Discuss Matthew 24 Page 58

  • Wayne on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    And don't forget Matt. 28:19, where Jesus, Himself, states in the name of the Father, in the name of the Son, in the name of the Holy Ghost. We must not let those, trying to fit the scriptures into their theology, steal our joy in the Lord. Jesus, himself, said Take heed that no man deceives you. Rejoice in your salvation, the joy of freedom from sin. Romans 6. A great time to be Christian!!!
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The Spirit (Holy Ghost) of Jesus (God) is in one IF - they have followed Acts2:38. They are - ONE, not separate. It's His spirit in us that He will 'quicken' at the Rapture; He will draw His saints to Him just as an electro magnet, when turned on, draws. His Spirit will draw those with His Spirit to His Spirit.
  • Word on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    difference Rev. 6 is speaking of coming of antichrist. 24:29 Matthew speaking of the return of Christ after that first tribulation. The apperance is the same but the outcome is the difference. Rev. 6 when 6th seal is opened Sun blackens but then there is a false peace and a false messiah world loves who brings spiritual death to steal souls. In Matt. 24:29 the true Christ shows burning hailstones.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    When we compare all four Evangelists' accounts of all that the Lord Jesus spoke of, concerning the completion of the age, and His coming, we can see not only events around the immediate end, but also the whole course of the world during this last time. Matthew, Mark, and Luke give us "the impression" of a rather shorter time frame; while in John is specifically God's purpose with us in this age.
  • Peter A. Okebukola on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Here is the conclusion of what Jesus entreats: be ready at all times. Whether it be 3000 light years away or even today, we should be like the wise virgins, ready for the Lord to come, our lamps (state of salvation) all trim, well-oiled and bright. By the day, the signs of the end-times as narrated by Jesus in this chapter are getting fulfilled. Are you ready my brother? Are you ready my sister?
  • Bruce on Genesis 15 - 7 years ago
    Cole: Matthew 24:29 is The Sixth Seal in Revelation/ the four seals have been opened: Revelation6:8--- and power was given unto them over one fourth of the earth,to kill with sword, hunger and death and beast of the earth. That's what's going on the other side of the world. Tribulation and persecution of believers and nonbeliever,jailed,tortured,starved,beheaded
    Wars and rumors of wars! Birth pain
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The description the Lord gives here, about the kind of times leading up to His coming and the end of the age; are the same things searched out and spoken of by all the Prophets concerning the Day of the LORD. An interesting study on the root meaning of the number 666 has shown that it actually implies the removal of restraint, and of going over all bounds; which is where this world is rushing to.
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Richard: You got the puzzle coming together. Revelation 6:8 power is given to:4Horsemen over 1/4 of the earth. Wars, starving, dying are in 1/4 of the earth. Those in Christ are imprisoned tortured, beheaded (getting worse)V:29,matches the 6th seal.
    If His people in(USA)would preach Salvation everywhere they too will be persecuted: John15:20/ Not Servin no persecution:judgment! Luke12:9/
  • Danielle on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    The body of christ is just that a body. Jesus is within that body. The two are seperate, but yet one.
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Richard - God Bless you; He used you to show me something I had never 'noticed' before; Matt. 24:31 - " ... from the 4 winds, and from one end of heaven to the other".
  • Richard on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I've been searching the answer of the coming of the lord 1Thess:$,15-17. I wanted to really know( after a lot of searching) so far I think that I understand. Luke:21,20-33. Matt: 24,14-15,21,29 immediately after the tribulation ,30, and then shall appear the sign of the Son of man in heaven -----coming in the clouds---31 . Thess:4-16,17. Cant be B/4 the trib,because , Luke 21,25 sign of,27
  • Cephas on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    I behold His hands and His feet, even His!
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Bruce - God bless you. I am thru discussing the TRIB. It's a 'fruitless' discussion; everyone to their own belief.
