Discuss Matthew 28 Page 24

  • Ravikumar on Matthew 28:19 - 13 years ago
    dear brother,could you kindly tell me which baptism we have to take.(In the name of the father,son and the holy spirit or only in the name of jesus christ.)
  • Judy Hoover on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    I think it's very important to study the word of God. We can read the same scripture several times over. Each time Jesus can give us new revelation on that same scripture. Remember Jesus is the word! Which became flesh! So who better than Jesus to ask for wisdom, knowledge, understanding & discernment of the word. We have to be careful not to misinterpret the word to others. I've learned the best way to get understanding of the word. Is to pray to Jesus for understanding. Also, to diligently seek Jesus, through his word. "Seek & ye shall find, knock & it shall be opened unto you." May our Lord & Saviour continue to educate us on the discernment of his word. The will he wants for our lives & how to love everyone. The only name that can deliver us from the pits of HELL!!! HALLELUJAH!!! Glory to the KING OF KINGS!!! THANK YOU JESUS!!! AMEN
  • Jeff davis on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    When it say's to be baptized in the name of the father,what's His name?I come in My father's name and you know me not.It dosen't say to be baptized in the titles,as there were many more than three...the burning bush,the mule speaking,water,bread,light,ect.It boil's down to you hearing the word of God,and you follow Him,not them!His name is Jesus and if you don't want to believe that,then you will die in your sin's!That's what God say's,in his word.Peter had the key's,Jesus gave them to him,repent and be baptized in the name of Jesus Christ,-it's water that is being talked about.Then you will recieve the gift of the Holy Ghost,which is speaking in another laungage as the Spirit give's the utterence,God's own word's...and you will recieve power that the Holy Ghost has given you to be a disciple,to heal in the name of Jesus,by Jesus only!Try praying in the"big three",or any other name!Jesus is the only name with POWER,HEALING ect.Nothing but the blood of Jesus,I'm sin free! But you have to ask daily, it isnt for ever,once.I'm feeling mighty sorry for those who think that once saved,alway's saved! It does'nt work that way,even Paul said,"I die daily.Jesus name baptizum is how His blood is applied to your life,there's no other way!And you'll hear His voice,and follow Himand all the law's,commandment' s and ever word of God.A good tree is known by it's fruit,a bad tree can't give good fruit.You are known by your fruit,if none,then you'll be cast into a fire..if you have the power of God in you then start speading Jesus name salvation and His gospel, be known by your fruit of the Spirit of God.Great is the mystery of Goddlyness... 1Tim 3:16...it is a kings glory to search out a matter...make sure your right!!!
  • Kostas on Acts 2:38 - 13 years ago
    Only those translations that are saying "remission" of sins are correct to the original Greek which is the word "Aphesis". Remission & forgiveness are not the same. But above all, The Name Of The Lord JESUS Christ must be spoken, & both the baptizer & the one receiving the baptism must be qualified for it. The one must be an apostolic minister or anyone who has already been baptized in the Name of the Lord, & the one who goes through the baptism, to be taught prior to it, the importance & the revelation of the Name, & have full faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. Below is a good article:

