Discuss Matthew 24 Page 66

  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Hello Ken I understand what you are saying. Let me clarify. There are some people that do not believe in the rapture less known the tribulation period. I wanted the reader to understand that what they are about to read concerning the rapture is factual and true. That heaven and earth will pass away before the words of the Lord pass away. This also is referring to the tribulation period as well. Then you continue to read in verse 36 it states that know man no when he is coming back. He is not entrusting this information to the angels. Verse 37 is letting you know the conditions that will be happening before he comes back. The rest speaks for itself. You are absolutely correct this is a literal rapture that will definitely take place.
  • Ken on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    This seems to be two different passages put together as one but definitely speaks of a literal rapture.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Hello Denise This scripture is only talking about the rapture. If you read from verse 34 to 44 it explains a little more about what will take place. God is not going to entrust anyone with this knowledge. He wants us to watch, pray, stay vigilante and get saved. He wants the true saved Christian to continue to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ. He wants us to continue to tell people about Acts 2 38.
  • Denise on Matthew 24:36 - 10 years ago
    Could this also bear witness to mans life on earth? I understand accidents happen, yet could this Scripture also be referenced to a persons untimely death?
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Second coming of Jesus Christ will be as rebirth.
  • Terry on Matthew 24:28 - 10 years ago
    Wherever there is a dead body,there the journalists or reporters eagles will gather, and all of us see it nearly everyday, simultaneously through Global Telecommunications like a lightning flash illuminating the entire sky . Not the "one on one " personal situations of Jesus 's age.
  • Bill on Matthew 24:32 - 10 years ago
    The fig tree is a symbol of Israel s prosperity as a nation. In the case of the withered fig tree Matthew 21 19 , it pictures a nation living in blindness and unbelief, until the fullness of the Gentiles be come in Rom. 11 25 . Indeed, from the time of the destruction of Jerusalem in AD 70, the nation has also been scattered and not in possession of the land until very recently. However, the parable of the fig tree in Matt. 24 32 35 shows an entirely different tree, one having tender branches and leaves beginning to bud, a reference to the nation beginning to prosper again. Jesus uses this as a sign, of sorts, to signify that all these things are near, even at the doors. When we see this sign, we are to know that summer is nigh. Summer is the time when figs bear fruit. Notice carefully the language. When we see the tree starting to bloom, we are to know that summer harvest is near, but not actually here yet. In the context of Israel and the end times, summer must be the millennial kingdom, when the nation is again thriving in the land. That will not happen again until after the return of Christ. Cr. James Hollandsworth
  • Bill on Matthew 24:43 - 10 years ago
    Jesus wants His children to be ready for the rapture, and not to be caught by surprise, like those who are unsaved. His admonition to Christians is emphatic watch for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come 24 42 . He warns His disciples in vs. 43 44 of the possibility of living in unfaithfulness, resulting in shock and surprise at the rapture, experiencing the Son of man s coming in the clouds as a thief arriving in the night. Faithful servants are not taken by surprise. While they don t know the hour, they are ready for the rapture, regardless. Cr. James Hollandsworth Thief in the Night Rapture or Second Coming
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    When soul departs from the body in the name of Jesus Christ.Jesus Christ receives good souls himself.
  • Evangelist Chatauna Robinson on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    The rapture is very real, 1 Thessalonians 4 12 thru 18. Those who have taken on the name of Jesus Christ by following Acts 2 38 and continuing living a saved life they will experience the rapture. This is the hope of finding true peace. The scripture states that in Job 14 1 Man that is born of a woman is of few days, and full of trouble. Test and trials will come into a person life how we are able to endure is through the power of Jesus Christ. Those who have taken on this name through the shedding of his blood by following Acts 2 38 will find true peace after the rapture has taken place. Right now we have a since of peace knowing that if we continue living a saved life after following Acts 2 38 then we will make the rapture. It does not matter if we die in Jesus Christ or alive and remain in Jesus Christ we will go up when he comes back.
  • Bernard hawkins on Matthew 24:7 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 24 7
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    I invite everybody for discussion about Second coming of Jesus Christ for solving their problems.
  • John Edwards on Matthew 24:40 - 10 years ago
    It seems that even though many hold these verses to be the or a cornerstone for the rapture, dialogue with other Bible scholars do not bring up the "rapture " in their discourse. Adam Clark 1825 states "The meaning seems to be, that so general should these calamities be, that no two persons ... should both be able to effect their escape and that captivity and the sword should have a complete triumph over this unhappy people. " No where in Clarks commentary does he say, "This is the lift off of the saints before Christs ' second coming. " So what are we to know, is there a "rapture " or is there not? I am still looking.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Jesus Receives good souls himself.
  • Ligelle M Strong on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    If we have any doubt, or if don 't know were to look for the signs of the times, all the instructions are given, also in Luc 21, but clear any one can understand.
