King James Version (KJV)

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Therefore, this should remind us to be careful when judging another's words or work in the Lord's Name - we might just find ourselves speaking against the Lord & the Truth, even if done ignorantly.
With Jesus, He generally referred Himself as the Son of Man & yet we know that He was also the Son of God. The Son of God title was to acknowledge His Deity (i.e. His indivisible relationship with His Father) & the Son of Man title, associated with His Humanity, coming into the World in a human body.
Matthew 26:63-65: "And the high priest answered and said unto him, I adjure thee by the living God, that thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of God. Jesus saith unto him, Thou hast said: nevertheless I say unto you, Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds of heaven. Then the high priest rent his clothes, saying, He hath spoken blasphemy; what further need have we of witnesses?" Here we see an example of where Caiaphas the High Priest asked about Jesus's Sonship & Jesus affirmed that He was the Son of God but that he (the priest), & all others, would see the "Son of Man" seated in Heaven & returning one day to Earth. And to this Caiaphas accused Jesus of blasphemy as Jesus claimed to be God. So this Son of God by Divine right to the Father was also the Son of Man on Earth & is so presently in Heaven, i.e. God in the Flesh seated at the right Hand of God.
jesus is the only way !
and looking upon jesus as he walked he saith behold the lamb of god !
but you are looking to feasts and hoping to gain approval!
eyes on jesus!
faith cometh by hearing and hearing by the word of god!
get the word into you !
get faith in jesus mighty name
As the Israelites in Egypt applied the blood of the animal on their doorposts so that the Lord would 'pass over' & not kill their firstborn, so through Christ's death, God's Lamb was sacrificed on our behalf & His Blood applied to our hearts & lives. By faith we accept that work of Grace & through faith the Blood cleanses us from every sin; the Lord seeing the application of the Cross in our lives, means He passes by us & we stand uncondemned & not face eternal death.
There is no reason for believers in Christ to commemorate Passover, if they do, they would bring themselves under the requirements of its intended meaning & application & that is no longer valid, as what the Israelites looked forward to (maybe, unknowingly), we have fully received through Jesus Christ. Their salvation from the bondage in Egypt is now our salvation from bondage to sin & condemnation.
So, i don't understand y today's church recognize Pentecost day yearly,but refuse to honor The Passover yearly as in scripture.NB: I mean Passover,not easter,please.
What was happening in the Corinthian Church, was that there were many who just looked at this occasion as a time to have a meal with little or no regard to its meaning & to others there, who had not been served as yet. In those days, the Communion Table was actually a Fellowship meal & during that time of gathering, one would rise, take the bread & the cup & draw the believers' hearts into contemplation of the Lord's sacrificial work; similar to the Passover meal that Jesus & the disciples enjoyed together ( Matthew 26:19-29).
So Paul was chastising them for their irreverence, & also approaching this sacred time with hearts not right before God (i.e. they may have believed by going through its motions, some cleansing or sanctifying benefit would be gained - and many do & think this in the Church today). To this type of gluttony & false application, Paul is dealing with them & stating that God does not let this type of behaviour go unpunished. We need to be careful too - it's better to let the emblems pass by us, if we are harbouring any type of sin that needs dealing with & confession.
I'm not sure what your motive is for coming to a Christian Bible website and calling something that most Christians believe in a 'falsehood'. Where is your proof that what you're saying isn't a falsehood?
The reason people believe that the Father, the Son (the Word, or Jesus), and Holy Spirit are one is that the Bible literally says that in 1 John 5:7. If you hover over the links you'll see it.
So, since the Bible already says that, the real question is why don't you believe the Bible verse 1 John 5:7?
If you're looking for other Bible verses that support that, here they are: John 10:30, John 1:1, John 1:14 (The Word is Jesus Christ)
It shouldn't be too much of a surprise when Christians believe literally what the Bible says, so if you don't that means you must have a different interpretation of it, right? Of course most do not interpret it the way you do.
You wrote: "Jesus Christ is the name of God the father"
I'd like to ask what Bible verses do you believe supports that idea and where does it come from? Jesus is the same God, but a separate being/entity than God the Father. If He was exactly identical then the Bible would not have separated them into 3 entities/personalities or called them separate names, and wouldn't have given the verses it did. Since Jesus prayed to God the Father, is it logical that Jesus was praying to Himself? Matthew 26:39 - He said 'let this cup pass from me... not as I will, but thou wilt." This verse refutes your claim that they are both Jesus Christ. Would any of Jesus's prayers make sense of He was praying to Himself?