    This message is no doubt one of the most important messages you will ever read. It concerns a
    commandment that was given by our Lord Jesus Christ, which is being carried out incorrectly by
    nearly every church that is professing Christianity. This statement is true, even though the
    command is plain and easy to understand. I am referring to the clear teaching of water baptism.
    The various religions of this world baptize people with water 635 different ways. In the realm of
    nominal Christianity, people are baptized primarily one way; this way omits the use of any name
    at all. Thus, Satan with his crafty devices has seen to it that almost everyone who has been
    baptized has been baptized wrong!
    In the denominations of nominal Christianity, the Scripture verse of Matthew 28:19 is misused in
    a very clever way. Matthew 28:19 reads as follows: “Go ye therefore, and teach all nations,
    baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost.” We must bear
    in mind that when this command was given, no actual baptism was happening at the time. A
    command was given, and God intended that it be carried out, not just repeated. Countless
    thousands of ministers repeat the exact words of the command without ever doing what the
    command says to do. Jesus specifically ordered that we are to be baptized in the NAME
    (singular) of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost! In order to find out what that name
    is, we simply look in the Bible at incidents of water baptism after Calvary as administered by the
    apostles of Jesus Christ. We will find that there is not one incident ever where anyone was
    actually baptized using the words, “Father, Son, and Holy Ghost.” It was always done in the
    saving name of Jesus, which fulfills the command to use the singular name. When we say the
    words, “I baptize you in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ,” we are in full obedience of Matthew
    28:19. Jesus said, “I am come in my Father’s name….” ( John 5:43). The angel of the Lord said
    to Joseph regarding Mary, “And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS:
    for he shall save his people from their sins” ( Matthew 1:21). In John 16:7, Jesus said He would
    send the Holy Ghost. It all happens in the name of Jesus!
    We will now look at actual events of baptism to see exactly how it was done by the Apostles of
    Jesus Christ. In the book of the Acts of the Apostles, we will begin with chapter 2 where many
    people who were listening to Peter were convicted of their sins and were looking for the remedy
    to the problem. In Acts 2:37-39 we read as follows: “Now when they heard this, they were
    pricked in their heart, and said unto Peter and to the rest of the Apostles, Men and brethren,
    what shall we do? Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be baptized every one of you in the
    name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall receive the gift of the Holy Ghost.
    For the promise is unto you, and to your children, and to all that are afar off, even as many as
    the Lord our God shall call.” As we can see, the titles Father, Son, and Holy Ghost are not even
    alluded to by Peter as he answered their question, because the Apostles understood full-well that
    Jesus commanded his saving name to be used to fulfill Matthew 28:19. Were the Apostles
    correct in this matter? In Acts 2:41 we read the following: “Then they that gladly received his
    word were baptized and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls.”
    Another example of an actual baptism is found in Acts 8:14-16 as follows: “Now when the
    apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent
    unto them Peter and John: Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might
    receive the Holy Ghost: (for as yet he was fallen on none of them: only they were baptized in the
    name of the Lord Jesus.)
    Yet another example showing how the singular name of the Lord Jesus Christ was being used in
    water baptism is found in Acts 10:47-48, which tells us, “Can any man forbid water, that these
    should not be baptized, which have received the Holy Ghost as well as we? And he commanded
    them to be baptized in the name of the Lord….” In this example, we must also note that water
    baptism was not simply suggested, but it was commanded! This is consistent with the very words
    of our Lord and Saviour, Jesus Christ, when he commanded in Mark 16:15-16, “….Go ye into all
    the world, and preach the Gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be
    saved: but he that believeth not shall be damned.”
    One question that frequently arises regarding water baptism is whether or not a person should be
    rebaptized if they had not previously been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. In Acts 19:3-5
    that question is answered, and the matter is settled. The Apostle Paul met with some people who
    had been disciples of John the Baptist and were baptized by him. We know that when John
    baptized, no name was used, but it was simply done unto repentance, opening the way for people
    to receive Jesus, the Lamb of God. After Jesus shed his blood on the cross, the saving name was
    required in baptism. Even those who had received the valid baptism of John needed to be
