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You are the light of the world, just shine forth, no matter what…
God bless you.
Many Believers find themselves in this very perdicamit...Some times we can get cought up on serface problems in other peoples lives, and how peoples lifestiles dont line up with our "Religion" I might sugjest we trace serface broblems to root causes and focus on the "Relationship" with God, rather than the "Religion". God can, and will use anyone He wants to, to do his work in peoples lives. I myself would love to play a significant role in those lives around me to save all from hell, but if i havent developed that relationship enough with God so that i may be blameless in the eyes of God, we might want to put our focus on our own relationship with Him, before we try to win the others. If we do nothing but build our personal relationship with God, and pray in secret for others...God will guid you and GOD will work in you and in the others lives. Its hard to not want to just go and proclame God to all...but sometimes the Power of prayer is more effective. The one most important thing that needs to be on the top of our priority list, is our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him...God and his Love Changes people...not us. "Christ IN you, the hope of Glory" as we know this is our purpose on this earth, to bring glory to GOD. I myself fall short every single day. Our goal before anything else needs to be, learning how to walk in his holey spirit as adam and eve did before the fall. (the kingdome of heaven)translated means: the rularship of God. In us there is no good thing..but the fruit of the Spirit:love, joy, PEACE,patience...If we can learn to walk in his Spirit, you may find that you wont need a pastors degree for your own walk with God to change the lives of those around you. For your personal studying, i would recamend reading and memorizing Romans 5,6 and will change your life. Do not get discoraged! David was a man after God's own heart and remember the sins he commited...the answers are in HIS word...blessed are YOU when you hunger and thurst after rightiousness...and you will be filled. Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a Right spirit with in me. God weighs and tests our hearts...cry out to him and as for his wisdome and he promises that you will recieve it. Hope that helpped a little bit...i'll keep you in my prayers, God Bless!