God bless...
18:3 They were tent makers by trade - For it was a rule among the Jews (and why is it not among the Christians?) to bring up all their children to some trade, were they ever so rich or noble.
People's Bible Notes for Acts 18:3
Ac 18:3 Because he was of the same occupation, he abode with them. This is the first mention of the handicraft by which so often during his toilsome life Paul earned his daily bread. Every Jewish boy was taught a trade, and Paul no doubt learned his in Tarsus.
Compare Acts 20:34, 1 Thessalonians 2:9, 2 Thessalonians 3:8, 1 Corinthians 4:12, 2 Corinthians 11:9.
What an amazing testimony Paul had: born a Jew; became a high ranking Pharisee. Became a citizen of Rome: served warrants to kill Christians (see Stephens death).
Confronted on the Damascus Road, on his way to serve more warrants: and was confronted by Jesus Christ.
At the end of this chapter 18, Paul decides to minister to the Gentiles which was his calling. His entire ministry is a marvel when you consider all of the things he endured for the sake of His Savior. He did what he knew to be doing.
Do we know what to be doing?
Matthew 26:31-46
Revelation 14:12-13
It's not a law to do something for Jesus. It's an act of Love, a privilege, it's worship and adoration. Love makes us want to give love.
That's Him, inside of our spirit and soul. Do you feel it? We are indwelled with Someone so powerful...that even death could not stop it. He walked out of that tomb in the glorious power of Love.
God so loved the world! That He GAVE...his only begotten Son, that whosoever believes in him, should Not perish, but have everlasting life.
Love gives.
We give love because He loves us.
Obeying laws is an insult to this kind of Love. We never can be good enough in our own power to emulate the God-kind of Love.
It's simply giving.
1. First, the Jewish groom barters with the father of the bride. They get together and they go back-and-forth, and barter as to what the deal is going to be.
2. Once they reach an agreement, the future bride is brought in. And if she approves of it, all three of them drink out of the covenant cup, which means from that time forward they are betrothed.
3. The groom goes back to his father's house to build their living quarters. It is built right off of the family home. And once the wedding takes place, and they are now married, they will go back to his family's home, and there will be living quarters that will be for them.
4. The father of the groom decides when the living quarters are done, and when he can go get his bride. What does that tell us? We don't know the time or the hour. It has to be a minimum of one year because it is a time of purity for her. The groom can go get his bride when his father decides it's time.
5. When the marriage announcement is made, catch this: the people who have already been invited to the wedding feast, they take their positions along the parade route, because the groom is going to get his bride. And there are people stationed in position all the way along the route. They join the parade as it passes by. It is called a parade.
6. When the groom reaches the bride's house, he stands at a distance and blows the shofar, the trumpet, for the bride to come out and meet him. And the wedding takes place at that time. Do you see anything in there about prophecy? The groom comes to get his bride, and he stands a ways off and blows the trumpet, and she comes out to meet him.
7. The parade goes back to the groom's house and the wedding feast begins. All of the guests in the parade gather in the Fellowship Hall, and the door is shut. This is not an open public thing.
Compare this to prophecy in Matthew Chapter 25
To allow a smile to linger on my lips,
To dwell within a wonderful memory,
To walk back through sunlit places.
Please help me to awake with hope,
To engage with life in all its variety,
To take in the beauty of others joys,
To touch the souls of those I meet with thankfulness.
Please help me to sing with faith,
To carry the truth close in my heart always,
To rejoice at new life and
To have peace as I age.
To taste the kindness of friendship,
To feel the warmth of embrace.
Please help me not to miss
A single drop of heaven,
To catch each moment
And drink in the great joy of life.
Please bring peace to this comment room today and always.
We ask and receive.
What I commented on, is scriptures show that Jesus was recorded as healing the sick and lame on Sabbath at times, which caused anger from the Pharisees & Sadducees.
I have no more comment on this.
"Satan is styled the "accuser of the brethren" ( Rev. 12:10. Comp." " Job 1:6; Zech. 3:1), as seeking to uphold his influence among" "men by bringing false charges against Christians,
with the view" of weakening their influence and injuring the cause with which they are identified.
He was regarded by the Jews as the accuser "of men before God, laying to their charge the violations of the" "law of which they were guilty, and demanding their punishment."
"The same Greek word, rendered "accuser," is found in John 8:10" "(but omitted in the Revised Version); Acts 23:30, 35; 24:8;" "25:16, 18,
in all of which places it is used of one who brings a" charge against another."
Mishael: I'm not saying we should tickle ears or stroke egos.