    rebaptized in the name of the Lord Jesus. That is why we read of this in Acts 19:3-5 as follows:
    “And he said unto them, Unto what then were ye baptized? And they said, Unto John’s baptism.
    Then said Paul, John verily baptized with the baptism of repentance, saying unto the people, that
    they should believe on him which should come after him, that is, on Christ Jesus. When they
    heard this, they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.”
    At this point I must also point out that the word baptize, comes from a Greek word that means to
    make fully whelmed, which means to put completely under the water. It was the Roman Catholic
    religion that started baptizing by sprinkling and pouring during the time of the building of St.
    Peter’s Basilica. Because they charged money for baptizing, they began to baptize infants,
    because they needed the money.
    We must also remember that the Bible tells us that we are not to be baptized into a church, but
    rather into Christ! Romans 6:3-4 tells us in no uncertain terms the following: “Know ye not, that
    so many of us as were baptized into Jesus Christ were baptized into his death? Therefore we are
    buried with him by baptism into death: that like as Christ was raised up from the dead by the
    glory of the Father, even so we also should walk in newness of life.”
    When we consider the subject of water baptism, it is essential that we remember that it is in the
    Gospel! In I Corinthians 15:1-4, the Gospel is clearly defined as the death, burial, and
    resurrection of the Lord Jesus. Thus, our repentance is the death of our old sinful self; baptism
    with water in the name of our Saviour, Jesus, is our burial; and receiving the Holy Ghost is our
    first resurrection unto a new life. The resurrection of all people at Judgment Day is the final
    resurrection from the earthly graves. We cannot ignore any part of the Gospel, or we have
    ignored the whole Gospel.
    So much more could be said about this subject, and we can learn so much by reading our Bibles
    rather than reading catechisms and other church books, which contain doctrines of men. The
    points we must remember are: 1. Baptism is commanded. 2. Baptism must be by immersion. 3.
    Baptism must be done using the name of Jesus. 4. Baptism must be done once the Gospel is
    understood. Babies are not to be baptized.
    It is a sad fact that nearly everyone that has been baptized in these last days has accomplished
    nothing more than getting wet. It is a problem that can be easily corrected. Acts 4:12 will meet
    all of humanity on Judgment Day, and it should be heeded now, while there is still a little time.
    That powerful verse still echoes down the corridor of time with these words, “Neither is there
    salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we
    must be saved.”
    Pastor David J. Meyer
    Last Trumpet Ministries International
  • Nathan on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    Matthew 28:19 was the instruction given by Jesus... Acts 2:38 was the commission in action by the diciples He chose!!
  • Susan Dalton on Romans 9 - 13 years ago
    "What shall we say then? That the Gentiles, [nations other than Israel] which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith. But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness. Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone; As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumblingstone and rock of offence: and whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." ( Romans 9:30-33) "For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ( Romans 10:12-13) The gospel of Jesus Christ is for all people, all nations; the only exclusion comes from unbelief. "Now I say that Jesus Christ was a minister of the circumcision for the truth of God, to confirm the promises made unto the fathers: And that the Gentiles might glorify God for his mercies; as it is written, For this cause I will confess to thee among the Gentiles, and sing unto thy name. And again he saith, Rejoice, ye Gentiles, with his people. And again, Praise the Lord, all ye Gentiles; and laud him all ye people. And again, Esaias saith, There shall be a root of Jesse, and he that shall rise to reign over the Gentiles; in him shall the Gentiles trust." ( Romans 15:8-12) Jesus came to save all. "All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to do whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world." Amen. ( Matthew 28:19-20)Also, Jesus said, "Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature. He that believeth and is baptized shall be saved; but he that believeth not shall be damned." ( Mark 16:15-17) The gospel of Jesus Christ (salvation) is for every nation, and is for every person; it is for all. Whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved,
  • Larry on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    Acts 2:38 39 talking about being Baptized into salvation not water baptisim!
  • #hartson23[IPIIGIIPIIII] on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    Hi - I am really happy to discover this. cool job!
  • Ann johnson on Revelation 18 - 13 years ago
