Discuss Matthew 24 Page 56

  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    "For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, and knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be." While the narrative in Gen.6 describes how God saw the world full of apostasy corruption and violence; the people couldn't care less!
  • Edward Palamar on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The sign v.30 of the Son of Man in Heaven is St. John the Baptist resurrected for ca. 61.5 years thusfar .
  • ANNE OLABISI on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
  • Lilian on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Only Jesus and Abba Father who knows the 2nd coming of Jesus but thank you Lord for saving us by your blood Jesus help us to be born again in spirit every moment of my life save us until rapture Lord Jehova Rapha Shalom
  • LadyA on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I Trust God!
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Hi Bruce; I wanted to add a little to support your efforts. Luke 22:28-29 "Ye are they which have continued with me in my temptations. And I appoint unto you a kingdom, as my Father hath appointed unto me;" In reading all that the Lord said in the last days before He suffered ( Mt. 24-26; Mk. 13-14; Lk. 21-22; Jn. 13-18) there's NO MISTAKING that Christ and His followers ARE appointed tribulation!
  • John on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I believe we are at the beginning of the tribulation. Look around, abortion, homosexuality, the loss of love of one's neighbors, the twisting of scripture, the threat of war. As our Lord said "Look up, for the salvation draws nigh!" I don't know when I don't worry about that. Might be today might be next week, it may be as I am being led to my death. COME LORD JESUS! !
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    In case you haven't looked outside lately, the so-called church isn't doing a thing to hinder the wicked! The Holy Spirit in the true Saints (inside or outside the mainstream churches) still convicts of sin, of righteousness and of judgment; but the ungodly cast away the cords and break the bands in a fury of defiant rage against God's Son. The hindrance is the restraint which goes with integrity!
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Steve: We must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of God. Acts 14:22 / Immediately after The Tribulation, The Lord will send His Angels to do what? Matthew 24: 29-31 / We Glory in Tribulation---Knowing Tribulation worketh patience. Romans 5:3
  • Steve on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I agree with Lynn about pre-trib rapture. 2Thessalonians 2:7 tells us that the church will continue to hinder lawlessness until the rapture. AND THEN the antichrist will be revealed. This is conclusive proof that the rapture takes place before Daniels 70th week and the tribulation of Rev. 6-1 to 19:21. The church is caught up in Rev.4:1 and the following judgments are after the church is raptured
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Mike; When the Son of God, who cannot lie, said emphatically that NO ONE KNOWS THE DAY NOR THE HOUR BUT THE FATHER; who says otherwise but false prophets and those who lust after their own glory! We know that the Lord said, that He would not leave us nor forsake us; and that His greatest heart desire is for us to be with Him where He is!
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Lynn; You are not understanding right about the tribulation and sufferings attended to this present evil world, and the appointment and purposes of God in our filling up the sufferings of Christ in His Body! The completion of the age is marked especially as casting away of all restraint and transgressors coming to the full; wherefore it is said, "Here is the patient endurance of the Saints."
  • Lynn on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I am totally pre-trib and here is why 1st and foremost why would the Lord beat his Bride up before the marriage? The Tribulation is for Jews. Saved gentiles are the bride along with Jews who believe also. Isaiah 26:20 Come my people enter in to thy chambers and shut thy doors about thee : hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be over past.
  • Jan miller on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I agree with post trib rapture according to this chapter
  • A disciple on Revelation 8 - 7 years ago
    Val Hawn; If I were you I'd get away from the Jehovah's Witnesses as fast as you can. They deny the Eternal Divinity of Christ, and follow the teachings of a man (Russel) who rewrote the Scriptures after his own ideas; very bad! Jesus said that He saw Satan as lightning fall from heaven, ( Luke 10:18); and that we should not go after those who say Christ has already come, ( Matthew 24:21-31).
  • Gerald on 1 Thessalonians 1 - 7 years ago
    I believe we will go through the tribulation as it says in Matthew 24:1-44 especially vrs 29-31. At the middle of the 7 yrs the anti-christ will stand in the temple saying he is God. Book of revelation says there will be a war in heaven,12:7-17 and the satan and his angels were cast out of heaven and has come down to the earth. Satan will not have access to heaven after being cast to the earth.
  • PraiseGodAlmighty on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Heaven and earth shall pass away just like the King James says. Thanking the Father for sending His son Jesus amen.
  • Librarygal143 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    That is the Truth! Thank you God!
  • Lilian on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Mountains and Earth shall pass away but God's words will stay. Jesus words will not return to him void. Lets prepare ourselves for the second coming of Jesus and praise him and worship him for he is worthy. If you will be found in the church serving Jesus you will be saved Jesus will come to take back his church as a bride in heaven amen
  • Mike on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I can tell you the exact day and hour the messiah will return. Three and a half days after the two witnesses are killed. The part that confuses most people is the fact that there are 2 resurrections. The first occurs after the 2 witnesses are killed but after the 1000 year millennium and satan becomes loosened after a little season this is the day and hour no man knows or the second resurrection..
  • Ann on Revelation 10 - 7 years ago
    Matthew 24:22, Mark 13:20, And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved: but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened. This is why people will be here during the tribulation period, before the Day of Christ comes back. People need to REPENT of their sins, and believe with a true heart our Lord Jesus Christ, who died on the cross for our sins. Amen.
  • James Peprah on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The prophectic message at Revelation 12 links what Jesus Christ said in Matthew.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Voice of love speak; You are right! I found the same as you, once I could freely read the Scriptures for myself and found that ALL the words of the Prophets and Apostles, and the Lord Jesus Himself, ONLY say just that! If we are already used to the Narrow Way walking with Jesus every day, then we won't be offended or misled when the whole world collapses under its own rebellion and confusion!
  • Voice of love speak on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Every time I read this it makes it harder to believe in pretrib rap. He talks about our faith being put to the ultimate test and many falling away in other scripture. The design of this chapter lines out post trib rap to me. All of the disciples minus John I believe were martyr'd for there faith. I think it's naïve to think that we won't be tested and go thru suffering Matt:9 -22.I pray Im wrong
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    AMEN Addo, Ana, Barbara, Daniel, Geraldine, Lady A, Love for Truth! Ya know when I was just newly saved and started reading in the long chapters with the genealogies and lists of names I could sometimes hardly pronounce; I didn't realize that each one of those names was a life, and a person, and that it was a small section of the Lamb's Book of Life. We are each one of us precious to the LORD!
  • LadyA on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Get your house in order, for Jesus is coming no man know when. For he's coming back again,,,,,
  • Addo on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The Word Of God Is True And Will Always Be True. Amen
  • Love for Truth on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Amen Matthew 24 29-30saythe Truth says post tribulation return of Christ.The liars say pretribulation return of Christ .I know His voice another voice I will not follow Amen verse 36 no man will ever know day date or hour but the word says the antichrist must reign first 2Thess2 Rev13
  • Barbara on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I think it's time for us to do a self inventory and make sure we are ready for HIS return. Time is RUNNING OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Daniel kimuyu on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    It's true no one knows the day or the hour but we have signs to look for his coming according to mathew 24.The parable of the ten virgins.we need to be always ready.Jesus Christ is the only way to heaven.We need to believe in Jesus Christ and obey God's word fully.Without righteousness no one will see God the bible says.

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