Discuss Matthew 24 Page 57

  • Ana on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Are you ready? HE is COMING SOON! HE is EVEN AT THE DOOR! Have you given your life to Jesus? Open your heart's to Him give Him your life NOW except His love for you, ask Jesus in your heart now is the time, turn from your evil way tell Him you love Him and ask Him to come in your heart's ,and be borne again be His child for ever!
    MATTHEW 24 is for such a time like this be ye stedfast
  • Geraldine Stephens on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    None of many will not be ready. He will come like a thief in the night. Be not afraid. If you love Jesus and keep the commandments God handed down through Moses than you will pray that Christ comes sooner. Teach your children the scriptures, pray with them. Teach them to love and not hate. Forgive those that curse you. Pray often for forgiveness. He will forgive you also. Christ gave his for us. í ½
  • Jesus loves you. HE IS COMING SOON. Be ready. on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Israel has been reestablished for years. Jesus loves you. Be ready when He comes. HE IS COMING SOON. Be ready.
  • BSP on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Verse 30: The sign of the Son of Man mentioned here is different from the sign of Jesus' presence. The enemies of God will realize that this is something supernatural from God.
  • Ray321 on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 7 years ago
    1 Thessalonians 4:16, Jesus will shout with the voice of the archangel and with the trump of God, to meet the saved believers in the Lord dead or alive in the clouds. This is the Rapture that will happen first, then the 7 year tribulation will start. The second coming of Jesus the Angels will sound the great trumpet, Matthew 24:31, and the Angels will snatch away the wicked, Matthew 23:41-43.
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    dis-: Yes it's all about Israel. The Land Reborn-again 1948. THE LORD said HE WILL BRING IT TO BE. There has always been wars. The Start of Spring was 1948. We are in or Heading To Summer. The End has Begun With Israel back in The Picture. Stay in The Bible Only. There are a lot of Posts that will Lead to The Wide Gate, many will go that way! Satan will keep you from Studying The Bible and Prayer
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    "Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: so likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors." The point of this parable is NOT to use the fig tree in some kind of symbolism, to mean Israel (for example); but for how when we shall see the "yet tender" evil beginning to spring.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    "Immediately after the tribulation of those days shall the sun be darkened..then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven..they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven with power and great glory..And he shall send his angels with a great sound of a trumpet, and they shall gather together his elect.." WE MUST ENDURE TO THE END TO BE SAVED!
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Lu2677 cont.; We will undoubtedly come across many that will only seek to oppose and contradict us; and sometimes those that are just speaking things because they heard some one else say them; and those also who have a very small and underdeveloped understanding: whatever the case, we have the Master as our Leader and example to follow when dealing with all kinds, and His Spirit speaking in us.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Lu2677 cont. The way I understand it, we are under a charge from God to teach all men to observe (keep and do) all things that Jesus commands us; that we are His Ambassadors and Friends, sent to "Preach the word; be instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all long-suffering and doctrine:"(2 Tim.4:2) "These things speak, and exhort, and rebuke with all authority."(Tit.2:15).
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Hello Lu2677, nice to hear from you again :) Deuteronomy 29:29; Matthew 6:4,6,18; Ezekiel 8:12; etc.. In Moses "the secret things" has to do with how the people would eventually be punished severely for forsaking the Holy Covenant, in light of their inward defiance and disbelief. The Lord teaches us about our religion being in truth in the inward parts. Ezekiel was shown their secret sinful minds.
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    disciple;3 days ago;"the secret things that belong to God.'Where can I find knowledge of this concept? We are not to judge the things that are doubtful,or dispute over words;I agree.
    It appears that my questions are often mistaken for judgement, by many here. "We don't know all the things He has shown them."Impossible to know all.When they write untruth, and opinions,let's shed His light on it.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    "Then shall they deliver you up to be afflicted, and shall kill you: and ye shall be hated of all nations for my name's sake. And then shall many be offended, and shall betray one another, and shall hate one another." What must they have wrong, that with all this time for spiritual growth and preparation, they should only prove bereft of grace to stand in the day of adversity?
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Lu2677; Please read what I wrote one more time. What I said was that since none of us can really express with words all that the Lord has caused ourselves to know, so we shouldn't be so ready to scrutinize another, as we definitely don't know all the Lord has shown them. This has to do with the secret things that belong to God and the areas in which we aught not to judge each other. Is that wrong?