  • Ruby Cottrell on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Wealth and prosperity
  • Wendi Erickson on Matthew 24:36 - 10 years ago
    Amos gives us further light on this for us in 3 5 Surely God will revele nothing but through His servants the prophets.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Jesus said that very truely i am saying,nobody can see the kingdom of god unless they are born again.it means that for see the kingdom of god,people will have to born again.These sentences shows the rebirth theory.
  • Jen on Matthew 24:44 - 10 years ago
    I believe that it means to be ready for Christ at anytime. Live your own life as an upright practicing Christian and never failing in faith. Life is not promised but salvation is and we must keep the faith and be a good example.
  • John on Matthew 24:33 - 10 years ago
    Jesus said when you see all these things know that his coming is AT THE DOOR. His coming will be sudden!! There won 't be any time to repent and turn around. God help all of us to know his word so we won 't be deceived. We who know the MASTER must be prepared. So many are not and do not knowJESUS. Press into HIM. Let us not be one of those his angels do not call.
  • Shiloh on Matthew 24:28 - 10 years ago
    Could it be that Yeshua is speaking of himself? Follow me on an adventure threw the passages that he himself wrote. " John 12 28 " " Revelation 12 5 " " Luke 17 20 37 " " Matthew 24 28 " In John 12 28, does not the word "again " mean more than once? Wayward Son Kansas And which generation is he speaking of that will not pass? Could it be this one? And the word carcase is spelled in singular form, not plural. And they asked him... "where Lord? And he answered them and said...for wheresoever the "carcase " is...singular, not plural. You don 't need a map or a GPS device to figure this out. Yeshua tells ya flat out that he will return "again " in the flesh and die a "second time " and be glorified... "again! " What 's so hard to figure out? Ever wondered what happened to the "man child " in Revelation 12 5? There 's your answer. Just as The Father said to The Son...Carry on my wayward Son, they 'll be peace when you are done, lay your weary head to rest, don 't you cry no more...NO!
  • Moshia on Matthew 24:20 - 10 years ago
    Sunday never was, isn 't and never will be the Sabbath. Yeshua was a Rabbi who taught the Law Torah of his G d. Yeshua can 't change G d 's everlasting decrees. G d is not a man that He should lie, nor the son of man that He should repent.
  • Tim George on Matthew 24:7 - 10 years ago
    The signs of wars, and rumors of wars, as well as kingdoms rising against kingdoms have always been. The major sign now is pestilence such as Ebola that is mostly in West Africa is a sign of a pandemic that will be worldwide. These are the birth pains that Jesus was talking about, and as a woman has more frequent pains the closer she gets to delivery tells us that we are very close to the second coming. People need to turn to the Lord for salvation, before the Day of the Lord comes. Whoso ever will call on the name of the Lord shall be saved.
  • Jacob on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Every thing that happend aroun the world, is acording to Matthew 24.
  • Jack on Matthew 24:40 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 24 40 Seems to be the way life is, it refers tolife and death we are here one day and gone the next.
  • Kelly on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    The elect are God 's chosen thats Jews blacks christians asians and whites so long as you believe in Jesus and follow God 's commandments
  • Joe Buckley on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    I found this web page by accident while doing research for an article i 'm writting and needed a scripture verse to prove a fact. Finding this page and all that is written is mind boggling, it really is. I hope that Amilcar Portillo made it to the other side without any difficulty because the "elect " are Jews.They are the remnant of Israel that will escape God 's wrath during the tribulation. The only comment that came close to making any kind of sense is the one directly following the mindless comment made by this Portillo person.Chapter 24 is all Tribulation language.For those who do not understand what is taught it 's this, Christ 's 2nd coming has nothing to do with the rapture of the church or better still "the Body of Christ. " As far as Mr. fitzgerald 's comment it sounds like something that could have come out of Rome.If anyone finds these comments offensive then i suggest that this person read and study harder and if you do not understand something then ask someone for help. What ever you do, please, do not offer up comments on something of which you are totally ignorant of.
  • John derfler on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    There are 3 seperations in the life of the truly elect of god, theres the seperation from other religions to christianity IE Islam, budism, hiduism etc. These are known as the called. The second seperation is the true elect of God from the fake or non elect. These are known as the chosen. The last seperation is the reserected soul, from the dead body of man. Everybody can agree on the first and last seperation but not on the second one. However very few will expeirience all 3 seperations. Remember, Many are called few are chosen. Where do you stand before God.
  • Amilcar Portillo on Matthew 24:22 - 10 years ago
    Who are the "elected "? If those are the Jews, I may as well pack up my bags and move to the other side since I got nothing to loose.
  • KING JAMES ONLY on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    It is evident t that we are living in the beginning of sorrows. the wars the pestilence, Christians being slaughtered openly, T.v. evangelism filled with false prophets, even to the point of teaching witchcraft as a gospel doctrine.One cannot miss the truth that we are in the beginning of sorrows.

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