Discuss Matthew 6 Page 30

  • Gloris on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
    I believe that the Lord has spoken it all. There is no need to worry about materialistic things. I found out when you are Seeking the things of God and his rightouness for our lives, and doing whats right in the Lords sight, than he will take care of his own!! He said it in His word that all shall be added unto you, the things that you have need of and or concern with. God Will provide!! Praise God!!
  • Tiffany on Matthew 6:6 - 11 years ago
    I believe it means the secret chambers of your heart. God see the heart of man. That is the inner part of a man's spirit "the heart" You can be anywhere and pray from your heart. God judges the heart of man.
  • Gene on Matthew 6 - 11 years ago
    I wonder why so many Christians pray out loud in the congregation, when God's Word is so explicit in Mathew 6:6. Jesus has already taught us how to pray, in verses 7-13. Many of us seem to think that we must also teach others, by following the hypocrites of verse 5.
  • Elizabeth on Matthew 6:9 - 11 years ago
    Verse 23 could mean where is my focus on the Lord or on the kingdoms of this world. When my eyes are on Jesus his light shines in me, but when my eyes are on this world, darkness comes through. It doesn’t mean we don’t take part in living, it means our life is hid in him; he is our all in all! Amen.
  • Lydia on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
    Seeking the kingdom of God is working on our faith in God by studying His teachings and putting them into practice in our lives. That is OBEDIENCE. As we grow in faith, we continue on to discern His will for us. Though at times it may not be to our wishes, we should completely submit to Him. That is TRUST. Let us not forget that in our seeking, we do not travel alone but should recognize Christ as the "light of the world". That is giving GLORY, HONOR, and PRAISE to our God. Follow Him as He would in all your plans, dreams, daily affairs... and in all these things order will fall into place in His time.
  • Sonia on Matthew 6 - 11 years ago
    Jesus is the author and finisher of my life. I believe my Lord with all my heart, soul and mind; he that starts the work in us is able to finish it. This chapter has become true in the lowest point of my life.
  • Larry on Matthew 6 - 11 years ago
    @Mic, let's look at both verses 22 and 23: Jesus speaks about the Church (the body) and people who belong to the Church (members). He says that the light (teaching and inspiration) is provided by the eye (senior pastor) and that if he/she is single (of purpose) then great is the light coming from him to the Church. However, in stark contrast, if the senior pastor is not single of purpose then he/she is evil and the Church is in darkness.
  • Mic on Matthew 6:23 - 11 years ago
    Does it mean whatever is in your heart shows in your eyes?
  • Deb on Matthew 6 - 11 years ago
    I think verse 33 means to put God first in your life and try to follow his ways, and then he will bless you with food and clothes, and take care of all your needs.
  • Larry richards on Matthew 6:3 - 11 years ago
    I think the meaning is clear and unmistakable. Jesus uses body parts to represent people, just as He taught Paul to repeat in First Corinthians 12. The left hand is a person (or member of the Church, or perhaps one of His disciples) and the right hand is another person. Therefore, should Matthew be the left and Mark the right; He means "Matthew, do not divulge the amount of your alms and same for you, Mark. Keep it secret".
  • Dyllan on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
    I think it’s tapping into the spiritual understanding of God’s intention when he created man and woman, acknowledging his supernatural powers.
  • Stuart on Haggai 1 - 11 years ago
    Matthew 6:33, But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you.
  • Geoffrey on Matthew 6:33 - 11 years ago
    God is the author of our lives, and there is nothing that we can do successfully on our own without His acknowledgement.
  • Bryant Fry on Deuteronomy 22:5 - 11 years ago
    Moses here is speaking of the identity of the two genders, and it is a comparison to nature. Paul in 1 Corinthians 11:14-15 is reiterating the same principle in the church age that we read here in this passage. Just as we are not to change the identity of the genders for any reason, so Paul is saying the same thing in the New Testament. Consider this: God made the gender differences a very important part of our lives. He made the distinctions, not man. He designed the distinctions in hair lengths, and the distinctions in clothing, not man. This nature was established in Genesis and carries through to the book of Revelation and beyond. 1 Corinthians 14:33 “For God is not the author of confusion, but of peace, as in all churches of the saints." God still expects us to follow His standards. Here are examples of how God's standards haven't changed: “I clothe the heavens with blackness, and I make sackcloth their covering ( Isaiah 50:3).”
