Discuss Matthew 27 Page 14

  • Jeremy Thomas Major on Matthew 27:9 - 10 years ago
    I am prophet Jeremy.
  • George Hartwell on Matthew 27 - 10 years ago
    To Stephen 's comment on 7 6 2014 Why did God need to use that form of punishment to show us how he feels about sin? Why did Jesus have to suffer such a death to pay for sin? Pay who? Why does a penalty for sin have to be paid in this way? God is all powerful. He could have chosen anything other than this. This simply does not make sense.
  • Stephen on Matthew 27 - 10 years ago
    Mr. Hartwell, you are correct in saying that crucifixion was a cruel and barbaric form of execution, and I am glad that it is no longer in use. God needed to use that form of punishment partly to show us how He feels about sin. Mainly, though, Jesus had to suffer such a death to pay for sin. The punishment for sin, according to Romans 6 23, is death. II Corinthians 5 21 says that Jesus became sin for us, so that His death paid the penalty for the sins of mankind. See alos John 1 29.
  • Clark culver on Matthew 27:48 - 10 years ago
    I believe this is an epic moment on the cross when the very men commissioned to kill Jesus, men who seem to earlier be heartless and even spitting on him in disrespect were moved by strength in death unlike anyone before came filled a sponge with the healing drink of strong vinegar to symbolize a change on there cold dry heart. I believe they saw there sins and there hearts were changed. Even those killing Jesus realized Jesus was someone unlike any man who ever lived. When Jesus saw this transformation in these cold dark sinful hearts he said it is finished and gave up the spirit.
  • George Hartwell on Matthew 27 - 10 years ago
    In biblical times, crucifixion and other forms of barbaric execution were commonplace. In the 21st century, this type of behaviour is beneath us civilisation has progressed and we do not treat each other in this disgusting manner now. So why would God have needed to do this? Couldn 't he have found some other way? Didn 't God have the moral values then that we do now?
  • Rev. Autrey on Matthew 27:32 - 10 years ago
    Matthew 27, verses 32 and 33 read, '32 Along the way, they came across a man named Simon, who was from Cyrene, and the soldiers forced him to carry Jesus cross. 33 And they went out to a place called Golgotha which means 'Place of the Skull ' . These verses will have no meaning if we do not understand that it was God himself who went to that cross. It was not a substitute. It was not someone else, or a second God, or a little God, or an emanation of God. Many people say it was, but they are wrong. Only God can forgive sin, so only God has the right to die in our place to remove our sins. Consider this. Hebrews 1 reads, 'But to his Son he says, YOUR THRONE O GOD ENDURES FOREVER AND EVER. Notice that the Son Jesus is called God. Then in verse 9 God says to the Son, YOU LOVE WHAT IS RIGHT AND HATE WHAT IS WRONG. THEREFORE, GOD HAS ANOINTED YOU. This is translated, HAS MADE YOU CHRIST. This proves that the Christ is God. Speaking of the Son, verse 11 says, 'LORD, IN THE BEGINNING YOU LAID THE FOUNDATION OF THE EARTH. Who else but God can be said to be our creator. What more proof do we need? Those who still do not believe are just not thinking right. They have set their minds against Christ, and just do not want to admit who he is. But in order for us to be saved we must confess that JESUS IS LORD OR GOD. Please let us make that confession! God bless you!
  • Nkosinathi Ngulube on Matthew 27:34 - 10 years ago
    The tasting was a kind gesture to their offer, which depicts the Lord 's love to those that persecuted Him.But let it be noted that there was no way He could drink as He had earlier said during supper that ' Mark my words l will not drink wine again until the day l drink it anew with you in my Father 's Kingdom
  • Anonymous on Matthew 27:46 - 10 years ago
    God was in Christ reconciling the world unto himself. John 1 1 In the beginning was the word and the word was with God and the Word was God, verse 14 and the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, So Jesus Christ was God manifested in the flesh. God is a Spirit and is eternal. So the eternal Spirit withdrew itself from the man flesh so the flesh could die and be the sacrifice for man kind. When it did the flesh cried out. Remember except that same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead dwell in your bodies you wont go in the rapture of the Church. So the body of Christ was laid in the tomb until the Spirit united again with it and now we have a victorious Christ!!!!
  • Rev. Autrey on Matthew 27:41 - 10 years ago
    Verses 38 44 38 Two rebels were crucified with him, one on his right and one on his left. 39 Those who passed by hurled insults at him, shaking their heads 40 and saying, You who are going to destroy the temple and build it in three days, save yourself! Come down from the cross, if you are the Son of God! 41 In the same way the chief priests, the teachers of the law and the elders mocked him. 42 He saved others, they said, but he can t save himself! He s the king of Israel! Let him come down now from the cross, and we will believe in him. 43 He trusts in God. Let God rescue him now if he wants him, for he said, I am the Son of God. 44 In the same way the rebels who were crucified with him also heaped insults on him. These verses prove beyond a shadow of doubt that what the Bible says about Jesus true "But although the world was made by him, the world did not know him when he came. " That is a sad commentary on the Christian world. We name ourselves after him, but we will not, to this day, say that he is God. But if he made the world, he has to be God. Everyone knows that only God is our maker and sustainer, and the one who takes care of us. If Jesus would present himself to the Christian churches today, they would have him curcified for blasphey claiming to be God just as the Jews did in his day. They didn 't kill Jesus because he hurt them in some way. They had him killed because he said he was the Son of God. And as it says in Hebrews 2 10, "But to the Son he says. 'Your throne, O GOD ... " This is Jesus talking about himself. He is calling himself God. And if the Jews of Jesus ' day understood this, how much more should Jesus ' followers understad it today. May God help us to understand!
  • Profesoteric69 on Matthew 27:46 - 10 years ago
    Zinnia you are so close to the truth but still so far away you are right it wasn t Jesus on that cross and many would agree with us especially Muslims However that s as far as they all get but the spirit of divine interpretation has blessed me with some hidden knowledge about Jesus but only through the scriptures are these mysteries revealed to me I was shot 15 times with an AK 47 assault riffle and since coming through that ordeal I been having visions of Jesus talking to me about translating the story of his death and resurrection in it s purest context
  • France on Matthew 27:4 - 10 years ago
    What i like about Judas is that he died while he has spoken the truth i was wrong some of us rather die not agreeng that i have sinned
  • Sam May on Matthew 27:53 - 11 years ago
    After being seen by meany,I believe they rose with the Christ because do not think they went back to there grave
  • William Brown on John 19:25 - 11 years ago
    To me it does not make sense that there would be two girls in the same family that would have the same name, I believe 'MARY'S sister' is Salome, the mother of James and John, Zebedees wife.
    Matthew 27:56 Among which was Mary Magdalene, and Mary the mother of James and Joses,[Jesus mother] and the mother of Zebedee’s children.[Salome]
  • James James on Matthew 27:52 - 11 years ago
    JESUS raised Lazarus Before his death on the cross. It's speak elsewhere In GOD'S WORD there dead know not anything for the memory of them are Gone neither do they praise nor give God's glory for they are asleep in the grave. The thief on the cross JESUS said to day thou wilt be with me in paradise I believe that he went that day. And on the day of JESUS crucifixion the earthpquake the dead holy people in Christ that arose i believe they to accended up with JESUS when he left this earth. As it's written upon Death the body returns to dust the spirit return to GOD himself the dead know not anything for the memories of them are gone all Will be raised in the last day
  • DLC on Matthew 27:32 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 27:32 Shows that Jesus did not carry the cross at all.
  • Allan josiah on Matthew 27 - 11 years ago

