Discuss Matthew 24 Page 68

  • Tinashe Mufandaedza on Matthew 24:14 - 10 years ago
    And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached to all the nations as a testimony against them and the end shall come. The preaching of the gospel ushers the end of everything. Not all shall believe on the preaching bt they are given an opportunity to hear the gospel so that on the day of judgment they will no reason as an excuse for not repent. In the beginning was the word gospel and also the gospel shall mark the end.
  • Ar on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    This chapter is referrng to the 7 year tribulation when antichrist will rule the world. Here it is referring to th jewish people, when the third Temple has been built and antichrist the first three and a half years is going to show a real different face specially to the jewish people. Suddenly.as explained in same chapter verse 15 he will show his real face and persecute the peoplo, Jesus is warning the jewish people to pray that it wont happen on a winter day,nor a Sabbath day when jews,are not allowed to do things but sttay at home and read the torah. Those days will nt only be difficult for the jews,but also to the whole world. This is my point of view and my church, ' point of vew.
  • Connie on Matthew 24:20 - 10 years ago
    not clear to me exactly
  • Blessing Mabhonga on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    And many false prophets shall rise and do great wonders ,its actually happenning ,children of God we need to read the bible more prayerfully so as not to be deceived by the devil.the devil knws his time is short so he is trying by every means to gather more peopl to his side. Lets open our eyes sons and daughters of God
  • Endtimesnewsreview on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Jesus was resurrected 2000 years ago. He does not need to be reborn, only we do! We are spiritually reborn when we ask Jesus to forgive us of all our sins, and save our souls. There is no need for any physical reincarnation beyond that.
  • Pawan Upadhyay on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    In next birth,jesus will be receive all christains. How will jesus receive more than 2.2 billion.it will be happen only by rebirth of jesus.
  • Bereek Green on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    This was a very revealing verse at church to
  • Eric Halpin on Matthew 24:27 - 10 years ago
    I find any Holy Bible with notes to be a stumbling block to anyone who is seeking to be Saved Reborn Jesus specifically says to seek a personal relationship with Him The Holy Spirit He also is clear unless you are Born Again yo will not see the kingdom of GOD You either are or are not Once saved Christ leaves no room for any doubt about what took place Truly opening your heart mind body soul Asking that Christ take over your life with 100 Truth then Repent Some it happens quickly as if he was waiting others have work to do before it happens They are Supernaturally pulled into the light it is an amazing spiritual event that is ecstatic most comforting feeling in the presence of the Holy Spirit that cannot be mistaken for anything but GOD Then they will have true Faith the first gift all Reborn Christians receive They will on their own discern the scriptures as another spiritual gift from the Holy Spirit Learn truth from Christ Jesus our Savior and The Father Not another mans notes It will not happen without seeking Christ directly with a whole heart Jesus was clear have a personal relationship with the GOD If one is unsure of certain depths of the scripture they should pray meditate on it and God will clear it up for them
  • Benon Safari on Matthew 24 - 10 years ago
    Mt 24 14 As a christian we have not done what Jesus is expecting us to do he cant come now this is the time that we need to know what Jesus is expecting us to do it is to preach a gospel to every creature then those who need to see him we can see him coming
  • John barbaro on Matthew 24:13 - 11 years ago
    Greater is he that is in me that is in the world The psalm says your word is a lamp unto my feet Even thought King David sinned greatly he never denied the truth or went to other gods Greater is he that s is in me then is in the world
  • Julie on Matthew 24:26 - 11 years ago
    the pre trib rapture is a secret coming even said jesus comes in secret and remains in secret until he is reveled second coming jesus warns not to believe he is in a secret place listen and believe rapturists it is a lie there is one second coming and it will be no secret read the truth
  • Todd Slee on Matthew 24:27 - 11 years ago
    I think it coincides with Psalm 103 12 East is always east and west is always west though north and south each only go so far When Christ returns the whole world will know it as said in other places
  • Ar on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    To all of you who still believe that the Church will be here during the tribulation years I one again pledge you to read 1Cor Ch 15 verses 49 50 51 and 52 Then again go A Thes 14 15 16 17 18 And make your own conclusions Also read B Thes ch 2 verses 3 4 5 6 and specially 7 The mistury of iniquity is already working but the the antichrist cannot reveal himself because tChurch is still here And once the church issnatched raptured he will be revealed Also remember with the Church the Holy Spirit will go UP too Hope this helps you to look the rapture from another anger If you have the Holy Spirit in you He will guide you in your prayers to sophow you the truth I will pray for all of you with the love of Jesus Pray and listen to the Lord s word He will definitely guide you if you are sincere God Bless You all Personally I don t read any books But the Bible and pray alone or with my praying partner and attend my churc 293
  • Jason on Matthew 24:5 - 11 years ago
    dennis I believe you are 100 correct you have to be careful how you read that cause it has 2 different meanings lots of pastor s and prophets out there writing false doctrines and loads of books making loads of money and are proclaiming that Jesus is the Christ they are correct and this is why people are believing in these false doctrines like you said this verse does not mean that these very people will go around saying that they are the Christ themselves but yes there are also the blatant liers that are proclaiming to be Jesus A true christian see s through theirs lies for we know what to look for when Christ come s back Simply just look up
  • Garry on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    There is no call to call anyone ignorant the facts everyone has a right to read and understand what they believe Let me throw you a bomb shell verse 19 20 says woe to them that give suck and pray that there flight be not in the winter or on the Sabbath day Under the law they were not allow to travel only 5 8 of a mile on the Sabbath day Also when Jerusalem was destroyed in 70 AD it took 7 years for this to completely take place this could be the tribulation pierod that matthew was taking about Keep in mind Jerusalem would have to be overrun befor the fullness of the gentiles would come and we all know that Christ came to save both Jews and gentiles Please everyone calm down and lets all enjoy the word of the lord and learn