    “ Wherefore, if God so clothe the grass of the field, which to day is, and to morrow is cast into the oven, shall he not much more clothe you, O ye of little faith? ( Matthew 6:30)”
    “If then God so clothe the grass, which is to day in the field, and to morrow is cast into the oven; how much more will he clothe you, O ye of little faith ( Luke 12:28)?”
    Isaiah tells us how God clothed the heavens, and continues to do so. In the Matthew and Luke passages, we see that God still has the same nature for grasses that existed thousands of years ago.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Luke 12:20 - 11 years ago
    Jesus has just told a parable about a certain rich man. The rich man had more goods than he could store up, so he thought to himself, without being mindful of God, I shall build larger barns to bestow my goods. Then I will say to my soul, take thine ease, eat, drink, and be merry. Instead God said thou fool, this night, thy soul is required of thee, and to whom shall these goods be given? We have to remember God owns it all, and we are only stewards. We will have to give an account of our stewardship when we die. To whom much is given, much is required. It is wise to give those goods away while you are living, to the glory of God, and for the furtherance of His Kingdom. Beware of covetousness, for the life of a man does not consist in the abundance of the things that he has. Seek first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness, then all these things will be added unto you. Matthew 6:33.
  • Janet on Matthew 6 - 11 years ago
    This chapter always comforts me when I am going through trials in my life, it reassures me that my God has everything under control. We have a wonderful forgiving God and I am blessed beyond comprehension. Thank you God for your goodness.
  • Hellen Beeldsnijder on Matthew 6:22 - 11 years ago
    Now I have a question for you: Do you know what the water of live is? Revelation 22:17.
  • Hellen Beeldsnijder on Matthew 6:22 - 11 years ago
    Your body = the garden Genesis 2:10. And a river (spinal cord) went out of Eden (brain/arc) to water the garden (body): from there it separated into four headwaters. Pison: urine --Gibon: intestinal tract --Tigris: blood --Euphrates: the nerve fluid.
  • Hellen Beeldsnijder on Matthew 6:22 - 11 years ago
    Your brain = Eden. Exodus 25:16 cherubs: cerebrum/left and right brain. Thalamus: the arc with the manna and the law of God ( Hebrews 8:10), pineal gland: holy of holiest; pituitary gland: the land filled with milk and honey.
  • Ray on Matthew 6:24 - 11 years ago
    Amen Wayne! It seems to me that the desire for success in this world has seeped into the hearts. We have lost the context of scriptures.
  • Toya on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    God is amazing. Seeking the kingdom of God and his righteousness is one of the most powerful things you can do! All of these earthly things mean nothing to me. My God is my EVERYTHING!
  • Gatis on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    When we are in some financial difficulties, we don’t need to pray all the time for finances, but we need first look to our life, are we seeking the kingdom of God first...
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 6:29 - 12 years ago
    The context of this verse is that Solomon in all of his glory, did not clothe himself lavishly as other kings did, but modestly dressed as a servant of God. Jesus pointed out how the birds and lilies were more arrayed than Solomon. We are not to worry about clothing or food, as God provides for them, and how much greater shall He provide for us. We must have faith in God just as the birds of the air, who do not have barns or bank accounts, yet our Heavenly Father takes care of them. My God shall provide all my needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus.
  • Joy Ngichiri on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Do not worry about tomorrow; today's temptations will be enough to handle today. Handle tomorrow's temptations tomorrow, when tomorrow comes. AMEN. Be blessed.