    Greetings everyone in the Name of Jesus Christ! In Matthew 28:19 our Lord gave the command to the disciples to go baptize in the Name (of the Father, Son, and Holy Ghost). To find out how this commandment was carried out, we must search the book of Acts. On the day of Pentcost, Acts 2:37 Baptism was in the Name Of JESUS. This was preached by the Apostle Peter. Acts 8:12-17 the Church at Samaria was established and they were baptised in the Name of Jesus by Philip, another of Christ's diciples. The Church at Caesarea, Acts 10:44-48, baptism was also preformed by Peter in the Name of the Lord, which is Jesus. The Church of Philippi, Acts l6:14,15,also verses 25-34; as also the Church of the Ephesians were baptized by Paul in the Name of Jesus. Acts 18:1-11, Acts 19:1-7 Romans 6:3, Acts 22:16 are also examples. Even those that were baptized by John the Baptist, after they received instruction by Apostle Paul were RE-baptized in the Name of Jesus. Now I ask you to answer this question-- Did the Apostles and Disciples of Jesus defy His command to be baptized IN THE NAME of the father,son,and Holy Ghost or were they carrying out His instructions knowing there is only ONE NAME given under heaven whereby ye must be saved? Allow Jesus to take the blinder off your mind and receive this wonderful truth: Jesus is the Name of God (father,son, Holy Ghost) He is the Word made flesh. No more than you can separate your word from who you are, Neither can the ONE GOD separate Himself into three separate Gods. It is One God in three offices---Father, Son, Holy Ghost...OH PRAISE THAT SAVING NAME WHICH REVEALED BY THE ANGEL !!! Read Isaiah 9:6--The prophecy of His Name. GOD CAME WRAPPED IN A NAME IN BETHLEHEM. May the Lord reveal His Truth to you.
  • Anita Bax on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    It's a great commission from God, as in vs. 19-20 telling us to be baptized in the name of the father, son and the Holy Ghost is all wonderful, but where alot of us get the wrong thought is not understanding what's the name? As in human nature we come to this world in the flesh born of a woman as a son or daughter but we do not name our children son or daughter do we? (No) we give them a name, so take a look at this scripture and search it out for the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost. Read John 14:8-10 the differance is the flesh and spirit, God planted himself in a virgin woman name Mary to become flesh Read Hebrews 10:5, Luke 1:30-35 pay attention to the repeat of SON, God overshadowed her with his spirit so that he can come to the world to shed his blood for us, because no one else was worthy so he made himself a body using a woman never been touched by man physically and we know when Mary birth him his name was called JESUS! Read Hebrews 9:12-15 & 26. Father is spirit,Son is flesh and Holy Ghost is spirit that indwells us when we receive him in our temple. If you would like to here more and see more scriptures please feel free to ask and God Bless you all. God's word you have to search and find the mystery of him read 1 timothy 3:16 (Anita)
  • Willie g, Miller on Matthew 28:2 - 13 years ago
    By faith I beleive every word of God is right,in spite of differance commentry. My salvation depend upon faith,and a personal exprience in God.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 28 - 13 years ago
    Hallua, Thank You Jesus!!!
  • Augustine on Romans 10:14 - 13 years ago
    I think we have a big commission to accomplish on earth as Jesus Christ has called us to declay his name to all who have not yet beleive and heard the message of our Lord Jesus Christ.The bible make it clare to us in the book of MATTHEW 28:19-20 SAYS, GO YE THERFORE AND TEACH ALL NATIONS, BAPTIZING THEM IN THE NAME OF THE FATHER, AND OF THE SON, AND OF THE HOLY GHOST. 20. TEACHING THEM TO OBSERVE ALL THINGS WHATSOEVER I HAVE COMMANDED YOU: AND LO, I AM WITH YOU ALWAYS EVEN UNTO THE END OF THE WORLD. AMEN. This let us know and to understand that there are many peoples who are perishing as Apostle Paul said in the book of 1CORINTIANS 1:18 FOR THE PREACHING OF THE CROSS IS TO THEM THAT PERISH, FOOLISHNESS; BUT UNTO US WHICH ARE SAVED IS THE POWER OF GOD. We have a message to declare to the world and that message is that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and He (Jesus Christ) is the way the truth and the life: no man come unto the father (God) but by me. John 14:6. This is our goal towards the world.God bless us all as we accomplish the goal in Jesus name. AMEN....
  • Stan Hatcher on Matthew 28:19 - 14 years ago
    What do I think? After being saturated in the subject for over thirty years, here's what I have learned: (From Matthew 28:19)
    Soon after Jesus arose from the dead, He met with His disciples and commanded them with the words we read in the verses above; commonly referred to as the Great commission. Clearly, it is through the process of baptism that disciples are made. Question: were the disciples to process people from the standpoint of their already being “in” the name of the Godhead, as the translated preposition “in” would suggest, or, something else? Translating the Greek word “eis “to read “in” would appeal to the question “how”; where translating it to read, “into” would solicit the question, into “what”. If the Greek preposition “eis” was translated “into” instead of “in” like the original text suggests then we would find that Jesus was indeed, telling His disciples to process people “into” the family name of the Godhead.