  • Ar on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Yes these ignorant people teach us still more ignorant people the true Word of the Gospel Why dont you look nto internet what is pre tribulation rapture and what verses talk about it And let me tell you that I am one of those ignorant people who read and study my New Testament in the original langauage written yes in Greek So be careful my girl love all of them and if you think the are wrong pray for them This is my suggession and I will pray for you Thanks for reading my remar if it s printed
  • Ar on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Dear Rose let me assure you that believers of pre tribulation rapture are not ignorant people but are as educated as you and may be more they are medical practioners architects Lawyers and many other people of respectful positions and they are full of love to teach on Sundays the Word of God to
  • Rose on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Jason I agree one hundred percent Where oh where do these ignorant people pull a pre tribulation rapture out of this and I Thessalonian 4 In I Thessaonians 4 13 17 Paul is referring to what Jesus himself said in John Chapter 5 28 29 Marvel not at this for the hour is coming in the which all that are in the graves shall hear his voice And shall come forth they that have done good unto the resurrection of life and they that have done evil unto the resurrection of damnation This is the second coming and the Great White Throne Judgment where all the dead will rise again Also people try to say that we will all live with Christ for the Millenium but if you read Chapter 20 of Revelation it tells us that the first resurrection will be only the people who have been martyred for the name of Christ and the sake of the gospel The rest of the dead lived not until the thousand years were over What a lie I told a friend of mine just the other day that if it weren t so tragic what was about to happen to these people it would be almost comical to see her face when she realized that what she thought was going to happen did not I feel so sorry for these people that think that Jesus is going to rapture them out of here as if they are somehow better than the Jews God s chosen people the prophets and the apostles not to mention the people who are dying for the gospels sake in other countries even as I am typing this letter What utter foolishness and nobody will listen to what I am saying
  • Eric on Matthew 24:28 - 11 years ago
    Eagles or vultures are naturally drawn to their food a carcass or dead animal They are naturally drawn to their food through their keen God given senses God s people will also be drawn to the Lord on the day of His second comming No one will have to come tell us that Jesus has arrived it s time to go If we have our heart right we re leaving
  • Smith on Matthew 24:20 - 11 years ago
    I ve always thought Jesus was referring to the tribulation Winter is the last season meaning the end of the tribulation Sunday is the last day of the week also meaning the end of the tribulation Remember Jesus didn t even know the exact day or hour of his coming only the father knows that s why he say s pray
  • Curt Fields on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 24 was written for the Jews in the Tribulation Era NOT for the church we will be gone by this time period
  • Phil on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    It is 3 5 years prophesied before the desolation steps into the temple Then as verse 22 says except time be shortened Time was supposed to be 3 5 more years So does this mean time is no longer 3 5 years
  • KJB on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Thank the Lord we don t have to endure to the end during the Church age 1 Cor 1 7 8 So that ye come behind in no gift waiting for the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ Who shall also CONFIRM YOU UNTO THE END that ye may be blameless in the day of our Lord Jesus Christ Praise the Lord You will however have to endure to the end if you don t get saved and have to go through the tribulation Look at the context and you will see that when it says that endure unto the end it is speaking of the tribulation period verse 24 The Christians in the body of Christ are leaving outta here 1 Cor 15 and 1 Thess 4 WOOOOOOO Weee
  • Jason on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Amazing Nowhere in this chapter does it talk about Jesus secretly coming and snatching His church into the clouds We as christians will be part of the tribulation Jesus only comes back a second time and the last time Jesus says as in the days of noah where noah and his family were saved and the rest were taken away noah was left behind Now the pre trib rapture people will say that the verse that says two will be in the field and one will be taken away is the secret coming of the Lord tim lehaye and the left behind serries this is not true the ones taken away are the non believers we in Christ are left behind Remember Heaven is coming to us already has Kingdom of heaven is at hand The new jeruselam We inherit the earth just as it was supposed to be like when God said to adam its all yours I used to believe in this secret rapture but ive realized that the ones that preach it have taken verse s from all over the bible and constructed this lie Math 24 Jesus speaking and telling you how it is Straight forward hope this helps you all to look into it although our job is to preach the gospil and that Christ died for us and we need to repent it s good to know who the false profits are and to warn people about them Amen
  • Faithfull on Matthew 24:15 - 11 years ago
    The Abomination of desolation has begun the living waters of God have been destroyed in order to kill the earth planet of Heaven,
    And it shall be desolate unto this end,this shall be the plague wherewith the LORD will smite all the people that have fought against Jerusalem; Their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet, and their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and their tongue shall consume away in their mouth.
    And this shall be the end of it, and in this shall the temple cleansed.
    understand this the Lord shall cleans the whole earth and no longer tolerate the children of Cain.
    Our Lord Lives forevermore and now! claims His heaven. Who is this who dares stand in His way, I tell you this non no not one shall stand, the same as no not one remembered. yes they are all His and the Lord remembers them and for them He did return!
  • Faithfull on Matthew 24:22 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 24:22 (A) And except those days should be shortened, there should no flesh be saved:

    (Wormwood) Nuclear & Oil contamination on the globe has killed off almost all of the fish & life in the lakes rivers and oceans starting in 1986-2000 than 2000-2014 but they preach ecology to the poor as a way to enslave and entrap when they themselves are guilty of destroying Gods Heaven Earth

    the RFID implant chip has proven in multiple tests that it kills every person it is put into by means of nickel-cadmium poisoning a very painful death causing venial disease like lesions all over the body in which there is no cure. every man woman and child is expected to take this death sentence or be subject to arrest as a criminal March 31 2017 in the USA.

    Matthew 24:22 (B) but (for the elect's sake) those days shall be shortened.

    Note not everyone was dead: Many of the very elect were saved alive to rebuild earth and carry on Gods seed that he planted in everyone on earth but few kept alive within themselves the precious gift of the Holy Spirit which is more valuable than the rarest buried treasure.
  • Lionel on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    To know when the nation Israel return to Jerusalem. This is the Generation that all the prophecy will be fulfilled. You are living in that Generation.
  • Therese on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    EEEks... Up until NOW,I was told that Matt: 24 vs. 40 said. that ONE men in the field and ONE women at the grinder mill would be left TAKEN and the other would be left BEHIND. The word BEHIND is in NO TRANSLATION of any scriptural analysis, no matter what bible you check. How can people teaching others the WORD, just ADD stuff at a whim. I read on in this chapter and there is NO MENTION that those that are LEFT, will suffer some kind of tribulation. The BOTTOM LINE until the last verse simply seems to tell those LEFT to be on their guard because they don't know the day or the hour of THEIR OWN DEATH. Seems like it just warning us ALL to BE PREPARED. Who is ADDING to scripture. I thought scripture says that NOTHING should be added??? No fair to confuse.
  • Thomas Meruti on Matthew 24 - 11 years ago
    Just to submit a spelling error on earlier comments - the right word is "Rupture" and not "Rapture" is earlier posted.
  • Thomas Meruti on Matthew 24:40 - 11 years ago
    This scripture refers to rapture, which has been prophecied in the book of Revelation. This is not figurative, but literal that "two shall be in the field, the other shall be taken, the other left". It will help if this scripture is read in line with the mystery that Paul talks about " ..we shal l not all sleep, but in the twinkling of an eye we shall be changed..." Paul further says that those who slept in the Lord will be raised first and then we who are in Christ will join them in the sky/cloud. Both this scriptures refers to rapture that will take place when Christ the Lord returns.

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