  • Biodun Williams on Proverbs 8 - 12 years ago
    Proverbs 8 starts with two provoking and penetrating questions! In other words, can you hear the cry of Wisdom and knowledge in the society where you are and where you go! Interestingly, hardly is there any profession or discipline that does not have its light, but the light of the Gospel of our LORD Jesus Christ, surpasses all of them. And therefore, through this chapter, we have an invitation to examine ourselves and look, as it were, very carefully and thoroughly in to who we are and what we are into. You see, in the work place, if you have even been involved in any sort of work, you are likely to notice that if you must get for instance to the top of the ladder in that sort of organisation or whatever, you can’t ignore hard work, high level of discipline, passion, integrity, and also commitment that is more than the ordinary. And, in all civilised society particularly in the Western World- and also in some others, you can notice elements of order, wherever you go. These did not suddenly happen- and often there must have been years of hard work, planning and all manner of inputs into it- and that is why sometimes you can smell migrants relocating into some of these areas from other places. But what has this got to do with Proverbs 8? Well, you see, in life, all things have some measure relativity with one another. Therefore, the importance and the high relevance and necessity of the Word of God, in the life of a Christian. The fact is that, if we are genuinely born again we must have heard that, as far as the Kingdom of God is concerned, your fellowship and intimacy with the Triune God, and the level of investment that we commit in terms of prayerful time in His Word can’t be ignored. There are spaces and there are seats? There are dominions and there are thrones? There are doors and there are entrances. The truth is that the space that you give God is what He will occupy and that is because it is the entrance of God’s Word into the spiritual man that giveth light, Psalm 119:130. In fact it says: To the law and to the testimony if they speak not according to this book, it is because there is no light in them, Isaiah 8:20. This also points to the importance of true knowledge of the Holy Writ- and it can’t simply happen except we are really serious about it. It is also true that what you pay attention to has one way of the other, of determining the course of your life- hence the immense relevance of intensive immersion in the Holy Writ- and that is through, whatever manner of the dispensing and administering of the preached Word that comes your way. If the Holy Writ says: ‘’Seek ye first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness…’’, Matthew 6:33; that is precisely what it meaneth! It is also the case that if it says, ‘’Delight yourself in the LORD and He shall give you the desires of your heart’’ ( Psalm 37:4), indicating and connoting, investment of great amount of time in God’s Word, through prayers , fellowship with God, reflecting upon His Word, and the practice of it, then that is what it sayeth! That means you and I, are the ones to determine the measure of obedience that we put in place vis a vis the will of God as He reveals it to us differently. The interesting things about it is that no matter your depth of knowledge about these things, God’s Word is unfathomable, and when you become a student of His Word, very soon, you would come to an understanding that, God, in His righteousness, love, holiness and immeasurable generosity, is truly and really worthy of honour, adoration, praise and worship. Blessed be His holy name forever and ever. Hallelujah!
  • Cheri on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    All comments have been so good. But as for myself, I have to ask in whatever matter, wherever I would have to say if Jesus was right in the room with me would I talk that way, do this or do that, I would have to say to myself right now I’m not too happy with myself, I recall Jesus’ word saying I will never leave you. That just hits me right where it hurts my spirit. And Jesus lives in my heart. Tells me I will think real hard before I do or say or think whatever it is. God bless all saying I will.
  • Stephenderafael on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Matthew was very meticulous in his recounting of the words and ideas of Jesus as he was a CPA of those days. Every word important and nothing left out. These words feed us today like the Angel in Rev 15, who was sent to deliver the scripture to all God's people.
  • Phil on Matthew 6:25 - 12 years ago
    Re: Jeanne Nelson's comment: 'Take no thought' in the 'man-made bad foods' we have today! And 'Take no thought' that you should have any need to eat so much --- the Lord has 'made enough' for us ... seek the joys of foods as they were meant to be enjoyed! Eating shouldn't be an over-indulged procession or preoccupation - but rather we should give many thanks for 'our daily bread: the word of God and treasure the food and other basic needs for which He provides! The fruits, vegetables, fish and meat (if we choose) are still bountiful so we do not need all the processed foods made has made for himself that results as a poison to his own health - which should never be taken for granted! Peace be with you!
  • Felix AF on Matthew 6:33 - 12 years ago
    Make God's program, purpose and desire your priority and all the things other people are dying for will be added to you. It is God's way of financing his program in your Life.
  • Evalena Latham on Matthew 6 - 12 years ago
    Thank God for Jesus Christ our Lord and Savior for His Life.

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