    Some Denominational leaders argue that the phrase; “in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit,” is a formula, while others try to assign a given name to each, or a single element of the Godhead. Believe it or not, there was a time in our history when people were dipped three times; in each name respectively. What is interesting to note is that the Bible is silent as to what the name is/are; so why guess? Seems to me that knowing the name is not what’s important as what our being processed into that name accomplishes.

    It should not be a hard to believe that the process of being baptized “into” the name of the Godhead creates an immediate change in status of citizenship ( Eph 2:19). More than anything, it establishes kinship and family, communion and fellowship, the very thing that Jesus came to restore.

    A name is simply an abbreviated totality of anything we see or can perceive through one of our senses. The Name “God” is an abbreviated totality of Who and What He is; it encompasses ALL of Him. This applies to all people and things as well. Jesus is the Name God gave to His Son; it defines who and what He is to and for the world; the Holy Spirit is the Name ascribed to the invisible part of God in whom all His Power is resident and Father is the Name taken by the One who begot Jesus and us through Him. In this one Name, He has combined all of the Names He was known by in the past. One final thought; a name is inseparable from the person or thing it is ascribed; they are one and the same.

    Once the process of baptism is complete, one becomes authorized to function as a disciple. Through the instruction handed down by Jesus, disciples would become, not only devoted followers of Christ, but able to carry-on with the perpetual task of bringing Jesus to the Nations. Once baptized, we are joined is an affinity with God and His Kingdom.

    Baptism in action:

    Acts 2:38-39
    Repent, and let every one of you be baptized in (epi = upon) the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins; and you shall receive the gift of the Holy Spirit.

    Acts 8:16-17
    For as yet He had fallen upon none of them. They had only been baptized in (eis = into) the name of the Lord Jesus.

    Acts 10:48 (ALSO: Acts 19:5-6, Rom 6:3, 1 Cor 12:13, Gal 3:27)
    And he commanded them to be baptized in (en = in) the name of the Lord.

    So, in the final analysis, people are baptized “into = eis” Jesus, “upon the basis of = epi” His Name by one who is already “in = en” the Name of Jesus, having authority to implement the process.
  • Bless Grace on Matthew 24 - 14 years ago
    Jesus were given his disciples and followers specific commands, a kind of worldwide works that individually should follow,if truly they are an obedient followers. This is about the preaching work about the Kingdom of God and discipleship making. Please read Matthew 24:14 and Matthew 28:18,20

    But most people around the world still do not know what is the Kingdom of God? And which among many religions are truly followers of Jesus, since Jesus himself warned that "many" will confess him as Lord but "will deceived many"- Matthew 24:4,5

    The safest things to do is to stay at home and wait someone to knock on our door. Why? Because Jesus had specific command to his true followers, at Matthew 10:5-11 Jesus commanded his follower to " Preach the good news of the kingdom of God through house to house method, village to village and city to city." Also read Acts 20:20

    Yes, if we are truly determined to obey Jesus command, We should stick to his "specific" teachings and wait until we meet this kind of people, right on our doorway. Ask them like, " Do you know what is the Kingdom of God?"

    Here are some truth about the Kingdom of God:

    When Will
    God’s Kingdom Come?

    “LORD, are you restoring the kingdom to Israel at this time?” ( Acts 1:6) The apostles were eager to know when Jesus would establish his Kingdom. Today, some 2,000 years later, people are still eager to know: When will God’s Kingdom come?

    Since Jesus made the Kingdom the theme of his preaching, you might expect that he discussed this question. And indeed he did! He spoke extensively about a marked period of time that he called his “presence.” ( Matthew 24:37) That presence is closely tied to the establishment of the Messianic Kingdom. What is this presence? Let us consider four truths the Bible reveals about the presence of Christ.

    1. Christ’s presence would begin a long time after his death. Jesus gave an illustration in which he likened himself to a man who “traveled to a distant land to secure kingly power,” or to “secure a kingdom.” ( Luke 19:12; footnote) How was that prophetic illustration fulfilled? Well, Jesus died and was resurrected; then he traveled to the “distant land,” that is, heaven. As Jesus foretold in a similar illustration, his return in kingly power would come only “after a long time.”— Matthew 25:19.

