Discuss Matthew 3 Page 17

  • Norma Anderson on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    This particular chapter starts our awareness of the difference between christians in name only and spiritual christian... as the difference between the temple christians and the spiritally hungry population of the poor.
  • Norma Anderson on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    This particular chapter starts our awareness of the difference between christians in name only and spiritual christian... as the difference between the temple christians and the spiritally hungry population of the poor.
  • Lew Rutkin on Matthew 3:8 - 10 years ago
    In Matthew 3 2 in Matthew 3 6 the people came to John confessing their sins and I believe that is what the Pharisees and the Sadducees didn 't do. They didn 't feel they were sinners in need of a Savior. In St. Mark 1 4 John preached the baptism of repentance for the remission of sins and when you repent or change your mind from what you thought you had to do for your salvation and simply believe you are immediately saved. I am not going to Heaven because I attend church 3 times a week, give money to the church, serve the Lord faithfully or have been water baptized. That has nothing to do with me going to Heaven. I am going to Heaven because I prayed a simple prayer to God confessing I am a sinner and I am putting my complete faith in the Blood of Jesus to forgive me of all my sins and give me the gift of eternal life. I called upon Jesus to save me completely Romans 10 9,10,13. In Acts 19 4 Paul tells us what John preached telling the people that they should believe on Jesus to be saved. Jesus is the Lamb of God which taketh away the sins of the world according to John the Baptist in John 1 29. When you read Matthew 26 28, Luke 24 47, Romans 3 25, Acts 4 12, Acts 10 43 I John 1 7, 2 2, 5 13 and Revelation 1 5 you clearly understand remission or forgiveness of sins comes through the Blood of Jesus alone to receive salvation. Hebrews 9 22 tells us without shedding of blood there is no remission meaning forgiveness of sins from the Garden of Eden through the Book of Revelation. The song writer had it right "What can wash away my sin, nothing but the Blood of Jesus!!! "
  • Maria on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    It is written in in matthew 3 11 " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire " He already came,so is it necessary to take a water baptism?
  • Maria on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    It is written in in matthew 3 11 " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire " He already came,so is it necessary to take a water baptism?
  • U.T. on Matthew 3:10 - 10 years ago
    God expect us to bear fruit such as holiness, soul wining, so every one must live a life of righteousness and do d work of an evangelist...
  • Peter johnson on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    What a wounderful humility that our Lord Jesus had,so he thereby lay a good examply to us that we should be humble honest including straight forwading in all we do,becouse humility is next to God 's oneness.therefore lure into yourself the spirit of humilty. Yours in christ. Johnson
  • OLADELE F JOSEPH on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    Verse 17 As beloved Child of God,teach me what to DO to PLEASE You on DAILY basis ? Thank you God,for your Words liveth.
  • Mbusi on Matthew 3:10 - 10 years ago
    it means God will come to look for fruit from belivers fruit of the Spirit and if he finds none the person is fit for hell fire thats my opinion
  • Cookey Victor on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    John Has Shown Us That Baptism of the Holy Spirit Comes Thru Jesus Only When We Repent Be Baptised With Water 2 Worship God
  • Babinou on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    why did John rebuke the pharasees Is it a crime to repent Any thing personal
  • Garry on Matthew 3 - 10 years ago
    John was preparing the way for Christ and the law was about to end the axe is laid at the tree is letting the Jews know that this was ready to be put in motion and that CHRIST would set up a new and living way to give himself for the ransom of sin
  • Garette on Matthew 3 - 11 years ago
    verse 10: Hi Kelly. Hope this will be useful in answering your question. "the axe is already laid at the root of the trees" indicates the urgency with which the Jewish Nation was to accept salvation-procrastination and rejection of truth are dangerous and will result in our destruction. "so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire" indicates that if salvation and truth do not sanctify the life and soul, we are bound for eternal death and destruction.
  • Kelly on Matthew 3:10 - 11 years ago
    "Indeed the axe is already laid at the root of the trees; so every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire."
    what does this mean?
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 3:9 - 11 years ago
    John the baptist is warning the religious leaders that Jehovah God will raise up stones from the Gentiles unto Abraham. Thus fulfilling the prophecy that Abraham's seed will be as the sands of the sea shore.
  • Judith Gustafson on Matthew 3:12 - 11 years ago
    I need a photo depicting winnowing, threshing, and separating the chaff.
  • Henry Hamilton on Matthew 3:15 - 11 years ago
    Since Jesus was a Priest, The Mosiac Law indicated the He was to be baptised at the age of 30 and this is why He told John that the fulfillment of all rightouswness was to be done.
  • Marie on Matthew 3 - 11 years ago
    we need to be baptized to receive the holy spirit. the purpose Jesus got baptized, since he had already been born of the spirit, baptizing gave him to be oneness with god, as well as us. this is showing us that god had conquered the world where Satan throne is. dying on the cross, jesus proved the beginning of birth pains for humaniy to follow his steps to kill satan adversaries. it is our time to be baptized and kill the evil sin in us. the second coming of jesus is destroyin sin-satan forever. we are his faithful witnesss that will follow the procedures of the Lord. not that he needs us,to destroy evil but to demonstrate to evil, that god children who are written in the book of life is of the image of him, who can conquer. everyone has the opportunity to beleive or not in the Lord. i choose to beleive and wait for my treasure of heaven and not of the earth which is of satan; the materialism of the world. baptizing is to be conduct like Jesus did in the Jordan of water and sand. sand to prove god is our rock; water which is essential to life and to prove that jesus is the high priest not us; as he gave to each one of us the spirit, this is the reason for the word of god for baptism. amen come lord jesus. shalom!
