Discuss Matthew 5 Page 41

  • Ericonda Amadi on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    God is indeed the God of true love, as He said "love your enemies". Whaooo!!!
  • Jay on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Remember that the beatitudes are doctrinally for the Jews and spiritually for all and a Christian should know the difference. As for Sandra on verse 44, God does allow us to judge ( I Corinthians 6), we must judge following righteous judgment (in compliance with God’s holy word) and not unrighteous judgment outside God’s holy word, II Timothy 2:15.
  • Paulokorie on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    God truly should have mercy on us because the road to heaven is too narrow.
  • Lillian Irungu on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    To God be the glory...people should learn that in everything we do or go through, God has the answers. He never disappoints if we learn to be obedient and steadfast with him. Be encouraged!
  • Anthony Perez on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    An awesome piece of writing. Will read over and, over again. Being, a new believer It got me excited to keep flipping the pages!
  • Michael njagi on Matthew 5:16 - 12 years ago
    To have salvation of Jesus is to have the light of the world.
  • André on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    You are the light of the world, just shine forth, no matter what…
    God bless you.
  • Sandra on Matthew 5:44 - 12 years ago
    I work in education and the religious zeal of which some is sometimes overwhelming. I apply the word from an introspective standpoint. What else can I do to overcome the intensity that I sometimes feel coming from others who can be overly judgemental.
  • Geraldine Smith on Matthew 5:16 - 12 years ago
    We as people of God should have a daily testimony of something new that God has done for us since the day before! If you are reading this post, you already have one testimony among many others to testify about! Remember, the world is watching to see if we are of an honesty report. Meaning our character and actions could cause a lost soul to want to remain lost.
  • Tsering on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    5.41 Life is a journey, full of tests and obstacles. Believe that God is with you and put out your best efforts to overcome the obstacles, how can you not go that extra mile or even more?
  • Aroc on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    To God be the glory. The bible says fret not thyself of evildoers for I shall cut them off in the end. No matter how bad your situation may seem remember god's word "I will never leave you nor forsake you, his word also says I am not of a man that I should lie. Remember no matter what a person tells you the bible says always, I mean always search the word for yourself. If you cannot find it in the word after a fully search than it is not true. Search the word yourself no matter who’s telling you it is true, search, search and more search…
  • Tsering on Matthew 5:14 - 12 years ago
    Love this verse. It has lots of hidden messages for me. Good people in general - good parent, good teacher, good employee, good church, good school, anything that is positive and has goodness or value of purity and genuine is godly and won't go un noticed. Therefore, never worry about negative feedbacks or critics.
  • Selinah on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Matthew 5:44 says love your enemies. I wish long live to my enemies.
  • MR on Matthew 5:17 - 12 years ago
    Fulfill means "to do", not "to make an end of." The ten commandments are still in full force. Jesus fulfilled the law by obeying it. He came not to destroy the law or put an end to them.
  • Arziler Stuckey on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    I believe in Matthew 5 we are seeing the true nature of our Savior Jesus Christ.He shows us how to be blessed and who we are suppose to be in this world.We are to reach this place our Lord and Savior have told us,the place of perfection.Remember he never tells us to do things unless he knows that he has given us what we need to perform it.He is a awesome God.
  • Devon on Matthew 5:32 - 12 years ago
    I was wondering if the husband cheated n he drunk so much and abuse the wife why must she stay married to him what if she divorce him and pray to god cause god know her heart and move on with someone else
  • Susan on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    There is hope... believe with all your heart & Jesus loves you
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Dear John, there is always hope in Jesus. Now abides faith, hope, and love. The greatest of these is love. God so loved the world that he gave his only begotten Son, so that who ever would believe on him would not perish, but have everlasting life. Just ask Jesus to come into you heart, as your personal Savior. He will save you, and give you the blessed hope of seeing him when he comes to take us to heaven. Until then find a church that teaches the blood atonement, and be baptized. Fellowship with other believers so that you can grow in the grace, and knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ. May the Lord bless you richly.
  • LINDA on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    I think that matthew also revers to walking with god, a very personal thing we all need with the lord. i myself will so try to find out to have this personal relationship with my god also.
  • John on Matthew 5:13 - 12 years ago
    Does this mean there is no hope for me anymore?
  • Chalonia on Matthew 5:16 - 12 years ago
    Let your salvation be known before all that they may see God's work through you and want to serve and praise the God u serve
  • Gary Greene on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    To me an important part of this chapter is to pray for your enemies. This is such a wonderful scripture.
  • Lynna on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    I love this chapter. I feel that this is like an update to the commandantments. The Sermon on the Mount is said with love and kindness, to show God's desire for man to have peace, easiness in life and a great end.
  • Jacque on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    I'm from Atlanta TX .. I go to the Life Tabernacle Apostolic Church .. I have a Man of God watching out for me . He's the watchman on the wall looking out for my soul .. And that is *Pastor Tony Lee .. I give honor to whom honor is due ... Whoever lives daily after following Acts 2:38 and moves into following after Acts 2:42 I pray the Lord gives you boldness for it .. we had a message on boldness tonight and it's something we need in our everyday walk .. consider me a babe in the Lord still .. I prayed back through on February 5th ... I fell out .. I can tell you why .. I didn't stay filled .. I didn't stay close to the spring .. But my walk has changed for I have changed .. I've had a transformation of the mind .. and one this happens .. once you've made this commitment .. As it says in Matthew 5:6 Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be FILLED. I believe in the long shirts and right hair length .. I believe the women need to wear the skirts and the men the pants. I'm a 1 God tongue talkin apostolic !! AND I LOVE IT!!!!
  • Conrado Jumanan, Jr on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    This Sermon at the Mount not only refer to those people during the ministry of Christ our Lord and Savior, but also to our time today. It tell us how to live a Chritian life and how to love and understand each other. We are all sons of God. To obtain Peace, unity, and understanding, we need to always remember our Lord's sermon at the mount, and do this in our real life. Revenge has no space in heaven and on earth. since the Glory of God must always remain in our hearth everyday of our life. The Good leader must lead his people to peace, unity and sobreity inoder to remain in God's guidance, and not killing his people that leads to war and separation from the guidance of the Lord our God. Peace! Peace! this is the sacred tenor of Christ when He appeared after His resurrection from His grave and once again meet His disciples. He said Peace be with you. What a wonderful greetings. Paul. remember, in all his letters. he always greet the people "Peace be with you all in the name of Jesus our Lord and Savor. I wish that all men shall be united in PEACE AND TOGETHER WE SHALL MEET OUR LORD AT HIS JUDGEMENT WITH OPEN ARMS. MAY THE PEACE OF OUR LORD REMAIN IN OUR LIFE EVERY MINUTE, EVERYDAY, A M E N .
  • Jacob Wayne on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago

