needs a miracle. I beg you: Jesus heal my mother
  • Susan - In Reply on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I know you're feeling I prayed for God to heal me of OCD I have a cyst on my kidney I have kidney infections all the time in the more I pray it seems like nothing ever happens
  • Susan on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I really need prayer I have OCD I was told it is a demonic spirit I have depression and Satan is constantly only he's trying to make me believe there's not a God or a Jesus when I read the Bible he's constantly they're trying to trick deteriorate me from believing I took communion and I and I believe but I think Satan is trying to make me not to believe and I'm scared that I'm going to go to hell I can't talk to nobody because I don't want people to think I'm that I'm weird and I'm evil please I feel like I have a cold heart I believe God is turned away from me God I need you to come into my life and change me give me a heart to love and believe in Jesus Christ and to love myself I feel like I'm not worthy of my own self I really need help I pray God helps me cuz I don't want to die and go to hell please let everything yummy please pray that God changes me and give me the knowledge in the wisdom I need please help me in Jesus name
  • Lethokuhle Ntombikhona Mhlanga on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    asking God to provide me with a Job from Southern Star and proper accomodation
  • Dallas Golden on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    i am 80 years of age i live on social security of less than 900 a month i am divorced and live with my oldest son whom is also divorced i just had a hip transplant and dont get around good my prayer request in we can buy a house in the country we are renting now,have been for 12 years and i always wanted to own my own home before god calls me home my health is not good i have high blood pressure for 15 years my son is 52 and works but our credit is not good to get a home finance but i keep praying we will maby some day we will sometimes miracles does happend thank you for reading this
  • Pauline Wynter on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Ask for prayer request, I'm fighting a demon, ever day, needing guidance, I prayed I read my morning devotional, and it's like the devil just keeps on trying to break me down, need prayer for strength, how to love myself and stopped looking for a man to love me, I'm a lost sheep trying to find my way, every day, I have so much going on where I really need god to help me, find my way.
  • Barbara on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    pray for my health, my wellness,, my wealth and focused strength to move forward in the chosen direction with God
  • Deborah DePhillips on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray that Johnny wins his appeal to not have his business driveway altered to a smaller size. If Lee county does this, he will loose his tenants he's had for over 10 years. This is his livlihood.

    Also pray that he falls in love with me again. Thank you.
  • Flossy Ann Archibeque on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I have had clinical depression since I was 10. Nothing really has helped in treating it. I'm 34 now. This whole time I have been praying for God to take it from me. No one ever understands it so I am left to battle it alone. I can't even hear God. I have also been trying to overcome a meth addiction. I have been sober 15 days. I went to this one person I knew that was addicted to it and had gotten clean for help. He said he would help me and be there for me but when it came down to it, he was "too busy" to help me. I have had this kind of luck with everyone I have known. They say they'll be there but then they aren't. I'm always left to fight alone. Recently I was talking to some people about how they hear God because I don't know how. They said surrender and listen to your heart. How? I have been fighting my whole life to stay alive. How am I susposed to surrender? They made it sound so easy that there must be something wrong with me because I'm unable to comprehend how to do this. If I can't surrender and God wont help me, I won't be able to stay sober. I can't do this alone. I don't trust people. This drug is going to take my life if God doesn't step in because I am never ever ever going to ask for help from anyone ever again. I am all out of patience, all out of strength, and almost all out of hope. I am so certain God won't help me or ever answer any of my prayers and help me, I would bet my life on it. The only certainty in my life has ever been being let down.
  • Angie on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me and my husband that we will be able to purchase a home. We submitted an offer for a home but looks like many others are submitting too and we are not sure if they are going to except ours. We need a miracle that if this home is not meant for us that the Lord will direct us to where it's going to be and that it's in our price range. And if this home that we did put an offer on is meant for us that this we will get an answer today in Jesus' name I pray!
  • Kim Jackson on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago

    Thank and Praise You for blessing me this far.