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Khethiwe:Who is a liar but he that denieth Jesus is the Christ:1John2:22
  • Irene123 on Matthew 24 - 7 years ago
    Khethiwe - How did you 'separate' Jesus Christ? You said Jesus was not coming back, but that Christ was ..... ?
  • Joshua on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 8 years ago
    If there was a 7 year tribulation period, then people in the tribulation period would know when Yeshua/Jesus will return. Christ Himself tells us that no man knows the day nor the hour of His coming, not even the angels of Heaven, but Our Heavenly father ( Matthew 24:36).
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Norm: You have no answer because it's not in the Bible. He has always been My Lord and Savior and will be forever.
  • A disciple on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    "the beginning of sorrows." There are some very important things for us to understand about the eventual complete ruin of the world, and how much sorrow before the coming of the Lord. There have been many from time to time, who deceive themselves and others, about there coming a great revival first; when the Scriptures plainly say just the opposite; of great lawlessness, and all restraint removed.
  • Bruce on Revelation 11 - 8 years ago
    Martha: For than shall be great tribulation,such as was not since the beginning of the world--- Matthew 24:21. And many false prophets shall rise and shall deceive many.V:11.(Acts14:22 --We must through much tribulation. enter into the kingdom of God. The falling away are those turning their back on God, they will tell you read other books. We are to live by every word of God. Luke 4:4
  • Norm on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Bruce, Let me ask you one question: and if you can answer my question, I will answer your question. The Son of God who was crucified shedding His blood for many: what was His name?
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Norm: Jesus Christ is now live in the flesh. Where in the Bible, is that found?
  • Sakana on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    It's interesting to note that 1st Thess was the oldest (according to most scholars) of his epistles. Not only does he not "bring it up again," going forward always gives a time element. After Tribulation. Or at the Last Trump. People apparently assumed "anytime" we could gather. Paul wrote again (2 Thess) to say no, you misunderstood. There are 7 trumps, we gather at the last. ( 1 Cor 15:50-52).
  • Norm on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    The spirit that confesses not that Jesus Christ is now alive in the flesh is a liar as EVERY spirit KNOWS this very day that JESUS CHRIST IS ALIVE IN THE FLESH! This is a deceiver and an antichrist as it has been made to know yet it does lie! GOD made all to know the truth yet many hold the truth in unrighteousness this very day showing themselves to be antichrists.
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    1Thessalonians 4:16-18: For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the Archangel,and with the Trump of God: and the dead inChrist shall rise first:Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air:and so will we ever be with the Lord.-- Comfort one another with these words.(rapture,fly away,float)
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Neil: Never been to a church in Canada. Here in the United States most churches are dead or dying. They're looking good,just like a real church. Feeding,clothing, helping with housing and bills, preaching the word of God but without the spirit:Called John 6:44, forgiving 1John1:9, Baptized with the Spirit and Fire Matthew 3:11,You will "know" 2Corinthians 5:17. Impossible not to know!
  • Neil , in Canada on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Question....how many men have claimed to be the Messiah?....is it possible that the present liberal churches ,that still claim Jesus as messiah , have deceived their followers with their liberal agenda?
  • Cephas on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Our Father which art in heaven, IEHOVAH be thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we forgive our debtors. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil: For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever. Amen.
  • Keith on Hebrews 1 - 8 years ago
    Matthew 24:36 36 But of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but "MY FATHER"only. Mark 13:32 32 But of that day and that hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels which are in heaven, "NEITHER THE SON", but the Father. Jesus Christ "is" Lord and we can all agree on that, but he is "BEGOTTEN" especially of a male parent to procreate or generate offspring . He was G
  • Wayne on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Be filled with the Spirit, speaking to yourselves in Psalms and hymns and spiritual songs singing and making melody in your hearts to the Lord. Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father thru Jesus Christ our Lord.
  • Jack Hughes on Matthew 24 - 8 years ago
    Amen to that , I like the way you put it

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