  • Joe on Acts 1 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 27:3-5 clearly states that Judas hanged himself. But here in Acts 1:18 there seems to be a contradiction. However, when you read both accounts more completely, you will realize they do not contradict each other at all. Matthew states Judas hanged himself and the book of Acts isn’t suggesting that he didn’t. When Luke (the author of Acts) states that Judas fell headlong and burst asunder in the midst, he isn’t stating that’s how Judas died. The consensus among Bible scholars was that Judas split open after falling from the tree or post that he hanged himself from. Perhaps the tree was near a precipice or after he had hanged himself his rotting body eventually fell and burst open where it landed. The Lord only knows. I believe because it was common knowledge that Judas had hanged himself, Luke didn’t feel the need to mention it here in Acts 1:18. Instead he placed emphasis on how his body had burst asunder in this particular field because he was trying to show how this act had fulfilled scripture from the Psalms, not how Judas had died. (See Psalm 69:25, Psalm 109:8) and ( Zechariah 11:12-13)
  • Jacob on Matthew 27:52 - 11 years ago
    This is the fulfillment of the Spring Feasts. This was Yeshua offering the first fruits to the Father, just as the high priests did each year as a rehearsal. The Fall Feast (the harvest of the wheat) will be fulfilled upon his return.
  • Princess sophia on Matthew 27:6 - 11 years ago
    That prices is human but i think God's price is Christ & His love for humanity
  • Larry on Matthew 27:53 - 11 years ago
    I was reading Matthew 27:53 about those who were raised from the grave and when that happen.
  • Cristina Scheeler on Matthew 27 - 11 years ago
    I love verse 54, Jesus is dying on the cross, and yet his love is ever enduring, and the centurion and others were saved. And what makes that momement of conversion, more important, is that these centurion and others were probally the ones that mocked Jesus the most! What love!.
  • Virtuous One on Matthew 27:9 - 11 years ago
    Nothing written in the Holy Bible is a mistake/error. Ask God to reveal an understanding to you when reading his Word.