  • Jeff on Matthew 3:15 - 11 years ago
    Suffer is the key word.
  • Pat on Matthew 3:16 - 11 years ago
    when Jesus was baptised he became enlightened.
  • BHofmann on Matthew 3:7 - 11 years ago
    not any difference then today, we all know but do we confess Jesus rather then traditions, Paul says, let there be no divisions among us
  • Pat on Matthew 3:8 - 11 years ago
    Let your repentance be genuine from the heart.
  • Rosalina on Genesis 2 - 11 years ago
    My respond to Delories's Genesis Chapter 2 comment on 9/08/2013, 7:51am: In Matthew 3:7 and Mark 1:11 God said that Jesus is His beloved Son. In Isaiah 14:12 the one fallen from heaven was Lucifer, son of the morning. In Job 1:6 it's written that the sons of God came to present themselves before the LORD, and Satan came also among them. But it's not written there that Satan is among God's son. Now in Romans 8:14 it says, "For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God". Therefore, God need not a wife and have sex like human beings to make children. In fact in Matthew 3:9 Jesus says, "And think not to say within yourselves, We have Abraham to our father: for I say unto you, that God is able of these stones to raise up children unto Abraham". So for God to create His own children is by spirit and not by flesh.
  • Leroy Heggin on 1 John 5:7 - 11 years ago
    The Holy Spirit is what we call a possessive adjective. There's only one way of saying a possessive adjective in the Old Testament times. The Spirit of the Lord. The Spirit of God. The spirit of Elijah. The day of the Lord. But, there are two ways of saying the same thing in the Greek, that is: the Spirit of the Lord or the Lord's spirit. The Spirit of God or God's spirit. The spirit of Elijah just Elijah's spirit. The day of the Lord or the Lord's Day. When it comes to gender there are two genders, masculine and feminine. There are there no neuter gender. However, in English, there are three genders. Let's look at a sripture. Matthew 16:18 "And I also say to you that you are Peter on this rock I will build my Church the forces of Hades will not overpower it." Most people are not able to read the Greek so I will call attention to a Spanish version. If you look into the equivalent Spanish version it will say in the last part of verse "y las puertas del Hades no prevaleceran contra ella." That means "The gates of Hell will not prevail against her." the same thing happens in the Greek. The church takes on a feminine ending.the The translators change all the feminine and masculine endings on any neuter gender that they knew were inanimate objects to "it." However, when they came to the Holy Spirit they left the gender the same and capitalize the word Holy Spirit. Luke 3:22 says, "John saw God's Spirit descending like a dove and resting up in Jesus." Matthew 3:11 says, "I baptize you with water but one who is more powerful than I is coming and he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit." You don't want to be baptized with a person but you want to be baptized with the power and your spiritual essence of that person: the spirit and power of Almighty God. Denounce the doctrine of the Trinity. It is false doctrine. It is polytheism. I have been to Bible College and was taught this doctrine of the Trinity, but the Bible does not teach it. So, I dumped it.
  • Philip Boadu on 1 John 5:8 - 11 years ago
    The water is Jesus' baptism that fufill all rigteousness Matthew 3:15. The blood paid for our sins Romans 4:25; Hebrews 9:22. The spirit bears witness about it. Matt. 3:16. This is the bases for our salvation.
  • Danny on Matthew 3:16 - 11 years ago
    the mateo 3:16 baptism to repent the only god can baptize the holy spirit the mateo 28:19 says go ye and teach them to baptize the name of the father and the son and the holy spirit the question is what is the name? of the father and the son and the holy spirit books of acts 2: 38 peter says repent and baptize to the name of jesus and you can recieve the holy spirit.
  • One on 1 Thessalonians 2 - 11 years ago
    Children, we must remember that people are watching our conduct, to see how we act, and, even they, might not be aware of there observation on us; cause our subconscious eats more, than our conscious does; So if we are claiming God in our lives; than we must, read, study, and know the word; than obey what it says, so that we faithfully walk uprightly before everyone, after God; For if we walk contrary to the word of God, than we give our allegiance over to the devil, and now become glorifiers of the devil, and not God. ... So we now have a higher responsibility to examine, and watch ourselves daily, that we walk upright at all times; till God comes up on us, and transforms us to become righteous effortlessly (WHICH IS WHEN WE BECOME TRULY BORN AGAIN) For John the baptist said in Matthew 3:11, " I indeed baptize you with water unto repentance: but he that cometh after me is mightier than I, whose shoes I am not worthy to bear: he shall baptize you with the Holy Ghost, and with fire.
  • Mprince on Matthew 3 - 11 years ago
    Lev, I believe it means that we must be willing to endure persecution. Romans 8:17 And if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified together.
    Matthew 20:22 But Jesus answered and said, Ye know not what ye ask. Are ye able to drink of the cup that I shall drink of, and to be baptized with the baptism that I am baptized with? They say unto him, We are able.
  • Lev on Matthew 3:15 - 11 years ago
    Sorry, part of the text was missing in my previous letter; Please, reply me on this one;

    I'm not native in English language, but still have a great desire to be able to understand each word, that belongs to Jesus Christ;
    My question would be:
    1 Corinthians 4:12 sentence ends like that ,,being persecuted, we suffer it"
    In this case, ,,suffer it" means - "to bear" right?

    I know, that "suffer" also means - "allow someone to do something" but, I think, "bear it to be so now" might be proper, also.

    Please, help me understand. .
  • Lev on Matthew 3:15 - 11 years ago
    I'm not native in English language, but still have a great desire to be able to understand each word, that belongs to Jesus Christ;
    My question would be:
    1 Corinthians 4:12 sentence ends like that ,,being persecuted, we suffer it"
    In this case, suffer it means - to bear right?

    I know, that also means - but, I think, might be proper, also.

    Please, help me understand. .

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