    Lord, You will answer our prayers and we ask to draw many souls to Yourself. Father establish me In ministry I Pray for the Spanish, English, and Arabic Gospel outline for people to use and Salvation for the Unsaved and any that the gospel is shared with. Protection over my family Spiritually physically and Deliverance from evil one attacking the mind of my son, mother, brother and me/body and attacked daily enemy and deliverance from our houses, and repentance, and family saved, free my son from alcohol and drug addiction and Deliver him, my brother from mental illness. Please Pray for Onlyhopeyouhave website also for salvations, videos, and posts to be used and protection for people that go there. So can any add to there Daily Prayer lists? Thank You, Father, In The Name Of Jesus God Almighty Glory and Honor.
  • Caroline Eagan on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please join me in prayer for the Holy Spirit to open the doors of the unsaved/the lost , their ears, hearts, souls, mind, and bodies to the Gospel and/or remove the scales of their eyes and hearts, to be removed so that they would receive Jesus Christ as their Lord/Savior, become born again of the water/ and the Spirit so that their names would be written in the Lambs book of life. For ALL To The Glory, HONOR, POWER and Praise be unto the Lord God our Father, who sits on the throne and unto the Lamb forever and ever, Amen!
  • Cameron Evans on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Pray healing prayers for my grandson, Cameron Evans 17 years old having back surgery Monday.
  • Robin Lavenger on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my mother and my children and husband
  • M on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for me that I can keep my home, that my ex will stop hurting me financially and that our broken family be healed and reunited. I ask in the name of Jesus that he heal my depression and sleepless nights and keep His Angels around me, my home and family to protect us from evil and evil doers. In Jesus name, Amen
  • PASTOR THIERINGO aguigo on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago

    Concerning the pastor Thieringo : for the year 2020 and after :

    Have best jobs with best wages incomes, best hours in Swiss country.

    Protection prosperity wisdom chance success miracles,divine breakthroughs, financial breakthroughs, must be in pastor Thieringo's life in Jesus name.

    When I(pastor Thieringo) cry, answer me, God of my justice! When I am in distress, save me! Have pity on me, listen to my prayer!

    Sons of men, how long will my glory be outraged? How long will you love vanity, will you seek lies?

    Know that Jehovah has chosen a godly man; The Lord hears when I cry to him.

    Tremble, and sin not; Speak in your hearts on your bed, then shut up.

    Offer sacrifices of righteousness, and trust in the LORD.

    Many say, Who will make us see happiness? Bring on us the light of your face, O LORD!

    You put in my heart more joy than they have when their wheat and their must abound.

    I go to bed and sleep in peace, for you alone, O LORD! you give me security in my home.

    May all the evils spirits directed against me, coming against me acting against me: be bound, go away and come no more against me. May satan be bound when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it comes against me, when it acts against me, when it acts in my life: let it be bound go and don't come against me in the name of Jesus. May the Eternal God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit reprove him drive him away in the name of Jesus.

    May the Lord God, the Lord Jesus, the Holy Spirit Spirit, Creatures Celestials of the Lord, Spirits of the Lord, who are in the service of the Eternal God, the Angels and Archangels of God, the fire of the resurrection power of Jesus Christ destroy the destroyer so that he may stop destroying me, so that he do not destroy me any more, stop those who persecute me to continue to persecute me, in the name of Jesus.

    May all things is in my life that does not come from God come out and don't come back, may the plans of God, the destiny of God
  • Nice on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for someone I know to come to the saving knowledge of Jesus. She's lost right now and is heading away from God.
  • Mosestaylor farrell on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    OH Lord: UNVEIL, restore myself helppp hedge of protection.

    Please pray for latch key kids Im continually seeing remove chip implant and any connection to latch key kids. Forgiveness for any sin here. Help OH Lord forgive me with this software and any connection to the dragon. Everyone for salvation, mercy, Gods love and His protection. Also praying for kids in Sudan and Yemen, every nation - state where these abominations are for salvation, mercy, and meds, food everything. Praying for their abusers and captors to bring on,for salvation, mercis, justice in Jesus Christ Name Amen Amen
  • Charlotte on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for Naya Rivera, her family and friends. She has been missing since Wednesday afternoon after she went on a boat trip with her 4 year old son. She is presumed dead (drowned) by the police, however her body isn't found yet, and many people believe she is still alive. Please pray for her return home!

    She has one of the purest hearts God gave this earth. We need her to bring joy and hope to our world. We are all praying already, but I believe that your strength in Prayer can make a miracle happen.

    Thank you for praying.


    Charlotte Schilling
  • Charlotte on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Dear Elevation team,

    Please pray for Naya Rivera, her family and friends. She has been missing since Wednesday afternoon after she went on a boat trip with her 4 year old son. She is presumed dead (drowned) by the police, however her body isn't found yet, and many people believe she is still alive. Please pray for her return home!

    She has one of the purest hearts God gave this earth. We need her to bring joy and hope to our world. We are all praying already, but I believe that your strength in Prayer can make a miracle happen.

    Thank you for praying.


    Charlotte Schilling
  • James on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    Please pray for my protection and for other unnamed requests.
  • Shereese clark on Matthew 24:9 - 4 years ago
    I need god to bless we get the second stimulus checks to pay bills and rent

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