    Many Believers find themselves in this very perdicamit...Some times we can get cought up on serface problems in other peoples lives, and how peoples lifestiles dont line up with our "Religion" I might sugjest we trace serface broblems to root causes and focus on the "Relationship" with God, rather than the "Religion". God can, and will use anyone He wants to, to do his work in peoples lives. I myself would love to play a significant role in those lives around me to save all from hell, but if i havent developed that relationship enough with God so that i may be blameless in the eyes of God, we might want to put our focus on our own relationship with Him, before we try to win the others. If we do nothing but build our personal relationship with God, and pray in secret for others...God will guid you and GOD will work in you and in the others lives. Its hard to not want to just go and proclame God to all...but sometimes the Power of prayer is more effective. The one most important thing that needs to be on the top of our priority list, is our PERSONAL RELATIONSHIP with Him...God and his Love Changes people...not us. "Christ IN you, the hope of Glory" as we know this is our purpose on this earth, to bring glory to GOD. I myself fall short every single day. Our goal before anything else needs to be, learning how to walk in his holey spirit as adam and eve did before the fall. (the kingdome of heaven)translated means: the rularship of God. In us there is no good thing..but the fruit of the Spirit:love, joy, PEACE,patience...If we can learn to walk in his Spirit, you may find that you wont need a pastors degree for your own walk with God to change the lives of those around you. For your personal studying, i would recamend reading and memorizing Romans 5,6 and 7...it will change your life. Do not get discoraged! David was a man after God's own heart and remember the sins he commited...the answers are in HIS word...blessed are YOU when you hunger and thurst after rightiousness...and you will be filled. Create in me a clean heart, oh God, and renew a Right spirit with in me. God weighs and tests our hearts...cry out to him and as for his wisdome and he promises that you will recieve it. Hope that helpped a little bit...i'll keep you in my prayers, God Bless!
  • Sanobia on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect. (KJV) It is possible even in a fleshly body to be perfect, anyone who tells you sin is apart of our fleshly form is wrong.
  • Harry on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    Did any of God's people hear the words of Jesus, our Lord and Savior concerning God's ten commandments? From the words of Jesus the ten commandments are not done away with. Since this is true, I would like to know why the fourth commandment is violated every first day of the week by everyone who goes to church on Sunday? We know that the Bible is all truth. If it is not in the Bible then it has to be a lie. Satan is the father of lies and he is the master counterfeiter, therefore all of God's people should prayerfully seek God for the truth. We must remember that not one sinner will be allowed entrance into the city and they will not have a right to the tree of life. Who do Jesus say will be allowed to into the city and who will be able to eat from the tree of life? "Blessed are they that do his commandments, that they may have right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the gates into the city." ( Revelation 22:14) Let God be true and every man a liar.
  • Doris Early on Matthew 5:41 - 12 years ago
    To Robert the first commenter... The word PERFECT means Mature.
  • Robert Tackett on Matthew 5 - 12 years ago
    I think Matthew 5 leaves everyone born on the planet without exception outside of what it takes to qualify to enter the kingdom of God. "Be ye therefore perfect, even as your Father which is in heaven is perfect." Well folks, that leaves me out. It leaves out everyone that was getting ready to stone that lady, when Jesus was like, yeah the law says to stone her, so he that is without sin, well, you can throw the first rock, then he bent down and started writing stuff on the ground. Everyone slowly left, from the least to the greatest. The only one that was left standing with the lady was the only one who would have been justified to pick up a rock and throw it at her, and that was Jesus. He looks up and sees everyone left, and asks where her accusers were. After she points out that they all left, he told her that he wasn't accusing her either and for her to go and sin no more. Should we always strive to do good in God's eyes? Most certainly. But when it comes down to it, of all the good things I may have done, I still fall short. I got nothing. All my good works cannot offset one sin. The only thing that can do that is the Blood of Jesus Christ. Whithout the shedding of blood, there is no remission. That's all I got; the blood of Christ. If that's not good enough, and Judgement day is a real event, then we all know the outcome. I'm believing for good, great, wonderful things. I have to; I have two young daughters. I'm believing for the same leniency Jesus gave the lady being accused of adultry, not because I did anything worthy to deserve it, but because of his sacrifice of love for my sake, and that of the people of the world.

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