    *****Since Jeremiah refers to a God-appointed purchase of a field, the reference to Jeremiah at Matthew 27:9-10 is certainly intentional and not a scribal error. The text of Matthew 27:9-10 says "that which was spoken", not "that which was written", so there is no need to look for the exact quotation in the book of Jeremiah. Jeremiah spoke the prophecy but did not write it. Zechariah then wrote Jeremiah's oral prophecy while omitting the reference to a field because that detail had already been described in Jeremiah 32:6-10.
  • Jonah Mtisi on Matthew 27:45 - 11 years ago
    I still need more reference pertaining Matthew 27vs45-
  • Isaac on Revelation 22:19 - 11 years ago
    Charles, The verse does NOT say "those who change the bible..." it says, "those who TAKE AWAY from the words of this book of prophecy..."

    The different translations are for those who are not as educated in reading the English language. It allows for them to understand the bible and comprehend what God wants them to know. The different translations are broken down by readying level. If you think about it the only difference in King James and New King James is the "thee, thou, thus, etc." There is really nothing changed in the bible, and yet it says the same thing. The same message that Christ came and saved us all from our sins is still written in there. Now when you take that part our you have "Taken Away" not changed.

    I don't think God intended for us to quarl over the different translations, but yet gave the writes/printers the ability to reach a new generation with their understanding of the Word of God.

    We as Christians should not be here complaining about the differences in the translations, but doing as the Bible says in Matthew 27: 19-20 "The Great Commission.

    Thanks for listening and God bless!
  • Florise on Matthew 27:46 - 11 years ago
    Yes it was Jesus who died on the cross. It was He who cried out, My God, My God, why hast thou forsaken me". When He was in the garden of Gethsemane praying during his passion, and asked His Father (God) if it were possible, to remove this cup from me--had he stopped his prayer there, there would have been no crucifixion, but then He added: but not as I will - thy will be done - I will drink it up. And so He did. Jesus had the Father's presence with Him at all times; His baptism by John when God himself spoke from heaven on Jesus' behalf, on the mount of transfiguration when God had to tell the disciples that Jesus was his beloved son, don't build temples to other men, just hear Him (Jesus). But now here on the cross, God was affected in such a way that darkness filled the earth to the point that it was reported that you could feel the darkness with the palms of your hands. Jesus was very God, yet he was very man. Jesus became sin for our sake, and every sin committed in past present or future, was borne that day by this man Jesus. SIN cannot tarry in the sight of God, even the sins placed on the Jesus sacrifice. Man had to die for man, but it took a God-man to be able to go this distance, and Jesus was the only one who could do this. It was the man Jesus who cried out, that day, but it was the God Jesus who allowed to keep him up there. It was not the nails that held him - but the love that He had for us. Just as sure as the grave could not hold Him, nor could the cross. When the angels removed the stone away from the tomb; It was not to allow Jesus to get out, but it allowed mankind to be able to get in. What kind of love is this! When we could not get to God, God sent God Jesus to us, and I'm so very glad that He did.
  • Mehwish on Matthew 27:46 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is God and but he was crucified on the cross, he cried, because he was human that time. If Jesus did not sacrifice himself for us then he would never get the place where he is now. God cannot be dead due to some pain. But he died because he was on human form. When he died, then after he got the seat with Father.
  • Ninnie on Matthew 27:52 - 12 years ago
    I believe that the graves were opened, meaning us who are living but are living in spiritual darkness will have our spirit awakened. Coming out of a symbolic death. Satan is death. The Saints will rise from among us alive in this current time. The Saints will be awakened from their stoop.
  • Joe Henderson on Matthew 27:52 - 12 years ago
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 27 - 12 years ago
    It was because of blasphemy that the chief priest was accusing Jesus before Pilate. Just as Peter said, when Jesus asked whom do the people call me? Peter responded thou art the Christ, the Son of the living God. Jesus told Peter flesh and blood hath not revealed this unto you, but my Spirit. Judas was convinced that he had betrayed innocent blood, but he was lost when he committed suicide. When Jesus comes in the Second Advent, the Jews will look upon Him whom they have pierced, and say blessed is He who comes in the name of the LORD.
  • Steve on Matthew 27:4 - 12 years ago
    What were they accusing Jesus of when they came to arrest him? Wasn't it because of who he said he was? Thus when Judas said he had betrayed innocent blood, wasn't he then saying Jesus was who he said he was?

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