    Some years after Jesus ascended to heaven, the apostle Paul wrote: “This man [Jesus] offered one sacrifice for sins perpetually and sat down at the right hand of God, from then on awaiting until his enemies should be placed as a stool for his feet.” ( Hebrews 10:12, 13) So a lengthy period of waiting followed Jesus’ arrival in heaven. The wait finally ended when Jehovah God made his Son the King of the long-promised Messianic Kingdom. That was when Christ’s presence began. Would humans on earth see this momentous event?

    2. The presence is invisible to human eyes. Remember, Jesus discussed the sign of his presence. ( Matthew 24:3) If his presence were visible to human eyes, would a sign be needed? To illustrate: Imagine that you are traveling to see the ocean. You may see road signs directing you along the way, but once you are at the shore, standing at the water’s edge with the vast expanse of water stretching out to the horizon, would you expect to see a sign with a big arrow pointing ahead, emblazoned with the word “Ocean”? Of course not! Why have a sign to point out what you can easily identify with your eyes?

    Jesus described the sign of his presence, not to point out something that humans could see with their eyes, but to help them discern something that would occur in heaven. Thus, Jesus said: “The kingdom of God is not coming with striking observableness.” ( Luke 17:20) How, then, would the sign show those on earth that Christ’s presence had begun?

    3. Jesus’ presence would be marked by a time of profound troubles here on earth. Jesus said that his presence as King in heaven would be marked on earth by wars, famines, earthquakes, pestilences, and lawlessness. ( Matthew 24:7-12; Luke 21:10, 11) What would cause all this misery? The Bible explains that Satan, “the ruler of this world,” is full of rage because he knows that his time is very short now that Christ’s presence as King has begun. ( John 12:31; Revelation 12:9, 12) Such visible evidence of Satan’s rage and of Christ’s presence has been abundant in our time. Especially since 1914, a year that historians acknowledge was a turning point, has this evidence appeared on an unprecedented and global scale.

    All of that may sound like bad news, but it is not. It means that the Messianic Kingdom is ruling now in heaven. Very soon, that government will exercise its rule right here over all the earth. How, though, would people know about that Kingdom in order to accept its rule and become its subjects?

    The bad news we hear every day proves that good things are coming soon
    Two women discussing Jesus' prophecy

    4. Jesus’ presence is marked by a global preaching work. Jesus said that his presence would be like “the days of Noah.”* ( Matthew 24:37-39) Noah was more than an ark builder; he was also “a preacher of righteousness.” ( 2 Peter 2:5) Noah warned people that a judgment from God was on its way. Jesus said that his followers on earth would be doing something similar during his presence. He prophesied: “This good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the inhabited earth for a witness to all the nations; and then the end will come.”— Matthew 24:14.

    As we saw in the preceding article, God’s Kingdom will destroy all the governments of this world. The preaching work alerts people that this heavenly government is about to act, giving all an opportunity to escape the coming destruction and become subjects of that Kingdom. The key question, then, is, How will you respond?
    Will God’s Kingdom Mean Good News for You?

    The message that Jesus preached was one of incomparable hope. After the rebellion in Eden thousands of years ago, Jehovah God purposed to form a government that would set matters right, returning faithful humans to the condition that God had in mind for them from the start—life eternal in a paradise here on earth. What could be more thrilling than the knowledge that this long-promised government is ruling right now in heaven? It is not some remote, abstract concept but a living reality!

    Now, God’s appointed King is ruling in the midst of his enemies. ( Psalm 110:2) In this corrupt world alienated from God, the Messiah is fulfilling his Father’s desire to search out all who want to come to know God as he really is and to worship him “with spirit and truth.” ( John 4:24) The hope of living forever under the rule of God’s Kingdom is available to people of all races, ages, and social backgrounds. ( Acts 10:34, 35) We urge you to take hold of the marvelous opportunity before you. Learn about God’s Kingdom now, so that you can enjoy living under its righteous rule forever!— 1 John 2:17.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 28 - 14 years ago
    how can i stop masturbating
  • Charles on Matthew 28 - 14 years ago
  • Ojok bernard on Matthew 28 - 14 years ago
    it is a purely spiritual book, however i like the book of luke. may the the it is outlined and so on.
  • T byrd on Matthew 28 - 14 years ago
    its always a pleasure to here about god

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