We should at least spend an equal amount of time Edifying the Brethern. Encouraging, lifting up wilting spirits, undergirding;
Standing in the gap and in the hedges, sitting in the watchtowers, even,
Interceding for the Saints, as Jesus is doing.
We talk the talk, but can we walk the walk of Jesus Christ? All of this knowledge and do we spend time in the Prayer Request room? Praying for the little people? What would Jesus do?
I don't say this in anger or in accusation. I'm just weary of hoping for change.
Have a great Saturday. God bless.
A mid-range earthquake has struck in Los Angeles. 4.5
Be prepared to write down what He says. You're going to want to search the scriptures again.
This kind of interaction every day builds your faith. It is the Sword of the Spirit.
When Ezekiel was prophesying to the bones, and they began to rattle: he was scared. He did what God said and the bones stood up. A great and mighty army.
Here's this little prophet of God seeing this awesome sight! He was changed by obedience; trust in Almighty God.
Sometimes I ask myself if my faith is a bone on the ground, or is it standing up in full armor, ready to do what God is saying to do.
And, I am prone to ask God things like: "what am I doing today?" How can I be of service?" Then we wait on His Word to us.
Some of us know what to be doing. We've seen scriptures that show us what to be doing. Our lives are about obedience to the known will of God, in this Book we carry around.
It's not for arguing. It's for launching cruise missiles of light and prayer against the kingdom of darkness that is enveloping this planet.
Man cannot save this earth. It's hemorrhaging on what's been done to it, in darkness. Satan desires to hurt everything that God has made, including the people on earth. And he knows his time is short: he can read scripture too. He just thinks he can win anyway.
Praise to our Savior who will fight the final battle and defeat Satan for eternity.
Have confidence and deep admiration in our Savior. The Holy Spirit desires to reveal more of Jesus to us. We have to study. We have to sit quietly in His presence and pray and wait for the Rhema of Gods Word.
Jesus is real. I saw Him. Believe in Him.
Have no doubts. Have confidence & Faith.
Male or female: Do what is in your heart.
If you believe it's impossible for a Christian to sin, does that mean tonight your or I can commit any sin we'd like and it wouldn't be sin? I'm a Christian and just like Paul have struggles of the flesh and part of me would really like to commit a fleshly sin tonight. Is your belief that I can proceed to do that and not be sinning? What if I do the same tomorrow and the next day for the rest of my life and add more sins too, do you truly believe there be no consequence? At what point does a Christian suddenly become 'was never a Christian'?
Did you hover over any of the verses above and do you feel they are consistent with what you're saying here, like Hebrews 10:26?
Also, please read Zechariah 7::11 and Hebrews 12:25.
Seek, and ye shall find ( Matthew 7:7).
Greetings from Nova Scotia.
Andy & Dianne van den Berg
I believe the opposite of what you stated, because of what I see in the scriptures. God forgiving our sin and cleaning us is different than claiming someone cannot sin- that it's impossible. That's a logical leap into a whole different territory in which there's a mountain of scripture warning us against sin (including Christians) and no scriptures saying it's impossible for us to sin. It's also different than God 'not seeing sin' due to grace covering us as long as we're following Christ (a Christian). The old testament verses above do not mean someone cannot sin. If no one can sin, what's the point of asking for forgiveness? If no one can sin, what's the point of avoiding sin and striving to be perfect like Jesus said? If no one can sin, what's the point of spreading the gospel? If no one can sin, then you can ignore the Bible and just follow the world and do whatever sin you want with no consequence? The Bible already said that's not the case. Paul wrote about his fleshly struggles to sin- if there was no sin would it make sense that he would write that? If no sin, does that mean you can't blaspheme the holy spirit, either? Why would Jesus preach and challenge his followers with all these instructions if they couldn't sin and their actions were irrelevant. Satan is the father of lies and one of these teachings is truth and one is a lie. They are not both true. So, if satan was going to deceive someone is it likely they would deceive someone into being 'gooder' than they need to be or to be 'badder'- to convince them it's ok to sin, that you will surely 'not' be punished for it. To me that sounds like the same being behind the 1st temptation in the garden of eden- the father of lies is always not far away from any false teaching. Once saved, always saved is another teaching people often distort in order to justify sinning and blaspheming against God.
Here's what the Bible actually says:
James 2:17
Romans 6:15
Hebrews 10:26
Rom 7:22
Matthew 7:21
John 14:15
Matt 5:13
Matthew 7:26-27
Eph 5:5-6
Rom 11:19-23
God bless...