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    A disciple, Is it hypocritical to give verse to someone who speaks against His word, for correction? We are called to consent to wholesome words.Scripture is truth.It is possible to "know".Matt.12:34"from the heart the mouth speaks."We know what is in their heart by what comes out of their mouth.Jer.11:36,Pro.6:2, Exodus 4:13-16,V.15"put words in his mouth', Isaiah 59:21,examples if interested.
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    V. 35 "But my words will not pass away."
  • Wayne on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Heaven and earth shall pass away. V.35, so Christ, in his very own words, says.
  • David Shibli on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    To add to my previous comment, I know that many of us are going through a really tough time right now, but the reason is clear. You cannot pour anything into a cup that is already full.
    The true stones that constitute the Church will be full of the Holy Spirit. This is the only building which the Master will inhabit. Brothers and Sisters, let us become empty, so He can fill us...with LOVE.
  • David Shibli on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    "There shall not be left here one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down." Jesus was warning us that the spiritual house built out of the living stones (Peter) would have to be dismantled because it is not fit for purpose. Men have built their vision of the Church over the years. But fear not, "I will build My Church." Emphasis on "I".
  • Daughter of Zion on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Yee doe err, not knowing the Scriptures, nor the power of God. (A true Believer has all knowledge of God he gave only to his people the Israelites for he is written throughout the whole bible stating who his chosen people are,
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Its difficult to say what others know or don't know; even when we ourselves can never really express with words what the Lord has given us to know in our own hearts, how can we judge what we cannot see in others' hearts? When we have a thing being revealed to us, we still are just beginning to see a little, and ought not to say how much others aren't getting it! We don't want to be hypocrites!
  • A studier of The Word on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    This chapter is full of misconceptions because many people fail to notice that Jesus is answering two questions. He said the temple and city would be destroyed... The disciples are in awe, when?! They ask. And with a second question mark they ask what will signal us of your return and the end of this age? They recognize that these are two separate events and the end is just after Christ's return.
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I just now NOTICED Matt. 1:1 - "And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple; ... "; this was the last time He was in the temple. The word 'departed' says to me He could do no more for His unbelieving people. He had the disciples and those many they had converted, but so many He could not reach. This was the beginning of His 'time' - for our salvation. It's sad; makes me want to weep.
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Please don't mistake;Eph.2:8 By grace ye are save through faith, gift from God. But the angels did "seal" them, nonetheless;Rev.7:2-3
  • Lu2677 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Irene 123 Re;Rev.7:14,you said we cannot know how the saints are saved during the great tribulation.If you read Rev.7:2and 3 it says the angels sealed them, and that saved them.They were the 12 tribes. It would help you if you would read the whole chapter, or at least read the verse in context.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    29-31 The Lord says plainly, that He will call to the heavens and to the earth to gather His Saints together unto Him, AT HIS COMING AND HIS KINGDOM, in power and great glory; sending forth His angels to remove from out of His Kingdom all things that cause to sin and them that work iniquity. We who live and remain up to that GREAT DAY, must be good and faithful servants and witnesses to the end!
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Matt. 24:1-14, speaks of what is going on now, and has been going on for a lo-ong time. This is 'sporadic' and mild tribulation - compared to the all at once world-wide tribulation when the anti-Christ will rule. Because of Rev. 7:14 we know there will be GREAT trib. saints. How - we aren't to know at this time; that's God's business. BUT - they won't be saints that are left behind at the Rapture.
  • Bruce on 2 Peter 3 - 7 years ago
    Put on The Whole Armour of God,that Ye may be able to stand against the wiles of The Devil. Ephesians 6:11 / Study to shew thyself approved unto God---Rightly dividing The Word of Truth. 2Timothy 2:15/and many False Prophets shall rise and shall deceive many. Matthew 24:11/You will know them by how they twist Scripture,deny others. Matthew 7:15-16.
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    You have to read the Bible IN CONTEXT - and with common sense. You have to 'agree' with God's word. The word 'taken', and God's word (not man's imagination) means - raptured.
  • Duncan on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Vs.40,41 both state one taken, other left. In English language (even then), taken also means fooled,(off to Antichrist, Trump 6). Left, (or left standing, Trump 7) wearing Gospel armor, v 13 says he that shall endure unto the end, the same shall be saved.

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